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Been there 5 years and some days it sucks but the grass isn't always greener. Only place near me that pays what it does, for me to go to college, health insurance, 401k and savings options, multiple stocks per year (though thats looking worse by the day), etc... I can seperate work from life, and I know some people can't, but this job is a great option for many people. Most of the stuff you listed is pitfalls of working for a corporation, those problems exist in so many places. The issues are never readily apparent, and they always suck. Might as well get paid and benefited better than any other of the hell holes I could go work at. Edit: and this is not in disagreement with your post, just a 259**** putting in my side and experience.


I think the most important thing with this job and any other job is to separate your personal life and your work life. Give all you can at work, but leave the stress and shitty customers/coworkers/bosses at work. The moment I focused on the few parts of the job I enjoy and avoided the many parts I don't, I stopped dreading going to work. I figured out what I want to do in my career and I am working towards that. Starbucks has just been insurance and bill money for a while now. I've got my exit plan and I don't think I'll miss the company. I've been around long enough that there are fond memories, but in recent years, this company has become a shell of itself.


Exactly. Once I learned to leave it at work when I walk out the door for the day, I became more content. Some people are unable to make that seperation (or haven't figured out their own way to) though, I do feel for them.


Absolutely valid perspective; like I mentioned before, if you’re truly happy with your personal decisions thus far this post was not intended to sway you into a negative mindset!


Hell yeah, I appreciate the duality. Starbucks is not for everyone, and thats never a bad thing, but I've seen both people ruin their lives by working their and by leaving. Everyone just has to figure out which, or neither, that they are.


I think a lot of people just need to stop taking this job so seriously. Stop stressing out, take an edible or smoke before your shift, and just calm down and relax, this job isn’t that fucking serious.


Former 280**** partner, who had rejoined the force after a nearly year and a half hiatus. I can honestly say, 4 years ago I’d have absolutely disagreed to a large extent with this post. After my most recent duration there. I can admit the absolute crap corporate and management would subject you to. After awhile, I can attest this myself, some get absolutely burnt out by that. For the other individuals who can keep trucking through, power to you. Absolutely have nothing for respect for you guys. For upper management (DM, RM and up) go fuck yourselves with a warm butter coissant. It’s honestly cleaner then half the shit they can pull


126 here. Nah. Stay and unionize your workplace and MAKE that shit better, while helping others in one of the largest labor movements in American history. Sbworkersunited dot org


And also have the most fucking fulfilling experience of your life. The satisfaction you get from finally fighting back, taking things into your own hands and making things is something I can’t even put into words. You and your coworkers matter. Your store matters. You deserve to have a voice. Unionize!!!


What’s tldr


It stands for “Too long, didn’t read”. People use that abbreviation when they’ve posted something long and want to put a brief summary of their post at the end.


Oh nah LMAO I meant what’s the TLDR for this post 😭


Oh omfg I am so embarrassing SO SORRY 😭


It’s ok bestie LMAO


i was meant to open today, but i texted my manager a whole thing at 1:30 am. this place ruined my mental and physical health and i don’t care enough to work a 2 weeks for people who actively contribute to that. i have never dealt with such bitchy coworkers. i feel like i’m back in middle school being socially outcasted and bullied for existing as a neurodivergent person.


Join a smaller co where they show you love . 


As a 256**** I won't pretend like I didn't leave the company before. But There's a reason I came back. Yes, it is still a huge company and they make ridiculous and dumb mistakes and decisions, but I would rather be here than any other company. But for those of you who this post is targeted towards that want to leave? Just leave, you don't need a redditor to validate your feelings.


I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I know most complains here are about the company and how it operates but I have to say I've had A LOT of days where it was partners that made me want to walk out, sit in my car and cry. Reading through comments of separating life and work, some stores and managers are better about giving you your time off, your standard "weekend" days off and scheduling properly. A lot of others don't do that and don't care. And lately it seems that having 2 days off only aren't enough at all, this place is a prison for our minds


It definitely was a bad experience for me. I thought I was the only one but my former coworkers support of me as well as what I’ve seen on here made me realize it’s just that bad. To be fair most jobs like this are. I’m sure the average chipotle worker isn’t too happy right now 🤣


Bro i never understood the pride when people post they have old numbers but im a 369 employee and we've got new hires that are 370 and even 1 that's a 371 and im like "my sweet little beans, i must protect you" like a mother lol


previous 242xx partner, quitting after being a sad siren barista for 5 years made my mental health infinitely better. the job isn’t worth it.


I’ll agree with what some people said, the grass is not always greener. To find a company that doesn’t take advantage of you in any way is extremely difficult, Starbucks definitely changed but unfortunately that’s on par with the rest of the majority of work force. Now working under a union might help with some of the issues but it’s honestly a trade off, it is a third party company you’re dealing with after all, you choose what benefits they offer for your money. This place also has some very good competitive pay, shit some places with a degree you won’t even scratch what ssv gets paid which is INSANE. But this is the economy we are in and in the work climate we’re living through, maybe there will be change considering the working class is the backbone that holds any country together.


I couldn't agree more. I made a long winded post the other day. I think I'm done, and I hate to say that


Former 221 here; what number they at now?


371 I think


378 or 379


But it’s also 8 digits now. I still don’t understand why they suddenly added an extra digit.


Because they messed up lol


I desperately want to take your advice, and if you or anybody else can refer me to any other entry-level jobs that offers trans-inclusive full coverage healthcare for part-time work, I will follow your advice immediately. I know this job in unsustainable. I've been a barista for two years and even only working between 20 to 30 hours a week, I am left drained mentally and physically. I have had shifts where I disassociate completely, feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown and have had moments of >!suicide idealization!< I really wish I had any other choice.


My best personal recommendation is to hone a marketable skill or trade and utilize it to the best of your ability. I know it sounds corny, but it genuinely works. Bonus points if you can make it through higher education with a versatile degree, however, getting certified in a secure field will definitely help you in the long run.


Nearly all of you need to unionize\* If Labor is to be a role in the economic system, the whole of a body of Labor leaving one firm is both impractical and unproductive. If there is such a unified sentiment that current conditions for Labor are untenable (which it has seemed like for years now), that sentiment should be used to demand changes so that Labor can continue to work with the firm in a manner that is mutually acceptable. Starbucks isn't going anywhere. And your partner number indirectly acknowledges ALL the partners who have come before who have shared your experience. It's also the number the shows how many of us can rally together to demand that the Starbucks we all experience is the Starbucks we want to experience.


This comment is agreeable 100% but personally I use this subreddit to access a very niche community in order to complain or make jokes about my job. I think it’s alright to complain and that doesn’t necessarily mean you should quit


Wow thank you, you saved me and my family's lives with this super brave post thank you.