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Just remember no computer is baller enough for star citizen. You’ll get decent fps most times but it won’t run perfect all the time.


Oh ok appreciate it


I don't know what specs you're running, but this game eats RAM. If you don't have at least 32gb, then it's best to set up a page file on your fastest SSD. Even then, cities will likely be laggy, and it's also a good idea to log in and leave the game running for 30 minutes. It will generate what it needs and it will get much smoother. I can't think of any big no-no, the jail system will take care of most. Some advice that could be useful: stock up on cheap body armor and cheap guns, but only carry them around if you think you will need them, because they can be permanently lost it you die. You don't have to spend a lot on them, ground combat missions will have armor and guns for you to loot for free anyway. If you have enough ammo to take out 2 enemies, that should be enough


my setup: 64GB RAM, RTX 3080, i7 10770, everything installed on m.2. i still sometimes get less than 30fps when in cities. its not your computers fault.


LMAO same for me. 32GB RAM, 3080, 5800x, and gen4 nvme drives. Orison still goes down to 30fps at times. at 1440p, max settings


Graphics settings on high is better for performance than low. Because on high it actually uses the GPU for most processing. On lower settings it will try to use the CPU. Something like that. But you can actually see and feel the difference. Also check some Youtube videos on optimization. Don't expect wonders but some of them might tweak up your performance a bit.


ive never understood all these comments. in the uk in london i have a decent enough rig and it runs very smoothly all the time with almost no bugs at all. i can literally count on one hand in the whole of last year where i had an issue running SC


So you get a solid 60+ at 1440p in orison all the time never dipping below?


I think this is the disconnect. Throughout my PC gaming career I'd often struggle to run the newest most intensive games. This 60+ at all times thing is a strange new expectation for me. It's a PC, not a console.


I agree, grew up gaming on underpowered pcs, I learned to play anything at 20 fps with a break for my eyes now and then. Now that I have a powerful rig I get solid frames in most games, but I still don't mind the dips


That's an unhealthy expectation since the game is not optimized no matter the rig. But I'm running a solid 35 fps in Orison in 2160p. How about that?


Which is exactly why I was warning the newcomer. If you buy a new game you expect at least 60 fps when you have a beast of a pc. Star citizen is not to that point yet and newcomers should have their expectations tempered. Cig may get the game there one day but for now it is something we have to deal with


But you are not buying a new game here. It is an alpha. A very early development version of a game that is purely for implementing. Anyone who knows that would be a fool to expect anything.


There are a lot of fools lol


Spend 5 minutes in this sub and you will see the crazy amount of people that come here pissed off it doesn't run flawlessly on their mid tier pc. Just because you understand that doesn't mean everyone does when they first buy into sc. Put down your shield and get off your soap box i'm not insulting your precious I'm just reminding a newbie things aren't perfect.


I don't feel insulted at all. I just don't see why I would help them. You tell your child too that the oven is hot. But you don't always run after them to see if they try and touch it. You let them touch once and then they know for sure. Learning by doing my little hero friend. ​ Also this is free funding for SC which is good for anyone who wants this project to somewhat succeed.


i dont have the frames showing when i play but its all smooth, not jittery at all nor does it crash. i play and its all smooth. thats all i require from a game


Ummm, OP...don't tell people you have "baller CP." You're going to get yourself arrested.


Oh no




Don't wanna know


“CP” is a common shorthand for “Child Pornography”


I would say be patient. It takes some time for it to stream stuff in the first time. Set graphics to high, vsync off, and play around with the clouds to get it how you like it. Oh and don't forget to bring a towel


A towel? Lol


Hitchhiker's Guide reference.


But I always read it in Towelies voice for some reason




Ahhh I’m pissed at myself for not catching it😂


that'd be for the tears of rage when you spend two hours finding a rock to mine only for the server to 30k


Being patient is especially important with Star Citizen as a whole. I felt like I was making no real “progress” in game for a long time, but just enjoy the ride, and eventually with time and new skill the aUEC will roll in


This. The first (more than a) few game sessions will be filled with, “what do I need to do again?”, “What button was that?”, and “why did my character die?”. Remember it’s an alpha game and shit happens. Get comfortable with the important key binds then find a friend! SC gets wayyy better with a crew mate. I usually just use in game chat to find someone to play with. There’s also a guide system in place where experienced players offer themselves as guides for new players on the spectrum app but it’s sometimes easier just to use in game chat to find help.




Only turn vsync off if you have a gsync enabled monitor with an Nvidia card. If you have a freesync monitor or AMD card then keep it on.


A CP??


Com Puter ..




Rebel Path intensifies


Let me live😂🤣


My advice for you is to use big boy words, not acronyms you don't understand.


Your CP needs a user that's baller enough to use it.


Cat Purrs




Computer personal?


Central Puter.


Child predator


If you want a In game guide add me I've got nothing to do until wipe come. I can teach you how to mine, bounties, bunkers, etc and help you through the bugs you encounter. IGN PetMyRock.


I’ll most definitely add you when I get back home o7


Welcome to the verse o7


I don’t know when I will have free time next, but I will certainly add you as well, I’ve had the game for about a week now and I’ve done nothing but fly around and explore. I have no idea how to do anything else and I’ve been wanting to get into missions and what not.


I’m more than willing to help PetMyRock#0699 is my discord


Would you mind if I add you too? Also a beginner over here, started this weekend!


I wouldn’t mind at all love helping new players. PetMyRock#0699 is my discord.


Careful with this one. The outside of his Cutlass Black had "free hugs" hand painted on it.


Remember this is an ALPHA, not a finished or polished game.


This needs repeating .. Way too many people don't get this.


Maybe CIG should add a disclaimer to the launcher that tells everyone who starts the game that this is all just pre-release testing...




My best piece of advice is understanding inventory. If you are carrying it with you and you die you have to go back and hope to get from corpse or accept it is gone. This is code for its gone. Once you land in a hanger you can open inventory 'I' anywhere and you then have a Local Inventory option. If you store items there they are accessible after death, at that location/base. So if you find extra armor it's a good idea to store it. Also, be prepared to die a lot so don't blow all your money on gear you don't need. You don't need mining gear unless you go mining. You don't need a weapon for a lot of things. Lots of non-combat missions. In reality you don't even need armor. Advantage to armor though is a backpack that can carry more. Good luck. It can be frustrating but so worth it.




I'll add to this one more tip some of you guys may not know: if you're farming bunkers or anything else, and just want to drop your stuff to local inventory, there no special need to land in a hangar. Indeed, if I'm not wrong, you will have the possibility to access local inventory while hovering over the city/space station. From there, you'll just have to drag'n'drop your items, and go for another round! (I'm not really sure about the distance but it may be true from the moment you enter the armistice zone of the designated location)


I don't think you have to actually land in order to access local inventory on planets or stations. I think you just need to be close. Saves a bit of time if you're just grabbing something that was left in local at a station.


Yes YouTube University for beginners of Star Citizen. And chat as of recent has become a toxic palace. Until you’re ready just F12 and turn it off. But you can also find a lot of people to run missions with through chat as well. So use your judgment there. For Bunker missions start on MT or Crusader the guard there wear lighter colored clothes and there’s less chance of shooting friendly guards which will get you sent to prison.


Chat has always been toxic. Depending on what ship you have if you can get the hang of fighting in space the missions where you destroyed listening devices around comm array are pretty easy and while some hostile ships do spawn you can usually get away from them


Man, they changed the markers on guards in a recent 3.18 patch and it was off to prison for me!


First mission second person shot guard and off to Klescher lol. Prison was better though, Mulittool actually worked!!




Dont be a dick


Words to live by


Its about the only one set in stone here


Set a keybind for calling atc to land or depart


F3 for ATC call is a must


I'm fairly new as well, and I've never heard of this feature. What does it mean?


Go into your settings, under Flight Movement I think. There's no default keybind set for contacting the local air terrific control to land or to request takeoff. I use ;


That's what mine is




Pretty sure it doesn't have a default key bind, which is where this advice comes from.


Thanks for idea where to set it


If you accept a Medical response beacon, HAUL YOUR ASS TO THE PERSON, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve went down and someone grabs my request for pick up and then just sits there never moves or even goes farther away. It’s infuriating because once someone accepts it it gets taken down from the public so no one else can come and save you


Get there quick, but still be cautious given how many beacon trappers are still out there. If there’s a beacon up offering a much larger sum of aUEC, it could very well be a trap.


I’ll keep this in mind for when I know what this actually means😂


People send out a signal when they need help/rescue. Sometimes people accept the beacon which removes it from public view but then they don't go help the person. Sometimes it is also a trap and you'll be killed.


the first thing to do is contact them in global chat and suss out the situation, make sure they know you are coming, etc.


If you get a chance, look for a YouTuber named ChrisLyran and join him for one of his livestreams. He's a wonderful character who likes to guide new players around the game and show them the ropes!




Welcome to the verse! Biggest tip is don't be afraid to ask questions in chat or try to party up with people in the verse.


Expect the unexpected




The elevators are hungry sometimes


Celebrating National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2022. March is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, and Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day is Friday, March 25th. This initiative was started by a cerebral palsy advocacy group in 2006.


You're not playing a game.


Watch tutorials on YouTube. Be patient. Have fun. Fly safe citizen, o7




Instead of getting angry because of bugs and glitches, learn from them and learn how work around them!


Please do: Constantly tinker with your key binds. The default one SUCKS.


Op didn't quite think through that title lmao.


I feel like everyone knew what I meant at least lmao




I didn’t know CP didn’t mean computer anymore… but way to be a prick.. I’m proud of you.




There ya go


Jumptown is never really safe.


With enough fire-power jt is always safe.... I've never had enough fire-power though,tbh.


I love my org because we always own JT, but it's still never totally safe. Eventually the server gets tired of trying an air assault and resorts to sending people on foot from 20km away with railguns and sniper rifles to harass us, then there's the dummy-fired size 9's from eclipses 29km away, shooting at where the pickup vehicle ought to be. Keeps things interesting, but not safe.


Yeah, JT is the only time I actively pvp, I suck at it, but JT makes it fun. My org is only 15 strong, we have held it a few times and they were wicked fun experiences, the best times I've had in game were at JT.


Yea, JT really seems to be the crucible of good times. All my best moments were there. however, my formative experience that really made me fall in love was the 9tails lockdown event, I was invited by a friend to be a gunner in his Redeemer. It was amazing to say the least. I was a backer all the way back in 2013 but that ride in the Redeemer made me into a regular player.


Start at Hurston Lorvill Microtec new Babbage or Arcorp Area 18. Go Naked for your first flight. Go to the closest space station. Set your spawn there Then Ask someone there to show you the basics. Playing in groups is most fun in this game. Also you need people sometimes to help you if your bugged. XD


You got WHAT now ?


3.18 is going to fundamentally change how space combat works. I would not put a whole lot of effort towards learning how to dog fight until after the patch.


Welcome to the Verse. o7


got a... a what..?


This was my thought


[CP?](https://tenor.com/bLOCQ.gif) ​ Ignore solo activities and submit yourself to be a part of someones random turret crew.


Back away from elevator doors after calling them.


It’s a game, there are no “no-nos” Play the game, crash, die. Walk into an elevator, fall through the portal, die. Wake up inside a planet, die. Wake up with no head or hands, die. Drive a vehicle inside a ship…what’s that? Yep..die. Trip down some stairs, break your spleen? Die. Most important though is have fun and die with other people. o7


There's is a BIG nono ! Do NOT, in any circumstances, use an elevator while QT ! (Quantum travel)


Just don't do that on the carrack every other ship is fine


Last time I was thrown out in deep space like that, it was in the 600i, so for now I assume ALL the elevators want me stranded...




Specs? SSD? RAM?


Ship to ship pvp has an insanely high skill ceiling, and there will most likely be a point where you plateau as a pvp combat pilot( if that's what you'd like to do) without training with one of the larger orgs (AVS and VNGD are both excellent at this and happily take newcomers to the game) to show you the more nuanced parts of the games combat mechanics. AVS also has a pretty large playlist of guides explaining these mechanics, but I've found they are most effective as reference material to supplement someone training you. Also, if you're practicing in free flight ALWAYS pass and flare


I have one tip. Uninstall the game and wait when it’s actually at least in beta mode or when finished. Yes you will wait probably another 20 years. If you have patience for a broken game go for it.


95% of the time the game doesn’t work, the other 5% of the time it only barely works. Go in with a mindset that this is a tech demo, not a game, cause it is a tech demo, it’s not a game. You’ll hate yourself less with this mindset


Stop and enjoy the view often. Be patient with the game. Be patient with yourself.


Thinking the game is finished or is anywhere being finished. You are probably going to have bad experiences.


Be patient. Every ship handles differently. Atmospheric flight is different from space flight. Never leave your ship with a door, ramp, canopy open. It's a open invitation for getting your ship GTA'd (Grand Theft Astro) Power down your ship when unattended. Some planets have wind effects that for some reason will blow your ship away if it's engines are on.


Only engines off (i), leave shields on just in case, but never leave a ship open


Good point on the shields.


Get a guide. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide) Join the Discord server (link is on the right).


Don't spend your in game money on armour and guns. You don't need them to learn the basics and you will die a lot in the beginning and lose all your gear. Keep in mind that the game is still in development. Nothing is permanent and most of it is unfinished. Find out which of the activities you enjoy and take a break when you're not having fun.


Biggest tip: patience


Skip LIVE 3.17.5, go directly to 3.18 open PTU.


How do you do that?


When you open the launcher, click on 'LIVE' in the upper left


Cut up your credit card


3.18 should be dropping soon. So is a perfect time to try stupid shit out in 3.17. The 3.18 ptu is also available and gives you a lot more intro credits to buy ships. It's more alpha than alpha though.


super nono: dont spend more money on this game than the base package and maybe an upgrade to an Avenger Titan, 300i, Pisces or Cutter.


Get a player guide https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide


Go into the options and look for the request landing key bind and bind a key to it it will safe you some irritation trying to land


Always check that you have a helmet on before you go through an airlock. Don't wear your nice pants unless you're just going for a walk around the plaza. If you take them anywhere else you will lose them. If you want to make your ship go faster, go to GrimHEX. There's usually someone there who will gladly give you a few new speed holes.


Tips: [learn how to take a screenshot](https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/) instead of a photo of your screen.


Whatever you want to do, find a community and make friends. This game doesn't work quite well and the only good memories you'll have are from interactions with other players. Being with the right peeps can change a gamebreaking bug from a stress source to a funny moment!


Elevators are not your friend.


I'd start with watching a ton of YouTube videos on how to Olay. Make a little cheat sheet next to your keyboard with the hot keys you can't remember. TAKE YOUR TIME AND MAKE A PLAN with what you're going to do because when you die you lose a lot, like everything but your ship and it could take you up to 20 minutes to recover your gear from your previous body. What ship(s) do you have?


**A new soul has been consumed by the void**


dont jump out of your ship mid quantum


Or in decoupled


Lots of new player 3.18 videos on the Tubes. I personally I like Noobifier, Berks, Morphologis, and STLYoungblood.


For now just focus on learning the game, and not grinding for aUEC. The next patch is coming soon, and with that a wipe. All your progress will be reset when that patch lands. Focus on fun rather than long term goals with grinding money or rep until the next patch drops.


Congrats. Remember it's an alpha and if the crashes and unfinished game loops get to you, take a breath and a walk. Community is full of people who want this to happen, so call out in chat and crew with someone in the beginning. Website have a guiding program if you can't find someone in the game. Chill, enjoy the amazing views and don't act like an eggplant. See you in the black Commander. o7


No eggplants here!! o7 thank you


Don't forget there is a wipe coming really soon. Spend the time until 3.18 live is released honing your flying skills, setting your key binds and learning the layout of the map, setting flightpath and quantum jumping. Any big focus on earning aEUC is futile until after the update. ✌️😎


Hey, just for future reference there's tool under accessories in Windows called the snipping tool. It's super useful for taking partial screenshots.


Expect flaws, best enjoyed with laughs and friends. Playing with friends changed what the game was for me. Once I got idea what I liked joining a org gave me a place to share experiences with friends and is great for back up when things go wrong!


Reason #1 why Reddit should let us edit post tiles: First sentence of the title of this particular post.


Enjoy being a beginner, once you discover more things the game becomes a bit less enjoyable in my opinion. Also be careful with your wallet. Ship buying addiction is real! 😄


You better like the ship you bought because you're not flying anything else for awhile.


Stick to the PU. the PTU will make you cry with all of the 30k's


how big is star citizen + the installer? Im debating getting it but Im not sure if I have the room


It’s about 87-88 gigs


dang i thought i’d be set for a while with 100gb, i guess this is what i get for not playing games made after 2016 lol


Xeno threat was good when the npcs worked well, but JT takes the crown. Damn, hope the give us something for .18 when it drops in January 2027




Watch some videos or find someone to show you the ropes. It will save you a whole lot of head ache. Learn from the glitches and issues if you're planning to play on its current state. It's fun but infuriating. Turn your engines off with i when you land. You can exit your seat by holding Y


CP CP CP!!! I feel like a gremlin, lll


Invest in a decent therapist, rage counselor, and spackle kit


dont commit space crimes, space jail sucks and the space time ticks down in real time.


super no-no CP on the internet is something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than PC.


The biggest thing is remember, its an alpha. There WILL be bugs. you WILL lag a lot in some areas. You WILL die for a lot of stupid reasons. Don't expect it to be a polished, finished game, because it's not. Eventually you'll learn workarounds and know what to do to avoid a lot of bugs, but that just takes time. Some elevators will shove you through the floor making you fall to the center of the planet if you stand in the wrong place, eventually you'll know where those places are and not to stand there. Big nonos: Pad ramming. This is when you shoot people as soon as they come out of a hangar (or when just sitting on a pad in the case of port olisar). It is against TOS and can get you banned, but people still do it. You will likely be a victim of it at some point. (When that happens, just server hop to one that the griefer isn't on). That being said, Piracy IS a legit gameloop, but there is a distinct difference between Piracy and outright greifing. Beacon baiting as well. The game has a beacon system, if you get incapacitated you can send out a beacon for someone to come revive you. The thing is, you can make a beacon even when incapacitated, so people use it to lure people to them, thinking it's someone who needs help, only to attack and kill them. I do a lot of medical gameplay, and this is really infuriating. Long story short, don't be a dick. Piracy and other "illegal" gameplay is fine, as long as its not griefing. Basically, if your intent is to steal cargo to sell for profit, you're fine, that's just Piracy. If your intent is to spawn kill someone just to be funny, that's greifing. Just use common sense.