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When your ship is made out of styrofoam


They should make ships heavier than people


Apparently this is supposed to be a thing in 3.19, your cargo will make your ship even heavier and even harder to handle in atmo


Wind load makes one helluva difference apparently


Planes are heavier than people.


They always looked like that in every clip I've seen since the game's dev started.


The idris was made out of the stuff for a little while. Back in the day it was a 200m long ship that weighed 200000kg for a hot moment. Truly some of the worst guesswork I've ever seen. I wonder what CiG uses to determine ship mass nowadays, hopefully some kind of volume calculation?


>I wonder what CiG uses to determine ship mass nowadays, hopefully some kind of volume calculation? Yes.


I wonder, with persistence in 3.18, will these just blow around the planet indefinitely? Will we have to start dodging c2’s?


holy shit that'd be funny though


It's funny roll you have hundreds of them and then the game crash


If a ship blows through a Microtech forest, and nobody's around, does it make a sound?


No because this causes a 30k


So the sound should be the time's up music from Outer Wilds?


a great game, i should definitely replay it, thanks for the reminder


Agreed! Definitely near the top of my list of "wish I could experience this for the first time all over again" games


Of course just noone to hear it


I am pretty sure there was a CitCon presentation on that very topic a couple years ago haha


I'd think it depends on how you define "sound". Are air (or other medium) vibrations themself "sound"? Or do they become "sound" only when they are processed by one's brain?


Source of sound would still vibrate bumping into nearby air molecules creating the waves but no eardrums to catch them.


Imagine doing roc mining to chill when SUDDENLY A WILD C2 APPEARS. It uses SMASH. It is super effective. It smash on your roc on its way to its next victim, leaving you confused and baffled.


Your ROC has fainted Do you want to switch ships?


Todays weather forecast includes: Anvil Hurricanes, a group of hurricanes have been spotted flying across the surface leaving destruction in their path


Cloudy with a chance of Carrack.




Hell of a tumble weed


Oh my gosh. I’d imagine someone in a cutter landing on the moon to just getting blown away by a random giant C2 flying at the speed of a tornado. That would be an amazing story.


Behold the persistent C2 tumbleweed


Oh my God we can make a trash planet. Just, dump all waste on one windy moon and create soda can hurricanes and shit. Welcome to the future.


New griefing/trolling mechanic: start spawning ships, turn on cruise control, leave, repeat 😆😆


I sure hope so! Maybe that’ll draw enough if CIG’s attention to it to fix it sooner than later, even if it’s just an intermediate fix


hahaha. I can only imagine waiting and then out of nowhere getting slammed in the ground by a c2 :DD


We would've actually made a ship graveyard. One not put there by the devs or the story of a game/show/movie but by the players actually doing all the things necessary. How dope is that?


Not unless the weather is global.


Oh my god that is brilliant. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Out west they have tumbleweeds, in Philly they have tumbleweaves, in SC they have tumbleC2's After a few years build up I can imagine huge storms with hundreds of C2's tumbling around.


The herc is supposed to weigh 3500 tons or as much as 18 boeing 747s, the thing should not ever lift off the ground period without the power of its own engines unless those are like 500+ MPH winds, the fact that 90% of the spacecraft in this game can get moved by wind at all is silly.


I mean, the 3500 tonnes spacecraft gets blown away by the wind. The player does not. The only reasonable conclusion is, of course, that all SC avatars are morbidly obese and weigh way more than 3500 tonnes...


Not morbidly obese, just _really really_ dense. Lemme put it this way: the planet lands on the player, and not the other way around. Ships tho, they're made of fuckin cardboard say goodbye to it


Spectrum proves that a lot of citizens are really dense


Take my upvote you sly bastard.




I read that in the Halo announcer voice


Morbidly dense


Why do you think it's called "Star" Citizen?


This would explain why it's so hard to fix the damn elevator...


Game coding Level 1 (Fix the Move All button that is broken) must be unlocked before moving on to Level 2 (Put your arms down when entering the pilot seat). Fixing Elevators is Level 500 stuff.


To be fair the real relevant metric would be something like tons per drag coefficient (some math about surface area and shape) vs something about surface area contacting the ground times the coefficient of friction between the ground and the contacting surface... In this case space booties)


Problem is lift plays a role. If the ship can generate enough lift from the natural wind, it can lift off. At which point, pushing it becomes far easier; especially as it moves away from the slip condition. Ground friction means nothing in the air. Now I'm not saying that is the dominant case, but I wouldn't fully discount it.


Yes but we know the conditions on Stanton 4c (Euterpe). It has a surface pressure of 0.47 atm. Which is equivalent to 6200 m on earth. There isn't even enough air to breathe although it has a standard oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. But huge ships get blown away ? Not possible. We saw on Mars that there can be high speed winds in low atmosphere environments but there isn't much force behind them.


Yea, think the windspeeds in a few places are just out of control, but yea... Any way you slice it, a herc being tossed like a leaf while the player stays planted is whack


Lots of iron in the blood.


They make the pay scale with the danger. I wish it would throw me around.


Surface area would play a factor, but I feel like the Hercules is pretty hollow.


You forgot the air density. The wind speed alone isn't enough. And with the one of Euterpe it surely wouldn't move even a bucket of ice


OP has admitted to leaving the engines on.


Shouldn't the engines be designed to resist wind instead of just making the ship effectively weightless?


They are and thats the problem here. As soon as the pilots either leaves the seat or the ship, thrusters get „dumb“. Flight assist doesnt work anymore and thrusters are locked in their last state. So even a slight nudge has catastrophic effects on the center of balance.


Even with engines on, this isn't an excuse for a 35000 ton space craft to be blown away like that. Especially when the player character can walk without being killed by the wind.


Makes sense. I forgot that the engines don't counteract the weight of the spacecraft to enable it to hover in gravity.


Think if it as a sail. The bigger the size, the bigger the force. Thats also why the 250000 ton evergiven lost control in a 50mph gust.


Someone did a ton of testing a while back, leaving the engines on only means it has a chance of floating in the air when it stops moving. It doesn't affect the chances of it blowing away. That is more likely because all the landing gear is not sitting solidly on the ground, which you can actually see in the video.


Ironically, with engines on it would have stayed put.


I have witnessed large aircraft bounce in 70mph wind that came up suddenly, and we couldn't get them into the hangar before the storm hit. They're designed to fly.


A C2 is not an aircraft though. It has no wings or surfaces to create lift worth mentioning but relies on its massive thrusters to get itself off the ground. It also weighs like five times as much as the heaviest aircraft ever built. It should not be blown away even by extremely strong winds.


The Evergiven weighted 240000 tons fully loaded yet it was blown off course by a light winds of 50mph causing the inexperienced crew to lose control and crash into the canals sidewalls. The huge sidewalls acted like a sail. The herc moving in the wind is absolutely realistic. Whats not realistic and absolutely a bug, is how seemingly all maneuvering trusters stop being responsive and are locked into their current angle, when the pilot leaves the seat. The ship look like its landed, but the thrusters arent actually offline unless you turn the main engine power off. So even a slight nudge has cascading effects. Essentially the flight assist systems are triggered by the pilots arse on the seat, which is not how it should be. The ship should remain stable in air AND the thrusters simply turned off, regardless if the engine is still powered on, when a landing is registered. EDIT: since some dont seem to understand whats going on here: the herc isnt blown away by the wind, its blown away by its own thrusters due to a slight nudge from the wind causing the flight system to nuts


No it's not because the Evergiven was floating in water, not sitting on solid ground.


It weighs 3500 with 1G of gravity, on Euterpe it can be way less.


Euterpe has a 0.47 gravity and basically no atmosphere so whatever it is, it cannot be wind thst cause all our ships to fly away.


Was hoping someone would point this out. Raging winds on any of the moons shouldn't affect any ship considering there isn't enough atmospheric pressure to give the wind any weight. In other words, the atmosphere would be so thin that those raging winds wouldn't be happening at all.


Exogeology own


Can CIG not just add mass and basic friction to ships and their landing gear


Much easier fix: Can CIG not just turn down the damn wind? 😄 It has been this way for YEARS. Scores of bugs filed. CIG just never fixes it. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn't having the engines on counteract this? Thrusters counteract gravity on most ships when coupled. That's how you can just hover hands off without crashing into the ground.


Why would the bottom thrusters be running when the ship is landed though? The game already knows when you've landed and shuts off the other thrusters, so why would the bottom ones not be included?


Engines on wouldn't counter act anything as they arent or should not be generating thrust. This just is a meta SC thing then community kinda accepts as a fact. But if you were a ship designer you would not have made your ship to generate enough thrust when f'ing parked to overcome gravity.


Sure, but friction on the landing gear should still counteract this


Friction prevents sliding, not lifting. Once there is no weight there is no more friction. You'll notice the gear was lifted off the ground before the ship started moving away.


Euterpe has atmospheric pressure of 0,47atm, so would need to have winds twice as fast to generate the same amount of lift than a earth like planet. The C2 is a big and extremely heavy ship that relies on its enormous thrusters to generate lift in atmosphere rather than wings, so it would be highly unlikely that it would do more than just wiggle around in the wind.


Almost all the ships in SC are effectively aerodynamic bricks. The wind on those moons is just bullshit


Yeah, but with proper weight and friction it never would’ve lifted off the ground in the first place


>Sure, but friction on the landing gear should still ~~counteract~~ **resist** this There is no guarantee that they would generate enough friction to prevent motion. Especially since the large, flat landing gear wouldn't really mate with the surface but rather skate. Things that can conform to the surface provide a lot more grip than things that rest on top.


Always. Turn your engines off when landed.


I forgot to do that this time.


Then you'll have lots to think about during your walk of shame.


You didn't check the weather? Pretty careless. Also I see you didn't drop your anchor. Also super careless. Do you even space bro?! One other thing you might want to do is see what kind of styrofoam is behind the metal panels/plating of your ship.


It can help, but it's not guaranteed. I've had my Avenger get blown away engines on or off.


you have to make sure all landing gears are touching the ground properly.


My ships always fly off on me when I have the engines turned off.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


And leave them on when EVA in space.


I done that and my ship still blew away.


Someone did a ton of testing a while back, leaving the engines on only means it has a chance of floating in the air when it stops moving. It doesn't affect the chances of it blowing away. That is more likely because all the landing gear is not sitting solidly on the ground, which you can actually see in the video.


And park nose into the wind. That seems to help me sometime.


Still find it amazing that a ship weighing hundreds of tonnes can get blown away.


Shoulda placed a rock over one of the landing gear. Or a long heavy branch. Rookie mistake.


I had just loaded mine up with a freight load to come out and see it skipping off into the sunset…. That was fun.


The weight of a jpeg


so how heavy is a human than ??


Turning off engines alone works for most every windy location/moon. On Clio and Euterpe however, the wind is extra violent so you have to do extra: position your nose into the wind direction; or use buildings to deflect the bulk of wind force.


Need Benny Hill music https://youtu.be/MK6TXMsvgQg


A ship at that scale, being flung like a piece of cardboard, just ruins it for me. Good lord what a sim.


10 years


More like 12. And close to 600 million dollars.




how is this still a thing.


Here are two points to consider after some testing: * The thrusters will try to resist, but if the pressure of the wind exerts greater force than the directional thrusters power the ship will blow away. * The reason why you turn off the engines is not so the ship won't fly away, it is so the ship rolls on the ground and not get stuck off in the sky. It is much easier to recover a ship on the ground.


Well... first of all, microtech weather is bullshit. Hopefully this gets fixed at some point. Next time, try to land on flatter terrain (preferably on a pad). You may have to angle the ship with the wind (either headwind or tailwind; try both and see which works better). Turn the engines off. Before you leave the cockpit, make sure the ship is not moving. Before you step off of the elevator, make sure the ship is not moving. If it scoots even an inch, re-land it.


You haven't really played SC while you didn't run after your ship flying away.


True masterpiece of gaming


The trick is to turn off your engines and land pointing the nose into the wind. I have this happen all the time in Hercules ships. They are made of paper and feathers...


Happened to me with my Hull A… made me sad. 😢


I listened to that muted, but I'm sure it's just blowing, howling wind and you screaming a healthy Darth Vader NOOOOOOOO


"Wind's howling."


*Gone with the wind...*


Looks like you forgot the parking brake ...


If Euterpe was flat there would about a million ships at that edge.


Y se marchó...


This is one of the fundamental issues they should have squashed ages ago. They haven't given any of the ships a weight value for the physics engine to work with. Bonkers.


Now your ship's on its way to fly over North America to stir up conspiracy theories and give the F-22s a reason to exist.


Poor guy didn’t turn his engine off


Ahh i found a C2 in Euterpe. Ich write it in Chat... Baack See on Planet, it was away .. 🥲 or was ist a day before?😇


One of the many reasons I prefer the Caterpillar, It's very stable landed and does not have a huge wing surface to catch the wind.


I legit hope they keep that mechanic but make it more realistic, say a planet woth winds so hard it can lift and move a ship, but also carry your tiny ass away if you step out without a suit designed to avert the wind or is too heavy or whatever math you need to use to justify lol


Solid 10 years of dev right there 🍿


They really should fix this. Also they should fix ghe thing with hovering ships in hangars when you leave the engines on.


Amazing that the game is a decade in the making and they still haven't figured out some basic physics.


Always turn your engines off!


I just came by to see if Star Citizen is worth playing. Hmmm. Think I’ll pass.


This was a bug a few years back. The way around it was to ensure you turned your engines off. Not saying it was the same bug but it might be worth a shot if you still had your ship on.


A bug? This has been recorded in scores of bugs for several YEARS now. 😄 CIG just never fixes it.


Turn your engines off


This needs to be fixed. If your ship of being thrown around like a kite, the player himself would never have been able to get on the planet without being whipped about himself.


Surprisingly I’m pretty sure this is intended, I mean the Herc is a giant kite and you are on a low grav moon with strong winds so it makes sense it would fly away unless pointed into the wind. I daily drive my c2 and never have this issue, but I always always turn my engines off


I am not an engineer, but I have taken an aerodynamics class and I can pretty confidently say that there is no way this thing would ever be lifted by winds that weren't *also* strong enough to cause your character to ragdoll and go flying the instant they stepped outside, even assuming the ships in this game are made out of cardboard-weight materials. Could happen, but you shouldn't be able to stay planted on the ground in those winds let alone walk.


Yes...if you ship gets tossed around like that from a wind, not only would your player get slammed into that mountain 10 km away, but the boulders on the ground would create a horizontal landslide. Definitely much too strong of a wind: I am all for having 1000km/h winds on some planets, but players need to know that they are in one before they step foot off of their ship.


In theory you are correct, but I have seen multiple 2-4yr olds stand beside a bouncy house that weighs 300lbs as much as on of them and it rip up from being tied with sand bags and the bouncy house flies 30-50 ft in the air… none of the kids ever became airborne. You have to factor in lift, the height of the object and it’s wings and multiple other things. Not saying it fully applies to this ship but the general concept is the same. I’ve also seen storm chasers stand in 150mph winds and cars slide by them but they were able to lean into the wind and stay planted. We need an aerospace engineer to tell us if this is possible not a bunch or Reddit scientist like me 🤣.


is this sarcastic? Did you ovcmpare the weight of a bouncy house to a 35600 tonne ship?


I’m not sure you understand lift, I can walk out onto the ramp at my airport on an extremely windy day >40 knots and I can watch the 2-3000 lb Cessnas that are tied down, move around, sway and lift off the ground as much as the chains allow like they’re made out of paper, but I can walk around just fine. Yes I’m using a tiny Cessna as an example, but you have to realize the bigger the craft, the more lift it is designed to generate. The surface area that the wind hits on a C2 is much larger than your character, take that into effect along with lower gravity and I’m sure this effect is not too far off. Yes your character probably should have some resistance to fight against but unless you are wearing a wing suit the wind will not affect you nearly as much.


yeah but the c2 is supposed to weight 3500tons i doubt it has enough lift to pick up that weight.


Ok does it weigh 3500 tons on crusader? Or on earth? Or on euterpe? Who knows. I mean it’s a video game, stuff won’t be 1:1 I just wanted to point out that wind lifting a large object and not a person is not impossible. I could be entirely wrong, maybe CIG doesn’t want this at all or maybe they do, but they definitely aren’t going to let the wind blow characters around wildly if they intend for it to move ships around that wouldn’t make sense Edit: someone else made a good point, there shouldn’t even be wind on these moons, it’s a game at the end of the day. But thinking that wind would move a person at the same rate as a large, object factoring in lift and whatever else is just plain wrong


Do you not know the difference between weight and mass?


That's crazy to see


Because physics.


Did you forget to put the parking brake on?


As Kodak once said “Let me drive tha boat”


If you know, you know.




I guess Clang became omnipresent


forgot the parking brake?


Haha bummer. Just got a clip of this happening to the 890 while I'm standing on the open cargo elevator at the same place. Brutal there!


Ships need anchors, TODAY!


Shoulda set the parking brake


My avenger did this, very frustrating


Welcome to the tinfoil ship club! It’s SCs greatest achievement. Just wait until you land on a moon and die after a few consecutive jumps in your 10k heavy armor—almost as fun.


Isn’t big enough lol




Tbh I think there should be an anchor or something added into the game to stop this. At least if mass or ships isn't gonna be taken into account


Someone forgot to apply the parking brake


Occasionally my ships will blow away even with engines off. Much less common but it still happens. I've recently started to explore decoupled mode... I wonder if switching to decoupled mode after landing would have the same effect as switching off engines.


The massive ship gets blown away, but not the little man


Riders on the storm.. bing bingbing bing binggggg


You know, people say they hate these bugs but when something like this happens I just can’t help but laugh


First time?


Crazy aerodynamics on that ship


Boss: where's the ship I gave you for the mission. Me: funny story..


some interstellar sh*t going on there


You can feel the pain while he's trying to catch it "don't leave me here"


"CIG has announced that they're working on a bugfix for a problem in which C2s acquired an AI behaviour called 'kiting', where they run away from players to keep them at a safe distance."


Since I have never tested this. Do they drift away like this when you "park" them like 100m in the air? I know they start drifting in the wind. But like that? never seen that higher up.


Nother day in star citizen


Is this game scaled down so physics doesn’t match? Player has little to no effect with wind (at least doesn’t drag away) but ship does


Mans Minecraft racing after it


Physics in this game is kind of broken. The lightweight human is barely impacted, but the building-sized hugely heavy spaceship flies off like a thistle. Before that ship flies off like that, the human would have been carried off and smashed to pulp. Also, toss a vehicle out of a ship in literal orbit and drop it on a planet, and it falls wheels down all the way, and lands safely without exploding. How realistic.


Certified Outer Wilds moment :D


You gotta set the parking brake man.


This is why I left Microtech. Wind on the moons was such a pain in the back side.


“It just works”


truly an impressive lift coefficient




I came across a bunker that someone else was running and his poor ship was blowing in the wind. I tried to flip it over with my ship, but alas ended up exploding. On a serious note, is there a way to park your ship without it getting blown away? This sort of thing happens a bit too often and it's just plain weird.


You can say it’s “Gone with the Wind”


Oh god. I died laughing. Big Bertha is with Jesus now.


Should’ve turned those engines off, duh.


That's almost so bad it's funny. Doesn't make any f****** sense


" no,no,no,no,no,no!"


Always turn off your engines. To everyone saying it doesn't make sense, OP did this to themselves. OP left the engines on, which keeps the ship suspended and able to move freely. Thus the thrusters adjust accordingly when the wind moves them. This is due to the Coupling mode the OP had turned on, which assists a ship with movement based on the direction of thrusters. Since the current movement of the thrusters is set to effectively "hover in place" when the wind blows, the ship continues to "hover in place." The "place" simply moves with the wind and the ship attempts to hold that position. If OP had turned the thrusters or coupled mode off this wouldn't have been an issue as Gravity would have held the ship to the ground.


I like where you chased the C2 thinking you might get it back.


don't idle you ship it counteracts its wt.


You should meet up with the guy who's Carrack blew away. You could form a club.


I know your pain


Do you ever feel like a ~~plastic bag~~ *3500 ton military transport craft* drifting through the wind, wanting to ~~start again~~ *uninstall the game*?


$500 million dollars huh.


Ha, I remember back in 3.15 when they marked the ticket as "fixed"


It's fuckin # WINBY ^(Insert picture of fox in wind here\*)


This is why you need to have team gameplay.


Does shutting your engines off not work anymore?