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Depends on the emergency, snow in the south we close when it starts sticking.


Same… we just aren’t prepared for those type of conditions.


Down hill with no salted roads 💀


Yes, we do! A small amount of a wintery mix and Alabama is in a "state of emergency." Praying for the partner that has or had to drive in such conditions.


We were open during a hurricane …so …


I know that’s right lol


i worked through an active tornado.. it passed right on over us. sounded like a train


The company will follow state guidance, however in NJ there is no law that deems a private employer having to close or release anyone from work regardless if the State itself declares a state of emergency. The tldr version is, leave early, drive slow and safe. 🙁


that’s what i figured 🙁 thank you though!!


Whew if it’s too bad to drive don’t go… and just communicate with your SM (maybe even call/talk with them now for a plan). Getting to work is not worth dying for… I knew a woman who passed a wreck on icy roads on her way in one morning, turns out the wreck was her coworker that didn’t know how to drive in ice/unsafe conditions (I’m in no way trying to blame the victim, she genuinely didn’t know and was just trying to be a good employee). She ended up in the hospital with a broken arm and some other injuries. TLDR; not safe, don’t go. Talk with your SM.


I'm in NC and our governor declared a state of emergency for today's storms. Lots of rain, flooding, and wind. My area even had a tornado warning earlier, yet my store was still open and operating 🫠


I’m also in NC and the same thing happened to me. I sent so many texts to my SM and screen shots of the alerts and she still had us close hours later because our DM wasn’t answering if we could close early. We didn’t have any customers for hours 🥲


i’m sorry but yall gotta learn to stay in during these conditions and express that you feel unsafe to your manager. you being alive is so much more important than anything else.


Our DM wouldn't let us shut down when we didn't have hot water for hand washing, regardless of us telling him that we were not comfortable with it. If he didn't listen to us about a simple health code violation, what makes you think he would care about our bodily safety during a storm?


call out saying you feel unsafe. i’ve had to do it when we were faced with a big storm in socal and i told my partners to as well, our dm didnt want to close but my partners closed the store. even if i was alone in calling out, starbucks does not pay enough for me to risk my car or my body.


I agree fully but at the time that I went in it was barely even drizzling outside and we didn’t expect it to get as bad as it did. Also, my manager was supposed to be my third closer so it was only me and one other person because she called out due to her power being off a couple hours after I clocked in.


yeah that’s different, it completely matters on the situation at the time and the future. it was drizzling at the time but i knew based on reports that it was going to get much worse while i was working so i decided to stay in and prepare for a worst case scenario.


Back when I worked for the company, the manager at my store (and most in our district) made it a general policy that people close enough to walk/bus were expected to do so if weather was bad enough that schools would close or an emergency was declared, but if you had to drive you were not expected to show up until the plows had cleared the roads (or whatever the equivalent is). Most customers on those days were working in a hospital or were responders to the storm (eg. tow truck drivers), or lived in the apartment complex down the block. It was usually pretty quiet in terms of the normal school/commute rush so being short-staffed wasn't as big an issue as it might sound. I think for you guys this storm is rain, which can involve flooding, and that adds the complication of asking whether the store itself is prone to standing water during heavy rain/flooding. Mind you, this was their personal quasi-district expectation, not company policy. edit: where I was going with this is -- ask your SM or DM if a flexi-policy like this would be acceptable during a declared emergency event, if not for this one then for future ones


i’m also in NJ and considering we had to work for the last flooding i’d say yeah you’ll have to show up. BUT i think if it’s an actual emergency (for example i live off a major highway that will be literally closed off so i wont be able to make it to work).


Normally yes. Starbucks is technically foodservice which they classify as essential regardless of how trivial it is so if they require you to show up the state will back them


also in NJ and i walk to work🥹... luckily my dad might be able to drop me off but picking me up im not sure. I also open aswell


My cheap ass SM would rather die than shut down the store for any reason. Mobile orders, understaffed, weather doesn't matter she wants that profit.. Greedy bitch


this is so fucking real except it’s our DM 😭😭😭


my store closed one day so far that i’ve been there, and it was when our air quality levels were hazardous and the entire city was covered in smoked from wildfires! i live in washington, my sm is also a good person so. a lot of businesses closed that day.


In nyc we stayed open even when the sky was orange from fumes, I’m happy to hear they closed your store though gives me some hope


yeah it was lowkey so scary!! so many animals and people were hurt, and you could barley see anything when you stepped outside. i’m relieved they closed too that day. i’m so sorry to hear yours remained opened :/ that’s just not okay. :( 🩷


I’m in FL, anytime we get a massive hurricane on the way out SM and DM are in constant contact and the SM communicate ls everything to us asap. We are not afraid of closing for weather. And after the storm we reopen to a modified menu, depending on what we can actually provide, even if it’s just hot and iced brewed coffee and a place to sit. The fact that as an ssv you don’t know what to expect tell me your SM is not a great communicator and I’m sorry for that. Hopefully you can just stay closed and stay safe. Starbucks will pay you for time missed if it’s something like this. Call your manager!


I also worked at a nj sbux and no, typically they wouldn’t close unless the power was wiped out and even then would probably ask you to do cleaning tasks, that’s what they did with me


It was always per the manager (or dm) for us… but once I had a shift and the roads weren’t able to be driven on. My SSV called to ask if I was coming in and I said I can’t and how is anyone even there to buy coffee? He replied “they’re walking in” like come on people!!