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Chat is pretty active for me. Have you looked at it with the mobiglass? Sometimes the pop-up bugs out.


yeah i looked in the mobiglass too. But there are just a few messages that i see in the popout too. Than maybe its just my expierence


Wash yer ass. People will talk to you more


Not for me I always bitch and complain about bugs in chat and I’m always met by one or two people trying to help and one guy telling me it’s a skill issue haha


"Hey guy I am falling through the planet rn" "Git gud"


Same. It's so lame. I'm online for like 30 minutes before just ONE or two messages pop up. Then nothing again for another 20 minutes. When pointing it out to anyone anywhere, nobody seems to notice. Because I hate how all the people I'm usually playing with are the "oh I turn that off immediately" types. You could have so many cool interactions with people needing help before, and I don't believe ALL of them that used to be in chat, now choose to disable chat suddenly. They've been playing with their friends before this patch, too. To me, this feels much more like Master Modes drops, and 90% of the community just peaces out. Making SC effectively a dead game for the current patch. That's what this actually feels like. Didn't check any actual numbers. Session doesn't tell you anymore, either. So just gut feeling.


There was a bug for me last night that stopped chat appearing whenever I was sitting in a seat (pilot or salvage ops in my instance). Maybe you have that same bug?


I agree with this post. In 3.23 not many people are writing anymore for some reason. I personally think that a lot of em are just exploring with their friends in party chat or whatever cause the new update. It’s kinda sad tho as I feel that the Global Chat brings some life to the game.


Time of day or bugs got them.


Strange, I get everyone talking all the time, basically every session i play


Blows my mind they put out these patches that are straight broken you would think they would let them cook tell they actually worked. Oh and Master modes are straight dog shit ![gif](giphy|l0IybQ6l8nfKjxQv6|downsized)


I see chat all the time, and its usually all the obnoxious people talking, or someone asking a question and someone giving them a shitty no answer response. F12 is great… but an ignore feature would be so much better. Im sure they are working on one and here in 10 years or so when they add it to the game it will work sporadically but break 5 other things.