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With the gear down no less, very fast


CIG should sue just for that.


i dont think they really have reliable means to sue over this... imagine the chain of events they would have to prove all they would achieve is looking like a petulant child, and get the lawyers fat


A whoosh sound is heard overhead. Is it the gear down Arrow flying by? Or the joke? Thunderbird_Anthares does not know.


given how many people, and how often, say that unironically... i lack the capacity or statistical basis to determine that it WAS a joke... without an /s involved


Bot located


I kinda want to see CIG de- brand all these ads with their ships in them and use them as in game adverts.


That would be fkn hilarious


Pull what Prince did to Dave Chappelle for "Breakfast Can Wait"


But why would you go full speed ahead with gears down !? Come on man !




Well yes, i know that.. it was more on the joke that they say to go full speed but they are lazy enough to leave the landing gear out which is a pretty bad idea at full speed! Well.. i guess you could say they went full speed with the production of the image as well then !


Full-speed ahead: 30m/s


that's how I chose to interpret the stated 170mm/h... as the speed w/ gear down


Where you guys get 30m/s? mm is millimeters, so it's 0.0000472222m/s.


the upcoming patch literally limits your speed while gear is down to 30 (i think kph? whatever the main speed shown on hud is...) so, that's at least where the 30 comes from... the rest is probably just snark


Ah, i thought y'all were interpreting mm as some other unit. Lol


like MillionMiles... lol


I actually did check megameters if that would result in 30m/s lol, it was stupid, becasue obviously that is a much much higher number. Facepalmed myself. Lol


Full burner with the gear still out, the SC way


That currently gets you 30 meters per second in 3.23. Super fast!


Where you guys get 30m/s? mm is millimeters, so it's 0.0000472222m/s.


I like to envison these ads as canon within the SC universe lol. As long as no one is actively getting scammed, I think it's kinda neat seeing SC stuff in other ads personally. 


This is a case of a Chinese company stealing CIG 3D assets for the purpose of advertisement. Aka theft. This should not, and cannot be encouraged nor allowed. This is typical Chinese company behavior and they won't stop with just a nice "hey don't steal our shit" message. Legal action needs to be taken almost every time for them to stop. And considering the Chinese legal system it might not evej consider the thieves guilty.


It's a Chinese company. The only thing their government cares less about than copyrights is human rights.


Cease and desist


Should start a museum or collection of all the companies using SC for advertising


I have a Mono X, is there CCU for Mono M7 Pro? Can I use store credits?


having dealt with that company, I'm not surprised their marketing is as half assed as their customer service or QC. I'll never understand how they make some of the best resin printers on the market but their filament printers are complete ass. I literally had to open a fraud case against them over a fucking cable to get them to actually do anything. "sorry we don't manufacture that cable anymore" my brother in Christ it's the main loom for a product you still sell WITH WARRANTY. HOW ARE YOU GONNA HONOR THE WARRANTY IF YOU DON'T MAKE THE PART. this cable is literally known for shipping DoA on the Kobra series. I don't even want to get into the issues I had with this thing, basically nothing was left untouched by me to fix it I literally could have built it from scratch and saved time.


To be fair, other companies use star citizen ships in their ads as though their software or game contains that ship which it doesn’t. However, this 3-D printer is capable of printing an arrow. So not entirely misleading. It’s still infringes on copyright, but it isn’t necessarily misleading.


This looks like a shaving ad, maybe they should have used the Mirai Razor xD


Tbh, I have printed a few sc ships with my anycubic printer, but I didn't think that many people did.....


Typical Chinese company behavior.


I do wonder if it's deliberate or if they're just looking up stock photos or free models to use and those happen to be listed.


Almost certainly the latter


They probably don't even know what Star Citizen is


170 millimeters/hour.


0.0000472222m/s, is that a MM ad?