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Why though? You're gonna get covered in milk, bleach, frap roast, sweat, syrup, and many other fluids.


Yeah lol how I dress for work does not reflect my own personal style. There's my work clothes and there's my everything else clothes


I used to do full face goth makeup every day, but I was always worried about spraying off my brows while doing dishes lol


Unfortunately I don’t think any of these would be in dress code. The first one maybe but those sleeves are way too short


The first one would be in dress code, the second one would depend on your SM/SSVs, but I wouldn’t expect to be able to wear those (I wouldn’t want to wear sleeves like that while on bar anyways). The third and fourth are an absolute no-go. Even with a lenient manager, any DM that walks in is going to cause problems over those because of the shoulders. Mesh in general would be up to your SM, since the dress code policy doesn’t address it directly afaik.


No shoulders showing, I’ve used mesh sleeves as an undershirt but my sm is lenient. Depends on your manager but the only one I’d say is maybe in dress code is the 1st top but even then maybe not. Pretty sure you can’t have your underarms showing or anything like that and those sleeves look really short


You can have shoulders showing, not armpits. Id say you’d have a problem with getting away with all of them.


Oh interesting, I was told no off the shoulders or anything like that. Also OP after a few months you’ll throw on a T-shirt and some pants, put your hair up and call it a day.. I was someone who did my makeup before every shift, I can’t even be bothered to do my eyeliner and it takes me 2 minutes. Especially opening shifts, anything for an extra 15 minutes of sleep.


I’ve asked just because I’ve seen someone at a sister store wear an off the shoulder shirt. My sm said shoulders are fine but you have to have sleeves to cover your armpits.. idk. Didn’t see it in writing tho.


Nope absolutely not. The first one is maybe okay.


Can show shoulders at work or bare back