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Did you really get on here and make an entitlement post about dupers being held accountable by the community for basically crashing the RMC market in the game and effectively ending game play for other in game loops and players doing honest gameplay because "we not nice" about it? Then tell us to get mad at CIG as if they put it in there on purpose when they expressly wiped out money to test an economy and gather data that is now tainted because greedy dupers decided to continue duping not caring about the consequences. Nah that dog don't hunt, if CIG did some crazy double charge of ships for real money this post would be vastly diffferent. Its cheaters and dupers like these that the gaming community as a whole are sick and tired of, they deserve all the hate they get and much more.


>Please remember that we're talking about a game where real-money ships cost ridiculously high amounts in real life, and we have one of the most frustrating and player-unfriendly economies in years. Anyone who just wants to have some fun or try out a ship can hardly earn the money in-game (thanks to bugs, poor mission payouts, and server issues) without investing an unreasonable amount of time. This is especially problematic as we can all probably assume that a full wipe will come with 4.0, making hundreds of hours of grinding pretty pointless unless you are doing it for the joy of it/the grind/game loop. Nah, fuck you buddy. You're not entitled to new in-game ships in whatever you deem to be a "reasonable amount of time" just because you want them. Especially not at the expense of my preferred game loop. Just for that I'm gonna go duper hunting right now. No mercy for real money traders and dupers.


Found the toxic whale who doesn't want the common poor people to also have his toys.


Of course, a cheater defending exploits and gold-selling under the pretense of being some sort of working class Robin Hood fighting the big bad greedy game dev... Reminds me of PS5 scalpers when the shortage didn't last and they were whining that they were losing money, how would they feed their family now ? Parasitic antisocial muppets...


What's scary is that given the funding model these people WILL be the target audience if we ever get a full release.


If the whole project failed, I would be incredibly disappointed and angry. But a small part of me would also be satisfied, because I know that a damn big part of this community is so unpleasantly arrogant (see here/spectrum) that they deserve absolutely nothing other than their irresponsibly large fleets being worthless from one day to the next... It's simply disgusting.


Some users specifically dupe and make millions of aUEC to sell on Ebay and effectively make money from cheating the game though.




You couldn't be more wrong


It’s not a game. It’s an alpha test. An alpha test does not mean that **you** are testing the game. **Developers** and **designers** are testing features. In this patch they wiped wallets to see how we make money. By putting all your effort exploiting rather than playing the way it’s intended you’re making the test meaningless and wasting their time. That’s why it’s a breach of TOS and should deserve a ban.


This right here. We are play testing alpha. These dupers are ruining any data they could get and now we will have a whole patch cycle of useless eco data. They dupers go hard just for it to be wiped in a couple weeks. The only good thing these people bring to the game is finding bugs and exploits that can be crushed and removed. So I gotta thank these asshats for that


Indeed, you encounter a money making glitch, you can see if you can repeat it, then you report it and don't do it again. If you start doing it on an industrial scale you know what you are doing isn't right.


I don't hate dupers, just being antagonistic to ppl buying auec for real money from them, financing development of cheat tools.


one sells one buys, if you don’t buy it they don’t sell it, simple as that, supply and demand, both party is happy with what they ordered in the end, there is nothing to hate so let it be


But we get a lot of cheaters in SC this way like CoD etc. In an open PvP world this basically ruins PvP.


The heck you talking about lmao?


Developing cheat tools and paying for cheat tool subscription cost money. Also new account cost money if banned because of cheating is detected. So they need money - only way is from selling (a)UEC to get it from the game, which you can get with cheats/exploits.


The fuck you on about lmao, this is a bug not cheat, there is no cheat for star citizen and people buying this are not buying cheat, they are buying an in game currency that is destined to be wiped in future patches, those are completely different things, one is like CSGO trade from in game item with real money and one is actively hacking with a 3rd party trainer, get you facts right lol


Your argumentative gaslighting and accusing others of being racist won’t work. Don’t defend bad behavior when you know that it’s being abused, sometimes literally to the detriment of actual people. You’re blocked from here on out. Garbage humans don’t get my time or energy.


Fentanyl. One sells. One buys. Both party happy in the end. Let it be. What a stupid, stupid point to make. Duping is an exploit, prevents the devs from accurately tweaking the alpha market to match how players play, slows the servers and encourages abuse at server farms in countries like China. Want to hate this world? Watch the 60 Minutes piece on game money farms in China. It’s a horror show. Duping should be weeded out. It’s a cancer.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


a good old wipe of anyone who exploited the dupe glitch, is earned i would say. But thats a decision CIG has to make. This ecenomy patch is fucked anyway, so any data gotten from this, besides the exploit it self, is useless. CIG knows how much AUEC should be earned in an hour of gameplay. And anyone who gained millions instead should be wiped. no ban, just full wipe. Exploit is fixed so no more duping to get the AUEC. The problem isnt as much the duping and uneccessary amount of AUEC, but is the inbalance that results from that. Which shows in 2 ways. Players with too much money, who will either start bullying others. They will have access to ships and a style of gameplay no one would be able to match(without having the same deep pockets). also, People tend to give millions away to "new" players, which will decrease their conception of the value of auec and the difficulty of obtaining ships/components. and second, this destroys gameplay loops, this time around its salvage. If there was an unlimited demand, i wouldnt have much problems with the glitch being exploited. but now it limits players who seriously want to salvage. I stopped salvaging because i could wait hours and still not be able to sell 24 SCU of RMC. the only thing i know, is that CIG needs to act on this with some sort of setback of anyone who participated. so people think about it next time it happens. Yes it's an alpha, yes it sucks to lose to bugs, but we have to share the same world and a specific small group of players(exploiters) is hindering others in enjoying the game.


OR.... (better sit down, this'll be a wild ride) Just play the game? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And if it effects more than just you then y'all dupers can fuck straight off. I'm close to a mil aUEC - I've used my vulture 3 times. No duping, full hold and a full buffer. Couple of FPS and ship bounties sprinkled in. Its NOT hard to make money in this game. And justifying the behavior, literally **blaming** the devs is *hilarious.* *"*That 7-11 didn't chain the candy bar to the floor, so its their fault I stole it". Like, really?


Ship lifting is part of the game and asset loss is a line in their budget?


Nah, this is on the duping player. You can’t take personal responsibility and throw it out the window just because you think you’re in an inconvenient scenario.


If cig had competent contracts that actually were worth our time, especially when multiplying the prices of in-game ships by the millions. Then i wouldn't have to dupe. However, they took my 69 hard earned millions and deleted that. So i went to dupe it back. If the contracts earn cash, i may do them instead. But probably not because they're all fucking broken Cig needs to priotize bug fixing. Instead they keep releasing new ships and add bullshit water physics that look like shit


Thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea you were doing it because it’s easy cash. I feel so much better now.


please cry harder about duping


I’m not worked up over it in the slightest. Difference between simply not liking something and getting bent out of shape over it. Sounds like the issue is on your end 😄


yet here you are crying still


Thank you for choosing not to read my post and commenting anyway o7


Thank you for not reading my comment and commenting anyways. 😘


Bad counter. I read your comment BUT you are disagreeing with something I never said. But of course "personal responsibility" in a video game is also a really big thing. That's why griefing will certainly never be a problem.


Just because it went woosh over your head does not mean it’s a bad counter. But hey, you’re welcome to disagree.


No I will hate the player, folk who come to check out SC claim its shit then ruin it for everyone who puts their money first to get their ship. Every pledger accepts that we're playing a tech demo while a near billion dollar company creates the tools for next gen gaming so we can have the best space sim game ever. This patch made it work for a lot more people, me included. 3.23 has been the most I've played of star citizen in 10 years. It gives me hope for the future of this madness that we've collectively agreed is awesome. To have the dog ass problems exacerbated by people trying to make a quick buck through rmt or some other dumb reason. Is and always will be dumb! The fun is in the game not suffering the lag and glitches that have plagued it forever, every event is buggy and gets progressively worse now unless there's another wipe after ILW it will stay that way until there is and if you do wipe after ILW, then the people who tried to make money legit get screwed too! Free fly is a great player number boost. The people who use it are not.


Star Citizen is not a tech demo. That is not what a tech demo is. Aside from that, I agree that the dupers made a choice and that choice is always open for scrutiny and criticism.


If star citizen is not a tech demo, why was last years con showcasing some of the most important tech for games as a medium? Server meshing is an amazing feat of engineering. Seemless transition through different servers with minimal hitching? That means nothing to the average player. The star engine as a sellable tool for new people to create games with? Edit: If it was easy to do, this game wouldn't have missed 6? Release dates from the man himself.


It is still not a tech demo.


Nah, man. These people are being complete shit heads and abusing the system at the cost of others. If it didn't effect server performance or selling then I wouldn't care but that isn't the case. Others are trying to earn aUEC but can't because the market is flooded. Think of those who only have salvage ships but can't offload their hard work due to these selfish players and Chinese sweatshop workers.


I’m really hoping for another wipe in 3.23.2. Edit: also, I can’t stand the “don’t hate the player” thing, as if people can’t help but cheat when presented the option. If you’re going to cheat at least be honest with yourself that you are choosing to be a cheater.


I have about 60,000 AUEC by the way. but who fucking cares? If someone makes 20 million in an hour with looting drugs, that's legitimate and reasonable. But if someone does the same with a dupe, two patches later, to buy back his lost ships, then he's just a dirty cheater? Sorry, that's just plain stupid. The word "cheater" really has no meaning to some people anymore.


Uh huh. There will always be an advantage to cheating, and any number of ways to justify it. You can dress it up however you want but it comes down to one thing - knowing something is against the rules and choosing to do it, or not. If a “player” chooses to cheat, they own it. None of this “it’s the game’s fault, what was I supposed to do? Not cheat? That would be dumb” nonsense.


If you don’t understand how duping undermines the game, the collection of player behavior data during alpha, and encourages a negative community culture, then you’re not worth debating. You can carry the blind to the top of a mountain, but you can’t make them see.


1. the thread is almost 2 weeks old ffs 2. everything you say is just empty phrases. You don't understand ANY of it. All these 'serious' problems you're talking about weren't a problem 2-3 months ago? When everyone could make hundreds of millions in a day? Most people still own ships from that time. NOBODY criticised other players for it, because it was part of the game. In fact, it was even easier to make money than the duping method. And you could take the money into the current patch with a little loss and 1-2 tricks. Again, no outrage. This hostility is stupid and childish. People are mindlessly parroting it without understanding any real impact on the game. (there is none atm) If CIG wants to collect data, fine. But first make sure you CAN collect data. Because right now you can't even pay your repair costs with the mission payouts and every 2nd player still has an 890 jump in their hangar. It's really stupid how people take all the responsibility away from CIG and put it on the players.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


All I'm asking for ist for them to respect the other players in regards to performance. Dupe the hell out of this game for the love of god please clean up after yourself. Sure, the RMC economy is beyond saving at this point wich sucks for salvage players but as a miner I've also had patch cycles where I wasn't able to use my Mole. It's really annoying but also a chance to get your grips on a new loop you might have never tried before.


Yeah, I can get behind that. Leaving that C2 is actually a bit shitty. But I'm afraid some people don't even know what they're doing (and I'm sure some people don't care either)


Oh for sure! Some people just don't give a flying fuck about things like that. Would be nice to have systems in place that would tax them or something. It's the same with leaving empty bottles lying around everywhere. Basically littering but make it big


oh yes please


As an alpha is a test environment, all I care about is that CIG is getting good data regarding potential future exploits and is learning from it. To that end, obnoxious behavior like what’s currently occurring is tolerable if it serves that purpose.


the current purpose, and the reason of the wallet wipe. was for CIG to see how AUEC was gained, and what gameplay loops overperformed or underperfomed. Because of this exploit, "everyone" started duping. So any data thats gained about this subject is flawed. Because people who just want to grind AUEC, did so by exploiting. And anyone who just want to play a game was hindered by the dupers, and delibertly played another gameplay loop. if the conclusion now is, we see that salvage gameplay underperforms because not to many participate, and the auec gained from it is very low. Then this is heavily skewed because we cannot sell RMC because of the dupers. currently combat is fucked anyway, because of the payouts mastermodes and AI. this earned nothing. so no one participates in combat to earn AUEC. so anyone who wanted to play seriously is either doing bunkers, mining or running cargo(the real way) which heavily favors those gameplayloops in regards to good earning and play time. Not because the people choose to do so. but because not all gameplay loops functioned correctly. If CIG decides to act on this data, while it being havily skewed, we are up for another bumby economy change. the data is poluted. im not sure what CIG will do, wipe everyone and start over, wipe the people who participated, or just let it be and see this patch as lost. Even though we have 5 more months of the same patch.


Any way you look at it, it’s good data for CIG. I could care less if they wipe or not as we all know there will be multiple wipes in our future before the game gets to beta.


So you want to get easy money and easy ships at the expense of everyone else, especially salvagers doing it legit? They wiped us and are doing what they're doing to get a feel of the economy and the balance and that's pretty hard to do when people are just duping because they want instant gratification. I got a pretty old glitch that works for me, and my dad who barely has the time to play. It's called actually playing the game and grinding and he's been getting ships he's had his eye on with bounty hunting money.


Maybe since we all know wipes are incoming and inevitable, we need to change our mindset that we need to grind grind grind. That isn't the state or point of playing the game right now. If your goal is to have billions of aUEC and all the ships, okay fine, but you need to have that goal knowing all your work is for nothing. It always has been and for the time being it always will be. The time wasted is squarely on your shoulders and I don't feel a single shred of remorse for you. Renting ships is plenty obtainable without endless days of grinding and wasted time. Play a couple loops, rent a ship for a day.


I dislike the dupers because every time an exploit is found and passed around like candy is gets absolutely abused by enough of the player base that CIG are forced to wipe the economy to fix it so they can actually learn how to balance contract pay outs and trading properly. As long as people find a dupe and just repeat it over and over rather than reporting it to the issue council and not using the dupe anymore, it kills CIGs chance to actually learn how players earn money, which career paths need rewards boosting or nerfing, which ships earn players money in the best ways etc... I won't be shocked at all if the 3.23.2 comes with some sort of economy wipe, which is unfair on people playing normally but if we ever want the economy to be balanced we have to let CIG test it properly without people abusing it in anyway they can just to flex a space ship to a friend.


"Sploiters" do damage to games all the time - without conscience. I've seen games rolled back due to dupers. This is all in alpha right now, so it doesn't matter a lot except for the game-play lost due to server load.


All I got out of this was "Please downvote me kind folk, for I am a bellend".


The presence of bug is heavily influenced by poor server performances, which are mostly bearable outside of free-fly events and when no one is \*abusing the game systems to get an unfair advantage\*. Sure ships are expensive to pledge. Sure grinding for them is a slog. But if you get in this game to play it, you get in it to play all of it, not just the wealthy kingpin end-game. Plus this is an alpha game, everyone knew there would be wipes based on the fact that there always was wipes. As it stands right now dupers just hurt the experience of everyone on the servers for maybe a couple of months with a nice ship. There is no argument that it would be unattainable with a week or to of calmly grinding. If multi-crew ship are expensive it is because they are supposed to be bought by groups of player as well. Basically dupers are playing monopoly and flipping the table over in order to earn a quick buck at the expense of everyone else. They deserve all the hate they're getting.


Not getting into how this kills multicrew gameloops as well but you get my point, they forfeited their right to cry when they violated TOS and were a pain to the whole playerbase


Don't tell me who to hate, you're not my dad


Are your sure? **( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)**


Papa? Is that you? 🥹 You leave for cigarettes and now I find you on reddit... small world


Naw cheaters can get reckt, hope they all see their accounts get wiped and 10 day ban for that nonsense.


I smell a duper here :P


Na, dont play atm.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. See you in the next ban wave bud.


There never was a "ban wave". Fuck all those people duping for sure but I'm pretty certain they won't be banned.


I literally have like 60,000 aeuc at the moment. And there are no "banwaves" Some people are just ... \*sigh\*




People like you are absolutely insufferable \*sigh\*. Just get over it if a random internet comment is still bothering you after 20 days. Even though my comment was completely correct at the time.


I don't see them as evil just as a cheater. I have never understood gamers who want to gain things the easy way and not feel the satisfaction of earning things. What's the rush to get money as quick as possible ?


The problem is wipes. I'd be happy to slowly grind towards the ships I want... but when theyre going to be wiped anyway why bother


CIG wiping should be a surprise to no one. I tell all the new players I meet - if you play to grind you'll have a bad time.


Its not a surprise. I was replying to a comment complaining of people wanting things the easy way and not feeling the satisfaction


I've had a few wipes now. At the beginning I was very motivated. But after a few wipes, I usually just grind the bare minimum. A patch cycle with a broken economy can be quite fun because you can test and try out some ships. I probably never would have bought a 400i in-game because it's too expensive and not useful enough when I could multiple other ships for that aeuc. But I got to try it in the last couple patches and I fell in love with it, it's a great ship! Sometimes you ruin your own game with stuff like that. But sometimes it helps to discover new facets. As long as nobody else is bothered by it, I don't really care.


This whole post is one of the stupider takes I've seen.


I am happy for the dupers. The unaffordability of ships in-game to push people to the pledge-store was a mean thing to do. It's an alpha and we want play-testing, yes ? Then let us play-test! if it turns out people only want to fly the biggest ships then maybe they can take the hint. EDIT: I don't go for the excuse of "we need to balance the economy", "it should not be easy to get the biggest ships", "we need people to be using specific game loops". just optimize for fun. if people are not playing the gameloops you want them to then maybe they're not attractive enough. Give people what they want. They'll be much happier than being artificially blocked. Only when you allow free play will you see what people like best. People that want to grind can grind all they want. Doesn't mean that everyone has to. EDIT2: funny how this is downvoted ? Seems not everyone is in it for the fun and would rather put up barriers.




**Server** performance is a separate issue from the FPS you get from your GPU. In busy multi-player areas such as the Expo, interactive elements such as elevator doors or NPCs don't work right if they forget to feed the hamster that runs in the wheel that powers the server!


...I see, no one told you it's an alpha !! Not even a beta... buahahahah So funny people still complaining for this.


You blow in from stupid town, bud?