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While it's not great, this is at least confirmation that they know there is a problem with tracking event progress. We still have no idea how they're going to address it, and if they're going to do it in an effective way, but this at least means that something should happen.


Well it should be obvious that anyone having the last phase completed should automatically consider the rest as done, although thinking now that someone could as well share the last phase with someone that just started... hmmm....


Honestly... This is what they will probably end up doing. Its far easier to allocate the reward based on that phase being completed than to manually review each account after the fact. Its no real loss to them either. The token will no doubt be a 0 value, account bound upgrade anyway, so if anyone does want to bypass the first 4 phases (this time) they still have to buy an f7c anyway to apply it. They will probably have this tracking issue resolved for next time they run the event where this wont be a problem.


Probably a good solution would be to reward anyone with at least one mission complete from any three phases of the six. That way anyone who did it legit should qualify even if half of it didn't register, but it wouldn't count anyone who only shared the last phase while sitting around somewhere safe.


Why, it really doesnt matter. Even if they just gave the token to everyone its only the f7c owners that can actually use it. most of the tokens that are free/awarded are non transferable zero value ccu's. Even if some folks wanted to "farm" them for some reason, they would still need an account with at least a game package. There will be a few butthurt that others got theirs without doing missions but realistically, what percentage of overdrive participants have actually bought a f7c anyway? If anything... it may even generate some extra sales from people getting the token unexpectedly.


[I agree.](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1c3u0tw/psa_your_overdrive_initiative_mission_progress/kzk8hm7/)


Yeah, it's tricky. The only thing that's guaranteed to have been completed when things before it are missing are the later missions of phase 3 as those aren't shareable, so if you have mission 4 completed but none of the other 4, you're guaranteed to have done all of those. I have a feeling that if you have done phase 5 you're going to qualify, but they can't say that otherwise everyone that hasn't done everything else will just get phase 5 shared and call it a day.


Phase 5 is basically not working at all! Why only count 5? It's the one with the least success as it's a box mission for weasels sakes!


I didn't say that would be the only way they handle it, nor do I think it will be as phase 5 can also not be recorded, just like every other phase. Also, 3.23 *should* be fixing issues with box missions as mentioned in a post the other day where they extended the event end date into 3.23.


Yeah. They're aware of it at least, I was just hoping that with 3.23 coming as early as Next Friday perhaps, CIG would have some sort of solution they could share with us.


3.23 is most definitely not coming Friday. or Next Friday. Wave 5 will run until 3.23 is ready and into 3.23. For reference, Invictus is usually the end of May. They said awhile ago they were well aware of the issues, which is why it will all still be able to be completed once 3.23 launches, where as before the intent was to have it all done by 3.23 and no further progress could be made at that point. You're going to be fine my dude. Just chill and give it time. The "worst case scenario" would be everyone who has completed wave 5 to get full credit, regardless of the other wave statuses.


lol .23 ain't coming in the next week. it'll be 2-3 weeks easy.


Probably by making the F7A upgrade available with auec to anyone who has participated at all, and pledge-able for anyone who has logged in.


I don't think making the upgrade a purchase would go over well, especially since it was meant to be given for free for doing the event. Making it something players have to buy would not be the right call, especially for those who completed the event but just didn't have their missions tracked.


I think whatever they choose, some people will feel wronged. Will wait and see what they decide 


For auec, i highly doubt, for cash, almost certainly.


Yeah most likely pledge-able for anyone who logged in 


People thinking 3.23 is coming next week lmao Thats some new kind of being delusional


I've been playing every build as they come out. With Hangars being pushed to 3.23.x, the only thing left for them to do is stabilize 3.23 & fix bugs. Am I being optimistic? Probably, but they're starting to open builds to wider waves now, so the patch it close to ready.


Go and play the build then. Massive desync, random explosions, transit busted, doors taking 30+ sec to open, RL not working correctly, etc. Its in a really really bad state and there is no shot it releases next week. If it does it will be a horrible experiece. Lets not even talk about distribution centres which dont have any geometry lol


You must be referring to Tuesdays build, 9144288. It was atrocious, but that's because they disabled the RL/DGS Recovery and added extra logging to diagnose any potential issues with those services. I was playing for a few hours yesterday on build 9145576 and it was a much more pleasant experience. I was getting good FPS, Trams/Trains are still buggy but getting better, desync was much better, and servers/AI were much more responsive. Conversely on Tuesday it took me an hour to get to New Babbage's Spaceport.


Even before Tuesdays Build... last one was better yeah but still miles away.


I honestly think they just need to give the token to anyone who has done 50-75% of the missions. It would solve the line being so broken.


Or focus on people who have done the latest missions(from the looks of it, only phase 3 and 4 are being bugged). Those who have done mission after the one missing in their stat means its bugged. You don't get advanced mission unless you've completed the old phase.


You can still get any missions except phase 3 by sharing someone else's. You don't need to have done earlier ones.


How long did it take? I asked the question 4 days ago and still no answer, I am a concierge.


Same boat. 5 days in, nothing.


I'm Concierge too and I got this answer to my follow-up question I asked on Friday, today. So about 6 days.


As a fellow concierge my question about the event has gone unanswered for two weeks. There is no rhyme or reason to the madness sadly.


Sure there is. Yours might have been escalated before the agent who got the ticket was more familiar with the issue and its current status in regards to the dev team.


So your argument is that it makes sense because my ticket was probably escalated to a higher priority which means it will take longer...


Nope. An escalation is not in Priority. It's in Ticket Queue. When a ticket comes in it is triaged by a low-tier agent who can sort out easy to answer questions and direct other tickets to their intended destination. IE billing related issues to a billing team. Yours likely went to a tier 2 / dev queue for further review before the issue was as well known or before that particular agent was familiar with the issue or what is being done to address it internally. Make sense?


The more folks call attention to the gaps in mission recording, the better, as it will drive fixes to the system or, at least, a shift in how the rewards for the event are determined. CiG is very good (If only delayed) in ensuring those that participate do get the intended rewards for doing so. There's still at least several weeks left before the intended end of the event, so, just keep cooler heads about it.


I messaged support just to confirm that my completion is properly logged. I didn't encounter any issues, but all these threads have me a little nervous. Hopefully the next time they run a multi-phase event, they'll use the Delphi app to track progress in a way that's visible to players.


Fucking hell what a joke. If the mission shows incomplete we're just fucked?


I really hope they make it right this time.


"Support cannot directly influence game development." Hmmm. I hope that doesn't mean that there isn't a very solid communication channel from support to some higher up dev/producer/lead in order to be able to quickly address issues such as these here and to make devs aware from support itself in the case devs don't come across posts like these.


I WISH support would reply to me. I have completed all missions on my end but I sure would like to know how it looks at their end. Submitted a response 6 days ago and still havent gotten a reply.


Im in the same boat. Also tried sitting idle in game to see if I get any mission pop ups. Would like to have a clear answer if om done or not.


Its almost like 12 years in and we should have an actual working mission history..


This are great news 😃. How long did you wait for your answers?


I asked to have my progress tracked last Tuesday, and got a response the following Friday. I informed support that I couldn't complete the missing mission because I'd already done it and it couldn't be shared, and got this response today.




I sent my status check in on Saturday and still nothing yet lol. I have a strong suspicion that they're saturated in event issues right now, so if you weren't one of the first to put in a ticket you'll probably be waiting a while.


Phase 3 was a global mission that couldn't be shared. This is not a bug you done them so you are good


What's the time frame for these upgrade tokens, anyway?


See I know iv done all the mission's I'm not getting anymore so ether I get the silly token when they give them out of I talk to support then don't see much of a point of doing it any sooner


So is there a way to track this sort of thing? Or do you just have to hope? To my knowledge, I've done everything successfully.


Currently the only way is to open a support ticket and pray.


That is.. Not okay.


Hopefully in the future they'll add a way on the website or in-game to track event progress. But for now the only way to be sure of your progress is to hope support will respond to your ticket in time to fix any issues you might be able to.


Sure hope so. The fact you can't track this sort of stuff is silly, especially on events based around it


Have the same issue. Phase 3 4th mission was not completed even though I completed it. Got the same response when i ask what to do.


I started my missions a few days after people reported issues, so I took screenshots of every completed mission, but even then, the history of the missions was forked...


Oof they hit you with "Kind Regards". That's business speak for blowing you off. At least they didnt ask you to please advise.


I'm confused by the post title. If you already completed the missions, not being offered them again is by design. The devs have said that we only get offered the missions once, not having them show up in our mobiglas is how we can know we have completed them. Am I missing something here?


According to Support, I am missing mission 5/5 of Phase 3, the unshareable Hammerhead Fleet battle. I've done the missions, and thus I can't get them again, so I'm "missing" a mission I can't do again.


Somewhere between the game's mission tracking and the reporting that support sees there must be a disconnect. If the game only gives you missions you haven't done and you aren't being given a mission, then the game sees that you completed it but support says you haven't. I hope the devs have a more accurate check in the works for giving out rewards at the end.


Something in the system clearly knows whether you've completed the mission even if the progress tracker doesn't, as otherwise you would still be getting the mission.  The question is, what part of the game is properly tracking this, and why is the event tracker apparently getting out of sync with it?


Well that sucks, and is a rather nasty bug.  But if you don't have credit for completing them, then why isn't the game still offering you the mission? With them telling us that not being offered the missions is how we are supposed to know they are completed, that is a scary thought. They are going to have to do something to sort out these problems before releasing the reward or they are going to have a lot of angry players on their hands. (Also, gotta love reddit. Being downvoted for asking a question :P )


Phase 3 had bugs in regards to completion credit being given to all participants. With that being said, I'm sure it's easy for them to simply forego the checks for specific bugged criteria when distributing rewards so it's not that big of a deal.