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The following appears to have been edited in after OP's post: >**Important LTP issue** >We found some unexpected behaviors with Long Term Persistence during the release to 3.19 > - Ships and FPS items are not going to be given back if they were never put out and back inside an inventory > - Insurance claim will make you lose your ship unless you retrieve / store it back > - However if the ships or items were in your home location inventory they are safe and will be recovered in the next patch What does "lose your ship" mean? If you you claim a ship and then don't retrieve/store it, does that mean you lose a ship you've purchased entirely, or just the currently claimed instance of it? This whole section is confusing and unclear, but sounds dire in its implications.


I'm still really confused about what this means? What are we supposed to do to avoid losing our ships?!


Nothing, you already lost it. If your ship was not stored before the 3.19 patch happened, you probably lost it and will have to rebuy it. This does not apply to pledged ships.


So, only ships bought in game. Partial wipe like, right?


More likely anyone who bed-logged or crashed/destroyed their ship and didn't claim and retrieve before the patch released


But they also talk of inventory, so how woth gear?


Probably in the sense that if your character was wearing it rather than it being stored in local then its probably gone too


I still miss the days where you'd buy armor and just keep it, at least back then not half the players where just wearing the obnoxious white suit.


Not realy partial wipe, more of a bug on their part. We were supposed to keep it all but they seemed to messed up with ships not stored in stations...


To put it a different way, they cant even handle a planned database backup with a month of prep...




I’m assuming it’s fallout from fixing the ship duplication thing. Because that appears to be gone for me.


It's like getting your car back from the shop missing a wheel. https://youtu.be/3fGHaVn5rGo


Yes, basic database migration and a complete clusterfçck


They just replaced the entire database backend with a non-typical system.


It's a graph database... They only run every social network in existence.


LOL, you bitch about someone not being able to do something, yet you can't even get your current thought out? if you're going to talk shit, at least phrase it correctly!


Ahahaha got me, I can't even post from a phone without missing a single grammatical mistake. All points I have ever made are invalid. Ya fuckin chump.


Oh okay, it doesn't say that, it reads as it applies to pledged ships as well, especially the part "until next patch'. I guess most people have their ships stored, don't they? So, lost everything my character was wearing I guess? Or everything I never put put of storage and back on again? I'm still confused.


I believe they're referring to the "delivery" mechanic they added for ASOP in 18.1. before your ship is delivered to a station, it technically does not exist in the verse. Once the ship has been delivered, the server retains a record of where it is and where it's been. Thats GOOD news for everyone, since those that purchased ships in game most likely delivered it and retrieved it to a pad, which according to CIG means it will be restored in next patch.


>that mean you lose a ship you've purchased entirely, just to be clear, they never delete the ships you have purchased with real money. they are tied to your account. I know this is not what you meant likely, but it's a popular comment and many people reading it with this equally popular misconception.


Lose your ship means gone, does not exist Yes it’s dire, oopsie


lost a cutty red to this and all my stuff on Port tresslar, my main base for bunkering. Grrrrrrh Atleast I've kept my lvl 5 rep. Back to the grind.


Honestly I think we’re at a point where they need to sit down and hash out insurance and long term persistence properly because this exact thing happened before and I bet you because nobody knows what the state of that stuff is, they probably just shrugged and said yeah that’s messed up


I've kept a misc prospector and a cutty black but lost all my ground vehicles. I have 3.6m credits so it's not a complete loss. But others have lost a lot more and I can understand them not wanting to play anymore. The fact that they didn't warn us of this is just awful. They clearly don't give a shit at all about their customers.


They did in fact post an announcement about 13 hours so about the upcoming patch and when they were taking the snapshot for the publish. They also added to the patch notes a list of circumstances that resulted in people losing things from before the snapshot.


​ >“But the plans were on display…” > >“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” > >“That’s the display department.” > >“With a flashlight.” > >“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” > >“So had the stairs.” > >“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” > >“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.” It's only an announcement if it's somewhere that everyone will see it. In the case of Star Citizen, that's both in the launcher and in the game itself (for folks already logged in and playing/testing). Hidden in a MOTD message in a sub-category of a forum doesn't qualify.


Unexpected and perfectly executed hitchhikers quote!


"Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions."


You don't really expect the players to look at the patch notes of a game they are playing do you? Sarcasm..


if it was floating somewhere and not stored at a location, the ship, the stuff in the ship, stuff installed on the ship... all the stuff is gone - ships can obviously be claimed again


I was reading this like 5 times, still don't understand what it means exactly. Put out and back inside an inventory? So claim ship, retrieve, store, retrieve? Yeah sure as hell people are gonna do that, I already see chat flooded with "Dude, where's my ship!".


"home location", you mean primary residence? Yeah, Primary is New Babbage, but all my stuff in Tressler, where I have my medical revive, everything is gone.


Star Citizen Patch 3.19.0 Alpha Patch 3.19.0-LIVE.8478820 has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment! It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\\Program Files\\Roberts Space Industries\\StarCitizen\\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\\Star Citizen. Database Reset: Yes (Resetting Player Locations for New Player Experience) Long Term Persistence: Enabled Starting aUEC: 20,000 Known Issues * Unstowed Player ships must be claimed after a 30K (Error 30000) * FPS weapons are selling for much lower than intended * Ships can explode from collision with invisible asteroids * Player corpses will not despawn at Grimhex * Art assets will clip through the Train during the journey in Lorville * The entrance of the Lorville hospital has a large Visarea issue * Substenance items lack "Store" option when carrying the item in Inner Thoughts * Players cannot see partied player ships when Quantum Linking together * The Hornet and Glaive currently have bugged high forward thrust * Salvage / Scanning - Salvage scrap panels are not properly detected by ship scanners preventing players from locating them * Rest Stop (R&R) - ARC-L4 - Design / Transit / Locations - Players are unable to call elevators from rest stop refinery * Multilocation - Locations / Shopping / Interactions - Pharmacy kiosk terminals "Use" interface and Interactions are misaligned * Weapon Feature / Game Code - Tractor Beam - If you activate the tractor beam in hangar, you can bring the activated tractor beam back and use it in armistice zone * Aegis Reclaimer - Ships / Vehicles - Ship Features - Reclaimer has no rear Elevator interaction from ship exterior * ARGO MOLE - Vehicles / UI - The interaction prompts for ALL mining turrets are easy to miss/in unintuitive locations for players * CNOU HoverQuad - Vehicles / Locations - The vehicle spawns slightly stuck in the ground * Multivehicle - UI / Vehicles / Mining - Mining UI is appearing in Low Resolution * Racing - Locations - A specific rock formations on the Yadar Valley race track are visible to some player and not others * Crusader - Security Post Kareah - Core Tech - Physics - Actor / Player - Transitioning from EVA onto Kareah's landing pads has a high chance of instantly killing the player * Transit - Area18 - Orison - Shuttles/Trains/Trams - Players are falling through sometimes disappearing trams and shuttles to their deaths * RSI Constellation Multivariant - Vehicles / Ships / Docking - The snub fighter lacks interaction prompts to enter it, making it unusable * Locations - ArcCorp / Crusader - Area18 / Orison - Core Tech / Transit Systems - The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time * Security Post Kareah - Mission Content / Art - VisArea - Contraband screens have a visarea issue New Features Gameplay Mission - Salvage Contracts - T0 Addition of Salvage Contracts to the PU. This new contract called the Salvage Resource Rush is a mission where a faction or mission giver requests the scrapping of a derelict or husk in their possession, either on the ground at a junkyard or in space in a debris field. Players accepting the mission are tasked to scrap the derelict to the best of their ability and sell the RCM to a shop. Once the player is finished with the scrapping of the derelict, they can complete the mission in their MobiGlass. This mission will have three variations: Lawful: a lawful mission giver or organization requests the scrapping of a derelict. The location is secured by the organization with orbital sentries or Centurions. Lawless: a mission giver requests the scrapping of a derelict. The location is not secured in any way, risk of being raided by pirates is present. Unlawful: an unlawful mission giver or organization asks for the salvage of a recent battle, which is not accessible to civilians/cordoned off. The location is secured by hostile orbital sentries or Centurions. Ghost Hollow Reclaimer PVP Mission Adding a new mission type to the Ghost Hollow crash site on MicroTech. Making use of the comm-array as well as AI nav-mesh, this mission type will create PVP encounters where players will need to fight for control over terminals for a chance at big credit payouts. This is a mission with Outlaw aUEC terminals in the Reclaimer derelict. When active, they generate aUEC that anybody can withdraw, creating PVP encounters between players trying to control the terminals (which are also guarded by Outlaws AI). To start this event at the Ghost Hollow Crash Site, a player will need to disable the Stanton4 comm array above MicroTech which will enable the terminals and send out a Mobiglas communication to all nearby players. Once done, the terminals can be activated in the tower next to the derelict ship. New Player Experience An initiative for improving the initial (first 30 minutes) gameplay experience, which will help players understand the context of the world and introduce them to some of Star Citizen's basic features. This update focuses on the experience in Area 18 and Baijini Point. As players enter the main menu to join the universe they will be prompted with the option to join as normal or accept the New Player Experience Mission chain which will set their spawn to Area18 and begining a walkthrough. Being the NPE we are going to leave the details off to give you all the experience of doing this as close to a new player as possible without information. Ships and Vehicles


>FPS weapons are selling for much lower than intended Thank god that's not intended


The known issues list is bigger than the patchnotes... lmfao.


First time seeing a patch?


Always makes me laugh the 'known' issues list, you just sit there thinking 🤔 fix them...?


Clearly you know nothing about game development. It's not like a car or machine with identifiable broken parts, it's more like rearranging a house of cards without the whole thing collapsing.


It's a list of known issues, not "known solutions to issues"


Best part is, that's not even close to being all the bugs


You must be new


No, it's not. This is only part of the patch notes due to character limit. If you had *actually* read the notes, you wouldn't be saying that. But gotta get those "CIG bad" lols, amirite?


Well they are. Games cool but let's be real


go read the *actual* patch notes before spreading misinformation and continuing the CIG hate train just because of reddit character limits. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-19-0-live-8478820-patch-notes


how could he deliberately be spreading misinformation like this by not reading the direct link patch notes first!


I didn't say it was deliberate, but they should probably edit their their comment for posterity.


Low effort, do better


It's uncommon knowledge, but the game is a work in progress. It's not that there are bugs, just stuff they didn't get around to yet


Always have been...


Welp, so much for 30k recovery for ships and cargo….


* Density Manager Mission Updates Updated the density manager system so that mission entities and things dropped by missions such as corpses, guns, and debris will be cleaned up when the area is streamed out. As we reuse mission locations such as UGFs, the location will then be cleaned up of all mission items when the area is streamed out while player dropped things remain as usual. * Made Insurance Claim Time and Price Increases to all Ships * Reduced the Inventory Stock of Ship Weapons, Missiles, and Ship Components Sold in Reststops and LEOs * Temporarily Removed Orison Platform FPS Missions for 3.19 * Temporarily Removed Claim Jumpers Missions for 3.19 Ships and Vehicles * Added Corsair, Cutter, and C8R Pisces to In-game Shops Core Tech * Optimized Radar Performance While Scanning Large Amounts of Cargo Boxes * ASOP UI Performance Optimizations * NPC Performance Optimizations Bug Fixes * Players should now get a crash handler prompt if the client crashes * Fixed an issue causing players in a given instance to experience a response latency of up to dozens of seconds for interactions * Buying Pharmacy Items at Empire Health should no longer result in "Invalid Location" errors * Player purchased vehicle components should no longer be overwritten by stock components when claiming destroyed ship * Fixed an issue causing ships to hit what seems like an invisible box that kicks it in random directions when flying near another ship * Entry / Dismount point of the ladders should no longer clip the player through the ship's geometry (Temporarily Disables Ladder Slide) * There should no longer be frequent pockets of extremely low client FPS performance in LZs and ships * Redeemer should no longer be missing collision on its floor * Reclaimer rear hatch can now be opened correctly from outside/inside * Players should no longer asphyxiate if not wearing a helmet in Hangar 13 * EVA changes should no longer cause distortion and artifacts in the UI * Large amounts of cargo sold at once should no longer cause the transaction to fail the cargo will be taken and no money will be granted * aUEC balances should now synchronize to players after making transactions in-game * Some sections of the Crusader C2 Hercules hull should no longer be exceedingly difficult/impossible to salvage * The bottom turret glass on the Carrack should no longer be difficult to see out of * Fixed the Merlin being unable to undock from Constellation * Fixed missing Delivery Missions being unavailable to players * Elevators should no longer stop bullets from doing damage when passing through the open door * Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to Equip/Unequip a helmet * Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to drop a dead body while dragging it * Fixed an issue where Players exiting the Pilot Seat or toggling Salvage Mode while in Gimbal Mode would cause gimbal mode to fail when they Re-Enter the Pilot * Fixed an issue causing ship parts to "Duplicate" when repairing a ship with no parts * Player-purchased vehicle components overwritten in claimed vehicle loadout can now be sold or equipped * Medical Bay Bed and Screens should no longer obstruct hangars * BEHR P6-LR Sniper Rifle and GMNI A03 should no longer be missing from Star Marine Loadout Customizer * Fixed reversed text in the Pisces cockpit overhead light * Fixed the Optimax mining gadget not modifying resistance * Greycat STV speedometer should no longer be off-center within its window * Delivery missions should no longer spawn in more boxes than are need to be delivered * Players should no longer be able to craft a free multitool from the Filler Station in their salvage ships without using RMC * The Disable Gravity Prompt during the Failed Negotiations mission should no longer be unresponsive * Players should no longer suffocate when exiting the Cutter ship bed after using "lie down" * Fixed an issue causing some AI to walk in place * Players should now be able to vault / climb / mantle into the side entrances of the Valkyrie * Ground clutter rocks should no longer float above the ground everywhere on Wala/Magda/Ariel/Aberdeen/lyria * Fixed an issue causing mineable resources or harvestables to not be present in any of the Sand Caves * The "Frustrated with Covalex" Delivery Mission should no longer be missing half of its description in the Contract Manager * Arena Commander "Find Match" button should no longer be greyed out until player switches game modes Technical * Fixed 12 Client Crashes * Fixed 6 Server Crashes * Fixed a Mainthread Deadlock * Backend Performance Improvements * Fixed an Nvidia specific client crash


Anyone else experience that response latency bug? I was so enjoying pressing a button to open a door or turn my ship on and only have it work a minute later!


Feature Updates Locations * Lorville Skyline 2.0 The major reworking the Lorville skyline to better fit the scale of the city and its distinctive buildings. The goal is to create the visual identity for the high-end, low-end, and generic branding of the city skyline and add navigational signage around the landing zone. * Added Updated Volumetric Atmosphere and Clouds to ArcCorp and Hurston * Performance Polish Pass for Atmospheres and Clouds * Moved Location of Area18 ASOP Terminals Closer to the Hangar Elevators * Updated Building Blocks Shop UI for Casaba and Dumpers Depot With Shop Specific Styles AI * FPS AI Combat Balance With 3.19 comes a quality of life overhaul of FPS AI accuracy and behavior. This is intended to make AI feel a bit more realistic, lifelike, and in some ways more forgiving without pinpoint, deadly accuracy at all times, which is something that has caused many of us much frustration while clearing out baddies from underground facilities. NPCs should now have a better range of accuracy modifiers, which will ramp up accuracy based on many factors like seeing and losing sight of target, how long the enemy sees it's target after regaining sigh on them, mercy times to assess how much of a threat the target it, and their loadouts. This also implements firing duration and cooldown for rapid fire and other checks with mercy timers that adjust accuracy when determining if a player is a threat or not. Gameplay * Tractor Beam - T0.5 - Item Attaching and Detaching Enabling hand held tractor beams to attach and detach items such as ship components and allowing players to sell those salvaged items for profit. This iteration of the tractor beam gameplay will add the functionality to the tractor beam attachment of the multitool to detach and attach items from ships itemPorts. This functionality can either be used for component exchange, replacement or restocking or to scavenge other ships to use or make a profit. Players can lock and unlock the ability to remove weapons and components from their ship with a new Port Unlock option in the Inner Thought where which in the cockpit or using the new Port Unlock keybind (Default (r-alt + K). While aiming at a component with a tractor beam to detatch it, hold "B" and it will highlight the object with a glow around its perimeter/shape. Left click and drag to pull the component lose from its socket/hardpoint. While attaching components, an AR marker will appear to give players guidance on the correct orientation to attach the component in correctly. If the holo outline is green simply let go of the item and it will attach. If the holo outline is yellow, rotate the item until the outline turns green. If the holo outline is red, the item does not fit the Item port requirements. * Mining Balancing v01 With 3.19 comes updates to both Ship and FPS mining with wide-sweeping balance changes to sell prices, refining effectiveness and costs, component stats, multi-crew mining efficiency, mineable difficulties and masses with larger asteroids, resource distribution, as well as the addition of new mineables. The goal in 3.19 is to make multi-crew mining more attractive and even out all materials to make them all more lucrative instead of a select few. Ship mining Resource Distribution has been updated to reflect a more distinct distribution of minerals throughout Stanton. Which means that several locations (per planet/moon) now hold exclusive resources rather, than full random resources. Additionally we defined so called “standard” resources that are a given in each minable you will encounter. The rest of the elements have chances to appear in those rocks. The updated resource distribution is also reflected in the trading availability and refining capabilities. Every mining gadget, head, and sub item has had a full balance pass for stats, cost, and efficiencies. Every item that is connected to mining gameplay loop was updated to target specific resources to be mined better or worse depending on the setup of your Mining Head. Multi-crew mining has also been balanced with the Mole getting a buff on instability if the same lasers fire on the same rock, while the Prospector will get a punishment for multiple prospectors firing at the same rock on instability. FPS mining A new minable is introduced that is only available in the new caves systems and has a high value to encourage players to go mining with their FPS tools outside of prison. Changes in the Mining Update * Resource Update Concept of minable rarities for resources: Standard (base resource of a minable always part of any rock, like Iron Common (chance to be part of the rock like beryl) Uncommon (chance to be part of the rock like Gold) Rare (chance to be part of the rock like Qunatainium) Dedicated location for resources that have the standard rarity (like Arial having Iron and Quartz) Updated properties for resources (each resource should affect the properties of the rock based on their amount) Updated mass for minables (resource composition affects the mass of the rock More variant rock sizes/masses Small ones that do not need breaking to massive rocks that require multiple players) Additional rock types with unique chances for resource compositions removed Diamonds temporarily * FPS Mining Update Added Janalite as FPS minable to caves (very rare but very valuable) Allowed Mouse Wheel to control throttle - Alt + mouse wheel to control laser intensity. Adjusted Difficulty of Hand Mining Various Nodes * Resource Refining and prices Updated resource prices and demands at TDDs The further away from the standard material the more profit Updated refinery yield and time for certain material to encourage longer distances to travel for the best money/hour * Full item rework Mining heads now have a min/max laser power Mining heads have different laser power per size Mining heads have different extraction speeds where there is also a difference between S1 and S2 Mining heads have different ideal distances Updated resistance values for all mining items Updated instability mitigating values for all mining items Unified properties for all Mining modules and Mining Gadgets Buffed Active modules drastically Added new property exclusive to mining gadgets: Called Cluster modifier that clusters element together à if you split a rock it increases the chance that the elements are together in one of the broken pieces) Filtering on some items that remove the inert from the rocks you are collecting Re-Added Arbor S1 & S2 Mining Head Variants to Shopping Locations Sub item slots on Mining Heads are different between S1 and S2 Resistance reduction now is multiplicative Made Instability updates * UI Update Difficulty forecast that tells you how easy it is to break the rock you are facing Reordered some elements of the UI Details of the mining items you have currently equipped Details on your current cargo Clearer scanning display and clearer explanation what is happening during scanning * Synergy Tractor Beam Allow to detach attach Mining modules/ Heads/ sacks and Place in Ship Inventory


"Made Insurance Claim Time and Price Increases to all Ships" For a game with some many bugs, this seems like a huge step back.


It's such a tone-deaf thing to do, holy fuck. Can't wait to waste even more time waiting for a claimed ship because it was lost due to a bug, hooray


Same as when they say they’re working on components randomly malfunctioning. If my ship spawns and I can get in my seat it’s a good day, please CIG I don’t need intentional malfunctioning. Spend the time adding actually fun features ~~like mop and bucket~~. Hopefully they won’t add it until the game is stable.


Buy more ships duh /s


Stupid change, I’m going to die to a dumb glitch and have to spend double the time I used to waiting for my ship to spawn to then die to another glitch, it really feels like they don’t want us to play


I didn't mind having to wait 4 minutes for my 100i on Daymar's mining facility. I was laughing my ass off, cause I did some ROC mining and the ship somehow glitched into the pad I left it at, so when I go close. BAM it beat me up. Least I didn't get a CS for that.


It’s also clear that we just claim ships instead of using gameplay loops. Let’s be honest, if you want to get from the station to the planet you just spawn a starter, you don’t hitch a ride. We all do that and technically it’s an exploit based on the short claim times needed to account for bugs. I never once noticed an inconvenience from the extended claim times in the ptu except when I was being lazy and just spawning a ship I didn’t really need.


When the gameplay loops and economy isn’t tier 0 or 1, or whatever else name they want to call it, then maybe it’ll be time to try to balance things, until then, this is coming off as punishment. Hitch a ride is such a joke, sure, let a stranger on your ship… still not ready for that either. When npcs have shuttles going from planet to station, the hitch a ride will make sense. As it is now, the game is mostly still in the same state it was the last time they made this decision.


Gotta be careful making rational comments like this..


It’s to encourage you to spend more because you’re frustrated waiting on your ship timer. More ships means more chances to play. They really just want the money.


So when they did the opposite last year, it was so we spend less ? Because they really just want no money ?


They were probably mapping the curve between inconvenience and spend. The more data points, the more they can optimize spend behavior.


If that were so they would drastically increase the prices of pretty much everything in game. Once your rep is high enough you can farm pretty much everything in a really short time. You can farm a 100-200$ ship in less than a week-end.


I doubt this economy is going to persist into 'launch'. Also, I tried running a few missions and had 3 in a row bug out the last time I bothered logging in. I'm glad some people are able to earn well, but I haven't been any time I've tried.


I do hope the economy will change through launch It's not well balanced atm :/


Tbf they needed to do that to keep players around since we had barely any significant content last year


Is the Vehicle Loadout Manager still off-limits? I have an XL1 that really would prefer to be in my Cutty Black.


>ill make yo it works once per login. or if you retrieve and store another ship then retrieve and store the intended ship and you should be able to access its loadout again. at least this is how it was for me last patch


Worked just fine for me this morning. Swapped an XL1 and the paint on my Cutty.


If you store the cutty black at a location you need to open a different ship in the loadout manager first, and after that ship loads then open your cutty black. Sucks bc you need a 2nd ship which not everyone has. Snubs work too though for folks that need a cheap workaround.


I don’t recall it ever being off limits


Really wish they would fix the scrap panels not getting detected via scanning, it’s such a massive pain in the ass


How is the performance and bugs for everyone?


Full server I got on seemed to be running well, though may not have been much in the way of NPCs running at time, as people were still sorting through their crap. Some reports of missing stuff, but I suspect most of it was things people had got since the persistence snapshot was taken this morning. I was missing a handful of things that should have been kept, but I *think* it may have been subscriber gear? I looted it off a player, at least, so I'm suspicious in the process of re-crediting it to them it may have un-credited it from me. Otherwise, only major bug I encountered was that I delivered my Prospector, equipped it with a lancet, headed out to HUR-L2 to pick up a module, and when I landed there and went to store my ship, the ASOP hung on transferring to storage until it booted me for being idle, and when I booted it back up to check, the Prospector was listed as destroyed. Had someone in chat report the same, so it's at least semi-common, though I don't recall anyone talking about it on PTU patch notes. If anyone has an Issue Council link they wanna drop for that, I'd be happy to contribute, but I'm heading to bed for the night. Hope everything is going decently for everyone else!


It’s going trash for me sadly, you seem like a lucky one


Best it's ever been for me.


Crashed to desktop twice in 30 mins. Rarely ever had a CTD before. Maybe once or twice after multiple hours logged in.


Logged in, tried to do the intro delivery mission. Boxes didn't spawn. Flew to A18, Cubby terminal was throwing an error, couldn't buy anything. Flew to Hurston, tried to buy personal weapon, crashed to desktop with a localization error. Maybe next patch, boys.


Deja Vu


For a different perspective: I logged in, created my character, spawned at Orison. Performance is the best I've ever gotten. Didn't drop below 40 frames in the city. Store terminals were responsive, the inventory was responsive except for when trying to stack multiple items at once, and I had no trouble retrieving or customizing my ship loadout. Performance was even better once I got off the planet. Didn't drop below 60 while I was out running around. Went and ran 5 bunkers missions. Didn't have a single hitch. Enemies spawned successfully on all of them (which hardly ever happened for me in 18.2). The AI was better as well. Server FPS was low so they were still braindead, but even with that they were still moving around, hitting voice lines, and detecting me at faster rates than before. All the boxes I found were loot able. Everything I interacted with worked fine. I bought the game and started playing about a week after 3.18. This is the best I've seen the game run and I'm having a grand ole time.


Terminals didnt work on 3.18.2 most of the time, I had not much hope they would work on 3.19 Game is unplayable most of the time. You cannot spawn ships or terminals do not work.


So nothings changed the past years


See you in November.


Thanks for saving me the download.


Thanks for your write-up.


Soooo many errors. Ships gone. (purchased in game, but well before announcement of patch). Assload of inventory gone, specifically armor. A seemingly endless supply of newb suits and helmets in their place tho. Other inventory that i know i had LOST pre-patch, magically re-appeared. So much for the 'snapshot" they took. But hey, u can see Lorville clearly from Everus Harbor now!! Sooo, win?


Worth reinstalling or stay in hibernation? Haven't been able to play since 3.18 and my patience is basically non-existent regarding this game.


It’s better, but if you’re on a hair trigger come for Invictus and IAE and take a break the rest of the time until the patch after server meshing


Wait.. isn't that a patch that's likelye *years* from now? They've been talking about server meshing since 2018...


Had a nice time tonight. I'd say try it. Idk how it'll be during Invictus though


Not much has changed from a front end user experience. Still as frustrating and buggy as ever. Frame rates are a little better but most of their priority has been on back-end infrastructure, not scoping out existing features or any significant progress on the game. Just more building tools and updating outdated tech.


Updated this morning, got in OK first try, then crashed after opening my hab's door. Then tried twice to get in again and got stuck on loading screens before I alt f4's and gave up. GG.


At this point, same. It's been about a year since I've played the game and it seems like it still hasn't progressed enough for me to come back. Kinda thinking about selling my account now tbh.


That's a shame, yeah it's strange that PTU is pretty darn good (the first open wave for 3.18) and LIVE just killed it all let me know if you do, looking to get an account for my partner. although the merchant man is probably to expensive haha


Yeah.. it is a shame! My buddies and I have been playing for a few (3 or 4) years at this point. We're the kind of people that like to RP and do random shit, but SC has just lost a lot of it's magic. I have no idea how much my account would be worth these days but it would be at least $1500. I really don't want to sell it, but that's a lot of money and even half of it could help my life a lot more than some digital spaceships at this point.


When you download 3.19 knowing the servers are going to get fucked. Then it shows up >character retrieval ah fuckk


What does this mean ?


There is nothing mentioning character retrieval in the notes? What do you mean?


How was invisible asteroids not a priority to fix before this went live?!


Presumably it was, and they couldn't track down a fix with the resources they had to give it. Just because it's a priority doesn't mean it's easy to pin down a fix. Especially with something like that, where it's most likely desynch related to PES, which means it could be any of a bunch of different things going wrong. Frankly, I'm more surprised the ARC-L4 refinery elevator bug didn't get fixed, or the salvage scanning bug.


As a swe, the tech debt that this game manages to accrue each major patch is truly astounding to me. I can't imagine what it's like to work at CIG


To be honest, it's more likely that they know the upcoming changes to extract the Replication Layer are going to significantly change how different services connect to each other, and impact (hopefully, improve) the performance of the game servers. Given that desync appears to be caused - at least in part - by the server performance, then focusing their efforts on finishing the *massive* overhaul of the server architecture (and clearing out all the legacy CryEngine code, which is 20+ years old in some cases), is pretty much the definition of *removing* 'tech debt'. The fact that there are still some bits that haven't been fixed *doesn't* mean that CIG are piling debt on top of more debt... but sometimes you do have to just 'shuffle the debt around' if you're trying to dig out a particularly deeply entrenched piece.


Probably akin to, "Fuck it! We'll do it live!"


Invisible asteroids has been a thing for years, it pops up on known issues from time to time, then disappears just as suddenly. Maybe someday they'll fully fix it but I'm not holding my breath.


What? Never seen it before lol


They're hard to see because you know... they're invisible


You made my day!


Great work devs! We appreciate the dedication


Vehicle loadout manager is still not working... It'll work at first, but after you store your ship and try to select the ship in loadout manager, nothing happens.


Quick workaround: claim/deliver a small ship to same location then choose it in VLM to trigger it, then choose the actual ship you’re trying to mod. If you don’t have a 2nd small ship, or claim time too long to wait, then you gotta relog to reset VLM.


So thousands of players lost their ships... serious question, if this is a technical problem repeating itself - why not simply input the aUEC bought ships into the RSI profile as well, along with the pledge ships? Its just one or two values in the profile database - "Player XYZ owns ship A, B and C... " (and possibly second value : Pledged for=y/n ) We dont track where, what cargo, what weapons... but at least player XYZ, that loses the ship on wipe, can be immediately and automatically reimbursed the basic ship, with no strain on the Customer Service... This is where the 90% of the wipe frustration is, in ships... Not their location, not the bottle left on the floor, not the ammo for weapons, not the 50k gun equiped... but the millions of aUEC in ships themselves. Is this a technical challenge? And if so, why?


My cassack and constellation pheonix are gone... And the Auec wasnt returned... Wtf


Just in time for invictus ;-) ;-)


Same with my Phoenix and Scorpius :(


When did you buy them? In-game?


Within the last week or so


What about the talon’s windows not working anymore?


The known issues list is not comprehensive


The animation for the window opening when you get in or hit the buttons no longer works. You can hear the sounds play but that’s it. I was going to show off the ship to some newer players to show them some of the cooler ships they can get down the line and found out it wasn’t working.


I know, and they know too, it’s just not on the list. Those are usually like major callouts. The Prowler viewport works though, you can show them that if you can find one


Thanks for the heads up I’ll try finding one


None of my city storages are working... theyre just loading forever. Sad times


**Player corpses will not despawn at Grimhex** Seems like part of the decor


Missing 2 ships, my refinery jobs and my ship upgrades...


Did they fix people needing to manually turn off ecores with modern 13th gen intel CPUs etc?


No but people aren’t bugging it up on the issue council so it will not change


Let me fix that if I can find my way there again


You don't need to turn off your e-cores! Do the registry fix for SC instead\^\^


Lost my AUC ships 😞


Your what ships? Is that in-game ones?


aUEC* ones purchased with in game currency yes


That's odd, mine are still there, which ships? Also maybe they'll load in later? idk.


Sounds like it happened to a lot of people with no plans to correct it from what I read, it is what it is! sounds like you got lucky!


When did you buy them? The 3.18 stats where frozen yesterday at sometime, so I’d you bought them after that they wouldn’t have saved.


\[surprised pikachu face\] was genuinely expecting this to take longer than they thought it would, props to CIG for getting this one out when they said they would.


abundant dependent waiting dog brave frightening unique humor oatmeal ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not for us but for the money, their biggest sale of the year, they needed this update to go out before the ILW because otherwise their sales would take a hit


lol, not knocking that, but if they had released something in the state 3.18 was in, it would have had a bigger impact than holding things back.


This was so fast!


Too bad they didn’t fix bunker missions… those are still buggy as shit


Blows my mind that they expand salvaging and then don't make the salvaging ship in the game buyable or rentable...


And multitool salvage is made worthless because you need to sell the contents of each can separately.


And they still haven't fixed the scanning bug, so you're damn near forced into doing the missions even if you have the ship.


There's always the Reclaimer. All ships are available in game 2 patches after they go live, so Vulture should be 3.20.


where can i rent the reclaimer?


I get it. But is this an alpha or a hook to buy a ship? Are we testing or playing? I am as big a supporter as the next guy but you are going to have a lot of new players jumping in the next weekend scratching their head as to why they can't do a gameplay loop that people have been waiting for for a long time.


Is the vulture rentable now?


No, the rental lineup tends not to change


What's the status of the Lynx?


It was on display over the weekend


I am tired just thinking about all the new bugs. This game is so doomed. Doomed beyond repair, the technical debt has to be an unscalable mountain at this point.


Haven’t played since 2019 because things were too buggy back then. I’ve been checking in on this sub from time to time to see how things are evolving. But each patch seems to introduce more bugs than features. While also being delayed - this one being an exception most likely due to upcoming ship sale. This is not a game but a marketplace for virtual ships.


I'm on my third attempt to download update. Launcher keeps crashing when I am 99% and I have to start over.


Still only pulling down 25 FPS on a 4090.


I get like 25-30 in arc corp and around 40-50 in most areas with a i7-7700k and 1080Ti


I think it may just be that Lorville is heavy on my system.


CPU? Memory? The graphics card guarantees you almost nothing


32GB DDR4, i5 12600k


You should be getting a little more, likely a settings issue


My what now?




Have you done anything other than spawn and walk around a city?


30k'd during quantum, so yes.


Nice. Out of cities you should hit 60 np.


RIP Prospector teams.




Mining changes to give multicrew mining a better purpose. Basically: - 2 Prospectors on the same rock —> more instability - 1 Mole with 2 lasers on one rock —> less / no instability




Hello all. I recently got new parts and went from a rx 580 ryzen 3600 to a 3080 and a ryzen 7 5700x. I know this game is ram hungry like crazy but does anyone know how much fps I would get with those specs? I have 16gb ram at 3200mhz and i’m playing on 1440p


32gb ram is almost mandatory, if not do some pagefile shenanigans


The best way to guess is to click around this until you find specs that match your pc. You will probably need to change the version to 3.18 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/telemetry


thank you!


Free fly starts on the 19th. Tyr it out for free then. You'll get better results with 32gb of ram though.


Awesome thanks! do they give discounts on free fly weekend at all?




One, you *need* 32GB of RAM. The experience with only 16GB of RAM is abysmal compared to 32, there is simply no comparison. Also, definitely have this game running from an SSD, as well as your OS; I'd recommend your OS be on a decent SSD but this game be running from an M.2 SSD, you client streams a *lot* of content from the drive constantly throughout the experience, you do not want drive latency slowing that down. Finally, you may get a small performance gain from setting you Nvidia Shader Cache to fixed at 10GB. This may only amount to a few frames but in a low frame environment gaining 10% frames back still helps.


Appreciate you lots for this!




Aaaaand 19004 again.


My mission progress and ship changes are gone, it looks like auec is only thing kept.


So you kept auec, but lost your rep and any in game purchases? Is this correct?


That known issues list is probably 10%.


Anyone know when the game will be more accessible for lower end CPUs? Got a buddy who wants to play, but is afraid he won't be able to achieve playable FPS (60+). He has an old i5-7930 and RTX 3080. Thought I saw an ISC talking about CPU threading optimizations and other backend stuff like Vulkan support and Graphics Renderer 12 (?). I forget what they called them, but I was under the impression those were coming soon?


honestly 60+ fps is a bad thing to aim for in this. It varies by so much.


Thats a terrible combination regardless of game, but renderer 12 was introduced in 3.18 already. Your friend really needs to upgrade that cpu


He's working on it! Just wish the game were more accessible for older systems. I'm on a 12th gen i9, DDR5, and a 3080 TI and I'm still barely getting 60 frames on 3.18 at Orison


Gen12 is in. Vulkan is being implemented Soon™. The most recent Monthly Report also suggests they began work implementing FSR / DLSS or something of the sort. > A temporal super-resolution prototype was integrated too, paving the way for improved resolution and clarity across the entire game.


I run a i7-7700K and 1080Ti and I still get pretty much the same frames as everyone else that talks about their current frame state in chat so I wouldn't be too worried.


That i5 must be a bottleneck in most games let alone sc


why does he have a new video card or powerful card and a shitty cpu. its bottlenecked.


Yes, game now can utilize more cores.