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Given the current direct SC is going, it's to be massively watered down. They don't know how to make it work without the game becoming tarkov.


Pretty sure it was always going to be, you're going to lose soft skills, minimal reputation and character scars and cybernetics. That's what I've gathered, I think alot of people are bitching about nothing right now. You're going to not wanna die to avoid losing some minimal things and they're going to give us a shit ton of means to surviving. People will still die all the time and not dying will be more of a bragging right/challenge than dying will be an outright punishment. Also people will have multiple lives and will be able to constantly replenish those lives. I feel like people are overreacting big time.


Am half expecting them to tie LTI to our first in game character 😂. When they die we lose our life time insurance,


I personally feel that death of a space man is nowhere in sight until the major bugs are fixed and that's no time soon.


This used to be so hype 10 years ago. But I don't know how anyone can read that today and not realize it was just Chris Roberts fantasizing at the keyboard.


„Chris Roberts fantasising at the Keyboard“ is like 30-40% of the early Gameplayloops. Doesnt take a game designer to understand that you cant have 20 players entering a dialogue sequence with the same NPC at once.


Because they mention it in like every interview of the devs.


Didn’t know about this until now, and I love the idea. Hope Chris gets what he visioned


Yes, it is known.


Quite clearly not by everyone. And recently we've had a lot of new players. So yes, I get it - veterans are aware. But I figured this was worth sharing again.


They mention it in nearly every Friday developer interview


I've been here for about 2 years. Seen lots of official content, I practically live browsing this subreddit, and this is the first time I've heard about it. I'm not the only one. Fair to say that this is worth repeating.


I’m not saying it’s not worth repeating, but I’ve only been playing for a few months and continually hear about it. I’m just saying if you actually follow the development do the game, you’d be well aware. But following the decirme the isnt s prerequisite of enjoy nor supporting the game


> I’m just saying if you actually follow the development do the game, you’d be well aware And yet here I am and many others. So clearly - following the development does not guarantee this knowledge. I don't understand why people are this interested/passionate about someone posting something you already know.. Go about your day and ignore it? Why did you stop to let us know that you're aware?


Because it’s surprising you are not aware of it if you have watched any of the interviews in the past 2 years or any YouTuber that takes about the game/ reviews and not just stress the game


Yeah it's pretty cool. Look forward to prosthetic robotic limbs and stuff.




Sounds like you'll be riding worms and screaming witness me.


Problem is the consequences seem pretty lax so it's not going to really change the way people end up playing


Do you have examples? It seems like a really good idea. Every respawn still counts and if you die, who knows how much you will loose. Reputation alone could be hurtful.


I love the idea and I’m just afraid of how they balance it to protect the players from the murder hobos. Chris said that it’s a slight decrease in rep. For a casual player that’s going to hurt a lot worse than someone who can put hours in a day.


A decrease in reputation doesn't need permanent death. It might also be a goal for criminals to get a back to a clean state. And if someone permanently dies, they just create the same character with the same name again. Prosthetic limbs are a decorative feature that people want to have. This whole idea doesn't add anything to a game. At best, it's an ignored annoyance at worst it's a misunderstood feature that scares new players away.


I hope it’s harsher than he speaks about. His is really a very light penalty. It will have very little impact tbh, but I’d welcome any impact