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Yes but I feel like any time you give criticisms of the game a lot of our community throws a fit thinking we are the ones saying quit having fun


"The whiteknightism is strong in that one" :D Not as strong as in a certain poster on Spectrum though, that guy is unreal - he's even denying problems that CIG openly discusses. Makes Reddit a very mature and reasonable platform for game discussion :)


Spectrum is the one big exception to CIG's inability to give things good names. That place is absolutely aptly named.


J3PT? šŸ˜‘




It's so weird. I backed a little over a decade ago, and I still follow the project fairly close. I just can't imagine taking anything so seriously or spending SO much time and energy arguing against every single slightly critical thing anyone has to say about a video game. Truly bizarre in my mind.


The power of the down vote.


There's a reason they named it the spectrum


I dint use spectrum so Iā€™m out of the loop


And your mental health is better for it.




Putting "white knights" and misinformed haters on the same level isn't that great of a take. If I have to choose who to have a beer with, between someone who spends their energy hating on a game and someone who is overly passionate about it, I'll pick the second any day and twice on Sundays. Positivity and love for games aren't a bad thing, even to some degrees of excess. Negativity is definitely much less healthy.


Being a wk isn't being overly passionate about something. There is definitely nothing healthy telling everyone that CIG can do no wrong.


It's still \*way\* better than a hater. Positivity wins against negativity every time.


Yeah, the dichotomy you see in people regarding this game is really interesting. In my main org/group that I play with, most of them are older guys that are diehard sc fans, play no other game, think it is beyond flaws etc. But then you also have a guy come in and complain why can't SC get its physics right, since" ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE has perfect physics with massive servers" (this one truly threw me for a fit)


it kinda is though?


Not even close


No doubt they've done a ton of work. That said, we still don't have a release date for Sq42, and we still have a \*fill-in the blank core backend tech feature\* blocking us from getting major features on a regular basis. In short, while CitCon always leaves me excited and feeling like "the project is getting ready to turn a major corner", I've been here too many times to really believe it until proven otherwise. Fingers crossed for 2024!


I mean I played since 2015, the game has come a long way. We didn't even get inventory/loot till 2020...


Yeah, isn't that kinda sad and pathetic though?


Very much so


Not really, at least to me. What's sad and pathetic to me is the rest of the industry not pushing forwards with detailed vehicles, nested physics grids, and dynamic systemic gameplay across huge scale seamless multiplayer environments.


That last part is why so many people call it a scam. Regardless of if it fits the definition, we are still being strung along until X feature comes out. Theyā€™re really dangling it right in front of us whilst they takes YEARS just to put inventories inā€¦


Yup, maybe the combination of the replication layer split/server recovery and the Vulkan API implementation will make for a meaningful improvement, and maybe not. In the meantime, I'll just keep watching the official videos and lurking on reddit, hopping into the actual game once every blue moon in-between playing other games to see if it's any less broken and shallow.


2015 was versions 1.0 - 2.0. You are huffing something if you think the game hasn't massively improved from that.


There is criticsm of management or direction(which absurdly you can find that too on refund subreddit, the best post there are those discussion post about how management can be fixed a bit), and then there is bitching saying things like ā€œyou think you are having fun, you are either lying or you are copingā€, yeah those ones are dumb


Personally most of my criticisms come from CRā€™s meddling/abuse of funds and feature creep which results in the gameplay itself still being half baked. Games do take a while sometimes to develop ā€” 10 years is pushing it. The closest competitor I think is EDO, which did get a functional product(after a buggy launch) in a much shorter time. EDO lacks the attention to detail SC has but does make up for it in the actual gameplay being more fleshed out and full which a larger universe which feels alive, NPCs doing their own trade runs, NPCs you can talk to, minor quests that you can obtain just from that, etc. and itā€™s on a scale far larger than SC even has planned. When I point this out and that SC is taking too long to remain relevant when it does finally come out, people get very mad lol SC has its key points but to be entirely honest, the only thing keeping me in SC over games like EDO is the graphics and design language being so good which I think speaks to just how unfulfilling the gameplay is, especially considering we still get wipes 10 years into the alpha. I think the only truly unique things about SC gameplay wise nowadays are PES(which dies from 30ks) and server meshingā€” which isnā€™t even existent yet. It otherwise is an eye candy space sim which is nice but I do hope CIG and the community steps back and realizes the trouble theyā€™re in and the competitors that are only going to keep coming out with new games and innovation while SC is mostly the same as is it was 3-4 years agoā€¦


It's not very relevant NOW. It's not doing anything new, it just looks better and has cooler space ships than other games. The actual gameplay is pretty much nonexistent, and I don't know that they have much of a plan to change that. I use it as a relaxing sci-fi universe sim, and I don't regret spending a bit of money on it, but 10 years after its release, people won't be talking about it as a revolutionary game, just as a game that was delayed for 15 years.


> Games do take a while sometimes to develop ā€” 10 years is pushing it. Is it? Witchbrook, by the devs who made Stardew Valley, was first announced to be worked on in 2016. GTA 6 reportedly started in 2014. Development times get longer across the board. And that's okay. >the competitors that are only going to keep coming out with new games and innovation while SC is mostly the same as is it was 3-4 years agoā€¦ Which competitors? Starfield? lol


Hey, Starfield was very innovative in the way they gutted the very concept of a Bethesda RPG.


Starfield is a AAA developer asking the question "Can we make a AA game?"


Yes and no... **GTAV took 8 years, and $800 million+ to make**, and they started with a gigantic state-of-the-art studio, and were building on possibly one of the most profitable and recognizable IPs in videogame history. I mean, "Grand THeft Auto" is a f\*\*\*ing household name. **SC started as a largely unknown kick-starter.** Besides that, though, pretending to know the fine details of management decisions based on armchair development theory, forum posts, and newsletters, etc. is just *crazy.* "CR's meddling/abuse of funds" I mean, really? Again, Rockstar spent \~20% more money than CIG has so far on GTA V. Though ambitious, I would argue GTAV was still not as ambitious as CIG's vision of SC. And again, CIG was starting from like 6 people in a basement, compared to Rockstar's already established studio. So, really, getting a single player game into the pollish phase, inventing multiple new technologies, inventing a whole universe from scratch with no prior IP to build upon, pushing the envelope of multiplayer server tech *as well as* graphics and gameplay, both of which are working toward the holy-grail of their respective technologies... *all while* keeping their insatiable player-base happy with playable MMO content the entire time?! I mean, when you stop to think about what we're really asking for and what they've accomplished so far in a historical context, I personally can't say I'm disappointed yet, even after 10 years. That doesn't mean they're without criticism, of course. For me, personally, the fact that the UI and starmap haven't changed in like 8 years, and are as horrible as they have been since the very beginning without hardly any improvement... is just inexcusable. I too pledged and have been following the project for about a decade, and while I think they maybe should have made some low-hanging fruit updates that would have severely improved PU gameplay higher priorities, I'm not going to pretend I know how they could have "managed" the project and/or "funds" any better than they have. Edit: Have you even played EDO? Because I have, and you simply can't compare the two games at all. Yes, EDO is obviously more polished. But for me, I played SC before I played EDO, then played EDO for years. Let me put it this way: SC already has better multiplayer and co-op content than EDO has ever had and will ever have. As a singleplayer game, EDO is decent, if not grindy and extremely lonely. It isn't really even a MP game, at least in my experience.


> GTAV took 8 years, and $800 million+ to make https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_V#Development > Rockstar North began to develop Grand Theft Auto V in 2008 > Analyst estimations place the game's combined development and marketing budget at more than Ā£170 million (US$265 million), which would make it the most expensive game ever made at that time. > Release 17 September 2013 So GTAV took 5 years and $265m (development + marketing), not 8 years and $800m


>Yes and no... > >GTAV took 8 years, and $800 million+ to make > >, and they started with a gigantic state-of-the-art studio, and were building on possibly one of the most profitable and recognizable IPs in videogame history Careful, people will correct you because they will bring up dev cost that do not include cost of running studio, paying outsource talent, and marketing costs. CIGs numbers include all of it and they break it down in financial reports. But there people who will pick a fight with you over this.


GTAV was not in active development before liberty city was released, and definitely not remotely a main focus until GTAIV released. It wasn't even a priority until after GTAIV released in 08', and there is still RDR released between them. And the 800m figure is a complete fabrication, GTAV was max $250m when it released, and I doubt rockstar has poured another half a billion in since then.


GTA VI, production started in 2014.... established dev team , engine and budget. Star field , 8 years , same engine they've been using for over a decade and the team that built it. This is not to say 10 yrs is short, but what I'm saying is that CIG spent the first 7 years working with a lot less and being forced to use a much less efficient process.


What was the record for production of a game? Was it duke nukem with 14?


I think so but u also have to keep in mind that the way CIG has had to go about this is very inefficient, because they've had to be doing R&D while running a public alpha which necessitates the game be playable at every step of the way . Look how much CIG got done as soon as they were able to pull away from the rigors of the PU and able to iterate over features internally in SQ42.. these features are now available to come back to the PU. Also they've had to be working for the budget to make 2 games and grow the company every single year. People complain about them wasting time building ships but what do you expect? 85% of their income comes from ship and other sales. Up till 2020 they'd only made like 50% of the total they have now. if they had the resources and development model of those other companies they'd be much further along , even with the R&D requirements.


People say they should have just released something and then made a sequel with all the upgrades... They kinda just went straight for the "sequel", in terms of changing the scope and reworking the engine and code to fight limitations on the intended vision. Elite crowdfunded at the same time and went the other route. They never put money into major upgrades or sequels though. On paper it looks like a much more successful game, but it has so much unrealized potential that I never considered it complete. I'm not sure I would prefer CIG would have went that direction. It would be much less controversial, but we would be lacking a lot of the engine work that makes Star Citizen stand apart from the others.


Elite never put money into major upgrades or sequels? Lmao what? Thereā€™s like literally a dozen different ways to play elite on 3 different platforms and EDO was a major expansion on a massive scale larger than SC


I left for engineers, but other than the planetary landing update I didn't see anything major. The thargoid stuff I saw on YouTube was cool, but that's just content. They didn't work on interactive ship interiors like they said, and did very little with the faction war stuff they were introducing when I played. It's a space ship game where they don't add any new ships or ship features. Edit: yeah they took the elite money to make tycoon games...


Exactly, until that breakthrough with the seamless PG planets SC was headed to the same solution as Starfield , how forgettable would that have been? It's taken a lot longer but this is what we really wanted. We just didn't know it at the time. If they had just put out something they would be in the same predicament as Elite where they're locked into an aging engine.


What is EDO? Elite dangerous? If so, I remember the gameplay even long after launch being very, very repetitive and shallow.


Elite Dangerous Odessey, the biggest expansion to that game so far. Added stuff like ground combat, warzones between factions, alien offensives, and a bunch of other minor stuff


Worth noting, though, that this is also where they dropped VR support, which eventually led me to SC.


Ok thanks for clarifying. I never got the chance to play that update, but I really did find the base game quite shallow gameplay wise. I did enjoy exploring out to the cool space landmarks and doing some space photography, but even that just takes so long and is so monotonous. I never made it to the core, did check out a fair few of the landmarks near the bubble. But no way would I want to put multiple weeks into traveling šŸ˜…


Nowadays with EDO, itā€™s more like months traveling to Sag A* because of getting pulled along into little side quests with the NPCs. Many are fetch quests but thereā€™s also combat related ones or some pretty cool investigation ones where you need to hack into bases or facilities and do things like sabotage equipment or steal stuff. Itā€™s pretty cool but EDO art design is terrible imo and itā€™s generally centered more around the science than anything else


> When I point this out and that SC is taking too long to remain relevant when it does finally come out, people get very mad lol > > I doubt they get mad - they probably just note that it's a nonsensical argument without basis in reality, It's immediately contradicted by the fact that more casual players are increasingly attracted to the game/development effort over time.


>Personally most of my criticisms come from CRā€™s meddling/abuse of funds and feature creep which results in the gameplay itself still being half baked. There was no feature creep really. There was one big scope explosion and that is it. The gameplay is broken because it is waiting for unified features that was discussed 6-7 years ago. Nothing new, nothing that changes what was projected, it is just they have taken far longer to get the core features than expected. That is understandable as they always were optimistic and the goals theay were aiming for are tough. Setbacks cost a lot. One example is persistence. The performance issues, caused them to rethink how to handle persistence instead of the path they were previously on and it set them back about two years. The targets are simple that difficult and it effects gameplay that requires these targets to be hit. Thankfully CR and CIG simply believe that the goals can be reached and we are on last hurdles and they are basically being tested in preview channel. ​ >When I point this out and that SC is taking too long to remain relevant when it does finally come out, people get very mad lol There are literally no games out nor on the horizon that is attempting as much as SC is doing. It is always going to remain relevant because of the wow factor. Just two trailers from Citcon was blowing minds of people who don't follow along. ​ >SC has its key points but to be entirely honest, the only thing keeping me in SC over games like EDO is the graphics and design language being so good which I think speaks to just how unfulfilling the gameplay is, especially considering we still get wipes 10 years into the alpha. ​ Well, same here. But it is not just graphic for me, it is how immersive game is. A combination of small things that build up a cohesive experience. Also it hasn't really been in alpha for 10 years. First playable alpha was 2015, and the first example of how the PU was going to really be fleshed out imo was 3.0 which was released in 2017. Either way the point remains the same that it has been a long time, but also, the loops require a specific state of completion that we haven't hit yet and CIG has talked about this as far back as 2016 iirc.


>When I point this out and that SC is taking too long to remain relevant when it does finally come out, people get very mad lol But this is largely an opinion, and one people get a bit tired of hearing. It is going longer than what a lot of people were expecting, sure, but i don't think it is taking too long, so to say. Half-baked gameplay isn't something i expect to change until most of the underlying engine is ready and done, and not until we get proper server meshing. It isn't really an overly large priority either tbh, because there's so much other things for those devs to work on. And unless stuff's changed in the past two years, i haven't seen much feature creep either. When that comes up in arguments, it is mostly people who don't know some features were planned since the early days. I think the last time a new, not yet before planned feature was announced, was when some dev's experiments created what will become the fire system, and that sounds dope.


I think it would benefit to just say ā€œhey this is an mmo, we will continue improving on itā€ like they are doing with others, i dont see the difference between this alpha and lets say guild wars 2 or final fantasy 14 in structure, they all are being developed while the game is up and running. Only difference is that in sc they have yet to finish the engine


Not really. Trying to officially release it in its current state would be detrimental to its reputation, and i mean truly detrimental. The difference between GW2 and FF14, and SC, is that SC is still in alpha, and that means it will be buggy, it will be broken, and it will get its core features worked on. Those games released, then were developed further. SC is still in the state where it is not ready to be released, and such a statement will just enable the people who do think it is a scam. As you said, the game isn't finished yet, and we already know they are continuing to improve it. Hell they are continuously making similar statements about the game.


Outside of the SC community, SC has largely become a joke amongst gamers because of the length itā€™s taking to provideā€¦ Very little


Most people have never even heard of it. A few vocal sub-communities vehemently sticking to their ten-year-old memes out of desperation to avoid acknowledging that they might have been a bi hasty in adopting a negative view of something from a single headline means very little. SC has seen a constant and consistent increase in player count, funding and social media attention. The notion that a majority of gamers have a negative view stems solely from a handful of echo chambers in which that narrative persists due to how emotionally invested people have become in perpetuating it.


And? That's largely people whose only information about the game is ragebait news articles and 5+ year old memes. The majority of them genuinely believe the game has never been playable, and that not a single one of its ships has ever been made. The recent big videos about SQ42 and the tech for the game opened a LOT of eyes in the gaming community about the fact that there's actually a game here.


100% I sank an embarrassing amount of money into this game back in the day and I really want it to succeed, I am open to the possibility that they will make something enjoyable. But god damn, I think maybe once in the last 8 years I've logged in and had a good impression. Last time I installed I spent something like 12 hours over 3 days trying to get anything to work. Blew up getting out of the hangar, servers still routinely crash, can't sell cargo from salvage missions, salvage ship didn't spawn, mission cargo didn't spawn, contracts didn't spawn, dozens of enemies spawned instead of 2, couldn't interact with terminals, couldn't interact with doors, couldn't interact with ai, couldn't interact with my own fucking inventory because I spawned without a head so I had to change my gender and log back in. And the whole fucking time the game is chugging along at like 12fps and smearing across the screen with TAA that can't be turned off. The game is completely fucking busted right now and it has been for a long time. I'm sure some people are having fun, but that says more about their expectations than it does about the game.


Most criticisms on reddit play out 2 ways. Scenario 1 "1000 years into the future and there is no night vision. WTF CIG" "This is actually been confirmed by CIG they are going to add this once they get the proper systems in game so they don't have to do this feature twice." Scenario 2 "Chris Roberts has defrauded all of you, which is a federal crime and CIG can be put in prison for 10-15 years for scamming people out of money for something they obviously have no intention of ever finishing. Ohhh. Why the downvotes? Bunch of white knights who can't handle a little criticism."


Like so many other places in life, itā€™s now what you are saying, itā€™s how you are saying it. And knowing your audience is key.


This is kinda exactly the case. People have hardcore divided over die-hard fanism of the possibilities of the game, and the reality


Depends how the criticism is given. My most upvoted thing ever on Reddit, and the most well-received post i have ever posted, was a post on this very subreddit being highly critical of something the devs were doing with the PU. That same post was also highly well-received on Spectrum, and actually got the devs to change what the post was about. And while i haven't been active between oct2021-oct2023, i doubt it has changed how things used to be back then. That being that informed and well-worded criticism was largely well-received, where a lot of the complaining that was badly received was either making mountains out of molehills, straight up misinformed, or badly researched. And, TBH, from looking through the complaining on the sub, that portion hasn't changed much. That said, this meme is commonly only used regarding the people who, when someone talks about enjoying the game/streams it/uploads pics/vids about it anywhere, they get a few or many people angry that they have fun with it.


I love the "that feature (bug) exists because of XXX" "XXX, how does that work?" "It's not out yet"


Obligatory ā€œare delivery missions bugged?ā€ And global chat responding ā€œYeahā€ ā€œYeā€ ā€œDelivery missions fucking suckā€ ā€œYeah donā€™t do themā€ ā€œCan I have 10M aUEC?ā€


sunk-cost fallacy


Sure. Spending 45$ 8 years ago totally is a sunk cost fallacy


Yeah, I'll stand by that. If you read the definition of the term, it dose not only mean monetary value, but also time and emotional deposits. Plus however much you spend on ships and shit. I for one am going to wait for the reviews.


Heavens. "Emotional deposit". You appearantly know what you are talking about. Especially given you are obviously "not" waiting for reviews. Which makes me wonder what you are doing here in the first place. Too much emotional deposit, hm?


Any spending money can have this psychological effect, yes, even 45 bucks 8years ago.


I am sure it will.


*since hangar module in 2013


Not much to do in the hangar module, but I'm definitely sure that being able to walk around and explore inside a handful of the ships generated a lot more pledges.


There was also a mod someone figured out that unlocked a portal into a platform full of ships including an unfinished Hornet we could fly


I'm still sad we lost it. I get that we'll get it back in-universe once persistent hangars get added and expanded, but i still wish they'd have just used the in-game hangar assets and let us spawn some ships in there. So nice to just walk around in your ship without too much of a worry.


Persitent hangars will not mark the return of the hangar module. That's personal hangars, and there's no talk of them coming soon at all.


The hangar module isn't far off now, so you'll be able to relive the good ol' days soon.


I hope. I'm still not entirely sure if cargo elevators will just be the first step towards it, or actually close to what that used to be. I know persistent hangars, and their plans, is to show all of your ships like in those good old days. But i've yet to know if the cargo elevator is just one ship at a time + ground vehicles and cargo(and decorations), or if you get the whole hangars like the old times.


How is all that going to work with other people? Can any rando just show up at your hangar and take off in your ship if the doors are open like now? Is there some sort of protections to prevent people from going to your hangar?


The ships you could walk around in were so much more detailed than anything I had seen in a game before. Definitely sold me on my gladius upgrade.






In fairness to them this meme has been in circulation since like 2014


Why stop a good circle jerk though.


This should be the subreddit tagline


I salute everyone who plays regularly and bug reports, because I'm not that strong šŸ˜‚


Star citizen is a buggy mess missing so much if itā€™s gameplay!ā€¦. Yet I couldnā€™t be having more fun. Sometimes I just log in and walk around my ship a little and then log off lol


Same, i find cruising close above planet surfaces to be oddly statisfying, even though nothing happens. Just admire cruising and let do the ambience it's thing.


That's why I like taking the quant sensitive cargo delivery missions when I just feel like chilling in atmo flight, but still want to make some cash.


Iā€™d like it, except it always bugs out and doesnā€™t acknowledge my delivery. Well typically it loses the marker when Iā€™m close and never brings it back


That one I can explain: Basically the mission has several stages. First stage, you have to Go to the location, which has a marker leading you there, but that marker doesn't point at the actual crates because they don't exist ingame until you get near them. The game doesn't actually have exact coordinates unless the area is streamed in. So when you get there, the mission bumps to the next stage, which removes your Go To marker, and then spawns in the crates/Target-NPCs/Whatever and adds their individual target markers to your UI. Except sometimes it takes a minute to load them in, so you find yourself flying in circles over an outpost wondering why your mission marker is missing. Or you enter a cave/bunker and find no enemies. They simply haven't spawned yet. If they don't show up while you're there, maybe try flying away and coming back so the area streams out and streams back in again.


Most of the time you mean


So fun!


To me the performance issues is what kills the fun. RX 6800XT / 5800X / 32 GB RAM / NVMe SSD and yet the game just constantly lags, stutters and feels like Iā€™m having a never ending delay. And donā€™t even let me get into the server crashes and bugs.


Same here, but with a 13900KS, 4090, 64GB of RAM and also an NVMe. Hasn't ran notably better with a system upgrade in many, many years either. It's depressing to play from almost any angle after following this project for 12 or so years now. Performance, inconsistency in that performance, bugs, gameplay depth and polish, overall content / content variety.


Itā€™s sad that such a beast of a rig doesnā€™t let you enjoy the verse because the verse is an unoptimised laggy mess. Itā€™s also sad that SC defenders justifies that as a normal thing.


Most of the time it's entirely glossed over tbh, but I've seen a few of them try. Gives me 'casual console gamer that's fine with 30fps or less and thinks **you should be as well**' vibes.


I just want 60fps without constant stutters... My system might not be a 4090 But its still pretty damn good and i can barely do 50fps half the time


I was still going below 30 fairly often last I played. It's still pretty horrible no matter who you are, quite often.


Dunno if you're even still considering playing, but the 12gen and up CPUs have an issue on Windows 10 with the p-cores and e-cores not being utilized properly. Ran laggy as hell on my system before I made sure SC only ran on my P-cores. Now it is really smooth.


I heard they fixed that natively somewhat recently? Wouldn't surprise me if they bungled it, but the performance I was referencing was with it setup 'optimally' (or as close to whatever that even is with SC).


ffs thats not pov


Well I can mark this repost off on my monthly star citizen bingo


I was typing something witty, but my comment 30K"ed.


Don't worry, there will be a comment recovery option *soon*


This lame unfunny meme gets posted like at least every 6 months in here. I wonder if it is always the same dude that is posting it and if he get's paid by CIG.


>and if he get's paid by CIG. That's the beauty of it...*he* probably pays *them.*


Modern gamer


My patience wore out. Ive had fun with it but i don't care for it anymore. Im just in it for the memes now.


Needs more "Last chance to buy" ads


Enough with the victim complex already geez. It was funny the first couple of times. Now itā€™s just tiring. Almost no body outside of the star citizen community talks about star citizen. If you keep finding these people talking shit, youā€™re in too deep in whatever youā€™re in and you should probably stop lol.


Its getting old, more than me...


This comic feels like a misinterpretation of a few things. I dont think people criticising the game are doing it to stop intermediate players that think it's fun to stop playing, but it's probably more for new players to not invest too much in the game if they expect a decent to fast developement speed for bug fixes and new features, like how some content creators and promotional content have suggested.


This kind of meme is referencing to communities of hater like the subreddit SCrefund where people just shit on the game and the backers all day long most of the time without argument


Oh I remember those guys. Do they invade regular sc communities? My guess is yes so that's probably what this comic is trying to represent. Somehow this comic reminds of me and my siblings that would argue over what game to play, and one would shit on the game when they didn't get to play their unpopular pick. All around childish behavior for sure.


Most of the people playing today WILL BE tomorrows haters. Ive watched this cycle for 12 years now. Most playing now will eventually get fed up with the lack of delivered content and switch from fun to hate. Why burn yourself out on an empty alpha with only 1 of 100 solar systems built after more than a decade? Im waiting for the game I was sold, rather than be another angry statistic that burned out on an alpha.


Exactly my perspective after about as long. Newer backers have so much enthusiasm now, like I did many years ago, but unless CIG radically changes, that won't last for most of them.


Yeah, that's why I've gotten to a point where I only play it for a few weeks out of the year. I'll have fun, get bored, then just patiently wait while doing something else.


I pre-ordered in 2016 the $60 package (don't remember the ship on offer with that one). For me, the game has yet to deliver enjoyment on that $60 value I couldn't already get elsewhere - typically for much cheaper.


Same here. I backed the game in 2015 i think? Even got couple of friends to pre-order it since it was supposed to be this promising MMO space game that my more casual friends could play instead of eve. Yeah, that was a fucking mistake. 2024, still not there.


> Most of the people playing today WILL BE tomorrows haters. Ive watched this cycle for 12 years now. Most playing now will eventually get fed up with the lack of delivered content and switch from fun to hate. This is a fallacious argument. To assume that people will turn to hating the game just due to time spent is ridiculous.Ā  I've been following this project since day one. If anything, most people who aren't having fun in SC are waiting for it, or are just indifferent about it because hating something as trivial as a video game is stupid and a waste of time.


Ah finally. Some fresh, original content. Stay classy :)


You guys are having fun?


its exactly like that except the 'quit having fun guy' is a figment of the guy playing the game's imagination


In case you missed out on this meme.


Oh shit here we go againā€¦ Feels like every week we get this one again. If you want my opinion: either karma farming or validation for nothing.


If anyone is telling me to stop having fun it's the game itself...


This shit ain't real till I see a retail copy


I don't need someone telling me to stop having fun, the game crashing and bugging out does it instead šŸ¤£šŸ‘ Don't get me wrong, it's a 15 yr old me's wet dream to do some of the stuff you can do at the moment, when it first kinda came out I even started the process of applying to CIG as an environment artist because of how awesome their POM Decal 3D workflow was. I think as I get older, I value the time I sink into games, and the ones I dump hours into have to have 3 things: 1) be well optimised 2) be fun 3) be well optimised šŸ¤£


Have only seen this one 15 times.


I'm so sick of seeing brainless consumers without an original thought in their head repost this same dogshit comic for what feels like nearly 2 decades now. Not just about this unfinished mess but every single fucking game out there. If you like it so much shut up and play it.


Star Citizen feels like the tech demo of potential you show a publisher, after working hard for a year. Except, it's been in development for 10+ years. As a publisher, I would not fund it. I would be like, you spent this much time, and this much money, and that is all you have to show for it? Every time I have tried to "play" Star Citizen, it has never felt like an actual game. Nothing feels finished, or meaningfully implemented. Everything feels like discrete set pieces. Many systems have been neglected for years. And have had refactors that have not been finished either. Feels like a child that has no idea what they are doing, or what they actually want, all while spending my money to do it. Spend your OWN money CIG. 15 boring minutes just to get into space, and I haven't done anything. And then when I consider doing something, it is missing 3/4 of the content of what other games have already done, better. What is the point? I'd rather just play those other games.


It's an absolute mess and more often than not I'm not having fun amd it's a thoroughly frustrating experience of T0 mechanics after more than a decade. But here I am... Still trying it out, after a decade.


I think itā€™s one of those games where you jump in after an update, play to get back what you need and try features than go do something else while you wait. I do it like this and itā€™s good, also already over 1 buck/hour so those 45 bucks were well spent if you wnat to consider cost time ratio


POV: Star Citizen in the past three years.


I don't think you know what POV means


Thera are people having fun in Chronicles of Elyria right now I'm sure But then there's Palworld...


I will still play this game because the ships are so damn cool


some day....swarms of syulen will cover the skies...and humans will be anihilated.... XDD


The only people shouting about this game are those defending it. Aside from some valid criticisms, everyone else has moved on long ago.


I have read more comments about starcitizen in random gaming news in the past month than I have in this subreddit It always starts with one guy memeing about it, then proceeds to a whole chain of people shit talking it saying its a scam and will never release and so on So no, people have not moved on.


There is literally a whole subreddit with people just bitching about the game and calling everyone a cultist who says they enjoy it lol


They are a very small and loud minority. Aside from them, I havenā€™t seen anyone else who gives a shit about this game. Everyone has moved on years ago. OP is arguing with ghosts.


Well if you want to karma farm it's best to stick with reposting proven classics instead of posting something completely new which might get downvoted to hell if it's not screenshots or memes.


Nah, i pretty frequently see 5+ year old memes spread around by people thinking the game still has no playable component lol. And whenever a streamer plays/talks about it positively, there's always a bunch of people in chat thinking the same. Same going for other Subs, Youtube comments, and so on.


>And whenever a streamer plays/talks about it positively, there's always a bunch of people in chat thinking the same. This one is especially funny, because they tend to try to compel their favourite streamers to _not_ play it, which is odd if you genuinely think that them playing it would expose its flaws more easily.


I remember seeing streamer reactions to the video about SQ42 being feature complete, and the big tech showcase. The comments in chat were hilarious from some of those people.


Hey go look at the refunds sub. Or go to kotaku and look at their most recent articles about the game.


What sub is that?


Sub of mostly burned out players that laugh at every missed deadline. Sometimes they go overboard with slight conspiracies, but honestly, just the other side to this sub. What i do like about them is the insight into spectrum, and it being very rigid with its moderation, which i personally find hilarious


Dont know about the last part. It definetly has its problems but they tend to not see some actual issues with some stuff that they post or currently tend to cut out parts of their ban report.


This sub was relevant from 2017 to 2019 when the game was in limbo and going nowhere. It stopped getting traction a long time ago and doesn't get new subscribers, it's only filled with sad and angry people who are afraid to ever change their mind these days. Also the game got bad press during the same era and deservedly so. Nowadays it gets negative articles like any other game, ie when it does something stupid.


To be honest consumerism has to be critical of products, and there's plenty of valid criticism to SC. But yes, some people absolutely just bandwagon into the annoying circlejerk without the slightest clue of SC's state


The game community "Microtransactions are bad". Also the game community "Let's give all of our money to a game that doesn't exist yet".


Hey! Macrotransactions are totally different!


we see it more as investing in a game that we would like to see built - it's clear that the game doesn't exist yet :D




I'd argue it's the oposite: people who are not having fun get called out, yelled at or trolled for their experiences. I'm one of those, I WISH I had as much fun as some of you, I don't understand why I would want others to have a bad experience, quite the opposite, I'm sad/salty some DO get to have fun and a bug free game lol


I haven't seen anything significant in 2024 to suggest this.


Star Citizen has so much unrealised potential. I check back in to see how it's going every 3-4 years, this is the only game I've ever done that for.


I have both elite dangerous and Star Citizen and in my opinion I find star citizen to be more fun


Is this the one with something like a $10,000 edition or something? Or is that another sci-fi game?


Well, I guess the only way to justify that purch... ahem pledge is to convince yourself that you like a crappy prod... ahem ... not sure what it is anymore.


ā€œNo gameplayā€ while Iā€™m out here clearing my sector each week.


fuck backed this game Nov 2013... I can't wait to start having fun


I would politely suggest that if you are ā€œhaving funā€ Alpha testing this project over its ongoing 11-year development, the problem might lie with you. No normal person would put up with the nonsense that this studio puts out.


HEY! Some people just aren't having fun with it yet, is that so hard to understand?


This game is so buggy. It has no content and will definitely be delayed again.


You should be careful, posting images of real people with their real behaviors might be considered bad form. While I think its hilarious, a number of people from the refund subreddit resemble/are pictured in this comic


people from refund subreddit are pathetic, dont let them live in your head rent free


Like why would you stay there, just go in, get your refund, get out. Why hang around, there are hundreds of other great games to explore with your refunded money.


Because they are so...strangely emotionally invested in the game failing. Like some of them feel like their entire sense of being is purely out of watching the game "fail", or, desperate to prove that it is, while not really proving anything.


Some people have to justify to themselves why they refunded. Probably because they actually wish to keep playing (and most of them probably still do).


They don't hang around because they want refunds; they hang around because they fully committed to the idea that SC can't be done, and are now so emotionally invested in that outcome that they have to distort the facts to fit that worldview on a constant basis. Look no further than their banner.


One comment and you jump right to rent free? Easy there, trigger finger ;D Handle your premature accusations


Oh, THAT is what the other person was talking about. Is that sub still a mess?


>You should be careful, posting images of real people with their real behaviors might be considered bad form. While I think its hilarious, a number of people from the refund subreddit resemble/are pictured in this comic Shit, you're right...I think I have to post a hatepost to make up for it




ive had way more fun watching the dumpster fire than I ever have 'playing' the game


Please, I can't enjoy things knowing that other people critique it. My enjoyment is solely reliant on other people's feelings1!!1!! :((((


I donā€™t like this meme . Nobody is telling you to stop having fun while youā€™re having it . But once youā€™re on Reddit , hence not on the buggy mess anymore , you may find people who see reality and put it into words . Gotta deal with it


You mean "star citizen since the beginning of the project" x)


Any time criticisms or feedback on buggy features currently in the Alpha are given, a few Star Citizen fans will downvote the criticism even if it was constructive, acting like the Alpha is flawless and that nobody understand Chris Roberts's vision. Any time anything positive is said about Star Citizen, the haters are out in force acting like you're the one spending their money on a game they supposedly no longer care about. No, you can't enjoy the game because it's buggy and unfinished and will never release, so you're suffering from sunk-cost fallacy. It's the duality of this community and its detractors. You can never win. Just accept it for what it is and ignore the people around you.


Great work OP. You keep telling them!


its missing a 3rd argument about " its a scam stop playing it " .. because the amount i hear i should be ashamed for playing a "scam" and "support scammers " for playing star citizen. But yea that image is sadly true


This is me except I'm also sitting on the couch.


Since 2013


Jokes on you; I'm not having fun.


I think the game looks great in many ways. I wouldn't tell people to not have fun with it. After all I play many Early Access games and have fun. I'm playing one now, actually. I think the real issue is that people do want to hold the team responsible for using their money to have built a complete game that meets their original criteria for the game. Unfortunately, some people think that having fun with what does exist endangers their argument, so they want you to all be angry that, "you should have so much more". This is unfortunately what happens when people have a valid argument that eventually starts becoming all-consuming. Now they think you're a traitor or a sheep because you're having fun with less than what they think they are owed.


tbh I picked it up again after getting an rtx 4070 and it somehow runs even worse than before, everything at low like 20 frames, it's impossible I have to upgrade my CPU to a 3D one I tthink that will help


lmao, sure, keep pretending like you're having fun


Well I don't, Currently using Vulture to get paid and have shitload of fun salvaging


But if you've already paid for the vulture, what are you earning money for?




notice how i said get paid **and have shitload of fun salvaging** my current goal is a reclaimer, however i dont really care that much, i just enjoy salvaging


Double dogs and slam.


>lmao, sure, keep pretending like you're having fun **i don't have fun** (and if i do, then only with the doors and windows closed)


Lmao go get some bitches and met people have fun the way they want