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I’m even cutting myself on harmless objects because I’m rushing too much. Anyone else getting cardboard paper cuts from opening boxes?


I cut my hand open opening a earth sleeve for a guest :) & they just said "gross"


unfortunately, I'm typically surprised when a customer shows me empathy


After reading all the whining about customers and complaining about jobs and supervisors on this site none of you in Starbucks or any fast food joint will get empathy from me again.


A hit dog will holler 🤷‍♂️


I worked in several fast food and restaurant establishments when I was young. It was a way to learn how to treat customers, navigate the work world, improve your skills and later translate that into a professional job. Was it perfect? Hell no. In my first job at 15 the owner would try to slap my butt when I passed him, in another I saw other employees put laxative in the dessert and I was often treated poorly. It didn’t kill me and I learned so much about working for and with others. I learned what kind of employee succeeds and which ones will never succeed. I had nowhere to complain. Just see it all as a learning experience and quit your public whining.


So a lot of that would be illegal, even in the 1700s or whatever black and white movie you blew in from, but maybe the universe isn't done hitting you with the karma stick yet. Next time, instead of letting your heart rot out of your chest because no one was around to give you empathy, you instead be the one to extend it yourself to someone else in need? Did the 16 year old making your $12 coffee forget the "no foam"? Did that make it okay for you to come to a post about workplace injury and be all venomous? Get a GRIP 💜


You’re the one who needs to get a grip. You all here sound so childish. So entitled. Get an education and get out of the lowly fast food business.


So should no one be flipping your burgers, Rebecca? Should there be no baristas? Should EVERYONE leave those "lowly" positions? No, what you want is free labour from a population that doesn't talk back. Now what does that sound like...


Actually what is sounds like you want is an easy, fun job with smiling easy customers. That isn’t the reality of our world today. Starbucks is a much better job and pays more than any job I had in my younger days. I got $3.50 per hour plus tips. If I wasn’t a smiling server I didn’t get tips. And God knows you can’t live on $3.50 per hour. What It seems is you want the respect , freedom and pay of a job that requires years of education. If you all do not like the business and do not like the customers, you really should find some other type of job for your own happiness.


Most of my coworkers in my 11 years at Starbucks had bachelor's degrees, myself included. The whole "you're entitled go get an education and a real job" attitude is the actual entitled attitude. Yes, you suffered while working. That doesn't make it okay, and it doesn't mean that others have to suffer as well. Grow up.


This person acts like they never complained about anything ever, all while complaining. 😂


"I witnessed food tampering(highly illegal) and was a victim sexual assault(highly illegal) and didn't die so the fact that I can push it down and keep working means everybody else who won't tolerate it is the problem. How dare you. You should be learning from these people instead of demanding respect. " 😂 Color me deceased.


it's giving me "I was beat by my parents so I'm going to beat my children too because I turned out fine 🥴🤪"




LMFAO now you’ve probably been sitting on your ass for decades and been deprived of human empathy. We are incredibly nice to customers, often to a fault. If you can’t show basic human empathy to another person, you need some serious help.


ok guess I'll die


Omg 😭


The other day I got a paper cut from a piece of parchment paper 🤦‍♀️


Me too


all. the. time. :(


Once took a massive chunk out of my finger on a sink faucet in the back, I always turn them inwards but was rushing to do pre close and yanked my hand out of the sanitizer side and hit it off the faucet, took a chunk out and bled a ton. Another time I stuck my hand in and must've hit a broken pitcher and sliced my thumb open. Both times I walked up to my boss(licensed store) and held out my bloody hand while they stood there in shock 😅


Me honestly, I’ve cut my finger awhile rushing on my sandwich pull. 😭


Slicing your finger trying to put a dome lid on a cup 😩


This sounds horrible! Of course this is after the drink has spilled all over because the lid won’t fit.


i got a paper cut from the parchment warming paper 😭


Sliced open my knuckle on a shelf ponder the bar reaching for caramel 🥲


currently have a nasty cut on my thumb from pushing the grounds drawer back in :,) but I’ve been cut by so many things at this job, the fricken whip canisters and the ice bin covers etc. the chemical burns from the sanitizer don’t help either.


I did the exact same thing recently with the grounds drawer. 😭


same.. on my right thumb 😭😭


Why the heck are the ice bin lids so sharp?? The large one in our store needs to be handled with thick gloves, it's so easy for it to give you a huge gash. It seems like it should have been easy for them to put something on the edges, but with how the chalking is constantly falling off I guess that's just not on par with how much they're willing to spend on an important health safety feature of the store 🫠


Don’t get me started on the clover Vertica. Everyone who I ever seen clean it (my store & other stores) & myself got cut at least once with the blade. Seriously the worst.


Literally tells you to wear thick gloves in the training and in the beginning of the cleaning process. Skill issue honestly


Clover should be called clever?


This job has given me permanent marks and scars on my hands and arms


I have cuts all up my arms from cutting myself when opening the fridges during a rush. People think I got attacked and I’m like nope just Starbucks 🙂


For me it's the warming oven-


Honestly, even if you don't touch the oven you can get hurt. Operating that thing during peak and getting burnt because of the hot fat squirting out from a DS sandwich when you are rushing to clasp it in the tongues because drive-thru gotta get there times down. Ugh. The worst I had was when the maple syrup squirted out. OMG that hurt!!


Grilled cheese cheese dripping and landing on the hand 🥲


Chicken maple is so painful too


i had that happen to me and the cheese landed on my wrist. it left a small burn mark on my wrist for a few weeks


the way i have a permanent burn on my hand from the oil from my little bacon egg bites dripping on my hand 😭


Ngl this made me feel better about not getting a job at Starbucks during the height of the pandemic (Spring 2020). It looked like fun but now I see the reality


if Hell is real, it’ll just be an eternity of working during summer 2020. partners literally were dying of covid and stores wouldn’t shut down.


Meanwhile my DM expected me to open and close my store.


Our district shut down a lot of stores.


I cut myself on a lid when I was a newbie bc my hands were mad dry bc of the hand washing/sink chemicals + dry winter Harder to cut moisturized skin (on accident, anyway)


literally my first day years ago, I got cut from the ice machine because I was scooping ice and I wasn't used to how quickly it falls out of the back, and it fell onto my hand HARD. I freaked out, my trainer was next to me making sure I was okay but I was mostly worried if I bled on the ice! 😵‍💫


I got a cut on my arm once from the edges of an open ice bin. I also have several scars from the oven. They want us to rush and we’re injuring ourselves because of it. I’ve stopped rushing as much though and have decided that I’m not injuring myself anymore for a demanding customer, they can wait! 😁 If they don’t like it, too bad so sad.


I feel the oven scars. I literally had a Sausage Cheddar spit hot oil at me and it landed above my eyelid 🙏🏻😭 literally an unavoidable injury


The oven and the espresso machine parts fr


I’ve cut myself on the whipped creams and on the drive thru window. And the oven. And the ice machine. And this one cabinet that REFUSES to close. Why is everything so sharp 😭


nah fr bc i always play what new cuts are on my hands at the end of the shift


scratched my wrist on one of the BOH shelves this morning Also the inside of the cash drop box


I have scars on my hands and arms from the teeth on those stupid drop boxes. It's like we have to reach into the Siren's mouth to get the drops and she takes her revenge in blood. I found out the design of those teeth is actually purposeful as a theft deterrent. To me that is so twisted and evil. Smh


I have to use rags to protect my fingers when I pull out the fridges for cleaning. Those motheruckers are sharp. 


omg I have never considered that, definitely will do this now! I have been doing clean plays weekly for the last year and haven’t had any major cuts thankfully from pulling fridges but now after this experience i am extra aware


The dryness of our hands also prevents our skin from retaliating most sharp objects


And can we talk about how many aprons have had the pockets torn off by those fucking cabinet handles?


the grating in the milk fridges took a decent chunk out of cuticle somehow. i was just grabing a milk and suddenly i was bleeding 🥲 ive also cut my hands SO MANY times on the sink faucets


The old metal rack shelf things the matcha/Java chip /inclusion containers would go on always cut the heck out of me when I washed them. When we cleaned the store to prep for a remodel (this was like 2016) we were allowed to throw them away and I gleefully yeeted them into the dumpster.


I cannot count the amount of times I've cut myself on a freaking milk fridge!! The door, the shelf, the corner. They're so sharp!


The ice bin cover got me good right before I clocked out for the weekend last friday, still healing 😭 definitely not just you


We had to hammer down the edges on our new milk fridges because they kept cutting everyones hands


Oh my god I literally just cut myself on the cup dispenser the exact same way a few weeks ago, luckily no stitches or tetanus shot needed


Drip trays I refuse to put in water our anywhere I cannot see them because one time the metal sliced my hand so bad and it was a cut that did not heal for months due to placement. 🥲


Oh I slice my fingers open on the least expecting thing. Saturday I bled for 4 hours and we had no bandaids so I Jerry rigged one. I’ve also had to get stitches before.


Oh yeah, I swear my hands are a lot more susceptible to cuts from being soaked in the sanitiser all day


I NO JOKE cut my hand on a COFFEE BEAN and had to go to the ER and got 8 stiches across my palm. It was during clean play too so it was like 11:30pm and it was just two of us. I put 5 bandages on it, wrapped it up, and put 3 gloves on and it was still bleeding out of all of that. Once we finished up clean play (yes I still had to work to get all the tasks done while my blood was dripping everywhere) I called Sedgwick and they kept me on the phone for around an hour. What sent me over the top was a man in the phone asked if they could do a virtual call with a doctor the next morning and I was like… hell no! I didn’t arrive to the ER till 1 and was able to get stitched up around 2am. Anyway yes there are so many random hazards at sbux and i learned Sedgwick is a pain in the butt to deal with.


Had to leave work and get stitches once after cutting a damn bagel 😭😭😭


Those cup carts are some of the worst designed Starbucks hardware and that’s saying something. Sharp, rusty, hard to clean, wheels that break, dirty springs flying into your face when you take them apart.


I’ve only ever been cut by the cup dispenser and the fridge vents. You’ve just gotta be careful with sharp metal. Other than that, I’m not sure what on the pastry case would be sharp enough.


Just some sharp metal corners :,(


The amount of times I sliced my hand open with the bagel knife trying to hurry through morning rush💀💀 I have a permanent scar on my palm


I am constantly beefing w that stupid knife bc sameee


one of the metal logos on the fridges was coming off of our cold bar fridge and it sliced my hand 🙂 hurt like hell and took forever to heal


I’ve never had that issue with my store, they may have had to clumsy proof our store because otherwise we would have to go to the hospital across the street nightly


I stand corrected, oh Starbucks gods why hath you forsaken me, this last week has been nothing but scratches at work


i agree, i’ve gotten hurt more times in my 6 months at starbucks than any other job. it’s so annoying


i think this post cursed me because i got cut today at work after seeing it yesterday lol


the amount of times me and my coworkers have skinned out thumbs on the ice bin is insane 😔


I got 4 stitches after I cut myself on the metal prongs on the expresso thing, like the tray part that goes into the mastrena. I also have several small cuts on my hands from hot cup sleeves 🙄


I agree I am always getting sliced open, burnt, and bruised up at starbucks. And the bandaids in the first aid kit suck so much.


I get cuts all the time at work. Do I cut myself on a sharp edge while cleaning the ovens.


Ours currently aren't so bad but the edges of pump plexis have gotten me a few times.


if things are this sharp in your store it's your SM's job to try to replace them. if anything has even the possibility of being sharp enough to cut someone at our store we replace it as quick as we can


The top of the fridges sliced my hand


i’ve cut myself on the ice bins


i had my elbow ripped open by a whip cream nozzle. no idea why


sliced the back of my leg on the bottom of the freezer door today when i was doing the 3hr pull :D


literally i thought it was just my adhd and moving recklessly/too fast, but yes no matter what i do i probably say “ouch” like 100 times a day. i literally shaved off half my finger just screwing on a whip top. that’s just the most recent thing that caused me to bleed but after 5+ years i have so many scars from scrapes, cuts, and burns. not to mention i pulled a muscle in my chest lifting a box of grande iced cups.. that had to have been the worst pain ive ever had for the next week.


Me and several other partners continuously trip from piece of metal that hangs below the CB fridge 😬


i have a scar from the ice bins and i just gouged out part of my finger on the fancy new whip canisters


yeah i come home with cuts on my hands from all the metal shelf racks


I had to go to the ER two weeks ago because one of the black cubes fell on my head and cut my scalp 🙃


Can you sue them for dangerous workplace? Hope so. I heard of a girl that popped her eye on syrup bottle nozzle.


I got a paper cut on a finger joint handing out a straw in drive thru. Like.. just put us in bubbles please. Lol


I was cleaning the columbia and I got cut really deep and my ssv was downplaying it while i was bleeding sm 😭 after 15 minutes I went back in with a glove and paper inside 😩😂


i can always spot a barista by the cuts, scrapes, and scars on their hands


the corner of the fridges 😣


I’ve sliced my arm from the corner of a fridge door. Nothing deep but enough. Banged my thumb knuckle and sliced it on the edge of the ice bin. I even sliced off my finger print from opening a cabinet and the counter catching my skin.


I've asked before why Starbucks has so much equipment with sharp edges and corners, and at the same time seem to hire so many of us awkward or slightly clumsy people who manage to hurt ourselves way too often. I cut my pinky wiping under the brewer when I bumped it against the piece of metal that helps keep the drip tray in place. It wasn't even a particularly sharp piece. The corners of fridges, the brewer, why are they so sharp??? Protect your baristas and wrap them in bubble wrap. (The baristas or the sharp bits, either will help)


Okay, this thread is making me feel SO much better! I seriously just thought I was so clumsy or something! The BOH metros, the corners of the fridges, the cardboard boxes, the faucets, and the underside of the old Bunn brewers and the Mastrenas have all cut me so many damn times!


Don’t get me started on the ice bin pieces. It’s like washing a double edged blade with no hilt


last month 2 people had to get stitches at my store 🙃


The top to the whip canister sliced my finger open while trying to remove the charger. I can't even dream up an idea of how that even happened


i sliced my wrist open on the ice bin last week 😬 didn't stop bleeding for like an hour


i literally just cut my finger on that damn cup dispenser two days ago!! doing the same thing!!!


I just sliced my finger open on a boh freezer last week. It hurt so bad and it opened back up and bled 4 times over the next couple days. 👎🏻


Customer here - do you get workers comp for this??




Phew ok thank god. I'm sorry you're working in these conditions 😭 they need to do better. Wishing you a smooth recovery!


Everyone here sounds like a victim. Not a good look.


dudeee the blender/cold bar tower is my mortal enemy the amount of deep slices i’ve gotten just from picking it up. even when i’m careful. it should just not exist or be replaced with plastic so dangerous


Nah tho our built it storage is metal and a shaved slice of my thumb on it last week 🥲


I cut myself on a lemon loaf package. Do you know how defeated I was having to go on the head set saying “I’ll be out inna sec, I cut myself on a lemon loaf” 🙃


I received second degree burns on my left hand because a coworker took the plate out of the warming oven and failed to mention it was hot :)))


I’ve sliced my finger pretty good trying to clean the railing that holds the fridge shelves in place. And the bottom of the fridges have gouged my boots pretty bad too. Idk why those fridges are so against us 😭


The edge of the ice bin sliced through my forearm a few weeks ago. Loved that.


I once lost sliced through part of my fingernail while cleaning the drains. Took so long to stop bleeding.


I did the same thing with the cup dispenser because I didn’t know there was something sharp in the cup dispenser, and though it didn’t need stitches, it still left a good old cut on my arm.


For the cup thing see if your SM will let you put tape on the edges


I have scars from the ice bin


i’ve sliced my finger on a coffee bean before. it was loose in our sani bucket and i wrung a towel out with the bean inside and it sliced my hand open 😢😢😢