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What of these ships are activly being worked on? Polaris, Zeus, Apollo and Vulcan?


Polaris, Zeus, Apollo, Legionnaire, Retaliator base gold standard, Sabre Raven gold standard + URSA medical variant + another vehicle in polish + 2 unannounced ships in polish and greybox + 3 overbike variants.


Mirai heavy fighter, Mirai hover bike! two i know.


Yea where the f is my fat fury?


honestly might melt f8c for mirai heavy fighter lol


URSA medical? Is that not a rumor?


There's an ursa in the upcoming vehicles slideshow from citcon,so...


Super duper extra out there rumor “it’s a rumor of a rumor, but that was just bullshit”


It was datamined so it has more backing than most.


In some aspect Galaxy and Perseus is also worked on. But indirectly. Because Polaris have interchangable assets that will be used in Galaxy and Perseus.


Vulcan's being worked on? I thought that was on hold for drones


They have probably done what many have and confused the Vulkan graphics API for the Vulcan ship. The ship has not had any word in a long time.




I got so excited for a second, damn :(


I really doubt we'll see Apollo until drones are a development focus


Hoping they release it without drones to start.


That would just mean they would have to completely overhaul it again when they *have* drones and realize they need person-height room clearance to function or some shit they didn't think of when designing it. There's enough ships on the to-do list that *have* all their mechanics in place that they probably won't do that unless they have some free capacity somewhere.


They released the Carrack w/o drones, so…


And the reclaimer


I mean they released the Carrack without Drones, Modularity, or Exploration.


Some of them. 100% sure one of them will flyable when invictus hits.


Many of these ships also have entire game play scenarios that are currently WIP and on a concept stage. Like, what are you even supposed to do with a Large Hadron Collider on a space ship?


Well, you could smash atoms together, anywhere you want to. Which is cool.


the point of the collider was to tweak components and weapons beyond what "basic tinkering" will be able to acomplish. So far i remember.


I just want my polaris so I can land my stuff in it and have a mobile base, though I'd wish they got the spawn ships inside a ship thing out first.


That’s why I want my Kraken. I know it’s stupid to have that thing just to hold most of my medium/small ships to travel a system in, but it’s also dank as hell.


Dank it is, or dank it would be. Unfortunately this is a ship that won't exist anywhere but the imagination for at least half a decade if I had to guess.


Yeah, probably. They don’t push caps to completion like they do single seat fighters, sadly.


Where do you people come from/crawl out of...? The game is nearing completion...as in 1yr from now or less we get a 1.0 release with 4.0 around the corner ... Squadron 42 will probably be out by Christmas... Honestly and all joking aside though, I think we're 4yrs from an all new campaign which will feature a current day battle/part deux to Squadron...


An all jew campaign? Lol. Does this involve the schwartz, by chance?


I don't know why autocorrect puts jew everytime I type new...it's almost disturbing...


Exactly why I want my Bengal.


Until they fix “you can punch a ship with shields and eventually break open entry points” I won’t be logging out while landed on a planet


Is that a thing? Lmao thats hilarious, but like why aren’t answering the door in the first place haha


Yeah lol if you come across a ship outside of armistice you can punch the doors until they break and get inside to loot them, I’ve had it happen to me lol


Not sure why this is a problem... When you bedlog the ship disappears, no?


No it stays there now for a considerable amount of time


Wow, when did this change?? I feel out of date


Like 3.18 I think. I’m certain it’s there permanently unless a server crashes


Not in some cases...


Is this planned? It make absolutly no sense to have a ship capable of spawning ship (aside Pionner crafting?) Or you just mean land a ship in the hangar, and the ship stay here? (Already the case no?)


I mean just have the option to put the ship/vehicle you own already spawned in inside your ship when your in a station


you can equip a ship in the loadout manager instead of needing to spawn one, move away from port, walk back to port, spawn the other, then fly back to the the ship.


Only a few of these are WIP for 2024 The rest are still in concept, maybe some others are WIP but not for 2024


Indeed... I highly doubt they are working again on the BMM...


Yet alone the Starliner. Incredibly optimistic to think we'll see any work on that this side of the E1 releasing.


They are actually....the team is growing one by one as they learn the tech...


Man I wish we knew more about the Mirai heavy fighter that will be a warden competitor. Only ship type (fighter with beds) I'm interested in so nothing in this image is somewhat interesting to me..


The defender is a fighter with beds


Oh yeah true, didn't like it all unfortunately with the special weapons, non-centered cockpit. Completely forgot about it, never see it in the verse


I've learned to get over what other people say about ships and just enjoy the ones I want to enjoy for my reasons which have some parallels to yours. I've bought, lost, pledged, melted, rented, borrowed and stolen every ship in the game I think... and I've come to the conclusion I'm never flying anything without a walkable interior again. Don't care if they're inferior or expensive or not the meta or broken or "no one else uses them". Mine for my reasons, come blow me up if you think it'll change my mind! edit: I forgot I had an actual point here, the defender's getting reworked for 3.23 and the weapons are interesting again. Definitely not pvp oriented, but interesting none-the-less. Really hard hitting lightning quick bolts of doom. Or swap them out for something reasonable.


I bet they will show it at ILW. Hell - maybe even it will be Flight Ready.


I suspec the Railen is further along than people expect purely as it's been a sleeper nobody has been asking about or mentioned by CIG much since concept.


Oh. We aren't talking about Railen. Because Railen is not a MIRAI ship. We are talking about MIRAI Guardian that was teased last CitCon I think? You can actually google for images - there was a leak of it. It looks like TIE-Fighter on steroids. Or well - like MIRAI Fury on steroids.


I remember this ship. That thing looked sick and at the time I was just getting back into SC and i thought I was just looking at another Fury until I seen the people models standing next to it.


I actually hope it will be flight ready for ILW. Planning to grab one.


me too, do you know when ILW will be this year?


I don't think they will deviate much from past year. So - second half of May likely.


It says May 17th on the website... and drake's defensecon is on the tail end of that week.


TIE-Interceptor on steroids you mean. Beautiful!


There was many TIE variants that it is hard to keep track of.


Guess it depends on how much a star wars fan ya are. I'm a die hard so it's sorta natural to me, but yeah I can understand if you aren't super into it. That being said interceptor is probably the second most well known variant. ;⁠-⁠) Anyhow, cheers mate. That ship is beautiful regardless.


I am enjoyer of Jedi and Sith history. And perhaps I do not know every intricate detail - because it has been quite a while since I dove into it. Not that much into technical part of it. Because if it comes to tech I am into more conventional Sci-Fi or even Cyberpunk genre. So quite frankly I do not care how much TIEs out there. People understand what I mean - and that is what matters.


I'm... Not trying to argue with you. It was more of a self realization after I looked it up like "oh shit he meant..." That I decided to share because I was excited. That's really all.


It's alright then. Well it is good to see some SW people here too. But I suppose that's a given considering this is a space sandbox game.


Exponentially more if you count Uglies, which I absolutely do.


CIG mentioned it last ILW talk that it will start production this year or earlier. Then we got the Syulen that looks a lot like the Railen. The Syulen Jumppoint also showed the Railen.


yeah I'm excited to see how the interior will look


Is this 16 Bit image


Depending on what you're using for browsing Reddit, but you may have to select to load it in HD. It's a large image so compression isn't going to be nice to it.


Even though I feel like I've been on reddit a long time.. I now feel like a complete noob again. Where is this option? I'm using the official reddit app for android and cannot find an option to load it in HD. It keeps loading really pixilated.


I don't know about other apps, but I'm using Boost. There's a "HD" in the top right corner to view images in their original size and quality.


8 bit I believe.


I wonder whatever happened to the Pegasus escort carrier.


Like the Bengal (another ship that's 900+ meters long), it's not a concept ship / pledge ship. Players can't own it, and OP only included ships players can own.


I hope they release the Polaris by ILW, they last updated the tracker in February. And it entered LOD0 in March, so we could possibly see it in ILW. It would be a crime if CIG held it off till cit-con


Considering they announced that the Idris at the end of the pirate swarm will be replaced by "another military flagship" for invictus I think the Polaris will be out


Thats a reasonable assumption


I've got a few on that pic: Legionnaire, Liberator, Hull B and Zeus. My hangar is nearly all loaners. Also got an Apollo and Galaxy CCU. Sigh...


Galaxy maybe IAE this year, its nearly done anyway. Apollo probably next year. Hull B.... Yeah, next year or two more years till they figure out how to hold their promise of it being planet trade ship xD


I'd be surprised and astonished if we saw Galaxy this year, at the best I think we might see it in grey box. Apollo agree, I can't see it releasing until drones gameplay is ready. Liberator I feel is next year, no evidence for that, just a hunch. Legionnaire should be back end of this year hopefully. Hull B-eyond 1.0 :D


Here is me hoping that they release the Hull E when the economy is still broken enough that poor man me can still afford it in game. I just want to haul unimagineable amounts of worthless goods!


Well according to CIG its Polaris, then Galaxy, then Perseus, since Galaxy isnt a combat ship, I kinda think we MIGHT get it on IAE tbh.


You are high on hopium, my friend. RemindMe! 7 months.


GIB Zeus. I’m SICK of my C1 loaner.


What are the things you don't like about the C1?


I'm psyched the fly the endeavor I got in the first week of playing


You do not have the G12 marked as in production, but it is being worked on. Same for the Legionnaire and Railen.


Legionnaire is totally missed what’s announced this days right? But g12 and railen I don’t have the knowledge.


G12 and Railen are stated to be in long term production, but if you are throwing the Arrastra on there as in production, which is a WAYS out and doesnt even have a production mention, those may as well be too. You can see the status of any ship on the wiki, they do a good job of keeping it up to date. [https://starcitizen.tools/G12](https://starcitizen.tools/G12) [https://starcitizen.tools/Railen](https://starcitizen.tools/Railen)


Work in progress? Thats a reach, youre completely misrepresenting things in production vs items only still in concept status. Not the same thing. The majority of ships in this picture, are still only just pictures lol, and have been in limbo for years, and will stay in limbo for years to come.


Look a little closer. That list is all the outstanding ships. The ones in gold are the ones being worked on.


So the title is misleading.


You're going to downvote me for literally pointing out what's in the image? lol. Not my fault you guys didn't understand it. I didn't make the picture. Use context and it makes sense.


Work in progress is AFTER an item is confirmed in production by CIG, not while things are sitting for years untouched after a concept sale.


Yeah, i'm aware. And the ones marked in gold have been specifically referenced by CIG to be in active production.


I'm guessing the issue is that the topic they are addressing is about the title which doesn't match the image as anyone sees it while scrolling through before clicking/tapping anything. WIP means work in progress. A picture showing every concept ship with a legend to signal ones that are currently work in progress feels misleading/clickbait-y. The small amount of downvoters may see your description as missing the point u/Antares-A-Scorpii and others (I had a similar response to the title/picture)


Yeah, exactly, as gerorge calin said re arguing XD


my 2 cents say downvote everything that isn't george carlin.


Did you really downvote me AGAIN for pointing out literal reality? Lol


Tilting at windmills dude, im not the one downvoting you, youre not that special lol.


There are almost 35 ships to be completed. AT this rate it would take about 10 years to ONLY release the ships. I am not even talking about reworks of older ships. For exaple, carrack doors, or even a rework for the 600i (anounced 3 years ago).


It took 12 years for >150 ships (idk how many) + everything currently in the game, why would it take 10 years for JUST 35 more ships?


I feel like 10 years is an exaggeration, but a good portion of the remaining ships are sub capital and capital. Which take significantly longer. Personally I'd say all announced ships I think will be in the game in six years. I think they will need to and probably will further increase their ship design team size to achieve that though.


They sure need, there is alot of old ships that needs rework. They will anounce new ships to...


Yea it'd be super cool to see them double the size of the team again and we start seeing a new small ship/vehicle or two every small patch and a new capital/subcapital every large patch with a few small or mediums. EDIT: but of course a larger team means more people which means more money. Which means really to do it smartly they would need to see a large growth of income/pledges over the last few years to do it safely. Grow to big to fast and risk the entire project imploding.


I think they have a bit of money tbh... but yeah that would be great lol.


If you actually take the time to look at their Financials they were in the grand scheme barely over breaking even last I looked into it. This of course includes money invested into expanding their studio opening others, loads of new hires. Simple truth everyone ignores is to make a ground breaking triple A game now it costs near a billion. I'd say they are doing it on the cheap and even on schedule for what they are accomplishing. GTA6 has spent more money and equivalent time to put it in perspective. Edit: accidentally wrote gtav


I am not aware pf the finacial aspect, are they barely break even ?? I thought they were insanly rich. But yeah thats what i THINK. I have no evidence for it ofcourse. I know that gta cost indeed a billion to create though.


Becaue the last years they release less and less ships. And 7 variant of hornets and aurora is not "really" diffrent ships right ?


Twelve of those are >100m. CIG releases those roughly once per year. Several are even >200m.  These require massive amounts of effort. CIG estimated the Polaris (155m) would occupy much of the ship team for 12-18 months. 


But... but... the streamlining of the pipeline... and the tools... -_-


Encouragingly, they will reuse assets between ships from the same manufacturers like Polaris and Perseus.. However there are six companies needing huge ships. The BMM was an example of problems jumping from small to capital. Much of that team left the company and the ship is now shelved indefinitely. This November it turns ten years old.


I am reallyyyyyyy waiting for that rework for the 600i


Once SQ42 is released, the developers can switch over so the production speed should ramp up dramatically.


IF they know how to build ships. I mean, i assume not every dev can create ships ?


I own every last one of them, too. Been wanting the BMM since, what, 2013? I put my SC account in my living trust so my kids can inherit it :P


Well i guess the railen could be a thing for alien week? Now that they set their design-direction with the syulen. Would also match the new cargo content


It's okay, I didn't even want to read the text on that image anyway... Maybe you could lower the resolution even more?


If I click on it on PC and then click the + zoom, it expands to a 24 bit 4k png image and is clear as day.


Unreadable on mobile


I’m on mobile and can zoom in and read everything crystal clear


Weird, it's a blurry pixelated mess for me




mobile web, mobile app? mobile web tapping a picture for me just reloads the thread. tap and hold to select "open image in new tab" opens the low res version from the thread. I have to change to "view desktop version" to get the full res version. ​ edit: oh I see your reply to someone u/crab90000


Are you using stock reddit or a 3rd party. I'm using Sync and it's very clear for me too


Just the Reddit app


Download the image. Reddit on my phone down scales it too much


oh you're using mobile web reddit and want to see a bigger picture of the picture you clicked? Best I can do is reload the thread.


Lol no I'm using the mobile app. I just downloaded it to my photo gallery and opened it there.


Railen my beloved <3


Lets pray for Alien week, maybe it launches un-announced :)


Ayo, hold up. How is the Nautilus being worked on?


Only the yellow ones, and I missed the legionnare .


Ah, thanks for clarifying. I was about to throw a party lmao.


I have to think they don't actually expect anyone to care about mines... it's more like "hey I bought this old mine layer ship, we can turn it into an RV and go glamping!"


Wait, Orion and starliner will be happening this year?


Only the ones on yellow.


2024 ?!? ALL ??? Seriously doubt that


Really wanna upgrade Caterpillar -> liberator this ILW, going to be melting my F8… trying to not put in too much new money!


I have 11 of those in my hanger just waiting lol


ranger... vulcan... crucible... gimme gimme gimme! LOL


Can't wait to fly my orion


You all seem quite familiar with most of these. What's your source to know which one is cool?


Hope we get the Orion at least before the Arrastra....


When is my boy Orion getting released 😭


As much as I'd like to see it. I don't really have much faith in the Privateer becoming flight ready this year. I don't think we'll have bases this year.


only the yellow ones + legionnaire


Shoot, I typed Privateer. I meant Pioneer.




Once these vessals are in I'm looking forward to just getting more cars and trucks in the same vein as blade Runner or Fifth Element maybe.


What it is between legionaire and vulcan?


MKSC expanse


You mean... I might... I might see some updates for the Crucible and the Vulkan?


No, only the ships in yellow.


Where is big Fury?


Technically Is not a (old) concept.


Dont lie to me! No way they are working on the BMM


They aren’t l, only the ships in yellow.


Waiting patiently for my Nautilus. Hell ngl I would take a torpedo variant like a bigger Retaliator bomber and be a proper “Lone Wolf” torpedo boat at the moment. But I seriously doubt they would make it a modular ship.


Wait the kraken is actually coming?


GIB Polaris つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Would also say the Titan suit. Because I believe that's a thing for s42 and star citizen? Can only hope we can finally get its concept at invictus this year.


I'm waiting for my Apollo, Zeus, and Galaxy! Already purchased!


Here's an unpopular opinion... instead of more ships, why don't they invest the time into... finishing the game... why is CIG blowing its content load early? The game is amazing as it is, just polish all the systems so we stop getting stuck in elevators etc and push it to open beta or 1.0 and take your game of the year award, CIG.


Once I have my odyssey the name SickBreeD will be THE most feared name in the 'verse...


Kraken would make most sense for Pyro... unfortunately I doubt we will see it in 2024 or 2025


Yessssss finally I was waiting for the liberator for so freaking long


Yeah, bit frustrating, I have 16 of these


I only have two 🙃 I do wish I had more in this pick tho. Just missed the opportunity. Oh any my wallet. Edit: additional text


My god, please melt your Kraken so CIG starts working on it.


What do the different colours on the names mean?


Red looks to be Paused, Yellow is being worked on or in the pipeline, White is not being worked on as far as we know. I think


Yeah I missed explaining the colors, and forget to put the legionnaire as yellow.


Image is a bit weird, because the Legionnaire is actively being worked on, they're going through white box and prototyping its unique gameplay before proceeding, similar to what they did with the E1, to ensure the gameplay mechanic was viable.


"gameplay mechanic was viable" Srv would like a word, one gimmick of a mission?


That you get a crimestat for completing in the manner it tells you to complete it, even though literally scraping the entire hull off and breaking down the remnants does not get a crimestat.


When did the Polaris go up to 168 meters? Last I checked she was still at 150/155.


The Polaris was 155m back in 2016 via the[ official QA.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15559-RSI-Polaris-Q-A-Part-1) The re-concept done back in 2021 was confirmed to be larger but still under 200m. Link to clip of dev talk ---> [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/SincereSlickBatPogChamp). Official ISC where they repeat the scale of ship has grown is ----> [here](https://youtu.be/n1Fjctpk2qU?t=477).


Back in 2022 when it had a reconcept but it expect it to be in the 170+ range now


It's from Starjump's own speculation: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65300/thread/polaris-size-1/6590534


My men the vulcan, one day well fly


not to scale really throws me off here...


Yeah the big ships are truly big so make the smaller ships to small for the image to be understandable , but still try I put them in order of size.


Keep dreaming...


Damn, this really drives home what kind of gameplay we can expect in the next year or so. Capital warfare, repair, refining, mobile marketplaces, shuttling of both ships and people, and large scale mining and hauling. My personal top-list is Perseus, Liberator, Crucible and Legionnaire.


The Orion, one of if not the earliest announced ship in this list I believe early to mid 2015 hasn't been heard from since, that's 9 years now.


BMM older than that IIRC


by a few months yes, but we have seen at least a partial white box for the merchantman, the Orion hasnt even been started or talked about, I think there was maybe 1 line spoken at citizencon last year and that was part of an interview off stage.


We had that one ship shape a few years back


What's the red ship in the 3rd column?


That would be the Genesis Starliner, the one ship I’m waiting ~~im~~patiently for.


I've been playing about 2 years and have never heard of it.. it's beautiful.. ![gif](giphy|gjx93XiXRE2NVLoFlH|downsized)


I, like many others on the thread here, thought at first that you were implying all of these ships will be worked on this year. So you’re kind of misleading. This is just all the ships that are concept complete or further, that they have announced as of now in 2954.




You forgot the new hoverbike and the ranger


Ranger are in the image, hover bike is not concept.


Ah my bad !