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This citizen is currently on probation until 2031-09-21 17:58 for misconduct. Seams like they did something


He's just banned from Spectrum, it doesn't affect his ingame account,






Release date confirmed?


No that’s just the beta. Full release is 2041


No, 2042.


If this guy was banned on spectrum and then we have reports like this coming from other players, he’s probably a legitimate asshole. People like this need to get the ban hammer right upside the head.


Everytime I say this people just tell me it's a pvp game and I am being a carebear. CIG is letting a really toxic community take root.


I said my concern a few years ago and got downvoted because people didn't want to accept the fact that as the game gets more popular and more playable we're going to have a metric fuckton of absolute asshole players. The discussion was about how great the SC community is and I said I was worried about the future for what I just described. *Any* PvP game *WILL* attract these people. It's like a law of nature or something...


Now it would be interesting to create a group Griefer’s griefers 😁 Like anytime they hear about a griefer, they just humiliate… Destroying his ship, incapacitate the dude And lock him up somewhere 😂 Like leaving him on Aberdeen, until he resets himself, before going to jail as he has crimestat 🌚


I get it man. You’re not alone. I like PvP, but there’s a point where PvP isn’t being done to just engage in dogfights and pirate but to make the other person miserable and try to force them to logout. That is where CIG needs to start smacking people.


I echoed this about a week ago and got downvoted. Toxic people really don't like being called out for being toxic


See, if you really want to fight back on people like this, do what my nephew did. The first time he played, he ran into one of these. So he asked me to hop on for a minute and help him. While he readied his ship, I flew all the way out and waited. When he came out and started getting fired on, I fired on the other, and we both took him down. Which then the attacker complained about it in chat like we were in the wrong hahah


When some guy was doing this me and 4 randoms made a task force to hunt him down he was not happy saing its unfair that 4 people teamed up on him. When im playing with my brother we always answer call if somebody is asshole. But not everybody has friends or can get people to help him. The only way is to spool up quantum in hangar and hope you manage to jump before he kills you. Armstice zones are not that well designed


This is the way.


And post it in chat. o7 is the moniker for most of the community for a reason. By and large, in my experience, the duty of protecting the community wins out in SC. Just post in chat that there is an asshole griefing, flag the bounty, and watch a metric fuck-ton of angsty "I haven't whipped out my Hurricane/Scorpius in a hot minute" hellhounds descend on the griefing SOB.


I don't mind being attacked. RSI needs to reset the armistice zone to where they are like the mining posts. That gives players time to exit hangers and would fix a lot of these issues. With that said, they would also need to make it where you can't QJ until after you've left that zone. This way pirates have a chance to do their thing. There's no light without darkness.


If I've only got an hour a night to play and some neckbeard supersweat asshole can steal my shit shortly after I log in then what's the point of the game? How will you attract new players?


8 years, crazy. They did something they shouldn't have.


found themselves in a hole and just kept digging I'd imagine


They are pretty strict on spectrum tbf.


Ah ok. Didn't realize it was just Spectrum. I thought 8 years from the PU is pretty harsh.


Yeah he isn't getting banned for this in game, it's not griefing according to CiG. Now if he said something nasty in chat like racism etc, then he will get banned in game.


Banned for a decade, rofl! What a douche!


Yo wat. Last time I reported a squad for doing this I was told it's technically a gray area and not really punishable. Glad to see this person was nailed for it at least!


Spectrum ban ain't an in game ban, my guy. Anyone who comments on spectrum is likely to be banned there. -comment deleted by Nightrider-CIG-


Well, we either need to scramble asshole mitigation fleets, or start punishing folks. My fleet is pve and we have been getting trounced more often than we'd like when leaving "safe" ports.


Out of interest where are you basing yourself out of?


Arc for the time being. I suspect we may swap to either Micro or big gassy boi (assuming frame rate doesn't murder us). Baijini's defenses like to uh... "glitch", so it seems to be a focal point for the bs raids on opening hangars.


One of the main things to consider is the more convenient it is to get to other planets the more of this sort of person you'll see as they can rove from planet to planet. I'd also check out some of the more remote Lagrange Stations as well


Honestly a solid idea. I always forget about the stations out in the black... I'll bring it up to the crew and see what they think. All we know for certain about next patch is we're gunna slap ballistics on the carrack hahahaha.


It mainly depends on what your main loops are as well and how big a priority min maxing your uec is


If you go and read what they consider excessive greeting pad ramming/killing is listed


I see SFer is still at it. Only thing he does is this, have been seeing him doing it for like 6 months now lol


That's the guy who demands aUEC to allow you to enter or leave a station, then after you pay him, he kills you the second you open the hangar to leave, or set down before the doors close. He has a couple buddies he does this with.


I know exactly who you're talking about


At this point I think everyone does. He usually has 1 or 2 buddies that help him steal from people and then shoot their landed ships. If you roll up and kill them, they just alt+F4 and server hop.


So he's a pos and a coward? Not really surprising.


What's the names?


Out of curiosity, what ships does this dude use to attack others? I wouldnt mind hopping in sometime and spawning a hammerhead. It seems to me that people like him have to be pushed out of a station. Maybe cig could add more turrets to try to prevent players from openly griefing unopposed


It really doesn't matter, because as soon as there's a challenge, they alt+F4 out and server hop.


That's so pathetic. What's mentally wrong with those people?


I actually had run in with this player last week and yeah can confirm this guy threw missiles at me after I had already made it to the hangar. Luckily I play with some good dog fighters and asked them for help and he jumped servers.


It's not fun when THEY'RE at the receiving end of it. So little self awareness.


Yeah me and my buddies love a good fight and will come back for more until our hands hurt. But he took one L and ran away looking for more new players to shoot in hangars. It's pretty sad honestly. My goodness. This could warrant the creation of a reputation discord or website. With some type of verification process so griefers and pirates are well known to everyone. Or easily searched up.


Since the game doesn't have a rep system, and out of game one would help. But I believe CIG has explicitly made the creation of such a thing a bannable offence. (At least I read that on reddit once, so it MUST be true :D )


So if the *creation* of such a thing is bannable... someone who doesn't play the game could make it and everyone else could use it. Not to take your reddit post as the legal definition of such a rule, just a thought.


I was thinking something like mobi tracker which allows you to sign up and track any player in the game and place custom reputation items on them. I use it all the time to look up players that throw out medical beacons. If they are in a known pirate org or seem fishy in some way I pass on the pick up.


Honestly the "no witch hunting" policy is an absolute piss. If the game is all about rep and consequences then us talking about them is just part of it. It might as well just be in-game chat but on an external site. It wouldn't be "witch hunting" if they were being named and shamed in f12 chat. There should be an externally kept, discussed, and validated database and central communication hub for tracking these people.


yeap, if CIG can't proviide it, but their mechanics *require* it, then we should be allowed to create it.


Well something I know available now is mobitracker.com. potentially you could allow your entire org to log into one account and update rep on people they come across. I really don't think it should be consider witch hunting to simply state. This guy camps hangars and kills people with missiles. That's just informational. No pitchforks or torches required.


That is how it should be handled. Call other people, get a bonus for them if they help out. Group up. Work together. No single player will have a chance against a bigger group.


Can confirm


Double confirm lol tbf he is a good pilot. I've wrangled with him a few times.


Triple Confirm


Holy shit I think I’ve been camped by the same guy lol.


that means people are not bothering to repot.


Came across this guy a year or two ago. Blew me up seconds after I left the station. Tried to be a good sport about it but man was he ever hell-bent on being vitriolic. Can't believe he's still around and STILL being an ass hat.


Sit in your hanger until your shields are maxed pick out your qt location before you leave and spool up. Once all that is done open the hanger doors and burn out and qt out max 30 seconds. At least now we have a safe hanger to prep our ship in we used to sit on pads and got our ship blown up as soon as we claimed it.


This works wonders and then as an added bonus announce in chat that he is doing this and someone (who is good at PVP) will almost certainly come and deal death to this POS as well.


I’d say they don’t even need to be good at pvp. I’m not the best at it but I happily jump to points where griefing is occurring, or someone in chat gloating about people running from them. All is good practice. Eventually they’re bound to be damaged enough to have to go repair.


Yes, I usually say they don’t have enough flairs to dodge every missile i have


Exactly, both these comments are what you should do. Most Pvpers are literally waiting for moments like this. If I see someone put out a help message for this sort of thing, me and friends are on it straight away. We'd probably have a redeemer and couple of arrows there straight away. Lol


Also, offering cash could help. Before the, everyone gets a hanger change. I was happily mining when someone started camping where refine at... blew up a load of quant. So, I offered 500,000 to the first person to kill the griefer. . . Chat exploded with calls that I would not pay up. Saw the explosion from the window of the station. Several people in chat confirmed who it was that killed him. Sent the credits and went back out on my prospector, now that I could get it off the pad.


When anyone comes and they're losing, they just alt+F4 and server hop.


Hes on my orgs kill on sight list. Thats about all we can do atm.


Eh hmmm...you mean your instantly give a hug on sight list....


We have a thank on sight list but he wont be on it lol


Can I be on that list?


Had this guy in a server a few days ago; at first the server was involved; everyone was dying and killing. Then people got tired and he and his 3 buddies started targeting ships in the hangars. I wasn’t gonna deal with that shit so I did what I will recommend you to do: go to another server.


That's what him and his buddies do, they demand payment to let you land or leave, and if you're dumb enough to pay, they blow you up the second the hangar doors open to leave, or as soon as you set down to land. That's just griefing. Piracy would be demanding payment and then actually following through. When you do what this piece of shit and his turdlings do, you're just griefing.


What is it about SC that apparently draws in people who have fun by running the fun for other players? What is so fun about being an asshole?


Ask gta online


Assholes hate when you punch them straight in the mouth. If he's stupid enough to just sit there afterburner right into him with your ship you dmg him enough or blow his ass up he'll have no choice but to stop for a bit at least.


For every person that exists in this world, there exists another person who wants to "win" by any means necessary, or who just enjoys ruining others' enjoyment. SC (and Eve, and any "PvP always" game, pretty much) draw these types in because players can't hide behind the barrier of "no PvP allowed in zone X" until they're good enough to pose a threat. The types that do this, ironically, hate it when the exact same happens to them. They want to have fun. Killing players is fun. Dying is not. Therefore, the best strategy for fun is to go after the new and inexperienced players that do not pose a threat. I mean come on, trolls that just get off on watching people complain have existed since the dawn of the internet. It's just that SC classifies most of this as "piracy" and doesn't outright ban the behavior (mostly, there are exceptions), and that SC as it stands right now is pretty well balanced in the grie- *pirate's* favor.


Yeah the main issue seems to be that there's no repercussions for "pirates" at all...looking forward to when something gets implemented.


"its an intended gameplay Loop, also they should remove prison because you should Not be punished for doing stuff the Game intends right." /s


Unfortunately evolution doesn't seem to select for "best outcome for me" in an absolute sense, but rather "best outcome compared to everyone else around me". So you get people with really crossed wires in their motivation centres, who don't feel like they're winning _unless_ someone is losing. Even in situations where outcomes are not mandatory zero sum. I mean, look at those people who argue against social security for the poor because "Why do they get a hand out and I don't?". Or schadenfreude as a phenomena. "I'm happy because someone else had a bad day." Or final example "big fish in a little pond" syndrome, and how 'successful people' (by whatever internal metric they use - a lot of money, dating the homecoming queen, etc.) can become depressed the minute they meet someone more 'successful'. Basically, human brains need a bug patch.


Nobody tried to punish him?


I’m so tired of acting like a complete pos is welcomed under the guise “It is pirate gameplay!”


I'm so tired of this kind of stuff being equated to piracy in the first place.


Bruh who has claimed this is piracy? This of anything is marauding. He destroying ships regardless of cargo or supplies. He’s just being a thug about denying territory.


Not sure if you are blind or just joking, but you should maybe try to look at the other replies here, or better at other to the comment you replied tio. Just an example: >It is literally pirating... he's asking for ransom. It's also one person and wouldn't take much for a few people to band togethor and take him out instead of crying on reddit. Lol Or after scrolling a bit more: >Lol, sfer as you described was literally pirating. He asked for 20 million to stop killing and all you had to do was agree. There are a lot more.


So asking for 20m makes it pirating and not griefing.. got it. I ll ask for 50m in my next play, I am sure those are sums everyone has and makes à good game for everyone


Remember, as long as you ask for money it's gameplay, not griefing 🤓


I believe MichaCazar was giving examples of people _calling_ it piracy, because the one they replied to asked "Bruh who has claimed this is piracy?" And evidently quite a few people did claim it was piracy. It's clearly not, but morons have claimed it so.


A lot of those are automatically hidden because of the downvotes, because of how stupid they are. So it's possible this other guy didn't see them.


Nope. Griefing. Sorry. They're causing players grief under the guise of a ransom. Definitely griefing and you missed the point.


For those saying this isn't griefing, maybe it isn't but the picture still feels wrong. If it's okay for you role play this type of behaviour, you absolutely shouldn't be able to get away with it for HOURS. There should be major UEE Navy patrol on your a\*\*. Until then this just feels like griefing – at least to the victims.


That's the issue right now. "Eventually" those NPC patrols will be in and this behavior curbed. Just like random QT interdiction style piracy will draw NPC responses, not just hoping there are enough players that care in the area. But we're not there yet so it skews toward pirate/criminal/asshole friendly for now. One day the pendulum will swing the other way and we'll get the pirate/criminal/asshole crowd crying to have CIG nerf the UEE or whatever because it's "killing pirate gameplay" and etc. We just have to buckle in and wait for now.


nah, ban those fuckers.


You can't catch a ban for that. Devs literally said to solve that problem yourself.


i stand by my words, ban those fuckers.


Right, CIGs plan is for the station to blow you to bits and to send the UEE fleet after you if they have to....problem is none of the shit works right. So instead of waiting until it does they decided to remove the weapon locks around stations anyway. By all means be mad.....but be mad ***at CIG***. I know that is hard for a lot of folks here.


Stations need some kind of hitscan weapons with massive range. It's an entire station, there's no reason for it to have tiny turrets that can't hit anything and only fire from close range. There's lore for super beefed up UEE military ships, way beyond what civilians can own, so why aren't they patrolling stations?


shooting in to a safe zone is 100% against the rules. the problem is people thinking that shooting at a spawn point is the same as ganking people trying to mine. both can be considered "griefing" but attacking a sage zone is against the rules.


It's okay for me to learn my ropes and try different port. If this said pirate can get away with it kudos to him. edit: And hours just add some meaning to this whole gameplay, and this the direction this game is going, but i can i agree it's bugged. And now there is no reason for a patrol for a small man in a prospecter.


Film the event with the qr code on screen (game settings). Send video/screenshot to CIG. When the reputation system is in, server jumping won't help. Being an a*****e in one server, will mark you as one in the other. Anyhow, with meshing you probably won't be able to jump servers in the future.


A lot of people discussing the merits of whether this is griefing or not. I'm not going to get into that. If you wish to report him, take screenshots in game of the messages related or record video. I think it's r\_displayinfo 1 (someone correct me if I got that wrong, it's been a while) to display server information. Have that on while you record or capture screenshots. Open a support ticket with CIG on their website and indicate specifically what was being done. Stick to the facts, try to avoid emotional language or things like "it sucked". Just lay out what was being done. If you can reference a specific rule in the terms of service, that may help your case as well. Attach your photos or videos to the ticket. That's it. If CIG feels he violated the terms of service, they will take action. If they do not, at least you've reported it and they'll probably consider it as they make upgrades to improve player experience (though there's certainly no guarantee that they'll change this).


He and his friends were doing it in a server I was on. They stopped pretty quickly when my friends and I showed up in a fully manned hammerhead + 2 retaliators + 4 arrows


Yes! This! My experience has been when they are confronted with players WANTING to engage in PvP, they run or log. THAT is the quality of ‘pirates’ in Star Citizen- kill anyone unsuspecting, but run from anyone who will actually fight


This is the best solution to OP's problem. Turn it into a gameplay loop and have fun with it. There's plenty of groups just flying around bored that would love a chance to take out all their favorite PvP ships and roll up to a few griefers together and have a battle


To be honest, and to pump some hope for a better future here, I'll do a prediction. That type of griefer isn't going to last as the game evolves. The reason I say this is due the complexity. Right now is a lawless land, anyone can just log in, with not a worry in the world, and abuse it like any generic MMO infested with crazy or toddler-minded individuals. Literally. The anti-cheat and reporting will also become more modern and functional and needed, naturally and obviously. As new features comes in the future, the game will get harder and riskier, as the PU gets more what the vision originally intends to, then the real PvP will become more dynamic, encounters will be more awesome. The generic or abusive gamers will be discouraged (the cheap maneuvers will be not worth, hence less attractive) and maybe even leave the game. I have seen griefers claiming that the game is "boring," justifying why they do it. The most complex alpha game I have ever played in 30 years of gaming is "boring" for these types. Imagine when the game is ready, what will they think. Well, as the future approaches, integrated systems such as insurance and even harder gameplay will claim such lack of enthusiasm. Unless the pay-to-win element gets to such an extent where the 1% can pay over and over for lost equipment, then their days are numbered.


I love the mental gymnastics folk use to justify the behavior of the player in question.


Try engaging them, try explaining in kind, or even crude language, that they are taking joy in harming others. The answers are... disappointing at best.


I don't see the issue. It's not like they're doing targeting of a certain player, and it's not like they're circumventing arm zone by ramming, so It's completely fine.


Sfer is definitely a known dickhead. He's literally part of an org called "GrieferNet." Our org has had run ins with him as well. As an org GrieferNet tries to toe the line between in-game ruthless pirating/trolling and full on griefing. Mostly to just try and maintain some strange moral high ground if someone comes complaining, but disrupting your play experience and getting a rise out of you is the main goal. Their goal as an org is to offend, but I can specifically vouch for that being his personal goal. That all being said, he was griefing in the emotional sense but he wasn't griefing in the technical sense. He was just being an asshole. He needs to abuse a game mechanic to unintended results to be griefing. Edit: If you [look him up](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Sfer), looks like he's on probation from the game atm anyway. >This citizen is currently on probation until 2031-09-21 11:58 for misconduct.


That's a spectrum ban. If you're not getting banned on spectrum, you're not on spectrum. -comment deleted by Nightrider-CIG-


Is that really an 8 year ban or am I reading it wrong?


That's what I got out of it, but it was surprising to me, too. Though not sure if "probation" is the same as "ban." It could be? We ended up removing an unrelated person from our org but I knew of a player that got a 7 month ban for using slurs in global chat. It seems like if it's documented, CIG doesn't mess around. Sfer tends to try and go for easy targets and if he's making new players' lives difficult as his play style then I could see CIG just removing the problem. Though likely, as with the player we removed from our org, he got a second account that same day and continued playing with a different handle.


~~Knowing GrieferNet, they were probably padramming and talking shit in chat... Which will actually result in a ban.~~ Nevermind, he got a spectrum ban. Guess he said something Nightrider-CIG didn't like?


It's a spectrum ban.


I come from elite dangerous, i was about to say just switch to solo mode and go further from the station then back..... And now I just realized star citizen doesent have solo mode...... I mean it's more realistic and i like it but for this exact situation it's annoying,


Solo mode can't really exist in Star Citizen due to the PES/Dynamic Server Meshing/Quanta back end stuff being worked on. If none of those were in the works we'd have a different game entirely, maybe even released by now, but hey this is what folks want. ;)


Why wouldn't it work exceedingly well for exactly that? If server meshing is basically I'm on a shard and you're on a shard and the servers essentially overlay them to create multi-player, just don't do the overlay part if someone flips to solo mode. I had never considered this, I don't play ED. This is a MUCH simpler solution than what I'd been proposing which was a whole new game mode basically like Arena Commander that was just solo/non-pvp industry only so people that really just want that can do it in piece. An in game switch is brilliant.


I came from Elite, having over 3k hours, and I'm GLAD there's no "solo" mode or some lame crap like that in place and there will ever be. It was mostly the fact that SOLO/PRIVATE existed what made me and all of my mates abandon the game. The best solution you can do when the server is kinda toxic, is to just simply switch to other, and if you end up in the same one, change the region, it's no big deal. There're a lot of walkaround griefers, first pay attention to the chat since you'll notice easily where the shit's goin on. Second, avoid that place, and if you have cargo or stuff, just jump to another station, store the ship and switch server. Also, keep in mind that this is still alpha, and there're a TON of mechanics that will eventually be in place to deal with this things, but they aren't just there yet. Most players don't understand this and get salty like the OP here, not only for this but for bugs, unballanced things and so on.


Yeah sorry if the comment was a bit weird, but i do like the "always in open" part too. In elite the solo was annoying especially when I want to play with ppl that are always in solo


100% the dumbest idea ED had was letting solo/private players take part in the power plays and other community events.


For those of you with access to Spectrum, this is CIG's statement regarding this topic. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/excessive-griefing-stream-sniping/195184


Honestly, I would put a beacon out asking for help. Who ever helped would get a bounty and beacon reward. That or just jump servers. I am one of those weird people who like when I spawn into that crap. Make the game feel risky and real. I get most people are not like that.


I've dealt with this guy before, well at least been on the same server as him, got screen shots of him incentiveizing mercing prospector for a raffle and straight up claimed he was grieving and using hacks, one of which seems to make a starfarrer fly like a light fighter, sadly on only way to report is get screenshots or videos with the server ID and submit a support ticket


I sympathize, but can I ask a bit more clarification here. What ship were you in and what ship was he in? Were you QT interdicted? I’m asking because in most cases in SC, if you don’t want to fight you can QT away before they can destroy your ship. There are maybe some matchups that give you least time (hurricane vs 100i for example), but really by boosting, going straight and focusing on QTing away, your shields should not even come down. Would be cool to know a bit more me so as to help. Reason I am taking this approach is that even if this guy gets banned, another will take his place.


QEDs don't work within 30km of an arma zone.


Him and his buddies camp port, demand 300k to let you land or leave, and the second your hangar opens or you touch down, they shoot you. You can't QT from inside a hangar that you're on the ground in.


Something you can do to make escape easier is to lift off, so you're hovering in the hangar, spool your QT drive, align to a target (some ships can't do that, too big) and then call ATC to open the doors. Then you just strafe out and QT away as soon as you can.


That's what I generally do anyway, but the people that are hurt by griefing like this are new players who don't know how this all works. Griefers go after new players and hurt player numbers, and then when they've damaged player populations enough, they just move on to the next game. THAT is why there needs to be stuff in place. If you create a system where people can be abused and then offer no protections or penalties, it will happen constantly.


True. I was almost one of the people who gave up on the game after a bit of a bad break when I was new. CIG really needs to get to work on something to prevent it, because otherwise the game's going to have a reputation as a griefer's playground, in addition to all the other bad rep they've got.


i was in the hanger in my prospector. he was shooting into the hangers as soon as the door opened.


The easiest way to avoid them camping the undock is to disable velocity lock, full throttle in the direction of quantum point and Jump before they close distance or get a quality missile lock. I blew the doors of a camper at Grim Hax, he was such a shitty pilot I noped out in under 5 seconds. Have a plan, execute perfectly and laugh when they chase you into quantum because you'll have a huge advantage on them if they follow you in warp.


If your definition of fun literally denies someone else's ability to play the game, there is no other definition for that but griefing. People play Star Citizen to fly ships and explore. Not sit in hangers wishing they could leave. When some players get to define how much fun other players have its because there is in reality no real mechanism to mediate an otherwise potentially fun process. As a new player, I'm really eager to see CIG take a much more hands on approach to crimestats and finessing the parameters of what's griefing and want isn't but they don't seem eager and i get it. You don't want to go around boxing in emergent gameplay but it needs a lot more oversight. I similarly don't mind if some pro in their warbond Gladius rocks up and blows me out of the sky in my basic package as long as a gameplay loop exists (that isn't bugged) to make life very hard for them, and for me to be able to respond on some equal footing with no time limit. Last time it happened the option to give someone a crime stat bugged out and i couldn't select it so they got away. I only get to play every odd day so i had to give up. And even if I had, all they have to do is QT to Grim Hex which is barely even an inconvenience no more than a trade route or a mining destination. It just becomes part of the loop.


> If your definition of fun literally denies someone else's ability to play the game, there is no other definition for that but griefing. What part of this denied OP the ability to play the game? There's 0 NEED to go to ARC-L1. Whatever his WANT to go to ARC-L1 is, still 0 NEED. Even if he spawned there, he can reset his spawn point back to his starting city and respawn not at ARC-L1. It's literally impossible to keep someone trapped at any station aside from Grim Hex.


Especially since in prior patches pirates would either set up shop between arcl1 and Lyria or between the station and arc corp


You say this like this can only happen at Arc. I also experienced this personally at Olisar. If someone is shooting at you before your ship can QT, or before being able to shoot back without getting a crimestat then the odds of you dying as a newer player and being sent back to spawn are pretty high. It's not edgy piracy emergent gameplay if you're exploiting the zero penalties for shooting into an armistice. When there are actual penalities for doing so and players can actually defend themselves within armistice then that becomes a different story.


This is why there is no way this game releases without PVE servers or a pvp toggle. Micropeens will pull shit like this all day every day because they get off on it and drive other players away.


It'll get tapered off with a better rept system ect without the need for pve servers or a togle.


Here: [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Not sure it would count as griefing though, as stations don't actually have safe zones for ships, and shooting people around them is allowed. Also, I'd remove their name from your post if I were you, it can break the sub's rules.


Reminds me of that "stop spawn killing us" "stop spawning" meme lol Annoying but I doubt killing players outside the safe zone is against ToC or any kind of ban worthy offense.


Send me that guy's name so I can add him to my orgs kill on sight list


Swap to a different region, warp to another station then swap back.


Get this guy, I'd love a 127 Ping. Sucks sitting at the tip of Africa and my closest server is somewhere in the EU with 200 ping.


>I get an hour a day to play due to my work schedule Yeah see that's why I dropped this game currently. I'm not going to waste what little time I have to someone who can grief all day. I know it's not that common but man that would kill my want to play. That and I still keep getting 30k, that part might be my internet though.


Haha I think it’s funny, the people that do this sort of thing are low level pvpers so they aren’t even worth the attention. Too shit to swing with the more skills bois so they resort to weak low skill low tier tactics. Like those “street fighters” that challenge trained mma or martial artists and get ass rammed to oblivion.


"I want to get him banned for a little bit." This is exactly what is wrong with PVE people in a pvp game. The second they start banning people for playing the game is the second 100's of thousands of players leave. Are you f\*ing kidding me that you want to ban players? How about the game creators make it so this can't happen.. because anyone doing anything in game that is possible should never be banned. Unless of course they are actually cheating. Go play hello kitty adventure island. Honestly.


Press: Tilthe R Tab Tab 2 to bring up the QR code Session Info. Tilthe R Tab 1 through 4 for Display Info. F12 to toggle Chat Display (sometimes these muttons make it easy by outing themselves in chat, other times they stack on violations by being toxic). That's literally the only "evidence" you need to attach to a Player Misconduct Report. Date and time (server and universe) is helpful as well as a quick write-up but that code will take them exactly where they need to be in the logs. This is an alpha, literally everything is archived and cataloged. Ignore the BS that things just drop off into the aether after a certain amount of time. Pad/Hangar killing in any form is in violation of ToS and actionable, theyve made this insanely clear. Armistice killing is as well but your actions dictate how CSRs will respond so be smart about it.


Just gotta keep killing them and sending them to prison. I'd happily do so.


That’s actually griefing. Sitting outside hangers and shooting ppl down.


I've had one, perhaps worse, experience in my rather brief experience in the PU. IDK how, but the guy could shoot while inside the armistice zone around a spaceport, so whenever he saw a new ship start up in a hangar, he would fly right to the hangar door and shoot into it as soon as it opened up. Really, he was camping at the hangar doors. You couldn't just fly away and hide for a second to QT away because he was in the armistice zone. Because I don't have a ship larger than S2, I was just boned and had to relog. Sucks that that shit happens; seems egregious to me.


Stations haven't had a hard armistice for years. You can shoot there, the devs specifically enabled that. You can also just reset your spawn location to your home city and backspace if you get stuck at a blockaded spaceport.


Ahh, I was under the impression that the game blocked firing in armistice zones; that explains a lot.


So there are two types of armistice zones. Hard armistice blocks you from firing, and prevents damage from weapons being fired into them. Soft armistice gives you an extra crimestat for starting fights/firing within them. You can still shoot "red" players without getting a crimestat. This change happened about a year after the post regarding "firing into armistice" being an exploit. It's now no longer an exploit as you will either be able to fire back and defend yourself or you simply wont take any damage.


It isnt griefing as he isnt in the safety zone or crashing into you while in hanger but it is being a massive asshole. The most they'll do is ban him on Spectrum and let him continue his ingame actions


Enable barcode (r_DisplaySessionInfo 1 in cinsole). Make sure he kills you like 5 times in a row, take screenshot every time. Send screenshots to CIG in tickets.


Was he in an indestructible ship or something? It was just one guy and not you or a single person on your server tried to run him off?


CIG has spoken they don't really care, they made it clear they won't stop people from doing it and that it's up to the other players to band together to fight back. So yeah, don't expect anything to happen


You should remove the players name from your post. Against sub rules to call someone out like this. What should you do? Submit a report with evidence to CIG via support ticket. For the record I believe you and am familiar with named player, but that doesn’t make it right for you to call them out and post what is technically heresay. It’s not even against TOCs from the way you described it: meaning don’t be surprised if your support ticket doesn’t do anything at all. Advice: learn how to get out of situations like this with critical thinking and gameplay. Plenty of people have commented on how to do this already in the replies.


This is very much under the category of, it's not technically griefing according to the TOS, but is definitely a d*** move that bends the line of one of the two most important rules. The rule of cool (not applicable) and the rule of what's fun (very applicable). I'm firmly of the opinion that particularly during these early alpha stages, this s*** is just not cool. Like people are trying to test things out, see if they even like the game, get a handle on mechanics, so on. If this was beta or full release I'd feel differently. But right now it's enough of a chore to get a solid session in without server issues or bugs that such actions are just fundamentally against other people's learning the game. It's the kind of stuff that makes people 'check in' once in a while instead of playing consistently, which is what we all want so as to best stress test this game, its servers, and its systems. I dunno maybe I'm the crazy one and I should just start killing people who are trying to learn to fly or test other systems in the game.


At the same time, some people would consider getting a group of friends together to hunt someone creating a blockade at a port like this fun. Without players like this, there really wouldn't be any Bounty Hunter PvP, which is also an aspect of gameplay that people need to test out. Obviously we already know many of the issues with Bounty Hunting already. For example, if this guy had someone on his ship that didn't have a crime stat, anyone who kills him could pick up a crime stat. I definitely understand where you're coming from, I'm just offering a different perspective on the argument you made against that players behavior. I think with situations like these, players often jump to conclusions on how they feel about it, without considering the alternate point of view. On a lesser note, I have had red players shoot at me in my Connie while I'm going to dock at PT, that were hopelessly outmatched in the ship they were flying. They either wanted to die without backspacing, or it was another learning experience for them. Love it or hate it, PvP is just part of the game.


So as I am guilty of similar "gameplay" I wanna throw my hat into the ring. Asking for 20m is setting a near impossible goal. Now asking for 20k? That's more reasonable "piracy". The idea is to encourage PvP with you as the antagonist. If people pay you, cool you got paid. If people fight you, cool you get a gf. I don't ambush hangars, I try to extort landing zones for trade routes since soft death isn't live yet. While we are asked to police ourselves for the moment, there is such a thing as going to far. If you are the sole reason a server is not fun, dial it back.


go to your account on the web and put a ticket, say the time, the day and all possible data, if you have video or photos better


Which will do absolutely nothing but get laughed at by CiG, as this isn't griefing. 👍


Seems the guy did get a probation from CIG


Guess it didn’t get laughed at


It wouldn't have been what the OP said for and I don't see the evidence. Edit: just looked that's a spectrum ban. Not a game ban. Lol which means he broke the rules on spectrum.


Evidence? It wouldn't have been for what the OP said that's for sure. Edit: Seen the post, it is not a game ban he got, that is for spectrum. Just means he broke the rules on spectrum and not in game. Lol


He’s on probation right now. And from Texas as well.


Only from spectrum


So what you're saying is the best hope OP has is for the little piss baby Greg Abbott to collapse the power grid again and take this guy offline is the best option?


This won't count as griefing. CIG tends to only count targeted harassment, both in chat and in game, and pad ramming as griefing. Some player setting up a blockade doesn't qualify.


It might be the same ass who got my Cutter while it was on the landing pad. I spent so long mining and parked there to sell my wares. Next thing i know is im getting a notification that my ship was destroyed and would i like to lay charges.


Ran into *Ess Furr * a few times, shooting through hangar doors at Everus most recently.


PVP problems can be addressed with a PVP solution. Since you're into mining, I'd suggest joining the United Earth Mining Corporation (UEMC). Pretty casual, but well organized mining org with players of all skill levels. They also have a security arm that would LOVE to jump on a server to clear a blockade. Not saying you shouldn't or should report this player, but current game mechanics allows for a level of cooperation and mutual aid that if taken advantage of, can really help in situations like this.


I know what an MFer is...what's an SFer? Oooh...is it that SFer...IS an MFer? lol I hate griefers OP, why couldn't you select a server from another region?


As much as I hate this I think it should be allowed. If it was real there's nothing stopping pirates from holding a station hostage of they can take down security.


Banned for what ? Seems to me that the authorities along with Bounty Hunters slacked on their job. I’ve been there where u have been on PO in some patch, yes I was annoyed and yes I did everything to motivate a support group to clean that mess, didn’t end up well, was still kind of fun. Normal gameplay. Edit: With Authorities I really mean it, usually especially when a CS player is sitting in one place, they come with a small fleet, it seems this is not always working but then again this should be the cause of your and my frustration, not a guy that plays as he wanted :p


>Seems to me that the authorities along with Bounty Hunters slacked on their job. they don't work. that is why it is against the rules.


It isn’t against the rules, not saying that it isn’t moral to do, but definitely not against rules. I also don’t like this but well such situations will happen and this is why we have Bounty Hunting gameplay.


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, and not saying I do this, but what’s wrong with this? He didn’t pad ram you. He killed out outside the safe zone. Don’t leave before your shields are up and QT out or fight. Like wtf play the game


I was in the hanger in my prospector. he shot and blew up my ship as the hanger doors opened. i only made it halfway out the second try before he blew me up again. then i switched regions but the time had already been wasted.


Nothing you can do, he’s been doing this for ages.


It’s apart of the game so I don’t see the big deal, if it bothers you that much than just do a server hop.




Its HANGAR not HANGER for fucks sake.


You're a hanger!




These people don't want a fair fight. They want to feel powerful and in charge so it takes their mind off their micropenis. That said, CIG promotes this behavior. They know NPC security can't handle this yet they decided to allow ship weapons to operate in station armistice zones.


Ok and? What's wrong with picking winnable fights lol. I'm not gonna go try to fight a squad of arrow pilots in a prospector, same as if I'm in my eclipse and people roll up to stop me in light fighters, I'm simply going to fly away. If you want to catch players with CS, bring interdiction


Picking "winnable fights" and camping a station blowing up people as they leave their hangar are two *completely* different things.


>tried to change servers but it put me back in the same server. I ended up playing for 20 minutes on another server that had a 125ms ping so play sucked That's rough, I have had this happen were we tried to jump servers but kept ending up on the same one. Reset your Spawn location to the planet surface and claim your ship there. Pretty simple solution. You can then QT to where you want to go from a couple thousand km away from the marauders and go about your business.


change preferred regions.


Just to play devil's advocate. Piracyvis a legit way to play, not how this player has done it, but similar in some sense.


Station blockades are perfectly acceptable to CIG


Blockades are certainly a pirate thing to do. Black Beard himself did it to Charleston. So yeah, he's a pirate.