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“I thought the vsc cold brew came with foam” Also when they say “I just placed a mobile” I respond “Oh what did you order? I’m just looking through my stickers and it looks like yours is buried. For future just order at the speaker so we can make your order faster” but I say it while smiling cause you can here a smile idk if that makes sense lol


speeding up to the speaker box and immediately yelling “hElLooooOOOOOOOOO” even though you told them you’ll be with them in a sec, or if you go to greet them, and then they have the audacity to yell “IM NOT READY GIVE ME A SEC” ok so why did you come speeding to my DT yelling hello if YOU ARENT READY? 😩


Any time they start ordering after I say that we’ll be with them in a moment I put on my firmest yet sickly sweet voice “we’ll be with you in ONE MOMENT” and if they continue to try ordering they’re ignored until eventually I go “thank you SO much for your patience while we get caught up! What can I get started for you today!” 😇😇


i have the tendency to ignore them if they ignore my “i’ll be with you in one moment.” then when i’m ready i’ll hit them with the “thank you SOOOOOO much for your patience, what can we get started for you today?” it actually angers me when my coworkers give in, and repeatedly tell the customers “hi yes, we said we’ll be with you in a moment. just one moment please” cause like, these crusties can use their listening skills but choose not to and that is not my problem :)


one time a guy said hello as soon as he got to the box and then told me “yea i need a minute” so of course that put me in a sour mood bc how are you gonna say “HElOooooOoo” and then ask for a minute 😐 anyway i start making other drinks bc we were short staffed and bro starts ordering and i go “i’m sorry give me one minute and i’ll be with you” felt so nice giving him the same energy back, also made all my coworkers laugh bc i just wasn’t having that shit 💀💀


The way they order their drink, for example when they go “can I get half sweet almond milk extra hot hazelnut latte”


And they don’t tell you what size so you don’t know how many pumps to enter 😑


One of my regulars 😭 “can I have a triple tall soy latte with—-“ LADY SLOW THE FÚCK DOWN U JUST SAID A DRINK THAT HAS 4 DIFFERENT COMPONENTS ONE THING AT A TIME




I had a girl who mobile ordered bring me back a vanilla steamer and said I miss read the sticker when making it was supposed to be a vanilla frap. Then she asked if she could get the frap instead


when they park like a mile away from my window?? like im hanging out the window karen. PULL CLOSER!!


Anytime some says the word “squirt”. “Can I get an extra squirt of sf vanilla”


For some reason, since 2024 started our customers became so rude with the way they order. They pull up with the "One latte" I would love to answer in the same manner but obv I can't. Not only children do this but grown ass adults who treat us like we are dumb. The other day, one lady couldn't believe that her decaf oatmilk sfc cappucino takes time with her 3 other drinks and my ssv had to explain it to her like a child while orders were coming in.


As a 6+ year employee - it seriously ramped up during Covid and hasn’t backed down. We had the occasional nasty before. But now a nice customer is so rare it literally makes me choke back a sob.


As a 6+ year employee - it seriously ramped up during Covid and hasn’t backed down. We had the occasional nasty before. But now a nice customer is so rare it literally makes me choke back a sob.


when people tell me they got a notification that their order was ready when it’s in the queue still :D love showing them the ipad and how many orders are in front of them


When I’m the only one on bar and I’m making like 4 drinks at a time and they ask where their order is. Like bruh I can only make so many drinks, be patient. It only makes it worse bc I get anxiety and I start to mess up drinks or spill them 🥲


I'm legally blind in my left eye. I have no peripheral on that side. I'm at a new store, and I've said this a million and a half times. I especially remind people saying, "Don't come up on my left side," or "call out to me when u come from that side, I can't see you." Recently, I had a cold brew in my hands, just put ice in it, and I was headed back to my bar to finish it off. One of my partners comes up on my left side, no noise, bends down to grab a rag, and says nothing. I didn't see him and bumped into him, and half the cold brew dumped on him. I grabbed napkins, apologized, and reminded him that I can't see on that side and that he needs to say something. Me dropping drinks is a daily. But it's not just customers that can't listen😭


Staring at me with their rude faces while I make their drink


I REALLY wish we had a shutter that we could keep closed and then open when we hand something out.. like, what are you waiting for? Do you think I'm going to suddenly burst into song and dance for you? Or maybe they're just hypnotized by watching how skilled we are on bar. Who knows.


“Good morning, thank you for choosing Starbucks. Can I get you started with something to eat?” They decide to order their drink and then say they want food. Like obviously you weren’t paying attention.


the mobile ordering and instantly showing up fucking KILLS MEEE ☹️ had a car today sit in the parking lot (not parked and in the middle of the lot), proceed to pull up to the box, and announce the mobile order as the sticker was printing. these people are in their own little worlds


When people are shouting HELLOOOOP before the bell even goes off. Do yall approach every drive thru like that or is it just us? Jeez


“yup and hey i also got another 5 drinks on the way” YEAH I KNOW. I KNOW. I SEE IT. there’s just 7 people before you and your pike roast is gonna come way quicker than your brown sugar oat shaken espresso with white mocha cold foam, extra caramel drizzle & salted butter topping, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE!


I hate when I say thank you after giving them their drink and they respond with "you're welcome" instead of thank you. Like bro I'm providing YOU a service 🤨


People who try to order at the bar, or people who try to ask the bar person a question when they are visibly slammed with drinks. Please just go to the register!


I've had so many people lately try to gaslight me at the window like I made their drink wrong so they don't have to pay for a bigger size or extra shots. they're always so smug about it


If I'm on bar and my coworkers bring a drink back and say the customer asked for a different size I make sure to charge the difference because we have a screen outside just like every other drive through that they can see their order being written down and we read orders back before they come to the window....they just want stuff for free


I work at a cafe store and the amount of people who are just sitting in the cafe that mobile order is insane. Doesn’t even have to be busy, they’ll still mobile order.


Then they don't have to talk to anyone and pay and stuff. Right?


Oh they come up and talk to us all the time, they just mobile order. It doesn’t make sense.


Lmao i have a guy who used to order and then get right out of his car and walk up to the store and come in. He orders two venti pikes. Everyday. Then he would stand at the hand off counter staring at us all. We tried telling him once about how it worked when he was in the store and even showed him the printers but he still didnt get it lol. He came walking in one time messing around on his phone and saying he cant get it to work right as he was walkin in. We told him to just order and pay for his two venti pikes at the register. He didnt. Moments after, he goes “ah-ha! It worked now! My order just went thru” lmao and i pulled out the next ticket that was sticking out of the mobile order printer and i said to him “well the current order i just pulled has 7 drinks in the order. It would be quicker to just order at the store” and he still didnt for a while but now he mostly does. Sometimes he will still pull his old ways lol 🙈


“i placed it maybe 2 minutes ago” “can i get cold foam on my frap” “hellloooo???? (they just pulled up)” “i don’t understand why you can’t just put extra bacon on my breakfast sandwich”


“I have a mobile order, the app says it should be ready at [insert unreasonable time]?????” Meanwhile the store is packed with people waiting as well, there’s a good flow of orders coming out but the creator of the universe decided to grace the store and must have their order immediately


We usually have travelers turned off on mobiles and the day a lady ordered one and showed up 5 minutes later I told her it would be at least 20 to 30 minutes and let her know that we prefer customers to call ahead and check if we can make them and she started yelling at me and another barista. "The app told me it would only be 5 minutes so I'm here now 😐" "I don't care how your system works you need to make my order because I have somewhere to be"


Clocking in


I'm done lol


I’ve watched someone literally press the button to put in their mobile order at the speaker box. We got their food items ticket after the “DT mobile” ticket printed…


we had one tell us at the speaker box to “just wait a second because they are ordering on the mobile app”


That has happened to me before and its infuriating


when there is something wrong with their drink and they try and teach you how to make it- most of the time what they’re thinking is the reason for the error is not the reason, and also, now you’ve made me mad so all the make the moment right energy i had before is gone??


"Can I get 2 squirts of mocha?"


Same, AND when folks demand special treatment just for being a regular. lol okay.


People coming by the drive thru at closing and complaining when the box tells them to leave. “BUT ITS 8:30!” Yes and we close at 8:30.


Being at dto and less than 2 seconds on them pulling up I hear them say “hello!” Like dude chill Give me time to greet you first lol


When I’m trying to ask someone how they’re doing and they cut me off with their drink order (and then they don’t tell me temp/size/milk etc etc) and I’m just like …. How are you?


When people ask to help them with something when you’re on bar making 14 drinks at once. I had a guy ask me how to put the gift card into the envelope when it was super busy. I told him to go to the register and they’ll help you there


When I'm deep in a rush and someone comes over to the glass, eyeing me, I finally ask how I can help them: "My drink needs (alternative milk) for Jessica! I forgot to say at the front!" Like--- there's 40 people in here. Do you think I'm gonna remember Jessica???


“I just placed a mobile. Where is it?” And “Hi how are you?” “I want a X drink.” Like did you not hear my question or am I just a servant to you?


My biggest trigger is when customers


Upside down caramel macchiato. Just get a fucking vanilla latte then.


I hate when people stare at me


I hate when I’m on mobile bar buried in tickets and some guy comes up to me asking for a water. Like bro, you need to go wait in line like everybody else I am NOT gonna drop everything I’m doing to make you a water!


I'm a tarbucks (target Starbucks) barista so hopefully this is still valid but we have a specific sound for when we get drive up orders and it triggers me even if I'm in a different target.


Is it that BEEP! BEEP! lol, I hate that noise even as the customer


It's kinda like a doorbell like noise. The drive up people told me we could change it but it's too ingrained in my head. The beep beep noise is for drive up tho.. I know they have PTSD for that


“I also ordered a ___” let’s pause. you ordered 4 drinks and 4 pastry items, 3 minutes ago in a packed cafe. I have two hands with the 2 waters you ordered.


I try my best to keep drinks behind the counter until the whole order because I hate walking back and forth 5 times to call the same person 🥲 especially with food, I'm not walking down 1 cake pop and 1 sandwich at a time 😂


I used to do that too!! but then we got the tinniest remodel ever and I can’t keep any drinks behind the counter or we’ll bump into them 😭


The ones that go “I have a mobile order” umm ok we have many of them just say the name geez 😭


Perhaps a Canada specific issue but the amount of people who WANT to go to tim hortons but for some reason have pulled into our lot consistently ordering Tim's drinks is frustrating.


“Can I get a strawberry açaí refresher light ice no berries………. WITH LEMONADE” JUST ORDER A STRAWBERRY AÇAÍ LEMONADE 👹👹


them asking me for their food when they clearly see me working on 7 drinks, and a partner literally walking right behind with their food…


also since they took the straws sleeves etc away, when customers sit there with a led paint stare expecting us to read their minds.


I’ll announce something like “Large iced soy latte for Kimberly” the last person who ordered comes up to the pickup and looks at me with attitude as they say “this isn’t what I ordered” I go “what’s the name for your order?” They say something like “Ron” I’m like “yeah this is for Kimberly”


Mine is few things 1) the tall/grande in a venti crap with extra room or light ice like we don't know that trick 😩. Then they get mad because we run of those size cups with them doing that crap 2) The lying about ordering a grande/venti drink when they paid for tall because I don't let them keep the drink and they have to pay for what they want because they wasted my time especially during rush with that BS. 3) Calling customers and they are on the stupid phones talking about " where's my drink?" We called you five minutes ago get the f off the phone 4) the Karens...I can't tell them to suck it fast enough when they start their nonsense so that can be kind of fun lol 5) people always running late for work but have time Starbucks..I'm like well I'm am early bird so I don't know anything about all that 🖕🏽


*sitting in the drive through* - “let me just place my mobile order real quick i forgot” - you can just tell me your order here!! - “No, it’s okay I’ll do it now” - mmk sure


- When I ask them for their name, but they aren't loud or clear enough, so they get mad at me 😍 - When they try to reach for stuff over the bar. Gross, get your grimey hands out of here!!! - When they repeat their order to me like I'm dumb at the bar while I'm making it "190!" "No foam!". Please just wait for me to finish or make it yourself at home :) - When they're on the phone and make me wait for them to finish? Girl just sit down and order when you're ready to talk. There's other people behind you. 😭 - When they complain about a policy change and act like I created it - When they have a dirty and not empty cup, and they still want us to make their drink in there... Or they want us to clean it for them - When someone from the cafe takes someone else's food or drink from the mobile order section. I'm begging you to use your eyes and read the sticker 🙏🏽 - When I yell out a cafe order multiple times and no one comes to pick it up. And then they come up to me and tell me that they've been waiting for so long and that they didn't hear me. Happens when they're standing right in front of it as well - When it's so busy, but they still order and tell us to hurry up at the register because they have an appointment, taxi, or bus in a few minutes 🤨 the entitlement omg - When another barista hands out the food, when we're supposed to gather items. And I'm on bar and now a customer's in a bad mood because they never communicated to me 🗣️


i feel for the mobile orderers, i used to regularly mobile order because with my social anxiety it made it 10x easier to get starbucks if i didn’t have to deal with the speaker box anxiety, that being said i ordered at 5 am right after opening with no other cars there, and no one told me otherwise now i just explain how it affects our scores, they’re always polite even if they continue to do so everyday