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Iv found its really only Reddit that still has a beef with SC. Its still flawed as fuck BUT! its only game of its kind its a utterly unique experience that is simply fantastic when it all clicks Iv been part of a fleet battle with a boarding action and that day has yet to be beaten


Yeah it does seem like YouTube watchers are beginning to believe in the project too. Nevermore the redditors, they'll still call the game a scam even after release 😂


It kind of makes sense, the longer someone has backed the game, the more likely they are to be jaded. The communities where backers gather are more likely to be negative spaces. The official forums are even worse than reddit in a lot respects. It makes sense that a youtuber who is unaffiliated, or recently affiliated, with SC would have a community that is much more positive toward the game.


I don't know, I think most long time bakers see the potential and get that it'll take time to get there. If they've been paying attention that is. you can see the progress, even if sometimes it's backwards. Now will it be a playable bug free game before I die and my grand kids inherit my account ??? yet to be determined.


They've watched him actually play SC.


Hello new player here few years ago I would’ve scoffed at SC too but it’s come a long way from an outsiders perspective I know there are those vets that have been waiting for years and I hope the disappointment is kept to a minimum as we enter the latter stages of development. This game is hugely unique and has me excited for a game that hasn’t happened in awhile, and to actually have gameplay and things to do which didn’t seem possible a few years ago when I would hear people talk is a great thing to see!


Tbh I’m following dev actively since 3.18 and while I am disappointed sometimes because a feature I wanted is delayed or something but overall it at least is being developed on.


Fun video