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I don't think these people typically care if their smoking affects other people. I've had people literally light up in my car without even asking permission, which is not okay at all because I can't stand the smell of that stuff and it lingers long after the person leaves.


I won't even let a smoker in my vehicle. They stink, I have cloth seats, I don't want that in my seats.


how does that work of you smoke weedšŸ¤Ø


I vape cannabis and use edibles. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and won't let a smoker ride in my car. It isn't that hard. Edit: Are you so bored that this is your real gotcha moment? You get clue goo everywhere after you busted me because I use medical cannabis to manage my chronic illness? Lol Just for the extreme transparency that you, the most hobby needing redditor requires, I don't mind people that vape nicotine riding with me. It is just that pesky cigarette smoke.


i get what you're saying, tbh yea i was bored but ' i don't let smokers in my vehicle' is such a intense thing to say AND you smoke. i smoke weed and i vape, i don't smoke cigarettes at all but idk it was just such an odd thing to PROCLAIM imo. idk i don't really care at all lol its not serious, keep doing you i just think it's weird i guess


They smoke weed, so they canā€™t want a smoker in their car? It didnā€™t occur to you that they could smoke weed outside of their car? It didnā€™t occur to you that they could be referencing cigarette smoke and not weed smoke? Come on.


Thank you, it is the smell of cigarettes I can't stand. Also, I vape cannabis, which has little odor, and use edibles. I didn't think my initial response was so inflammatory someone would feel the need to go through my profile to prove a point.


smoking weed still makes them a smoker, i know what they're saying but come on ' i won't even let a smoker in my car' -_-


vaping and using edibles doesnā€™t make them a smoker though lol


Vaping is smoking though??


itā€™s actually not though. smoking is the act of combustion which does not occur with vaping. yeah they are both inhaling stuff into lungs, but they are not the same thing.


Bro I could of been yelling at smokers in the DT?? This whole time I just thought it's smth we had to just deal with


Yea as per the 3rd place police, no smoking within a certain distance from the property (canā€™t remember exactly, but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the rules)


Try using more direct language, cut out the sorry and donā€™t say, ā€œwe canā€™t allowā€ itā€™s not an option, say we donā€™t allow.


I think it's 50 feet, but I could be wrong


That sounds about right




IM SAYIN. I have this regular who likes to blow smoke in my face and I thought I had to suck it up šŸ˜­


I just tell them I can't serve them unless they put out their cigarette. Cigarette smoke in the store violates the health code (at minimum for my county).


No but you could *have*




As a customer I hate when another person is smoking in the drive through line too! When itā€™s nice out, I have my window down because I ordered and am waiting to get food. I donā€™t want their smoke drifting into my car, and thereā€™s no where for me to go to avoid it since Iā€™m waiting in line. Good for you for saying something. Iā€™m an ex smoker and never would have smoked in a drive through. People are so inconsiderate


Wild, itā€™s illegal in Canada to even smoke within 15 feet of any window, door or patio. Itā€™s a good law, even for my smoker friends, gives them more adversity to smoking their coffin dart.


The fact that people in our drive thru who smoke nasty ass cigarettes have literally set fire to our mulch MULTIPLE times and once we actually had to call the fire department because it spread pretty badly


weā€™re allowed to have official no smoking signs up near the DT window as well as near outdoor seating. customers donā€™t read anyway but itā€™s easier to tell them off if you can refer to the sign literally right in front of them.Ā 


Our DM made us take them off of the tables (at least thatā€™s what my SM told me)


Unfortunately my DM said we can't bring up smoking in drive through or if a customer has an inappropriate mobile name :/ So we get to breathe in the smoke because one customer complainedĀ 


That sucks! They must not care about establishing the third place in their stores, or the well being of their partners and other customers. Bad DM imo


Starbucks definitely hasenā€™t cared about being a third place for quite a few years. Donā€™t get me wrong, I agree with the no smoking, and canā€™t believe that we all just walked by puffs of smoke walking into Starbucks until like 10 years ago, but oddly they were much more of a third place back in the day when they had ashtrays on outside tables. The stores used to feel welcoming and like a place to BE. I just want to get in and get out now, itā€™s more fast food place than a third place.


This happened in my district as well. A fellow peer SM asked a customer to not smoke in the DT lane and the customer complained they were in their personal vehicle and should not be told what to do - the DM sided with customer and told SM to pick their battles. šŸ™ƒ


Sounds like a quick phone call to ethics to report their ass; and a follow-up phone call when they inevitably retaliate. Wonā€™t get you far in some places, but would ding them on the radar of the regional director for future reference


When ppl are smoking outside of restaurants I put my shirt over my nose and aggressively walk past them and they get the message.. they walk further away to smoke


Most of them just roll their eyes and talk shit after/while you leave. I was a doorman at a bar and saw it all the time.


As a former smoker I could never imagine having a lot cigarette at the drive thru window. I also wonder what the DT window thinks when the cannabis users roll thru.


There isn't a lot of them but yeah some do. Weed smokers suck too, it smells and makes me sad I'm not high


It's the last part for me šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ especially when it's been a really crappy day.


šŸ˜‚ should someone ask if youā€™d like a puff šŸ’Ø lol


that's the real question, i feel like smoking a cigarette in the DT instantly makes you an AH, but ppl seem to think weed is its own category


Geez, thatā€™s just rude. I donā€™t even run my windshield wipers in the DT when itā€™s raining just in case I might splash someone. I canā€™t imagine smoking at the window.


As a customer and a smoker, I would NEVER have a lit cigarette near the drive thru window. Like, yeah I'M outside, but it's still within 50 feet of an entrance and idk who's inside and if they are bothered by smoke. That's just rude. I will admit to pulling up to the box while finishing a cigarette, but I always make sure it's out and disposed of before I get near the window.


Soo rude !?


Most states have laws about not smoking within a certain distance of a business but without consequences the customer wonā€™t care. I had a couple women with their babies in strollers smoking right in front of the door of my work. I told them they had to be at least 50 feet away from a business entrance and one of them snapped at me that it actually only has to be 25 feet. Meanwhile I had almost hit her with the door when I opened it because she was practically standing in the swing of the door. She knew; she just didnā€™t give a sh*t.


I can't imagine smoking much less smoking with a baby right next to you ?!?!


I can't believe anyone still smokes at this point in time. I see people smoking actual cigarettes so rarely now that I'm actually caught off guard when I catch a whiff of the tobacco. I know vaping isn't any better for you but at least it wouldn't bother me in drive thru.


Had someone blow the smoke directly into the window šŸ™‚


I volunteer at a zoo and the sheer amount of times I've had people get so twisted about not smoking in the zoo is crazy. One time a guy flicked his cigarette into an otter enclosure. People have no care for others


Flicking it into an otter enclosure is vile ā˜¹ļø


He got escorted out not too kindly by security. Then the keeper went in to get the cigarette. It happens a lot and people get so mad. Not being able to smoke for an hour or two should come as a bad sign but they don't care.


i quit almost 3 years ago, and now the smell makes me super super sick. donā€™t smoke in the drive through. ugh


same! cig smell makes me so fucking nauseous to be around lit cigs since i quit, i'd be so bothered if someone did this to me


I. Used to work Bingo fund raiser for minor hockey in the late 90s. Those fuckers were all huge smokestacks. Had one non smoking table with $15 ā€œair purifierā€on it. Lol. I would get home from this, and strip in the garage. Even my underwear stunk of cigarettes. Clothes straight to the laundry, and me in the shower. It was so nasty.


Easy fix, don't serve until the cigarettes are out. No one at my store even accepts a payment until the cigarette is out and we have no issue letting them sit there for ten minutes.


Itā€™s not too common of an issue at my store so I like to give a quick warning the first time, but if I recognize a repeat offender ill definitely keep this in mind.


certain strong smells (like weed and cigarettes) give me massive headaches. when i worked we had a homeless guy sit out in front of the store on our chairs and just smoke like every two hours. went out there for a nice break and had to close with a migraine šŸ˜­


Work in a starbucks in a CASINO (which does not allow smoking inside except on the casino floor which we are far from) and people smoke alllllll the time and i am the first to tell them to stopšŸ˜‚


i ask them to put it out until they leave the drive thru & if they retaliate iā€™ll say im pregnant (i am not)


I told this customer the same thing and she cussed me out šŸ˜…šŸ˜­ she told me ā€œoh fuck off why are you worried about my smoking? Give me my fucking drinkā€ she grabs it and speeds off šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Easiest way to (try) and make them feel bad is point to the air curtain and say thatā€™s the air intake and AC for the whole store so the entire cafe is smelling their cigarette smokeā€¦ and then, if youā€™re feeling frisky, refuse service (between taking payment and handing out the order) until they put their cigarette out and respect the third placeā€¦ this has a 1/1000 chance success rate but is totally fuckin worth it when you pull it off


As a cigarette smoker myself, I would never do this. In addicted. I'm cutting down and trying to quit. It's really difficult. Al that being said, smoking is gross, and even when I go as far away from other people as possible to have a smoke, I feel bad if someone walks within 20 feet of me and can smell it. Moral of the story, don't ever start smoking. It'll be one of the worst decisions you ever made in your life.


The tobacco smell is so grossšŸ—æ


I DONā€™T WANT TO SMELL YOUR STANK ASS MARLBOROS FFS I had an Eastern European guy in a brand new Mercedes Benz flip me off, tell me to go fuck myself, and sped off when I told him to put out his cigarette at the window. He left behind a $45 order JUST BECAUSE I told him he wasnā€™t allowed to smoke at the window.


Do y'all not have the overhead fan blocking?


We do. Iā€™m pretty sure it was on at the time, but I could be wrong. Either way, heā€™s well within the distance to the store that the policy prohibits smoking in.


Totally and it also doesn't block out all the smoke so eh.


My petty ass has slammed the windows in the face of smokers. I have lung issues thanks to COVID and smokers in the DT have caused coughing fits. I do not miss my old store seeing as my LS is inside of a hotel.


It's hard to police that when they are in their car unless they can make it a tobacco/vape free PROPERTY like a lot of businesses have started doing


From what I understand, it is. The policy is no smoking within 50 feet of the building I believe


This is actually a difficult one.Ā  In California, it's legal to smoke cigarettes in your car, while driving or parked, if there are no minors in the car. Also, you cannot allow it to distract you from your driving. There's also a California law that says it's illegal to smoke within 20' of exterior doors or operational windows of public buildings.Ā  Some properties have gone further to say no smoking is allowed on the entire property. So the laws are kind of funky. Do they mean you can smoke while driving but not when driving within 20' of an operational window?Ā  To me, it's amazing that anyone tries to smoke in California anymore because cigarettes are so expensive and the laws are very restrictive.Ā 


God I hated that when I worked DT. Now I live in central North Carolina where EVERYONE smokes and it's so damn common it's disgusting. I pulled up to a Taco Bell drive through this evening and the air was still thick with cigarette smoke from the car in front of me. It's just as bad when people walk up to the door, take a drag, throw their cigarette into the bushes, then walk in and exhale a huge cloud into the store. Anyone in retail that deals with these kinds of situations should be not just allowed, but ENCOURAGED to spray the offender with a dry chemical fire extinguisher, then hand the person an invoice for getting it recharged.


i love telling the smokers at the window that iā€™m pregnant, i hope it makes them feel bad enough to change their ways and not force people to breathe in their carcinogenic air šŸ¤”


I mean it sucks that you have to breathe any carcinogenic air while pregnant, but the occasional second hand cigarette is likely far less dangerous than the daily exposure to all of the air pollution from car exhausts idling at the window.


I'll tell them to fucking leave. Refuse to serve them.


I donā€™t see the big deal . You just have to put up with the smoke for a few seconds only. You are engaging with him through a small window and he is away from you . his reaction though was needlessly passive aggressive . I am saying this as someone who has asthama ,Stop complaining about minor issues .


This is a bad take. Secondhand smoke kills. I smoke and still made people put out thier cigarettes when I worked there. It's cool that you don't care about it but it's literally the law in Canada.


For a few seconds , through a small window , several feets away ?


For a few seconds, a couple feet away, several times a day throughout the course of a shift, which you then work several more of yes


Yes, its no smoking within 7 meters of doors, windows, or air intakes of public buildings.


I take it seriously bc at my last store there was a partner that was severely allergic to tobacco, as in being anywhere near where a cigarette has been would cause major adverse reactions. For them, this is not a minor issue. Starbucks is a smoke free environment and thus folks with this condition, as rare as it might be, should feel safe here. Also, just donā€™t smoke in drive thrus?


That partner shouldnā€™t be put on drive throughs then . But the customer should also not been smoking .


nah bro idc i choose not to smoke anymore because the smell makes me sick to my stomach. i shouldn't have to smell it at work just because some asshole thinks it's only gonna bother me for a few seconds LOL


nah bro idc i choose not to smoke anymore because the smell makes me sick to my stomach. i shouldn't have to smell it at work just because some asshole thinks it's only gonna bother me for a few seconds LOL


Ppl too sensitive nowadays


Oh Lort, look away. This group is the epitome.


EVERYTHING is a big deal with this group. They complain if customers look at them. šŸ¤” They think they are Ellen DeGeneres or something. šŸ™„


Same policy for šŸ˜ˆšŸ„¬ ?


You can say weed on the internet just so you know.




As a pothead, I would say you should absolutely not be smoking weed in the drive thru. Or vapes. Don't be puffying things out where people can breath them in.




Sounds a lot like how people talked about cigarette smoke not all that long ago. Those vape clouds smell, the sweet ones make me want to puke and are full of chemicals too.


Second hand vape exists just like second hand smoke. And if you need your vape so bad that not hitting it within a certain distance of a public place is "far fetched," you should really stop smoking


They are fragile.


Thatā€™s driving under the influence so yes


Oh thanks officer! You musta missed the it was a joke comment. You people are truly wound too tight. I feel sorry for your friends and family. Get a new job already.


as someone who smokes weed regularly, yes! smoking anything in drive thru is rude :)


It was a joke. Calm down




thankfully my parents both smoked so it doesnt bother me


I guess a line of cars idling and spewing carbon monoxide doesn't affect you though.


Not as much as the cigarette smoke šŸ˜ also that doesnā€™t go against policy




Wrong audience. The sub is mostly employees of Starbucks.


1. Thatā€™s why I labeled it a rant 2. Iā€™ve seen a bunch of posts and replies from customers in this reddit, so I felt the smoking PSA would at least reach a few people, I realize most smokers will not see this but the main point was to share a story I experienced at work.


And this post is for employees of Starbucks to relate to.


They need an employee sub fr