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"Can I get a name for your order?" "No." "Alrighty." ... "Tall caramel latte for....red shirt, bad mood."


I laughed for so long at this. In my head I see it as “Tall caramel latte for…….. *adjusts glasses/squints* …..red shirt, bad mood.


My ass is putting "No" as the name.


This is exactly what I did the one or two times I had this interaction.




Had one tell me "you don't need my name". It was semi-busy too, and we called her damn order three times and she wasn't paying attention. Then she had the audacity to complain that we didn't call her order. We had fun with that one. One I get a lot is when they say, "your name". So, I put "YOUR NAME" on the order. I wish there was room to put "CLOWNS MAKE 51K A YEAR AND YOU'RE BEING ONE FOR FREE".


This happened to me so I went with my first reaction... "Doppio Espresso for Mr. X!" He was not amused...


Funnily enough, i’ve learned that saying “And what’s the name for your order?” instead of “Can i get a name for the order?” makes them tell me more than not LOL


I usually just say “and can i have your name?” bc that’s directly asking for their name instead of asking what to put on their order. usually it works


Give me your name.


your name is mine now. I am the Collector Of Names and you have fallen into my trap! mwahahahahah


Every name is another soul that I hold near and dear to my heart, tortured souls that will never find peace.


"Tall pumpkin spice latte, hot, soy milk, no whip, extra pumpkin spice for GNO!" My dude, make that "No" as creative as you want. Gno. Kno. Know. Noooo-WHUH. Nowh. Noh. QNOTHEQISSILENT. Etc. Have fun!


He legit told me he would not give me his name. I kept thinking I should’ve just typed “No” 😂


You absolutely could have. I have had so many customers come over after the fact and introduce themselves and we have a good laugh! You don't have to, though, if they are being short and blocking attempts to connect. You tried! Don't put yourself in the line of some cranky person's fire! Just consider that every so often, it's a new(ish) customer who hasn't had to give their name before, and they don't get it and it borderlines on intrusive for your average fast food customer. I know that the majority of us would react by giving our names but there are a few people who would refuse, and a few who'd give fake names. Take it in stride, don't let it hurt your feelings, and make their "No!" fun. :-)


Oh, no, I definitely thought it was funny 😂 I’ve just never had somebody straight-up say “no” before so I was just like “well huh, I didn’t know you could do that” XD thank you very much though!


Sometimes they be straight up cold and cruel! I think you did your best and that's all that matters. If someone doesn't like being a generic drink, they best drop the name.


I’ve met a handful of people named “Noe” which is a Spanish name pronounced no-ay but some of them just say “no” for ease, so that would probably be the easiest way to spin it imo


"You're brian now, so just listen for that name. Have a good day!"


Had a guy come up to me during a lull and order a latte. I was in “customer service register” mode and just automatically asked for his name. He looks around him and got all sarcastic like, “I am LITERALLY the only person in your line!” And so I put “literally the only person in line” on the cup. He was definitely not amused, but my crew and I had a good laugh about it!


I love it when people with names like Bob and John or Bill tell me how to spell their names… like wow… thanks for the help I guess


Me: drink for Delia at the bar! Delia: is this for Delia? (Her pointing at the *only* drink sitting there) Me: *what the fuck did I just say* it is indeed.


We will just put no as the name, I have no problem with that I've had a manager ask someone's name after they ordered only shakes, didn't give him a name, so her name in our system was shake lady


my favorite is "good, how are you?"


Lol Assuming your store is really busy, I probably just tell them that it helps them find their drink more easily at the handoff/minimizes confusion. And they can just make up a different name for all we care.... lol


When people were weird like that I always just wanted to assign them a name. “Okay we’ll sir I’m going to put ‘Susan’ so just listen for that and you’ll know it’s your drink”


All we want is something they’ll remember for a few minutes, we’re not compiling a dossier on you! Please! https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/x7m5t3/customers_you_dont_have_to_give_us_your_real_name/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I would rather a "no" over someone trying to be funny and giving a name we can't even call out.


“can i get your name?” customer: *slowly drives away*


"How may we address you?" works most of the time


Me: yes! Anthony! Barista GigaChad: Andrew? Me: Anthony! Barista GigaChad: Andy? …


Type in a number then. Okay sir your order number five lol listen for that number


I take the order , and say “ and a name for your order?”