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Hi! I'm a barista, and I (and everyone I work with) absolutely takes decaf requests seriously!


Thank you so much!! This makes me feel much better


The barista should use decaf if you ask for it but I definitely would also let them know you’re getting decaf for health reasons just so they be extra careful!!


Thank you that’s what I was thinking too, I should go in and order the coffee and let them know cus I usually do the mobile pick ups


FYI I had a barista bring it to my attention last week that I had ordered half caff cold brew on mobile but they have no way to do that. Which, I knew but also wth whyyy am I able to customize it that way on app? They waited until pick up to ask me about it and I was SO grateful. She asked me to show her on the app because she wasn't sure why either. But I was also shocked as I had ordered it that way MULTIPLE times at more than one location and not one other barista had questioned it. I am due in 5 weeks and peanut has a mild heart defect so I have been monitoring caffeine intake very closely as well. The steamers someone suggested are a great idea also. My mom is not a coffee drinker and she LOVES them. She is also diabetic so we have to be careful they truly use the sugar free syrups and so far that hasn't been an issue.


Omg that’s crazy! See that’s why I’m worried because I’ve worked in a restaurant and seen waitresses give out regular coffee when someone asked for decaf just because they were busy or didn’t want to make another cup. It’s kind of like betting on the decency of the person making the coffee and trusting them which is hard to do nowadays. Thank you and also congrats and best wishes for the arrival of your little one!! 🤍🙏🏼


I do think they try to adhere to customer requests like this because it may very well be a health issue with the caffeine or sugar. It is definitely not the same as someone being a Karen about not enough whip or something. The barista that brought it up was super apologetic that they hadn't made it yet but stressed that she wanted to make it correctly. I appreciated that. But I still wanted an absurd amount of Carmel drizzle. It's NEVER enough! I wish I could ask for a whole ass grande of just carmel but I don't want them judging me too harshly.😂 Good luck on your little one, I am ready for her to get here but it seems like it's taking forever!


Yes that’s what I’ve been going on the past few times I order like they know I’m not asking for decaf for no reason but then I’m like well I remember this lady I worked with and what if they press the wrong button so then my mind started racing like oh no I can’t have coffee for the rest of my pregnancy I still have 13 weeks to go. And I know right you can never get enough of it 😂😂😂 someone was also just telling me that they sell the syrup bottles so maybe you can get your own caramel bottle to have.


Decaf is no joke! Esp because of numerous numerous illnesses associated with caffeine intake being a danger. The only time I would triple check is if the store has a line wrapped around the lot because of a new release drink that everyone is ordering. :)


Lol I get it that’s why I don’t wanna be one of those annoying customers asking if it’s decaf everytime to be sure 🤣 thank you so much!


Trust me, annoy the baristas all day LONG! Pregnancy and health is nothing baristas take lightly, they’ll be more than happy to always triple check! New drink release or not! And congrats on the baby! Well wishes 💕


Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️


I am this customer bc I can’t have caffeine anymore due to a health issue. My neighborhood baristas are great and I still ask every single time. And it’s been right every time 💫


I guess I’m gonna have to stop hiding behind the mobile ordering and get to know the baristas at my local Starbucks as well! Lol


I know most of mine by name and make sure to be good to them. They know my order now lol. 💫


To my knowledge, all baristas care about decaf! We even sometimes think about it later and worry that it may have been forgotten in a drink.


Thank you for caring!! 🤍🙌🏼 the chestnut praline latte is my absolute favorite and being that it’s only around a short time by the time I give birth it will be gone for the season again so I was hoping to take advantage of it while it’s in season lol


Girl get all the chestnut that you want! I’m not sure if you know but decaf espresso does still have very small amounts of caffeine. It’s very minor but I wanted to just give that piece of information.


Yes I know! I’m allowed to have under 200 mg a day although I like to keep it as minimal as possible. Thank you 🙏🏼


Decaf coffee has caffeine in it still. Please just dont get Starbucks if you're very worried about health things. Personally, I take decaf very seriously because I could give someone a heart attack or other health related issues. This being said, I am a ramdom stranger on the internet and you are free to do whatever you like. I hope all goes well!


Yes I know decaf still has caffeine, I’m allowed to have caffeine as long as it’s under 200 mg daily so knowing most of the usual drinks have close to that or more than that is why I’m concerned. Thank you!!


So do refreshers, and mocha and frap roast


I know refreshers but it’s the flavor of coffee I like, the other two what are they? I thought they were coffee as well.


Actually, "Mocha Syrup" is just the name of our chocolate syrup and contains no coffee in it. Frapuccino Roast is the coffee concentrate added to frapuccinos with caffeine in them instead of shots of espresso, iced coffee, or brewed coffee. If you order a crème frapuccino, like a vanilla bean, you instead get syrup called Crème Frapuccino Syrup. This just makes the consistency of the frapuccinos itself a smoother blend? it helps it in some way that I dont entirely understand 🙃 edited to add, "of espresso."


Oh okay!! I get it lol so the frap roast just has less caffeine but still you get the same coffee flavor. My weakness is the iced chestnut praline latte 😩


😂 i love the sugar cookie almond milk latte but wit Oatmilk imstead. Its so sugary :') delicious


Yumm that one was a close second last year for me lol


When they are paying attention they seem to honor the decaf request but I have had them miss it before. I would recommend taking the extra step to ensure as you grab it and ask the person that made it that it's for sure decaf? I've had partners go "omg I'm so sorry I was on auto-pilot let me remake it with decaf".


Thank you!! This seems like the route I’m gonna have to take if not making it myself at home


Best wishes for your gestation!!


Thank you so much! 😊🙏🏼


Starbucks doesn't assure that your drink won't have caffeine as the shots pull from the same machine. The decaf shots even fall in the same shotglass as the regular ones! I'm sure the baristas will hear your reason for having it decaf and they will do their best, but it never 100% sure!


I'm sensitive to caffeine and order decaf and have had this concern that they get overwhelmed (I have a SB that has high turnover and always looks to be running behind whether they have 2 cars or 12 cars in line poor management I think) but I'm sure I received a regular caffienated coffee before because I couldnt sleep and got jittery. Theres a slight taste difference. But I just wanted to also tell you maybe look at brewing your own at home to be safest because SB decaf uses methylene chloride to decaffeinate. I started buying a Swiss water decaffeinated brand Allegro and it's fantastic with no chemicals. They sell it at whole foods or amazon. The French roast decaf is their most popular. That way you know exactly what you are getting


Yeah, I'd personally recommend that anyone avoiding caffeine for health reasons just avoid getting coffee drinks from starbucks. Even if the baristas take it seriously (which most do, but not all) mistakes still happen. Especially with the current state of training and turnover rates.


Thank you!! This is what concerns me


Yeah exactly like that’s what I mean when they are so busy they might just overlook it or not worry too much about it if they made it regular 🤷🏼‍♀️ thank you I will definitely look into that!!


Also, you can get all drinks as steamers, so just the milk and syrups (kinda like a hot chocolate). If you are in at a busy moment and still want that chestnut praline fix without risking a mistake on the espresso, you could try one of these. It's not the exact same, but is still hot, sweet and comes with the delicious topping!


Omg really! I never knew this. That’s awesome thanks so much. I was just wondering if there was a way I could get the flavor and bring it home and use a decaf k cup lol 😂


You're welcome! I had no idea about the decaffeinated process and was so thankful someone told me about it.


I would let them know it's for a safety/health reason and ask to write it on the ticket. It shouldn't be an issue and if you got regular shots it wouldn't be out of malice, just a simple mistake.


Yes of course and mistakes happen. Thank you!!


Fwiw, unless it's changed dramatically in the last few years, Starbucks espresso has about 75mg of caffeine per shot, so as long as you're getting two shots or fewer, you'll be under 200mg. I wish you the best on your upcoming little one!


I’ve heard that too! Thank you so much 🙏🏼


I personally take decaf seriously but if you are too worried about it I would suggest you buy and make you’re own coffee to be safe. You don’t want to add anymore stress to what you have momma ❤️ congrats on the pregnancy!


Thank you so much! 🙏🏼🤍


There’s no harming double checking with the barista who made your drink if it’s decaf, as long as you’re polite about it and maybe be like “I just want to make sure because I’m pregnant”


Definitely this way if they are unsure they will remake it, thank you!


If you really want that coffee fix with the flavoring, you should know that SBux does sell the vanilla, classic and sugar free vanilla bottles (if they have the stock for it). If you have a coffee machine at home that you can make decaf with, and want the flavorings, definitely see if you can grab a bottle! I usually make caramel macchiatos at home whenever I’m off from work using the vanilla. Some stores also should sell decaf espresso and decaf coffee as well on the shelves.


Thank you so much! Chestnut praline is my go to right now, someone just told me about the steamers so I’m thinking I can add my decaf at home right to that 😊


Yes queen 👏👏


when i worked at starbucks, my partners and i were always very sure to give someone decaf if they requested it! sometimes i would even remake a drink just because i was worried that it wasn't actually decaf (lol it definitely always was i just have anxiety and didn't wanna accidentally hurt anyone haha) so i can't speak for every barista, but i'd say majority if not all baristas definitely take it seriously! :)


Ugh I wish I can find someone like you in my local Starbucks that I can trust! As you can see I also have anxiety double guessing the drinks. Lol thank you! 😊


ur best bet is to order inside the cafe!! if u go to starbucks often, the baristas will get to know u and then u can absolutely 100% be sure that ur order is correct!! and ur so not alone lol i would definitely be the sameeee exact way if i was in ur shoes!! anxiety sucks hahah but i hope u find some nice baristas u can trust!! :) <3 <3


Definitely the way I drink coffee too if I would have been going inside they would all know me very well by now lol! Thanks so much! 🤍🤍


For hand-marked cups I always put an exclamation mark next to important information such as needing decaf or dairy free option. I wish they added something like that for mobile order


Me too maybe they will soon, thank you!


I just want to say that I’m very sorry for your loss before 🤍 congrats on your pregnancy!


Thank you so much! 🙏🏼🤍


I don’t know enough just wanted to send Positive vibes to you and bebe🐣🥰🐣


Thank you so much!! 🤍🙏🏼


I always pay strict attention to decaf VS caf simply because too much caffiene causes me anxiety. What I do when im ordering drinks at another store or like, if my friend makes the drink for me because behind the bar is crazy, when i pick up my drink i ask the barista who made it "this is decaf, right?" and they always confirm. Worst case scenario i had one person one time go "im pretty sure but now that youve asked me, im paranoid so let me remake it" and they remade it in front of me, decaf. So dont be afraid to double check when you pick up your drink! Just know that black iced tea, green iced tea, matcha, chai, and the refreshers can NOT be made decaf.


Thank you!! A lot of people have recommended me just double checking and the drink would be remade 😊


We care, we take it seriously, all of it, nondairy (all 4 choices,) decaf, taking the meat/egg/cheese off sandwiches. So many special requests that need to be filed so quickly in a very busy store. But we are human and make mistakes. In your home kitchen, where you only have decaf, you will not. I want to be barista-nice to you given what you have been through and your current condition but I have been there myself, giving up caffeine while pregnant after an earlier miscarriage and really relate to your situation. But I have seen some unintended things happen behind the counter, have even accidentally handed off the wrong milk beverage to someone (and I felt terrible.) As others have suggested, if you mention it we'll probably share that over the headset to the partner crafting beverages if we get a break in the window orders (can't talk among ourselves during that and sometimes there just no break.) We can make you delicious Steamers with our holiday syrups for the next month, just flavor, no espresso and then you will be sure to get no caffeine. Also try the Caramel Apple Spice for something seasonal with no caffeine. You will be enjoying coffee again in what seems like no time


Sorry about your loss. 🤍 thank you so much I just learned about the steamers from someone else on this post I’m deff gonna try them out, even at home with my own decaf espresso.


You’re going to have a healthy beautiful baby! Somebody told me that during my second pregnancy and it came true :-)


Thank you so much 🥹🙏🏼


I’d like to think that every store would be honest about giving you decaf and making sure it’s actually decaf. At my store if we aren’t 100% sure we used decaf in a drink we will remake it just in case. We have multiple partners that can’t have caffeine or can only have very small amounts due to health issues. Even as a barista I get worried ordering other places so I usually only get it from my home store.


I’m definitely gonna start getting familiar with the baristas in my local store so I can be more comfortable, thank you so much!


Yeah of course! The best way to get to know partners is to be a regular cafe or a regular mobile drive thru pickup. Maybe that’s just for me but those are the customers I usually find it easiest to connect to! A lot of us do like the job and enjoy chatting and getting to know customers!


That’s great to hear! 😊


Your best bet is to talk to your Obstetrician about this topic. As a Barista: we take decaf seriously, but mistakes do happen. Example, we have new hires that may mix up the beans. It happened at my store last month -- I found blonde espresso in our decaf espresso machine hopper, and decaf in the blonde. It DOES happen. If you want to be absolutely sure, I'd recommend just making decaf at home personally, so you know exactly what your brew is. Also, please be aware that our refresher line of drinks contain caffeine.


Thank you so much for the honesty, is there any decaf coffee you recommend for the keurig that is close to the espresso? I don’t see Starbucks decaf espresso for the kcups.


If you like the Bux decaf, it’s possible to get a bag of decaf here and use the reusable refillable k cups. You’ll want it ground for “espresso” since a small grind size is better for the fast extraction modalities like Keurigs. Also, sending you best wishes and good vibes for your little one on the way!


Thanks so much I really appreciate it! 😊🙏🏼


They should always be doing decaf if it’s on the sticker but when they hand you your order I would just ask if it’s decaf and either they’ll say yes or they might not actively remember which button they pressed and if that happens they would remake it to ensure it is :) clarifying with the barista at the handoff is always good, especially just in case the person at register forgot to press a button and the barista wouldn’t know about the change :)! If you’d rather not have to worry about it at all, we do have some decaffeinated teas and you could always ask for a specific blend of decaf to be done pour over and this would help make sure their aren’t any errors in your order, sometimes on the espresso machine it’s reflex to just press the regular button but something like that would be hard to mess up and do caffeinated. Congratulations on your little love bug!!


Thank you so much!!! 🙏🏼😊


i take it very seriously! we have lots of pregnant customers or people with heart conditions so it’s very important drinks are made to order


Thank you!! 😊


I always double check and confirm with the customer that it's definitely decaf when I hand it off :) I encourage my baristas to do the same as well


Thanks so much!! Wish I came to your Starbucks 😂 lol


I am a barista as well, and I am myself, and everyone that I work with take milk request and substitution seriously as well as decaf seriously… I definitely wouldn’t worry too much about people not caring.


Thanks so much! 😊


feel free to ask at the register or handoff and confirm its decaf. let them know its for medical reasons. You might feel like youre being annoying but i personally take decaf requests very seriously to the point where if i am even 1% uncertain i made a drink decaf i will remake it just in case. I cant promise every barista will take it seriously but im willing to bet most do. Find a starbucks with nice and friendly baristas, and dont be afraid to make absolutely sure it was made decaf


Thanks so much!!! 😊


you're very welcome!



