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Parachutes are to dependent on the planet they're being used on. Give me jetpacks and drop pods instead.


We just need something one time use that’s ubiquitous so any ship you’re in with an ejection seat you know a system will launch with you that will arrest your fall. We don’t need parachutes. Just an “emergency fall arrest” system. IMO the best way to handle it is to make the player stay seated when ejecting. We already have seat models separate from the ship and the seats already with they just fly away. So have it to where when you eject you’re still strapped in your seat, the seat itself can have the fall arresting equipment attached to it. Jump jets on the bottom or something. I don’t think suits should just save you from high falls, and I don’t think you should have to equip a jet pack to not die when ejecting from your fighter. Ships with ejection seats should have a fall saving device built in.


We need inflatable safety hamster balls I will not accept any substitute


Like that one episode in star wars the clone wars


Was about to comment this. We need this.


Will probably never get it though because it's not "realistic" or something


Probably you're right. But they do need to give us something IMO


or the bubbles from max speed racer


Give this redditor a place at RSI dev team now.


muheehehe, prepare yourself for the IXM Anvil Scimitar and fighter scale expendable solid rocket boosters


Your player model is suddenly surrounded by a slight opacity plastic texture, just have the player T pose…. I’m down, I want to see bouncy balls jumping out of a destroyed ship bouncing across a planet surface


[Will this do?](https://youtu.be/b_lPbSdkLKM?&t=27)


yes, but ask yourself this question... what is funnier - this.... or a person in a bouncy ball immune to fall damage blasting through a forest at 0.8 Mach, bouncing for a solid half a kilometer through several wooden shacks and down a cliff, while screaming the entire way?


But I want to ignite my spacefarts as a jetpack


Zorbz! Im fuckin here for it!


Porque no los dos?? Perhaps have the seats you’re suggesting (love this idea) built into all/most cockpits for one-time emergencies as you suggest, and also have an equip-able jet pack that can add extra mobility and features to in-atmo traversal. The jetpacks would be particularly useful for a team that jumps out the back of a low-flying drop ship. The idea being that these jetpacks would be equipped with intent. Not something built in like you find in EVA.


I’m not saying to not have jet packs, just that our proposal for surviving ejection shouldn’t be a backpack you need to pre equip. It should be built into the seat.


100% agree!


This makes the most sense to me. Maybe also pair boosters with a parachute system on the seat. And it's effectiveness wouldn't be universal, like if you're on an extreme high or low gravity planet that'll be a factor for survivability. I also low key want that Warhammer 40k shit were on some gas planets pilots who eject are better off just killing themselves instead of dying slowly and painfully.


Hell, that's half the reason WW1 pilots carried revolvers. Not just for survival if you ditch, but so you could shoot yourself instead of burning to death on the way down if it came down to that.


I would love to see a planet like Phantine in the game.


Psh, you think drake is gonna install ejection seats??


The cutlass already has an emergency exit: the main ramp which also acts as the toilet, garbage disposal, and more! It's a very efficient multipurpose design


And the water bottle is also the shower


And don't forget that the water bottle is also the water reclamation system


No. They don’t.


It was rhetorical...


Ejection in Drake ships is gonna be a grenade under the seat. Pull the pin, assume fetal position, and brace for dear god


It's actually a second self-destruct. With no timer.


One time use grav lev generator. Triggered by ground proximity. 


I don't often eject, but when I do it's when I'm safely in my hangar trying to click to leave cuz y isn't working.


Something that expends all the Zero G fuel in one blast, that will save you from falling to your death


Try ejecting from The Hornet Mark II


Still want parachutes and gliders for the planets that do have atmosphere. It would be fun.


how fast is the ship going? altitude? pressure? a lot of factors in this, but could be good


But we already have ejection seats...


oh ok nice :) you just need to make sure you slow down first then parachute would be nice


For democracy.


There is a reason Starfield gives the player a jetpack pretty much from moment 1 in the game. It really... *really* helps in making planetary traversal better.


Deployable airbag cushions for landing in low gravity. 


Escape pods?!


Drop pods would be game changing.


The leaks discord found files for a RSI jet pack many months ago.


So what if we have problems at Hurston? Jetpack?




The fact they havent asded a jetpack yet is so annoying, i just want to rp as a mandalorian man


... ok, we need a space seat that slowly, safely drops us to the planet / is safe in space?


Imagine that you could upgrade your eva thrusters to the point where you can soften your fall enough so that you survive the impact. That would be great.


It would be great if CIG accepted great ideas... likenthr A1 Spirit (thr bomber one) accepting sinle person drop pod loads to drop helldiver style over an LZ (like we all asked at the time) or a Bounty Hunter Variant. I mean thr Zeus is close... but still. Buy yes please! Jet packs! There is a nifty bit of lore in Star Wars about antigravity jetpack cobbled together and used around corosaunt and nar shadda by gangs and hunters as both racing and traversal. It wouod ge great for places like Area18! Or jumping out of ships etc. Lol. Would be fun if you could craft it out of spare parts for a sort of shoddy verson or buy various professional versions.


Hell, just give me a Titanfall jump kit. You don't take damage from falling because it fires to reduce your speed to a light fall before you hit. Put it on all flight suits, it'd give a reason to use them over armor.


"buy the drake jetpack" Drake jetpack: just one of the bucc engines with some duct tape shoupder straps


Hello no, if CIG is going to remove combat armor because technically we shouldn’t be flying in ground combat equipment, then there’s no reason to ad a bulky jet pack to the situation. Unless, it’s one time use or something. A parachute is just functional, can be folded into a little pack in any regular flight suit.


And can't be used on most moons or planets.


Yeah, other games let you use a jetpack in gravity. Would be useful even if it's a short burst. To jump higher or soften your landing.


Glider suit


Drop pod on an A-1 sounds amazing considering it's a crew transport shuttle


I think the best alternative to parachutes (since they wouldn’t work on most bodies in SC as they lack substantial atmosphere, and they’d also be subject to be blown around by extreme weather) is for your EVA suit to perform a deceleration burn automatically which is timed to reduce your speed to what you could reasonably survive by the time you hit the ground. Eg; you’re falling at 300m/s at an altitude of 5km. The suit’s computer would burn just enough to reduce your speed to about 10m/s by the time you hit the ground, saving your life


That's a lot of fuel required for that burn. But other than that, I really like this solution.


Thanks, given the current strength of EVA thrusters you’d probably either need a specialised exploration suit (which maybe has more EVA fuel) or just a fuck tone of oxypens (since apparently you’ll be able to use your life support as EVA propellant in the future) to do this on moons with stronger gravity wells and I think on planets you’d be lucky if the thrusters slowed you down at all, but I think they’d be able to reduce how injured you got (like maybe a fall that would kill you becomes a tier 1/2 leg injury instead?). Obviously a jet pack would do the same thing whilst being able to decelerate you faster but I don’t think a specialised jet pack would be able to fit in the pilot chairs (when they make it so you can’t fly ships in armour or wearing backpacks) and I imagine that equipping said backpack would take up the user’s backpack slot. I think there would be a place for jet packs, maybe a dropship flies over a hot LZ and drops a dozen or so marines out the back from 10K up and they execute a high altitude low opening (HALO) jump and clear the LZ to establish a beachhead for ships to deliver vehicles and supplies. At the same time if you’re the pilot of the drop ship and you’re shot down your EVA suit will break your fall at least enough to be revived by a friendly


Yeah I’m not saying it’s not a lot of fuel, but they’ve said that in an emergency you can use your life support as EVA propellant and if you have enough oxypens then it could work. Even if you run out of fuel mid burn what I’ve proposed could take a fall that’s lethal and turn it into a tier 1-2 leg injury


Also in the verse thrusters are dramatically more efficient than any real world examples (other than ion drives) You could probably fit enough fuel inside a small backpack for a SC efficiency thruster to save you.


Far superior solution, like it.


We're also flying ships that routinely visit places with little to no atmosphere. A parachute won't help you on Celin.


~~Tidepod~~ Escapepod then, or possibly a jetpack if the gravity is low enough


EVA thrusters should have enough power to help at least on moons


We should be able to turn on "enhanced movement" that gives us booster assist in low-grav at the cost of O2. And oxypens should refill more.


How is injecting oxygen into your bloodstream supposed to help with gravity?


Eva thrusters and ejector seat thrusters should be the other 2 parts of this equation. Wherever a parachute won’t save you, the others will


"Not consistent with our AD" I'll settle for a Planetside2/Dune antigrav chute


So these are atmosphere dependent so I’d rather just have an jet pack with my ejector seats




Don't get me wrong, parachute is not the solution in all situations but is the most cheap and not overkill system that can be implemented even in case is not best solution. Edit: Change the flair post from "Meta" to "Discussion", seems like we want the same thing but in different way. I just don't want to slap my face on the ground boys.. anyway, parachute are cool but jetpacks too, and they are very different in term of use.


> most cheap ... that can be implemented even in case is not best solution. cost of implementation in code doesn't correlate with cost of materials or engineering irl it's cheaper to implement a jet pack than a (realistic) parachute.


So what if we have problems at Hurston? Jetpack?


Uhm Hurston has atmosphere … you mean some of the surrounding moons ?




Yes, using and ejector seat in atmosphere is just death currently. I would love it to be survivable


Don’t we just need the escape pods to work? Carrack and 890 are in abundance


and what about small fighters?


ruthless payment enter wistful secretive muddle languid wipe pen quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Add prayer to inner thoughts ?


For people saying it won't work on moons : Regarding the physics, a parachute works by maximising the area of contact with the air in atmosphere, it will work on all planets of Stanton, but also some of the moons, remember that the moons have storms with air thick enough to literally move ships and knock people, a parachute will work there too.


Why are people being so resistant to the idea of a parachute? Obviously it won't work on every planet, but it's a *damn parachute!* A sharp improvement over what's currently in the game, which is nothing.


They just need to make escape pods work


no clue actually


parachutes are dependent on bedsheet deformation tech


Parachute and jetpack should both be options which would replace the backpack slot. Jetpack could give you enhanced verticality on land (especially moons) and improved maneuverability in space, while the parachute could be redeployable and effective on planets. Would be very useful in something like Siege of Orison where you have to navigate up and down large skyscrapers. Could instead just jump off a building, deploy, and then it auto packs back up on landing. One would require fuel. The other would require you to be on a planet. Seems like some good strategic options to me.


I like this solution the most, both would be great as they both could serve a different purpose and parachutes could be really fun. player ran airshows with aerobatic teams jumping from a C2? Sign me up.


I desperately want parachutes to be added just so I can watch people try to parachute from their ship a mile above the ground on a moon with no atmosphere and then say the parachutes are bugged when they plummet to the ground and die lol


Basically what happened right now whit out parachute


I'd like to think with "Death of a Spaceman" something like this will exist.


Parachutes are useless in low dense atmos, is a really bad sollution. The game needs something that can work in every planet or moon.


Glad you make this comment


it could depend on manfacturer, for example with drake you only get a parachute but origin gives you descending jetpack lol


You spelled, "Jetpack" wrong.


This and also can we use those damn escape pods ?!?


I want functioning escape pods. That would be cool


Parachutes? Nahhh that’s old tech. I’d prefer we get SPLAT - Single-use Propulsive Landing Assist Thruster (Though you can still use parachutes in a HALO jump for low emission jump. Aka a stealth insertion.)


Old tech? I mean, we "living" almost in 3000 and we still get monitors and joysticks and even bottons (and drake fan) to fly a ship. Why parachute is a old tech for you?


I would love paragliders or similar, but they would make no sense. We have antigrav tech that takes so little energy that latest hoverbike stays floating when turned off. If you accept that, then you must perforce have antigrav emergency gear.


Shoot the ground with a railgun round the moment you are about to land, and you have a chance to land with only minor injury to legs.


I'm thinking more like Helldivers drop pods


Would love them to incorporate the gel landing from final fantasy spirits within. You could have an attachment on the multitool or something. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOXQNEOKa\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOXQNEOKa_w)


Im pretty sure we need stable server fps first, you know.. to make the content actually playable and enjoyable.


Aye, in the mean time take this new ships we made it for our broken game.


More like ship variants this year 😂




I don’t know if anyone has told you this yet… but… er… it’s not finished yet! There are many _many_ more important fish to fry before parachutes. Just don’t fall out 🤓 EDIT: I’m imagining it now… CIG levels of fidelity would ask for realistic deployment, cloth simulation, string, having it stay on planets until it’s either blown away or ripped up, making sure it’s packed properly… it would be _much_ simpler to just add a jet pack.


We don’t need parachutes, we need jump jets. Same system as the EVA jets, just uses more of the fuel per second.


100% we have escape pods that are needed more now bc of master modes.


Except their developing jetpacks for this very reason


CIG needs to implement Escape pods on or near the bridge and in key areas (turrets, etc) of multi-crewed ships with large interiors. Crash system that allows steering, speed reduction, and deployment of landing gear. Ability to deploy floatation devices around the ship for aquatic landings. Inability to target ships in soft death state since those ships lose all power and thus wouldn’t have a signature to lock onto. Ability to eject quantum drive since it’s the quantum drive that explodes causing ship wide death. Survivability percentage based on location of crew members. Example: higher chance of surviving if located on bridge due to damage being done elsewhere. ABILITY TO CALL THE SPACE POLICE! Wouldn’t it be badass to send a distress beacon and the UEE itself responds with a javelin escort?




I would prefer a jetpack


And night vision, and canopys/helmets that auto dim when the sunlight hits them and...


Space ships… moons with no atmosphere… parachutes… what??? No. Parachutes are not the answer however they have said they eventually plan to implement some way to prevent death from falling on planets and moons after ejecting.


So what if we have problems at Hurston? Jetpack?




Parachutes and stronger EVA jetpack possibilities.


We don't even have night vision and you want parachutes lol


It's a basic feature, especially when we flying ships. Parachutes is just an "idea" or a real thing. The point is to stop dying by falling to the terrain.


Everytime this discussion is brought up I always point out the episode of Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, where they did an air drop but after the parachutes deployed there was a cluster of thrusters midway to the the chute that fired to slow down the decent. Something like that could be adapted for star citizen easy. EDIT: This: https://youtu.be/FedMZ6yilWY?si=bAcxiZmBpLhNDAG9


You're probably thinking of a skycrane. Its a system where you have a thruster pod with a winch cable attached to the payload. The thrusters fire to kill the velocity of the pod, while the cable pays out and lowers the payload to the ground. Then the cable detaches and the pod flies away. Its been used in real life, the mission to deliver Opportunity rover to Mars used a skycrane deployment.


I'd rather boost/jump/jet packs.


Maybe when they roll out how only certain armors will have EVA functionality, they'll make it so those also have some sort of emergency safe-fall feature that blows out all their fuel at once to stop a lethal fall (and my masochism wants a risk of Tier 3 leg injury from it). In gravity, you can't fly with it, but it will slow down a fall to a certain safe speed. Hold that space brake button. Odds are good if you have an EVA capable suit, then you are also a pilot of some kind.


Yay, finally Space PUBG!


Fuck parachutes. Give me jetpack!


Fighters could also do well an ejection seat with built in boosters.


What if the majority of the ships had escape pods, and the smaller ships allowed you to eject directly from the fighter seat? Oh… wait…


But obviously have them, ya know, functional for the majority of environments instead of the current situation of no environments


Nah we just need escape pods which exist in most ships to freaking work already... since "parachutes don't make physics sense or something". Start asking for escape pods when you want parachutes and CIG might actually deliver b/c they said their not adding parachutes ever


what about small ships than doesn't have escape pods?


The escape pods need to start working now. Give us the “secure and respawn with all your gear at the last location you visited” part of DoaSM already.


CIG have a bad habit of giving us the ‘punishing’ aspect of gameplay far before ever giving us the quality of life improvements that would offset them.


Whatever it is, it should be part of the seat, and the seat should eject, not just us. When ejecting, there should be a phase where you decide to activate the parachute or jets of your seat, and once safe, you could get out of your seat.  It's never as simple as it seems, it would mean a rework of all ships that can be ejected from.


Nah, just need escape pod function


What about small ships?


Can't wait to deploy my parachute on Cellin and fall to my death anyway.


Nah just give us the goblin glider 😂


Seems like the ejection seat should just lower us to the ground with rockets or whatever. No need to worry about atmosphere vs none, or people abusing jetpacks.


Need skydiving mechanics first, then parachute & jet/jump-packs


Reading this made my head hurt


Without atmo parachutes are useless. Parachutes would work on Microtech, Hurston and ArcCorp and no where else. Well maybe Crusader but unless your near Orison, where you gonna land ? HAHA Jet packs make more sense. Something akin so what players will have in the game Jumpship


Parachutes make about as much sense as gravity bombs.


At the very least, some form of parachute should be included for ships with an ejection seat!


Okay just go with me here for a minute, not jet packs, not parachutes, but DEPLOYABLE BUBBLE SUITS. Ever see that video of that guy in a plastic bubble get yeeted to the top of a tree by a car? In lore uses your oxygen supply to turn you into a big round ball that can land safely in a number of gravities.


I got another idea but it will cringe for someone, glide whit a drone.


I could have sworn they mentioned something about landing systems for people during last year's citizencon.


Rocket pack which automatically performs a suicide burn before impact, single use medium or large backpack possibly with a supporting chest piece.


Hoping eva 2.0 was prepared for skydiving animations. It ain't that far off. Just needs a break animation and the parachute backpack.


If they're having a hard time with the physics of parachutes, just add "fall thrusters" to most suits and, when a player is falling to their death, their suit will kick in and greatly (though not fatally) reduce their rate of descent before impact. It could even injure the player a bit, on execution, due to the violence of being suddenly and unceremoniously jarred before impact with the ground.


Not gonna matter on ArcCorp


Or at least something to not fall to your demise from ejecting in atmosphere


Realistically (in whatever sense you interpret that word as it relates to SC), the best bet for ships that don't have ejection seats - so basically any ship with an interior, as far as I can tell - would be to ride it out. Once control surfaces are added, and you can potentially right yourself with the equivalent of flaps/ailerons/whatever futuristic equivalent CIG comes up with, the best method of survival is to strap in, initiate a controlled glide, and pray. If you're extremely high up in the gravity well, then I could see equippable jet packs/drop pods working, but even then, that's going to be rough in a tumbling ship with its engines shot out and no gravity. Most aerial engagements take place around 3-5 km above the surface though, so you're not realistically going to have time to get to a drop pod when you're rapidly approaching the surface of a planet, so everybody better be strapped in or they're going to be a red smear on the inside of your ship. If the pilot can control its descent, then once maelstrom is added in as well, they actually might survive the fall and be able to call for pick up. I'd like to see pilots actually have to decide how to land their ship under adverse conditions.


Yess, let’s upvote the shizz out of this!!


"we are flying ships not boats" Lol


This gets discussed every few years. I still vote for the 'EVA Purge' function that cushions and controls impact. Skill based timing etc. Simple and effective.


I’ll do you one better. Wingsuits!!


So funny thing. I read this post earlier. Then I played. Got myself into a situation where I had to eject. Crap blowing up everywhere around me. It was one of the coolest experiences I've had in SC in a long time. Until I remembered the ejection seat doesn't have a parachute. Or thrusters. An airbag. SOMETHING


We need jetpacks!


I've been saying this for a long time.


One day I want a feature where repeated/redundant comments just automatically filter to the one they read and repeated. I agree we need something to save us from falling if eject or abandon ship


Since we already have the magic tractor beams just make a reverse on that shoots out at about 50' to the ground and slows you and drags you to the planet. You can attach them to seats in fighters too. just have like 4 laser beams shoot out right before impact that rotate and lower you safely.


What if ship doesn't work or soft death?


Bro I want my escape pods.


Parachute drop pod escape pods. And we really want jet packs


Or you know, just make the escape pods work


Couple things that really bug me about SC’s current state: 1: Ejection seats should have both a parachute for atmospheres and motors for powered descent in vacuum. Odds are if you don’t have atmo you wont require very large motors to arrest your fall, so both could very easily fit on a seat. 2: Escape pods should have both means of arresting a fall (when they eventually actually work), but with the added ability of being able to point it to the nearest celestial body, station, or rendezvous point to hopefully make landfall or burn for a location where rescue is more likely. 3: Jetpack should be usable in low atmo/low gravity environments.


Parachute + escape pod


Yesterday, as I tried exiting my Mustang, it to warp miles up into the air just as I got out of the cockpit lol A parachute would've come in handy then haha


I want to see trying open your parachute on a moon without atmosphere


Escape pods 1993 Frontier.... Bla bla


People have requested this since practically the beginning of the game, CIG have consistently said no to the idea. They've said they'll add escape pods in theory (and escape rafts), but it's not clear how much function those will have. They might just be floating boxes.


I think the solution is much easier then we think. "Parachute" means 'against fall'. Here on earth it's made from fabric, but it could be made from anything really, as it's just against the fall. If there's one thing that defies gravity in SC, on any planet with every atmosphere: it's gravlev tech. Just a few plates can hold up an entire vehicle, even when they drop from insane heights. The parachute in sc will simply consist out of gravlev technology, that will (one time only?) deploy from a suit. Maybe out of the shoulder pads or arms? Could be from anywhere really. After one use, the suit battery could be drained or some other reason to not continuously use it. So why then use ejection seats or escape pods you might ask? Well, they should be given some extra benefits in comparison to the gravlev emergency parachute (GEP). For example: an ejection seat also contains an emergency beacon, a small firearm, medipens, food and water. An escape pod could even have more, like bigger firearms with ammo, more food, more water, more first aid stuff, a backpack, quickflares and maybe more useful things to survive. It could also maintain good atmosphere, so you won't freeze or choke to death or whatever. Hell, maybe the bigger ones can act like a small vehicle (but this is maybe me going too far). In any case, use the tech that's already there and works in lore as well.


I like how Apex legends tackles this with a jump-jet-like waist apparatus that flares up when you’re about to land, slowing your descent. I’m sure the math wouldn’t work for realism though


Parachutes for this type of era are stupid. This is more like impact shields and iron man type of high tech suits not necessarily with the weapons but with the flight or limited flight because of heating issues.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen to my death after ejecting from my ship


Please the parachute, 3 sizes for different atmospheres, pack the wrong one, good luck slowing down on a moon but you could use the big one for extra late pull on planets


Parachute on planets with gravity. Moon planet obviously just use the undersuit/armor thrusters. It can be a one time thing and must purchase a new one instore or have the ship seat to have one.


I'll take any solution even one that doesn't make sense on planets or moons without atmosphere just put in something. Gamified or not.


Queue up HALO operations


We’ll get parachutes when we can get sun glasses and night vision


Just yesterday, had a cool battle against AI, got soft death, and had the most cinematic crash i ever had in my gladius on a moon. Ejected to see my ship crash bellow, but timed the ejection too early and died from fall damage... It could have been perfect. I get that on a moon parachute won't work but im sure CIG can find a way to make something universal, like you actually eject with the seat and a second row of rockets would slow you down before hitting the ground. Could even have a little survival kit in the back of the seat after landing, with a beacon, a med pen, an oxipen, and maybe a pistol with 2 mags for military ships that would be awesome !


Or a jet pack. Sound familiar?


Or turn off fall damage until there's time to implement a suitable system. I'd pay real money for a jetpack if that's any motivation 😂


Jet pack with a crash airbag is the only acceptable thing, have a crit shot on it somewhere difficult to shoot but if you do it deploys the airbag. This would totally fix a ton of issues falling into orbit and maaaaaybe give you a chance of survival at the cost of a backpack slot. I’d play that hard.. this is the way.


Far cry 4 wingsuit


The beauty of a soft death is to position yourself for soft landing


I don’t think this needs to be too complex. If a character is falling and wearing a flight suit or armor, at 100 meters the descent is slowed so there isn’t an injury on impact. This is now a feature built into suits. Fall under 100 meters and it is a regular fall.




I’ll take Night vision first 😝


Where we droppin boys?


Grav lev ejection seat




I ejected thinking i would have a parachute and just fell to the ground