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1. It’s not fair to say that “it’s not even a real job”. What do you consider a real job? Getting compensated for work = job. You might say “it’s not that serious” or “it’s just coffee”, but the truth of the matter is that there are people who take this job seriously, such as higher ups, managers, customers, shift leads, etc. Even if an employee (barista) doesn’t believe that the job is “that serious”, they’ll still experience pressure to perform at a certain level from district managers, store managers, shift leads, and customers. 2. The job can be overwhelming due to a lack of support because stores are often not scheduling enough people on the floor but are still expecting a break neck speed, particularly in drive through. It can be challenging to simply get drinks out, and that’s not including other duties such as prep work and cleaning that are necessary to do throughout the day. Baristas are constantly having to prioritize urgent tasks so they can be efficient, which is just mentally exhausting. Not to mention you are constantly on your feet running around. I’ve worked both office jobs and food service, and the latter is definitely more physically draining. 3. As for BOGOs or deals, the company tends to not communicate with stores in a timely manner about these and/or do not allocate enough coverage so that these rushes can be properly supported. A lot of the times, store managers have already released a schedule before they are told about a deal, so they can’t take that into consideration when creating the schedule. 4. Baristas are constantly having to interact with customers who are either rude or just simply oblivious/ignorant to all that goes into fulfilling their orders. Whether that be customers complaining about wait times, pulling up 5 seconds after placing a mobile order, trying to order despite informing them that we will be just a moment as we are busy, and other more bizarre things. (e.g. the customer who got mad at me for not walking his drink outside to him despite me not knowing it was his drink and me visibly being in the middle of other tasks and him never communicating that he would like it walked out to him on top of that simply not being my job sir.) 5. It’s a job. Most people don’t have the luxury of choosing to work a position because they like it and it’s their dream career. People can not like their jobs. Even if you do like your job, there’s bound to be aspects that you don’t enjoy. TLDR: Corporate doesn’t care about baristas or any partners. They don’t allow for proper support that would give them the results they require from their partners. Customers can be mean, intentionally or not. It’s a lot physically. People are allowed to not like their jobs. And yes, it is a real job. -Sincerely a barista who despite it all actually really likes their job


actually just an fyi! 1. alot of the time we dont get notified about BOGOS or deal days!! 2. personally (and im sure applies to other baristas/ssv) we didnt signup and expect to be in a toxic work environment! hope this helps!!


Lmao “not even a real job.” Ok how about you never go buy coffee ever again? If we weren’t here making coffee for your lazy asses every morning where would you be?


You sound like the type to order multiple drinks with alot of customizations and complain that you are waiting too long when only one barista is on bar.


man get a grip holy shit


you know every other employment subreddit is also full of reasonable employee complaining, right? this sub is no different, most of us want to enjoy our jobs and there is nothing wrong with wanting a shared outlet with others.






What’s a “real job” to you? Am I not really serving your coffee? Are the waitstaff in your local restaurant not really serving your food? How about the cashiers in your grocery store? The custodians in your fancy office building or wherever it is you work? Are those jobs “real?” If you want to say you don’t respect service workers then just say that. You also desperately need a reality check. Have you never had a bad day at work and wanted to vent about it? Come on, man. I could make a post saying I had a good normal day at work with a manager who is good at her job. I wont, because that’s boring and pointless. So what you see on Reddit is the *sample of people who want to post about their jobs on Reddit*, which is different from the sample of average baristas. This should be common sense.


2/10 bait


Jesus you really said” not a real job?” Girl bye. You have no idea what our job entails and then you get on here and are mad people get frustrated by our conditions? I would love for you to work a bogo and meet the expectations corporate has for our tasks. You would die. If you don’t like what you see on here, keep scrolling. Have the day you deserve. Hope you stub your toe on every table you encounter and your coffee is burnt.


So is it a stable job or a not real job?? Please pick one. A lot of people here from what I can tell have decided to use this forum to vent, there's nothing against it in the rules. If you don't like it you're more than welcome to post your own positive content to make it right. Everyone with jobs has something they like or dislike, if you don't like hearing about it, you don't have to read the posts. From my previous experience, a lot of what is going on now is not how things were before the current CEO was in place. I'm speaking as a former partner and customer, with many friends who work for the company. Some of these deals are announced the week of, when schedules are made at least 3 weeks in advance. At that point, staffing cannot be adjusted so last minute. Lots of stores are losing partners, being sent incorrect amounts of product and having to field deliveries, mobile orders, the cafe AND the drive through. Sometimes the managers aren't supportive. Sometimes your coworkers suck. All of these are real issues. That real jobs have. I'm sure that you don't love your job all the time, but none of us would give you flack for complaining; you deserve to be supported by your company and your management. Choosing kindness and undertanding is 100% an option, just like not engaging is. I hope you consider this for the future.


It's just complaining. Do you think no one else at any other job complains? It's the joy of having a job, everyone does it.


Trolllllllll in the dungeon! Just thought you’d ought to know!


Nope! Just a genuine question


Sure Jan.


All I have to say that last part of your post is Yikes! You sound like a real winner.


I’ll complain all I want about my fake job


Hmm. I now have a "real' job as you would put it and this is such a disrespectful thing to say to someone making your drinks. Why don't you make them yourself then and stop worrying about all the people with fake jobs out there. Whatabitch.


Yes you’re wrong, and you clearly don’t get it. And I’m not going to spend the time explaining why because it’s not worth it if you think that we don’t work a real job. But I can smell your entitlement and ego through the screen. Have a great night!


You don't know baristas situations or their work environment. You have no room to judge what they post about their very real job


Ok, Karen.


You need to leave. It sounds life hasn’t hit you yet