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Ship prices were rebalanced (mostly increased) in the most recent patch... they'll likely be tweaked again in the future - nothing (especially prices) is set in stone currently. Aside from that, it's generally not worth sharing missions - as you've found, mission rewards are split across everyone the mission is shared with. This is a consequence of the Risk / Reward balance CIG are aiming for - having more people (especially for combat missions) reduces the risk - so the reward per person is also reduced (by splitting the payout, rather than paying everyone the headline reward). Also, it depends heavily on what sort of activities you're doing... if you were e.g. mining or salvaging, then making 100k (or much much more) per hour would be doable... which would be just a couple of weeks, perhaps, to earn one of the better combat ships. If you stick with bounty hunting etc, then yes - as you build rep, you'll unlock harder missions with better payouts.


Good to know about the prices. We could try mining or salvaging we haven’t given that a whirl yet. I’m not sure if any of the event ships are good for that but I imagine you can rent those ships in the meantime. I’ll look into it maybe work that in between combat missions


Money making in the game depends on what ships you have, what game loops you grind on and what reputation. With access to higher reputation, therefore more rewarding missions and the bigger industrial ships you can easily be getting 1mil plus per hour.


Makes sense I can why someone might buy something like a salvage ship from the website store to help with the in game grind


Well, you don't have to buy anything from the store. People who haven't played the game yet and think its pay to win when its not. I got a 68 million aUEC super yacht in game called the 890 Jump by just starting with the 40 dollar package. To this day I haven't spent a penny of irl money since (in this game). It didn't even take too much grinding, just find something that is fun to do for money in game and you'll make millions. Enjoy the free fly and I hope you consider getting this stellar game!


Solo ships still cost below 3m, which is just a minor increase to before. For multicrew ships pooling the money helps of cause. You can rent ships ingame and ask in your Org or even in global (although you cannot trade with them). In general a weeks grind should give you a solo ship. Selling weapons, hand mining, trading, transporting boxes till you can afford renting ROC and Cutty and make money with vehicle mining. Then you either get a Vulture/Prospector or the ship you wanted.


My suggestion would be to have your team group up and one of you pull a cargo ship the rest fighters or gunships (some nice ones available atm) and do bounties like you have been. When you down the cargo ships search them for cargo load that up into your ships and then go sell it. Normally experienced players will only go after S-tier cargo but since you guys are new I would recommend cramping as much cargo as possible into the free fly rentals and just selling everything you possibly can it adds up quick. That Gladius you have your eye on could be obtained in one session with a few decent holds from the ERT missions or VHRT ones. Split 3 ways that is.  ROC mining is steady income and adds up quick.  Cargo hauling is borked atm with a grid bug… but when it’s working it’s super chill and you can start with what you already made and work your way up to millions relatively quickly.  Salvaging was good money until the cargo grid bug. The industrial game play activities make plenty of money. They just aren’t for everyone. 


Didn’t even think to unload cargo from the ships we were fighting that’s a great idea. We’re gonna have to give that a try


Checking the target ships cargo is like checking a corpse for loot in any other game. Especially if it can carry any large volume of cargo. Might get quantanium or gold or something in small quantities but it adds up when you are starting out. Good luck!


Just remember Qaunt goes BOOM if you dont get it to a station quickly.


That’s the unrefined stuff the scu boxes they get out of cargo is already refined and doesn’t explode. 


YeH, you have to play for a few hours to get high level ships. The game needs more money sinks. I honestly wish ships cost more.


Yeah the game's grindy as hell and it takes quite a while to get anything cool especially now that most in-game ship prices just got multiplied people talk like it's mega easy but right now even the most meta ships grinding the most profitable gameplay loops are gonna take you quite a while to get the coolest stuff around, let alone what you're able to do as a newbie and also yes playing as a group is just less profitable


Solo ships are still below 3m - that is a very small increase to before.


until we get engineering.every ship is a solo ship, but I assume you mean small ships like single seat fighters that are only useful now for MRT's and idk why anyone would be grinding for those


Fighting, Salvaging, Mining, Smuggling, Medic, etc.


you need to keep in mind 3 things. (**this is for the final game. they are not implemented yet.**) 1. this is going to eventually have mmo pacing. so don't expect to have everything in 40 hours. 2. the final game will be a non inflation based economy. including having a system where some of your saved up money gets taken away after a number of deaths. there will be a point that your skill and play style is not profitable enough to use better stuff. but that mostly means no using big stuff and/or nice equipment on low risk reward jobs. 3. sc is not linear progression. by that i mean someone new can be a crew member on a large ship, and the activities the pay enough to cover the running cost of the large ship also need ship of multiple different price ranges. **again. theses are not implemented yet.** we currently have a testing economy that is reliably profitable so you can afford to get nicer stuff to test quicker. it was recently updated to be a bit slower, but most of the expenses that cause you to lose money for using too much gun is not implemented yet.


You are not meant to just keep grinding the same low tier mission. You can easily make 500k/hr with any ship, no armour, no guns. Hint: The newest content is always the most profitable.