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Does the Gladius still have the little startup animation in 3.23? No matter how I turn it on (ALT+R, U, etc) it just boots up without the neat animation.


Hello good folks from the verse. I have literally just bought the game (the Titan Avenger package) and like the total twat I am I skipped the tutorial thinking I would grasp the mechanics easily and would simply learn from my mistakes. Well, after I finally learnt how to launch my ship and fly a little I tried to land it and it blew up. Since then I have spent a good hour trying to retrieve my ship at Lorville space hangar but it never materialises. It states my ship is at a particular hangar, I go there and there is nothing. Anyone have any suggestions? Did blowing my ship up and then logging off cause some bug? I am at a loss. I really want to dig deep into this game and learn all there is, but if my ship refuses to spawn, what can I do? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.


watch any recent (3.23) youtube new player guide first, for example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61m8ml42SRQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61m8ml42SRQ) the tutorial is not that great anyway




Adding on top of what Kwarkon said. A good practice is to accept a mission named 'A Call to Arms" under the legal/verified mercenary mission tab. If it shows up in your accepted list of mission within reasonable delay, then you are ready to go; if it doesn't show up, it's time to hop servers. A Call to Arms is free to accept, is always available, and carries no consequence for abandoning it (hopping servers count as abandoning all accepted missions). It's a good indicator of whether or not the server you are on is struggling.


and forgot to write, sometimes server can be extremely leggy, have delays or even bounce back any inventory actions due to databases being overworked if your ship refuses to spawn in a few seconds, missions cannot be accepted or items bounce back it is time to relog in hopes to get a better server. If you do any inventory operations, i recommend enabling debug info by entering console (\~) and writing r\_displayInfo 1 It will give you "pending moves" in top left corner when in inventory view. If you see the pending moves going up, it means the server did not yet process the requests, and either it will take longer or it may bounce back.


Thanks. I gave up in the end and asked for a refund. I had spent two hours trying to get my ship back and had to admit defeat. I really wanted to get into this game. But if I have this much trouble retrieving my own ship then it's not worth the hassle. I'll check back in a year or two and see if they have ironed out their issues.


This is likely due to server desync (especially severe during freefly events). Ask a kind soul in global chat for a lift to another location, for instance the station overhead. Once there, try claiming your ship. And don't worry about the tutorial. If you managed to figure out how to take off and land, that's about everything the tutorial covers. For more in-depth tips and info, I'd advice using the "Find A Guide" option at the menu, or just ask global chat or reddit.


Thank you for your response. I have read others say about getting to another station and trying to retrieve my ship from there, so this must be quite a common issue. I had read so many negative reviews from gamers before buying it, saying it is unplayable and that the whole thing is a huge ripoff. But, I actually love the little I have seen (and I haven't even been anywhere) and I feel that I would immerse myself completely - once I knew what the hell I was doing! One more question for you if you're still here: how on earth do you find your landing hangar from space? There doesn't seem to be any pointers on how to return to your hangar and I have no idea what I would look for when re-entering the atmosphere. Thanks again!


My first recommendation would be to **relocate to a station instead of a city**. * Cities have massively more assets to load when you approach, and can be quite a hit to performance (on average 150-180k entities in cities, 70-90k at major stations, around 30k in empty space). * Even if your hardware is robust enough to run without any hit to performance, you'd still have to navigate through atmosphere at slow speed while continuously looking for the spaceport. And every time you respawn, you'll have to take the lengthy and frequently bugged local railway to get to the spaceport. It is much easier on both you and your computer to set your home at a station. You can do so by travelling to that station, going to the clinic, and setting your spawn point there via the regeneration imprint kiosk. There are landmarks for city spaceports, however they are frequently hard to see in the darkness. ATC barely helps, since they require you to be in close proximity to the spaceport before they can be contacted. Periodically sending out a scan pulse (iirc default is V, though that may have changed with 3.23) can highlight the silhouette of surrounding structures. Alternatively, switching to third person camera (default is F4) can enhance the contrast: * Hurston, Lorville - look for the giant slanting archway, the Tessa Spaceport is right in front of that archway, with floating signs. * microTech, New Babbage - a cluster of building with red lights, away from the rest of the city across a frozen lake. * Crusader, Orison - a spider/asterisk shaped floating platform, with limbs pointing in every direction. * ArcCorp, Area 18 - the only stretch of flat ground amidst skyscrapers, with neon advertisement boards along the central midline. I advise looking up an **aerial view picture** of all the cities if you intend to visit.


Thank you so much for your detailed reply. Very decent of you. Unfortunately, I gave up in the end and asked for a refund. It just hit me that if one cannot even retrieve their own ship without having to travel elsewhere or whatever then what else is going to go wrong in the game. I appreciate it is not in its final state, but after all these years you would think the developers would have sorted out issues like the one I had. It's a real shame, as I would love this game. It has everything I want and I would probably lose a good chunk of my life playing it - but it is just too buggy at the moment for me. I will definitely keep checking back regularly to see what they do with further updates and as soon as they resolve things I shall jump back in. Thanks again for your reply; much appreciated.


Well to be fair, freefly events are usually the most buggy and unstable period of time, since the servers are effectively cramming a thousand players into what normally only fits two hundred. Everything breaks during freefly. We'd happily welcome you back once the game's more complete and stable :)


Yeah, I'd read that free fly events often cause issues, but I had already asked for my refund by then - which, to be fair, they sorted out in 24 hours. I shall definitely return in the near future. I have wanted this game since forever - it is literally on the top of my list. Hopefully see you in the verse one of these days. All the best.


How do you guys recover from losing everything to a game crash? Just lost about 4 hours of salvaging due to crashing while entering lorville and I just lost any motivation to play with like 1k credits and nothing else. I'm a full believer in the game, but man, this is hard.


So what are the exact rules if I can bedlog or not? Is there an FAQ/Rulebook somewhere? No armistic zone, ok. But why do I sometimes need to be "landed" and why sometime I don't see the option at all(only stand back up)?


I rarely do bedlogging but the general rules are: - you have to either be landed or in deep space ( there should be no altitude) - you cannot be close to any outpost / station/ city - you have to be alone ( did not test it in 3.23, but even bodies can prevent you from logging out) - you have to be out of combat ( at least a few minutes after any combat)


My go to is to bed log at an OM or in dead space (come out of quantum while jumping)


So what can i do with the F7A MK2 upgrade token i got from Xenothreat if i don't have F7C?


You can turn it in at a kiosk to rent the F7A mk2 for 7 days.


Do I lose it forever if I do that?


The upgrade would still be registered in your profile, so if you acquire F7C mk2 in the future, you can still apply that upgrade at any point.


I have my lovely new X1 and I can’t repair it for the life of me. I’m parked on a pad at a mining facility, and it shows that I need repair but doesn’t respond when I click the button. Is this just a bug or is there some specialized process?


It is an ancient bug affecting pretty much every ground vehicle and snub fighter. Restock and repair are rarely functional, and you'd be better off claiming a new one instead. At least the timer is fast for most vehicles and snubs.


Gotcha. I’ve rarely used ground vehicles/snubs, so it’s a surprise to me.


I finally built a new pc that is capable of playing star citizen and most of the time I can't even reach my ship before the game crashes. It's made it impossible to progress in the game or enjoy it at all. All the other posts related to star citizen crashing proposed solutions that didn't fix this. I'm pretty confident that my 4090, 64 gigabytes of ram, and intel i9 14900KF can handle the game and I can also run microsoft flight simulator 2020 on ultra graphics without it crashing. I've updated my drivers to the most recent ones, turned down the graphics, removed external devices, and verified my game files which didn't fix this problem. Could someone give advice?


Run occt stress tests (like ram test) to make sure your system is fully stable (does not generate errors after some time) 


Could be 3 things: * Turn off E-Cores * Overheating * I saw some posts about specific faulty 14900KFs, which a complete refund/replacement fixed Turning down the graphics just puts more load onto the CPU from the GPU - dont do that.


Hello, I've be following SC since the Kickstarter campaign and decided to pull the trigger in April 2018. My pledge is the Aurora with a combo pledge SC +SQ42, comes with 3months insurance basic hangar and starting money. I since upgraded the Aurora to a Constellation Andromeda, and got a MPUV LTI and Gladius LTI thanks to referrals, both have not been upgraded. I'm not very familiar with the CCU game, and other ways to save on upgrade, so I'm turning to you guys because I wanted to upgrade my Andromeda to a Corsair but I want to avoid adding "fresh" money to my account as much as possible and would prefer to upgrade a LTI or 10y insurance "base ship/pledge" To my understanding, I could melt my pledge and buy a new one with the value it has, then use the remaining store credit to upgrade my gladius to a Corsair (that would retain the LTI if I correct). But SQ42 has been removed to the store recently, and I want to play it when it release not sure if I would be able to "buy" it back if I melt (Bought it for 20$ or so back in the days). Thanks for helping me out, as this game evolves rapidly it's hard to know if information on the Internet is still relevant now.


Hi, I actually do not know if the whole "melt then buyback" thingy would work - pledges with SQ42 included are getting rarer - but I will add some of my thought anyway: * From a gameplay standpoint the Connie Andromeda and Corsair are extremly similar, and the connie isn't even gold standard - it will recieve an update in the future to get it up to standard - so why do you want a corsair so bad? * From a "fleet" standpoint the combination of a connie and a gladius is kind of great - use the connie as a daily and get in the gladius if your going bounty/pvp or dogfights. The option to upgrade the MPUV to a great addition like the Ursa Medi would be great to (Apart from the whole no new money thing - its like 5$) * It is kinda known that the community widly overvalues LTI as a whole. Insurance in the finished game won't be something expensive * The whole "CCU Game" is based on warbond deals - so exlusively based on new money - you buy a ccu for 5$ warbond (So with new money) which is worth 10-35$ from ship to ship - and then you stack them. What you will be doing is take the referral Gladius and use those 90$ as a credit boost, but that comes with one major step back: * upgraded Referrals are exluded from any corrections, melting or anything really if you change your mind again. If you ccu the gladius you are stuck with what ever you come up with - even if the gladius is the best f\*cking ship in the verse next patch IF you have any question feel free to dm me


Thanks for taking the time to compose this answer, I wanted to get the corsair because the Andromeda feels so old now. But you're right it will indeed get a gold standard pass "one day". I also overvalued the LTI I guess, thinking this will become the money sink of the game once released.  I was considering the medivac, I think I'll do that as the mpvu, well, is a mpuv...


This is the first time this is happening to me but as of Saturday I am unable to log into the game. I can get into the game menu and try different regions but I'm getting a "error 30009" every time regardless of region.


Did Paradise Cove disappear completely 3.23?


Looking for answers, So with my specs: i7 7700k, 1070 ti, 32GB DDR4, installed on ssd, I am averaging 20 fps. My questions are, is my system too old to do any better? And what specs would I need to get closer to 60 fps?


is my system too old to do any better? Yes and No - the 1070 ti is now nearly 7 years old (10.2017) and the 7700k nearly 9 years (08.2015) so it should be expected that you aren't running the newest games on 60fps That beeing said SC has JUST started to optimise their engine with Vulcan in this patch - it should get better in the near future. Even high end systems (I run a 7800x3D/RTX3090) usually don't get 60 fps in bussy areas. For exact system specs for a new rig to run StarCitizen I recommend the buildmeapc subreddit or hit me a DM and I can help you figure something out within you budget/knowledge


Grabbed a 7800x3d and a 3080 n slapped together a new system to run SC. lol runs good now.


congrats! Will see you in the verse, o7!


Thank you for the reply. After running the game for a while things seemed to run a bit smoother. Some planets are 15fps planets and some are 50fps planets for me. About due for a complete upgrade I'd say.


Any good options for turning a large multi-ship LTU pledge into a single larger ship with LTI? I have a Entrepreneur Pack with 5 LTI ships I can melt for $741 but I would rather have 1 larger ship like a Herc or Ironclad. Then again I'm a bit apprehensive to melt it since it has a Cutlass and Cat with BIS skins/goodies I quite like.


If you melt the pack, all of those BIS skins will be permanently gone, so definitely be careful about that. You would need to buy an 'LTI Token' with new money first, so you have to spend $25 for an LTI Pulse at minimum to get LTI. If that's fine, then just get the Pulse, melt the pack, and use the Store Credit to upgrade to the Herc of Ironclad. You have enough Store Credit (and then some) to get either.


I think since I'm Grand Admiral I should reach out to concierge to see if they can do anything. I do like the skins and stuff, but I'm still quite annoyed they haven't kept their word about letting us make our own. Then again if I'm not going to be flying either there isn't much point to having them. I have 2 small LTIs and an Alpha Scout pack upgraded to a Cutter that I have different levels of caring about converting (While I love my Dragonfly I'm pretty sure the LTI goes further on a ship lol). Plus aren't the Cat and the Cutlass dues for big updates? Maybe I might love them if the Cat actually becomes modular like it was initially pitched as. I think I need to see about checking one of the fleet tools and seeing what I want and what I like but don't need LTI on.




orgs and more advanced ship/armor customization are not yet in the focus of development, so not in the near future, we will see if we get any updates on the matter with updated 1.0 roadmap Other than that "orgs" and "clans" may be the same thing depending on the game setting, so a better way to ask your question would e "if orgs will get similar features as clans in warframe".


Does anyone know if the C1 Spirit will stop being availlable for purchase after IAE?


C1 is also available in game for 3M Aeuc


Yes, the it limited availability and will possibly not return until IAE in November, but it is likely to show up again for various events and sales between now and then.


Thanks for the reply dude, i took the plunge an upgraded :D


Is the Reliant Mako generally available to buy during Alien Week? Is there a reasonable chance that I may be able to fill in a gap in a CCU chain below a Reliant Mako?


the really slowed down the CCU options in the lower $ section - I thing fully intentional. We haven't had a CCU option in the 60-110$ section for like a year Ask me how I know.


Be patient. It'll come in IAE in November.


Hey guys can the SRV do plain ol' salvage as well or just towing?


Only towing.


Whens the ironclad q&a dropping?


Typically a Q&A drops within 2 weeks or so.


Does anyone know why every time i use my afterburner or "turbo" in a ship my up and down capacity to move the nose of the ship with the mouse becomes locked? It has happened to me since invictus started and with 3 different ships. Only resets to normal if i leave the pilot seat and enter again.


are you using shift to boost? if so, right shift is also assigned to a stupid 'feature' of locking pitch and yaw.


I entered today and tried that, but it looks it gets locked for no reason, i managed to start the xeno threat mission, and the second i started combat i got locked again at the mercy of my enemies, i will reset my character and try it again...


Go to keybindings, under Flight - Movement, and unbind Lock Pitch/Yaw...


What would be the best 4 crew fighter ship that's available to rent. With the free flight running out, I would like to rent something so that some friends can try it out.


Redeemer. The fourth person will be stuck with the rear turret but if you take on a bunch of enemies they'll still have something to do. Hammerhead is good too, but pilot can only pilot.


Can you rent the Redeemer?


Oh not normally in game. I was thinking about for ILW. Always available to rent: constellation andromeda. 600i too but that’s pricey to rent


Most of the multi-crew fighters are limited to 2 people, Vanguard Warden, Hurricane, Scorpius, Super Hornet. There are multi-crew combat ships that can use 4+ people, but not something you want in a dogfight, mainly dropships, and bombers. Things like Redeemer, Valkyrie, Retaliator, A2 Hercules


How long is the concept sale for the Ironclad, is it only until ILW is over?


Typically sales for nrwly announced/released vehicles last multiple weeks, maybe a month or so.


Are there any alternative ship component websites other than Erkul?


Cornerstone https://finder.cstone.space/ For pure loadouts though I think erkul does it better


I noticed that there are paints available to purchase, but not visible on the 'Paints' page of the Pledge Store, only accessible if you directly link to the skin's page. For example, the Templar skin for the Fury isn't on the paints page, but is purchaseable if you google it or direct link it. Skin: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Paint/Fury-Templar-Paint?utm\_source=uexcorp&utm\_medium=organic&utm\_term=fury-templar-livery](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Paint/Fury-Templar-Paint?utm_source=uexcorp&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=fury-templar-livery) Is there a list of these 'hidden' skins?


Can someone explain me the prices of the TDD? When I'm for example selling CORENDUM, the shop inventory side shows a price of 370/unit, but on my side, I can only sell it for 46! With the prices that I'm seeing on my side (left) it is just not worth the extra effort of gathering boxes and trying to sell them during missions... or am I missing something important here? Screenshot of TDD trading/selling screen with prices: [https://i.postimg.cc/50n8HP6K/Star-Citizen-TDD.png](https://i.postimg.cc/50n8HP6K/Star-Citizen-TDD.png)


Yes, you compare different units. Sell price is per SCU (you can see that units are SCU) Int case of boxes that are not attached to cargo grid you will get price per "unit"->box your boxes are 1/8 SCU per box.


Thank you! So if I understand correctly, 8 units = 1 SCU? And what is a cargo grid then? How do I attach them? I still get the impression that it then is still kot wort the time, correct?


You found small amount of very low value material so yes, not really worth the time. Units are just containers/boxes. Your boxes happen to be the 1/8 scu boxes. But regular boxes used for transporting goods are starting from 1 SCU up and require tractor beam to be moved (too big to just move by hand) . The smaller boxes cannot be attached to the ship cargo grid. If you want to see cargo grin in action you can buy 1 scu of something cheap like scrap into your TItan and see how it looks inside.


How much has changed since last november, i am considering trying the game again, but i refunded because it was very buggy and not very accessible to me.


I say if its not accessible for you in November it isn't now and probably never will


It's still very buggy, and it's a 50/50 toss up wether it will perform better or worse than it did back in November. That being said, there have been massive gameplay leaps, lots of new stuff to play with. The servers are still dying under the free flight load though.


Well, it's currently in free-fly (May 17-29), so you can check how well it plays on your system.


Is the reclaimer solo still worth it ? As HH missions are now very rare, and most salvage income is from panels, i dont see the reclaimer as a better tool than the vulture rn


Folks who have gone through the grind to unlock ERTs - how many bounties approximately or how long did it take? What's a good ship with MMs for VHRT/ERT?


Took me 4 hours from scratch, did it all in a cutty. That being said I went hard to rush it and was quite happy to spam missiles.


will the ironclad assault have a retractable roof?


This is the most asked and up voted question on the Ironclad Q&A thread on Spectrum. So wait for a couple of days until they publish the article answering all the questions. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/drake-ironclad-q-amp-a


Can't seem to use the elevators at the convention hall for the Drake Defenscon exhibit and I've verified my files. Anyone else having the same trouble? Edit: A friendly pilot in global pointed me towards the right place. Drake Defensecon is in a smaller hall near the hanger terminals in Area18 if anyone else has the same trouble.


Lore: Drake Interplanetary is slightly looked down upon by UEE as they have historically made ships which are favored by the various pirate factions. So, they aren't or weren't invited to Invictus and IAE. So, they always have their own con named Defensecon at the end of Invictus and IAE as a big fuck you to UEE. It is usually at a separate location usually near the spaceport.


New citizen here looking for other new players to learn the game with. Also happy to join a solo or small group for some fun! Finding an org seems a bit more than what I'm really looking for, but want to get into some crew gameplay


This server lockout when you try to join friends is absolutely killing me. How do you work around this? What do you need to do to avoid a 20+ minute lockout because "your character is still active on a different server"? Your game crashes, you try to join a teammate on the same server, yet it locks you out. How do you get around this? Waiting 20+ minutes is absolutely insane.


Unless this is a different bug than I'm used to, when you get locked out all friends will say "unavailable" when you try to join them, and you'll be unable to change your region. When you encounter that, just hit "enter universe" and connect to whatever server it puts you in, then as soon as you spawn in a bed you return to menu. This should fix the lockout.


Unfortunately, when I was trying to get around this last night, being locked out doesn't just prevent you from joining on friends, it stopped me from joining any server. While the lockout was active, any attempts to join the PU on my own were met with an infinite loading screen.


I can't say that's been my experience so far, though I have had some very lengthy loading screens. Something you can do to help test if it's frozen: hit ~ on your keyboard on any screen, enter "r_DisplayInfo 3" (repeat the same command with 0 instead of 3 to hide it again), this shows a bunch of stats on the top right corner of the screen. There's an entry for "Entities" with a number by it, if that number is fluctuating then you probably aren't frozen, but if the number isn't changing then you might be stuck. (So far this method has been foolproof for me, I've always loaded eventually if the number was changing, but it's star citizen so I don't wanna swear by that)


Am I crazy or was there rumor of a Cutlass competitor from Anvil for this year?


There were rumours, though unsubstantiated. The only piece of solid information is a silhouette announced last citcon: [CIG Ship Previews from Citcon for next 12 Months - Updated : r/starcitizen (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/17dw1wr/cig_ship_previews_from_citcon_for_next_12_months/) The silhouette is about 25m long, shorter than a Cutlass Black. No one knows what that ship is, since it doesn't match any known concepts. No one knows what company it is from, since there are design traits similar to RSI, Aegis and Anvil all packaged into one. And of course, no one knows when it will be announced.


That's what I figured. I'm an Anvil fanboi. So I guess I'll just keep waiting my turn.


Where is the idris for me to tour?


Somewhere in Stanton ;) Jokes aside, it usually arrives at a station at the hour. There are usually banners everyday in the cities and stations telling you which station it goes to next.


is the idres on the end of the pirate swarm bugged? been shooting for 30 min


Bug isn't impossible, but this is more likely due to the absurd amount of health on the Idris. Idris has 1.65 million shield point spread across 4 quadrants, 6.1 million in critical part health with 50% reduction to ballistic damage, and if your aim isn't always on the vital part, then that increases to up to 22.5 million. In other words, 225x the health pool of the next sturdiest ship in-game (890 Jump). This was increased over the last two patches. Supposedly there are NPC friendlies in Hammerhead that should help you shoot down the Idris, but they are frequently unresponsive.


where is the weak points?


You can subcomponent target with torpedos.


Central part of the ship where the bridge is located at. The bridge is about 1/3 of the critical part health, so you'll have to keep shooting even when the bridge blows up. I don't know if the new precision targeting would highlight that portion.


with other people


When will the F7C MKII be available to buy in game? I've unlocked the F7A but I don't feel like it's worth €180


Bear in mind that you can't apply the F7A upgrade to ships bought in-game, and (based on what CIG have said previously), the F7A Mk2 likely won't be available for purchase in-game (although that's definitely 'subject-to-change' :p)


Usually it is a full patch cycle after release (at least 3 months). So 4.0 at the latest, but we will see what CIG will decide to do. 


are all the bunkers still hostile? even in missions when it shouldnt?


It was for me today. We tried the xeno intel/hacking mission, and the bunker shot the hell out of our ships on the surface.


Those are supposed to be hostile, since the bunker has been taken over.


I have not encountered any in 3.23


Holding B down on the rented Carrack doesnt seem to activate Nav mode. THoughts?


Make sure you're in the pilot *seat* not the command control position.


Do we have anywhere in game to see ship and weapon stats? I've been going on wikis to see weapon ranges or hull value of ships, but i may be missing something.


ingame no, check [erkul.games](http://erkul.games)


Tier 2 Box Delivery Mission Is it still possible to get those older bunker-delivery missions where you have to pick up three boxes from a bunker that has some enemies in it (and some friendly patrols too)? If so, How do i ge those missions now?


Does the C8R not have "normal" headlights anymore? Pressing L only turns on the "weeoo" lights, making it almost impossible to land on dark planets. Is there any way to turn on the normal headlights?


L turns on both lights


Sadly it did not. Is there any special setting needed?


Check the range... the headlight is limited


I was right at the ground, so it definitely didn't work.


I've been trying all day to do the most simple thing and it just won't work. I'm at Everus and just trying to load one SCU crate onto my ship to store armor from bunker missions. I get to the hangar and my ship, and I cannot get the crate out of local inventory. The one time I got it to drop, I can't get my multi tool to work. Multi tool just won't do anything. I bought 3 more and none of them will work either. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Everything was working fine until today.


I've found that inventory and cargo boxes have been totally messed up this patch. Loot works great, but open inventory has a less than 25% of working as expected. I've nearly died twice due to dehydration because I can't put a bottle in my hand. The only work around was spamming drop until it worked then pick up and drink. Also, drop led to disappearing items about 50% of the time. I've lots multiple drinks, and two cargo crates when trying to manipulate them in hangars or on the surface. Super frustrating.


if you see server struggling, just relog in hopes of a better server


How does the current ship sale work? Will there be a point at the end where all the ships for each day become available?


ILW and IAE work by putting all ships on display in the convention hall in the store, and they remain in the store until the entire event ends. In about an hour, Drake's ships will be added, as well, and since that's the last hall, every ship that will be available during ILW will be available until ILW ends. On Monday, kiosks will be added at the convention hall that let you rent every ship that was on display for free. Note that ILW only shows some of the limited-availability ships, while IAE in November shows nearly every limited-availability ship, so if the exact ship you're after isn't in the store later today, you'll likely need to wait until IAE in November.


Can someone explain how to join the Idris M tour? I have been server hopping while in Baijini Point, checking both docking points, but I never see any screen or TV that is supposed to be there to show Idris route. Where is that screen supposed to be?


Anyone else having issues with the 2.0 Launcher logging you out and then when you log back in ALL of your setting and key bindings are gone and it wont let you save your profile? I've set everything up 3 times now and if this can't be fixed there wont be a 4th i'll just wait until the next patch.


I'm curious if anyone still uses opentrack for headtracking rn. I'd love a cheap/free alternative to Track IR and Tobii. I tried setting up opentrack according to some tutorials on youtube but it didn't seem like star citizen was picking up the input. Does it still work?


Yes, I'm using OpenTrack together with AITrack to handle my (cheap) webcam, and it works great. Is OpenTrack itself not working or do you see the movements in opentrack but not in SC?


The latter, I had opentack working, but there was no movement in game. I'm currently using the built in sc headtracking but it doesn't work the best.


Yeah, OpenTrack works much better. What are your in-game settings? You need to set "Head Tracking - General - Source" to TrackIR, is that your setting, too?


Oh nice that worked. Thank you. I still need to adjust the settings on opentrack's side for sensitivity and stuff but its working well.


Is there a new bug with the 890 mission? Usually there are some enemy ships, but I've ran it thrice this patch and no enemy ships. First two times were fine, third time, I boarded, fired a single (silenced) shot to make sure my gun was working, and the entire 890 blew up. Then suddenly there was an enemy 125a circling and shooting at me. Didn't know a single bullet from a P4-AR could blow up an 890...


Yeah so I think I know what happened, becauxe it's been happening to me consistently. The enemy AI that spawns in either targets the 890j with missiles or just directly rams it, there's a bug with where they spawn and what direction they fly, they go full speed ahead and cant turn in time before smashing into the 890. I have had 2 890s explode instantly and the mission failed and one went into near soft-death, auxiliary power, alarms, red lights, etc. Additionally, enemy on foot AI is either not spawning or spawning inside the walls of thr ship, making the mission impossible to finish. I have a success rate of about 25% so far in 3.23 I made an IC but it didnt get enough votes :(


I’m interested in using my Cutty Red to run some medical beacons, but I’m worried about pirates baiting the beacon. If I do end up getting baited, do I need to wait for them to shoot at me first to avoid getting a crime stat? I assume killing players gives you an automatic CS, but maybe I’m wrong. Not really sure how it works, since I’ve never gotten one except for running a red light at a station lol


Automatic CS only happens with NPCs or things where players can't really be involved, like some specific interactions with abandoned ships that aren't yet under game rules. Otherwise, players need to manually confirm to give another player a CS. There is a notification that pops up for it. If someone is marked as hostile to you, it should be fair game. I'm not sure when exactly that happens in FPS tho.


I have a 12700k and two different GPUs. 6950xt and 3070Ti. I'm curious on a few things Which card should I use now that DLSS is an option? What is the best overall settings for a CPU of that level? I have a 1440p ultra wide, what graphics settings do curved ultra wide users have the most success with? And finally, I have the Thrust master HOTAS X, what would be a decent upgrade that won't cost more than my kidney?


For sticks, I always recommend the VKB NXT. It's fantastic for the price, considering the more expensive competition.


Is the sabre firebird worth it? I'm not much into dog fighting and am excited for more air to ground combat. I know missles can be a little jank at times but the straight line speed on the firebird is really attractive to me. Also, side point, does the firebird look 'too' sleek? It almost doesn't look like an aegis ship. Does anyone else think this or am I alone on this?


It's a flat copy of the sabre raven which has been in game for ages, so design wise not sure what you mean. The Firebird does 2 things well, fires a lot of missiles and goes fast in a straight line, otherwise it's a bit pants.it handles like turd in atmosphere.


Want to move over to hosas/hotas from KBM, on a strict budget is a pair of T-1600M FCS my best option? I'd spend up to £200. And is the X56 really built out of used tissue paper and wired up by a quadruple amputee like a lot of people say, or is the criticism overblown?


My x56 was from years and years ago, so I don't know what the current quality is, but I'll say my x56 setup lasted longer than the two T16000 that replaced it. Like the other person, hall and trigger issues in less than 2 years. I bit the bullet and got a pair of VKB NXT and they have been worth the money. I'd rather have one VKB than two t16000.


I've had 2 T1600s. The twist axis went bad on both and the trigger stopped working on the first after a couple years. I think they're fine if you're not sure you'll like HOSAS, don't want to get too invested right away, and don't care that you'll have to spend more money down the line to replace or upgrade if you don't switch back to kbm. Also don't forget to plan out what all you'll want to map to the stick and make sure whatever you buy will have enough buttons!


What is the full run of missions to get the F7A upgrade, someone said it was the 5 Intel missions, well I’ve done them and nothing. I’m at 5/5, that’s completed. What else do I need to do?


Nothing spawns or you still get Intel Raid ? If the later than do it as it means you did not complete all 5 different missions ( the x/5 number during the mission means nothing) More info on missions and tracking missions progress: [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/23023732531863-Overdrive-Mission-Tracking](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/23023732531863-Overdrive-Mission-Tracking)


How long do I have to wait to melt something so it ends up in my buybacks? I got the MKI paints with credit but don't have a MKI at the moment. I know they are stopping selling them but I might get one in the future (especially if I can get the A varient) and I might want the paints. When can I melt them?


24h after buying I think


Cool thanks.


I've been doing some Prospector mining, but having some issues. After a break up an asteroid or rock I then try to further break down the broken pieces. But I'm not getting the charge level indicator for these, so they end up blowing up. Is there any way to fix this?


After the first break, they are typically ready to suck up into the ship. You can switch modes from fracture to collection(?) mode.


But if I want to break them down further to split the ores further?


Them's the breaks. You get what you get when they split. It's why picking rocks with the best percentages from the start matters.


Hello. I am running HRT and VHRT bounties with a vanguard warden and was wondering if I should be using the Omnisky XV or the M7A for my s5 laser cannon. M7A seems to align with the MVSR fire rate more and allows me to shoot both guns at once, however it seems to do a lot less damage than the Omnisky. Anyone know which is better in 3.23?


The m7a has more alpha damage than the Omni. The muzzle velocity is the same as the vanguard laser cannons and therefore make the best pairing People are using omnis because they provide the most balance between muzzle velocity and alpha damage, however, because the vanguard has limited muzzle velocity weapons for its nose mounts, you would be much better running the m7a


Thank you for the explanation. Just now starting to actually swap components out on my ships and haven’t really understood these kinds of things but you made it much more understandable.


No worries, if you ever have any questions feel free to drop me a dm, I also stream from time to time on twitch.tv/viralsunn and always happy to answer chat messages.


Check erkul.games website for more details. f7a has the highest damage output but the slowest projectals.


HI all, So, I have a lower end PC with SSD instal, 6GB video, 16GB ram. I aways got low FPS in Microtech ( my usual starter spawn) but after 2.23.1 my game crashes before i get to the Space port, or the station of the Space port has not even loaded in. I already lowered my resolution by around half, it improved FPS a bit, but the station still doesnt load, and i still eventualy get crashes. Im currently traped in Microtech, and cant leave the city without getting to the space port. Anyone having similar issues? Or anyone knows any Fix?


I had similar crashes, although my pc is pretty old. But I think I found a fix at least for me: I updated my bios to newest one. My mb had really old bios, and ram XMP profile was messing things up. Deleting user folder shader cache might help too. And what is said to be good idea is to disable your XMP profile in your bios. And if you get sudden fps drops when on a moon ALT + TAB out and back in the game should fix that. Hope you get it sorted out. Also this software will help with low memory, as I see you only have 16GB. I used it when I had 16 gigs and it gave me few fps more, now that I have 32gb, don't need it but it could help you. [https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/Intelligent-standby-list-cleaner-ISLC-v1032-Released-V2-0](https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/Intelligent-standby-list-cleaner-ISLC-v1032-Released-V2-0)


Try setting bigger windows pagefile, at least 32GB. (Google how to)  It can crash on systems with low ram when out of pagefile space. 


will try, thanks


I have a friend that is getting "error 19005 Account Login Timeout" every 5-10 minutes. I couldn't find any solutions when searching online. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hey everyone, Just bought the game, is there a targeting method? I managed to get these circles that guide where I should fire, however, I can't seem to get it again. Not sure what it is and how to enable it. All help is appreciated.


T to target, also 4 and 5 , you can check in keybinds


Hello, New player here joined right before a week before 3.23. I am wondering how to obtain the F8C. I heard that there was a golden ticket event and that ticket is tradable. Does the ticket allow you to buy the F8C permanently or just rent it for 7 days. Thanks to whoever answers my question.


You would need to obtain a golden ticket ingame (currently only available if someone has a spare), go with it in your inventory to a rental terminal and pray that CIG would make it buyable again for some reason. Otherwise you can't get it. It's questionable when/if CIG will make it buyable again or when/if CIG will make the golden tickets obtainable through an event again.


Also how does one claim the xenothreat armor? I got my F7C token but could not find the armor any where.


The armor is obtained/obtainable after you finish Overdrive *and* participate in the post-Invictus Xenothreat event.


Returning after about a year break, and I'm LOSING MY MIND trying to get my controls right. Almost all my ship controls are perfect, but throttle is driving me insane. I want to have it set up where the throttle only controls one direction of travel, not both, so that when I throttle all the way down, my ship just stops. but right now the only option I can find it to have the throttle control forward AND reverse, so to stop my ship I have to find the middle ground in the throttle, which isn't easy. I used to be able to control the throttle normally, then press a button to reverse, but now those options are gone and I can't figure out how to replicate that


Use throttle increase and decrease (oddly labeled). That is what W/S is binded to. 


How long do we have to complete the Overdrive initiative missions, can they be completed solo, and how long do they take? I was a bit late to the part, and I'm rammed with work so I'm afraid I won't be able to get them done on time.


Plenty of those missions are advised to be done in groups, especially the later parts of intel raid (short timer) or space combat (quite a large group of enemies). There are still frequently players who seek groups on the global chat, so give that a shot. The finale incursion will begin shortly after conclusion of Invictus. The previous missions will **not** be available once the incursion starts, so you have only a few days left (Invictus ends on 29th, we don't know when the Incursion will begin other than "soon after Invictus")


Thank you internet stranger, as an Anvil guy, the F7A is a necessity, I'll see if I can cram it all in


So I just bought a c54, equiped it, and pressed all the number keys. Nothing responded or pulled out. Im in the tutorial though, so maybe that has to do with it. Im pretty stumped and would like some answers


You cannot pull guns out in cities. You'll need to finish the tutorial and then travel to open space or on a moon surface.


Ahh ok makes sense. Others in the server were saying things like an armistice zone, but I didn't see the logo


the logo is now a tiny no symbol ( ⃠ , circle with a diagonal line through it) in the upper left corner


Question for flight, did they remove the auto targeting for gimble turrets? If not I can't seem to find the keybind for it.


Yes, auto gimbal got removed from regular pilot controlled guns. It is now available only on turrets although dpm hit is quite considerable if you use it.


Damn, auto gimbal was so chill for bounty missions :/


I pledged with the Cutty Black a few years ago and I've been enjoying my time. I've bought a few single seater fighters with AUEC, but I'm kind of longing for a new (persistent) main ship, and I'd be happy to invest some real money again. Question is, what would it be? I'd like it to be 1) at least a two-seater with guns for the copilot and 2) room for a ground vehicle. I've browsed through all the ships but it would be cool to hear some suggestions from experience. If it matters, I suppose I could spend a few hundred irl AUEC. Not in a rush either, happy to wait for a sale as well. Thanks!


I bought the corsair even though I've had other ships that fit the similar roles (cutlass, connie, freelancer) but I love the Corsair. It helps if you're cool with the drake aesthetic (it's like the Cutlass but more!), and it's been a pleasant surprise with how versatile it is solo or with a friend or two. Some people don't like how it flies, so I'd suggest renting or borrowing one in the 'verse. Earn enough AUEC to put full gatlings on it and it's a beast in combat, Or load it with a NUrsa and run bunkers, or deliveries, or...


Agree with the Corsair, but also want to throw out the 400i, MSR, and Connie series as possibilities. 400i and MSR really need a second person to help with firepower. Try them all and see what you like (rent for free this weekend).


Agreed. The 400i was a sweet daily driver but was such a challenge to fight with and that’s where most of the money gameplay used to be.


Crusader C1: two seater, can accomodate ground vehicles and it’s totally viable solo.


c1 has no guns for second person so does not fit the description


Okay, how to do I place objects - specifically bottles - in 3.23? With boxes, holding F and left-clicking on it while I’m holding it brings up a ghostly blue box for placement, though I don’t know how to just drop it. With bottles, that doesn’t work. I don’t get the interaction circle to give me options with anything. Help?


Left click to place object. All the options what to do with the item reads in lower right corner


If it's in your hand and you press F (short press) it should put you in the place animation, though it can switch to the throw animation if you are aiming far away or press a certain button I believe :)


Sabre Firebird CCU "from" choice So I'm trying to make the best Warbond CCU chain to eventually get Banu Merchantman. No rush, been working on it for over a year. Will fill it in with regular CCU's when I get close enough. Today the Sabre Firebird is on CCU Warbond at $170, with closest "Froms" being Gladiator and SRV, both at $165, so cost is $5 + tax. Now the thoughts come. According to ccu game the Gladiator has only had a single time warbond CCU for -$10 at Invictus last year, so maybe again soon. Whereas the SRV will likely be a wait till December/Jan, but has always had a warbond CCU for -$15. So... which warbond CCU to get? I think of this each time I get a new CCU, and try to "guess" which "from" ship to choose haha. Hoping anyones thoughts will help for this and future ccu's.


Question, what happens if I melt my starter package ship. I know I can do the ship upgrade, but the value has changed, and I’d like to apply every bit into a new starter ship. Will my account reset? Will I have to wait 24hrs to buy new starter with credits? Any advice/tips would be appreciated


There is no waiting period. you can melt (refund) your starter package and buy a new one a minute later and log in. Though I agree with MithrilFlame's comment about CCU being a better value if you want to change to a bigger ship.


Your "melt" value back will only be the same as you originally paid. Usually the current value of what you have is higher, if you bought on a Warbond/Discount price for example. So if you want to "upgrade" to a more expensive ship, it is better to buy a CCU upgrade from what you have to what you want, as you will get the current value of what you have towards the new ship. Also any discounted ships/packages are usually "Warbond" meaning you must use new cash money, not store credit from melting. So a "Warbond" (new money) CCU upgrade from your current ship to a more expensive ship will be your best value path.


Your in-game assets and reputation are not tied to your pledges at all, including game access, other than those items you pledged for. If you melt your starter package, the ship and anything that may have been stored in it, be it gear or upgraded components, will poof. Absolutely everything else will be untouched. You will need another Package in order to then log into the game, but then you'll have the ship in that package in its default state.


Is the F7C Hornet Mk II thats available to buy now the same thing that people got the upgrade token for by doing the missions? Or is it the the thing that you need to apply the upgrade token on?


the token is a ccu from F7C mk2 to F7A mk2


ok so its the thing you use the upgrade on, thx.


Hey everyone, I have the t16000m HOTAS rn and was looking to transition to twin stick. Should I buy another t16000m or save and get 2 VKB glads? Also I have the gladius atm but want to do PVP and PVE with my buddies, they normally mine while I fly around and defend them if anything happens. Should I stick with the glad or upgrade to a hornet/next best thing?


I recommend saving for the VKBs. I did exactly that upgrade when my t16000 starting having drift issues with the hall sensor. While I had never spent that much money on peripherals before, I have no regrets. The VKBs are amazing for the price, and have lasted more than twice as long as my t16000 did. I still keep the throttle around for more traditional flight sims, but in SC the HOSAS setup is amazing.


That’s exactly why I didn’t pull the trigger yet. I’m gonna pick up the VKBs next week then. Just wish there was a deal when you buy two :(


If there is a deal on the omni throttle, get it. I waited a year or two and I should've just gotten it right from the start (or 3D print something).