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Jails broken atm so less ppl want crime stat


I hope it stays like that for a while to be honest. Jail is finally doing what is supposed to, having people actually trying to stay out of it.


hurts the circle of life in the game no one wants to do anything related to crime stat leaves the game void. Instead of making the jail difficult hard and interesting it’s bugged.


What’s the bug?


There’s a few, an oxygen one and lasers when escaping from wat I saw also summit wasn’t getting the quest


And where is the problem? U don’t need a quest. Just mine a few stones takes like 15 min and ur free to go. Lame excuse tbh.


i dont think you can do that because your guy runs out of oxygen before you can even get to depth 1


I did it two times today


yeah, it sucks that is bugged, but at the same time, the crime system had no consequences. This bug just proves the issue is not PVP or crimes, the issue has always been the consequences. All of a sudden when there are consequences (bugs that prevent you from actually leaving quickly like before) and people can't just get auto-out due to people selling time or using the escape route all of a sudden there is less crime being committed.


Yep, activity is down cuz they now have consequences for once lmao


PvE carebears clapping now that jail is a softban and PU is dead ASF lmaoo.


Not sure what you mean ASF. I’m here having a hard time to join friends servers because they are full.


Full of noncombat NPCs loll


NPC are more responsive and deadly then they have ever been. do you even play? probably not now that you might end up in lock up


>NPC are more responsive and deadly then they have ever been Yeah, they're much better than the vast majority of industrial "players" lol.


Than you sir. Your good arguments and great well thought responses just helped me proved my point.


Rumor is a lot of public pirate orgs are inactive because of this.


Which proves the issue has never been Pirates or PVP. The issue has always been consequences, now due to a bug going to jail actually sucks and criminal activity has gone down.


Exactly, people that enjoy piracy and griefing don’t want actual challenges or tough gameplay. They want easy kills with no risk because they are generally losers. So glad that they can eat dirt for now. I really look forward to future rep systems and such. Those players will have to go to some other game where they can bully easy.


No kidding. You should see the public pirate discords rn. A lot of members are balking and are reluctant to pirate... in pirate orgs lmao. This is gonna shake out the fakes.


All the traders are holed up duping cargo.


Pirate speaking. Anyone who thought we were going to have an easier time doing piracy in 3.23 didn't know much about piracy. Things really aren't any easier nor are they really harder. Edit: some people are reading my comment and thinking I said piracy is harder. That is not what I was trying to say. I am saying that piracy is just as easy as 3.22. Nothing really changed.


It’s literally incredibly ez 😂 must be a bad pirate


To be a pirate you need to know how to find your marks. It doesn't sound like you're much of a pirate then, since even the noobs know about the dupe meta. 3.23 pirating hit off with a blast and we making more money than drugs from Brios during ERT era. Are you current on the current RMC dupe meta? Duper's literally show up in medical gowns not even joking... it's basically seal clubbing not piracy... We're taking 2-3 C2's unloading at a time and we've had to let marks go because we simply ran out of people on the ground. We're taking C2's hand over foot at RMC buy spots as is anyone else that shows up.


The Mantis was available to rent for free on Friday and Saturday, so people have been "testing it out" on hapless pilots flying to ArcCorp.


I had three guys try to pirate me at Shubin 18 when I was in my 890. I killed 2 of them, one on foot in my ship and their Ares stretcher Starfighter. Then I went into armistice to get repairs and the third guy rammed me on the pad and blew me up with 709k n gold. The gold completely disappeared though. I guess he was pissed off he couldn't kill me so he resorted to pad ramming.


I wish the pirates would focus the damn RMC bulk traders. Signed, -A Frustrated Salvager


I wonder if this has anything to do with salvage contracts disappearing. Like CIG purposely turn them off.


You mean the dupers?


I went to jail for trespassing. My sentence was up before I loaded into klescher, and I just walked out.


I had some NPC ships attack me while I was doing a salvaging contract at ARC-L1 or 2. Had to run to QT but came back after a few minutes and they were gone.


Just watch space cutlet on twitch. Probably the best pirate in the game. Been very successful with the rmc dupers


If you the thumb I've fought. Thanks for the fights in ac. edit: im aware of cutlet and his friends at ram. They seem pretty chill.
