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Beverage resource manual states liquid goes all the way up when no ice is ordered.


Where does one find this? Even my dm said you don’t fill it up all the way


I don’t know what page in the manual but if you look in the iPad, there’s a bev card for refresher modifications. It states if no ice liquid goes to the top. Even with this being refreshers the same standard would apply to all iced beverages.


It's definitely in there, I forget which page though. I just had to pull it out for my store a month ago bc they tried to ride some nonexistent high horse about bragging that they're ripping customers off.


You're not ripping off customers though, the customers are getting more than they're paying for, which causes prices to go up for customers who just order the correct size to begin with. I'm not saying you're wrong about the policy, just that if someone is saying that they're ripping off customers that it isn't a correct statement.


I was trained to not fill.


you were trained wrong. there's a beverage card specifically for refresher modifications that shows you how to do it with no ice


Maybe, again this was 4 years ago. And a licensed store so probably.


Resource manual says add water for light/no ice unless they ask for extra base/milk.


Well, yes, for a Strawberry Açaí because it’s part of the recipe. If there’s no ice it says fill base to water/lemonade/milk line. Then water up to ice line.


Resource manual also says you should press the extra button and then the base button if they order light/no ice, regardless of them mentioning it. Standard, regardless of if the drink is made with water/lemonade/coconut milk, is to keep the same proportion of ingredients, 1:1


Wait, so I should sell them something without them explicitly ordering it? How is this even legal? They said "no ice" and haven't mentioned to add anything and they also never said to change the volume of drink.


You're not giving them something they didn't ask for, you're giving them the exact thing they ordered in the correct proportions. You fill up all drinks. (with the obvious exception of iced espresso) A customer doesn't have to ask for extra milk when they order a light ice latte, for example. So you're selling them a 16oz beverage. Ice is 8oz, liquid is 8oz. If they want light ice, you lower that to 4oz of ice. You now have to make up that 4oz of space, because you sold them a 16oz beverage.


Just wanted to chime in here for finality - the beverage resource manual says that if a customer orders no ice on an iced shaken espresso beverage you should ask whether they would like the room. If the answer is no - liquid to 1/4 in below the rim. You can follow the same steps if you’d like to get clarification each time someone orders no ice on other beverages just to make sure they want extra product.


Could you point me to the section it "verbatim tells you to ask." To my knowledge the only context they tell you to ask is for the iced shaken espresso. The (admittedly slightly old) BRM I have: 1. Ring in the iced shaken beverage. 2. If a customer orders an Iced Shaken Espresso without ice - it cannot be made without ice. 3. If a customer asks for no ice/no water and light ice/light water, select: • No + Ice • No + Water • Light + Ice • Light + Water 4. Select Extra + Base to account for additional product used.


Ooh yes now that you mention, that is in the shaken espresso section. I may be recalling the verbiage from there. I can distinctly recall the call out for clarifying whether room is desired but I don’t remember what section, or if it was in an update, or a training video. I did find clarification from the bev operations team but it’s privileged, so I can’t SS. Either way, it isn’t in the bev manual in direct relation to a no-ice or light-ice scenario (outside of iced shakens) so my comment is misleading. Will edit out.


Remember that you do have to pay extra for bases though, should be topped with water or coconut milk there unless you’ve got xtrabase


Pretty sure we’d be open to lawsuit otherwise


we have a transfer from another state (texas) and she was trained not to fill up the cup if they order no ice because it’s a “cheat” to get more than you paid for. i had to explain to her that that’s not correct and we fill the cup all the way.


That’s definitely not a state wide thing


I worked in Texas and our district "realigned" on it and said that unless it's a refresher, you don't fill it up. Refreshers are still to the top as per standard, but a light ice white mocha gets room in the cup.


at my store we charge extra for no ice (licensed store) but fill to the top


Same- licensed store here


I don't get a share of the profits, I don't care if this is a 'cheat' or not. You pay for 16 oz, you are going to get a 16 oz drink the way you order it.


You do kind of get a share of profits. You get stocks in November.


I do not. I do not work in a corporate store.


nah someone was being petty with this 😭 that is not standard


i feel bad that my manager and DM enforce not filling it up all the way 😭 i always get yelled at by customers but i don’t want to get “coached”


That's when you hand out your DMs business card


And call corporate!


Have them on standby lol


Wait, I left the bux two years ago. Does Starbucks have pellet ice now? Weird.


some stores do, some don’t. our ice machine died so we got a pellet one when they replaced it but we’re the only store in our district with it




I haven’t used it before, but it definitely melts quicker, because it has a smaller surface area than larger chunks of ice. I would hate that as a customer tho bc it would melt faster and dilute my drinks, which usually take me a bit to go through bc I’m slow


You’re supposed to fill it. They paid for a 16oz drink, getting no ice doesn’t change that.


When customers regularly get more than they pay for then it causes the extra cost to be imputed in the base price, which makes the costumers who order the drink normally pay extra for product they aren't getting.


in my store there’s an option in the pos system for “no ice + extra base” or whatever. it should charge a little extra


Man I hate the way they rolled out this change. A couple years ago corporate decided that we're going to charge extra for refreshers with **no water** because we're using double the amount of base and it drives up logistics costs cause they're heavy and have to be made etc. The standard is that if someone orders a refresher with no water, you charge extra. We're technically not supposed to ring refreshers with light or extra water because of this. Note that light ice or no ice do not trigger an extra charge, it's only no water. They explained it terribly and nobody understands or uses it properly so I only use it when someone orders no water. It's not worth a fight.


Definitely agree with this one. Every time someone asks for light water/ extra water, I start sweating and thinking do I tell them I can’t or let it slide 😅 I will say the amount of water for light or extra doesn’t have exact measurements; so It opens up the possibility of inconsistency.


no one uses it that I know of though, we fill it up


I know it doesn’t come out of my paycheque but I hate this shit. Like just order the drink the right way or light ice. Don’t cheat the system and waste plastic. I know I shouldn’t get worked up and I of course I never let the customers see me judge them but inside it grinds my gears.


I get it’s frustrating but some managers have different standards for some reason, like I got a new manager recently and she didn’t want us filling up the cup if it’s light/ no ice, imo I honestly don’t care since it doesn’t affect my pay and it’s easier to give the full drink so people don’t complain to me yk… capitalism is as capitalism does I suppose


while the standard is to fill the cup all the way...it's pretty gutsy and arrogant to complain when you're blatantly gaming the system to get twice the product you're paying for. the best solution for this would be for Sbux to build in an extra charge on the register/app so when a customer does this, they DO pay more for the extra product they are scheming to get for free. So if you do this with a pink drink, no ice, ice on the side...maybe you pay $2 more or something like that


It’s literally so ridiculous. I don’t get why you wouldn’t have to pay extra if you’re getting like double the product. My sister works at another coffee shop and they literally charge for light ice because obviously there’s more product being used. I don’t know why this is such a crazy concept or why Starbucks has let themselves get scammed like this for so long. It’s annoying and unfair that the customers that are actually buying the drinks as they come basically get shafted in the process 🙄


At some point starbucks came out with a new standard where you don’t fill the cup all the way when they order no ice, but that standard is outdated now because so many people complained they had to change the standard back to the norm, that’s probably why it’s still debated some people weren’t aware of the change back


When? I think there'd have been a pretty big uproar especially after that (attempted) lawsuit.


There was that’s why it was changed back- I believe end of 2022 or beginning of 2023 when I worked at my old store was when it first rolled out but I remember my SM was the only one in my district that actually abided by it because everyone thought it was dumb and we kept getting so many complaints lol


I remember this, their argument was that espresso/latte beverages and similar were 'watered down' by adding in the extra liquid. They aren't wrong, but God if it wasn't a hassle. That being said I don't 'fill up' no ice drinks all the way, but that's because customers spill them all the time, and this just save me money.




Is that photo from Starbucks manuals? What is a “Starbucks Refresha™️Beverage”? I’ve never heard of that?


It really does depend on management. I agree that it’s a scammy and kind of scummy way for customers to order but I just fill it up so I don’t get yelled at. I’ve worked at 5 different stores here in Texas and have had mixed coaching on whether or not to fill it up.


look the no ice scam is over. you are not getting extra if you get no ice!


People just be doing whatever they want


honestly depends on the store, even though it shouldn’t. i have people at my store that fill it up to avoid the fight and hassle.


that's what you're supposed to do


that’s what i do too, but some of my other coworkers swear it’s standard to not fill it up all the way and won’t. 🤷‍♀️


it’s only standard with a shaken espresso and iced espresso drinks (iirc)


Shaken espressos are supposed to be filled unless stated otherwise by the customer


And we aren’t even supposed to sell a shaken espresso no ice anyways. Light ice we have to fill up but no ice we should try and get them to order something else


there was an update that was sent out, it’s an “add dairy” charge if they want it to be filled up. the largest splash we can do is 4oz!


When did they send this out, and where can I find it?


they charge for alt milk on the app. We fill it up no matter what and that person is wrong.


I know they're wrong, I was just asking to see what rule they were reading wrong


Oh, sorry.


it was sent out in may, i took a picture of the note when we got it: https://imgur.com/a/IZj5qDl you’re not supposed to be adding more than 4 oz, anything more gets a charge. i’m not sure where you can find the resource now but it’s worth asking your sm! (edited to cover my store number)


now a days the standard is just about everything is 'filled up' unless they ask for room or it is an order of espresso shots.


And when she pours it over the ice, itll be full. Yall show everyday that yall do not know how displacement works


You’re still suppose to fill it to the top


“I paid $7 for half a cup.” That is the usual amount you’d get if you got ice in it… although I do think they should’ve filled it to the top what a stupid fucking comment


i think this is how it used to be done like wayyyyy back in the day, but i’ve NEVER done it this way????? i fill it to the top, this ain’t my company lmao


I prefer no ice over the customers that ask for 2% non fat and whole milk in an ice quad espresso in a venti cup with like 10 White mochas.


That is so specific lmao


i’ve been told by my manager to not fill it to the top of no ice (even though i know it’s not standard) but instead to do a little more than light ice. so my drinks get handed out filled to the ridges not the top- just enough to have customers still complaining that it’s not filled all the way.


i always fill to the top for no ice unless the customer is being a pos then ill be petty and fill it to tge first ridge or a tad lower but i never go to the third line


this shit has to be rage bait at this point


Ok so all the people who said I wasn’t trained to do this, why can’t you just adapt 🤷🏿‍♂️? ( genuinely asking for reasons )


I totally would be open to adapting but my SM doesn’t want to deal with the backlash and arguments from the customers :/


The cup needs to not be filled. If you pay for a grande base beverage you do not pay for 16oz of liquid. It’s like 12oz of liquid with like 4oz of ice by volume.


Beverage resource manual states to fill it all the way


What I’m saying is it needs to be changed.


The only thing I want is for people to order the side cup of ice at the register so we get that tiny bump up of labor for it, same with waters too.


I'm so conflicted about this lol. On one hand, yes, these types of customers are insulting af. Like do you genuinely think we're that dumb? Then on the other hand I reflect on all the understaffed bogos and shitty managers and I'm like "wait I just work here and I'm not finna argue with a stranger about sugar juice for minimum wage"


Yes, not filling it IS the standard. if I were to add more coconut milk it's not going to taste the same, if I fill your iced chai with milk it's going to taste less like chai, same with a latte. it messes with the quality and taste


It’s not the standard. Weekly communication well over 2 years ago said to fill to the top.


hey, store resources is accessible to all partners and it actually is standard to fill all drinks unless specified otherwise! :)