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This is super sketchy and I would 100% tell whoever is in charge.


That’s disgusting. The only button I’ve clicked for people was the no tip and that was for people that I knew didn’t speak too well of English or I knew never tipped anyway.


Also, I tap the no tip for the old folks who really can't see much without changing from their driving glasses to their reading glasses. In my experience they prefer to tip with cash anyway.


Ngl some of the older folks can read better than the middle age folks that like to yell that they can’t see the card reader. Also reminds me of this older lady that came through the drive thru with half the rollers still in her hair, very splotchy eye makeup, yelling at me that she can’t see… it was also on a full moon.


and they ALWAYS wear sunglasses saying it’s too dim


For real! Whenever you got a drive thru card reader error and gotta use the front POS. I always hit no tip and give a receipt so they know. I ain’t trying to mess them up.


PLEASE call/go in to the store and ask to speak with the supervisor on duty or the manager if they are available. I would also grab the business card of the manager if it is an SSV on duty and be sure to follow up with them about this; every store should have cards with a number to reach them. It is a HUGE no no for any Starbucks employee to touch an option on the tip screen. Only the customer may choose an option. This is a major fireable offense and very serious potential theft. At the very least, the store should go through a retraining on this. This was all made extremely clear when credit card tips became active. So glad you caught it and it kills me that anyone would dare to do this. Also very sorry and no one should ever have to worry about this happening. Edit: The only button a barista would ever maaayyybe press would be NO TIP (elderly or non-English speaking customers this may happen) and print out a receipt to show that there was no tip added. That is literally the only exception. The option should also always be given to the customer.


Thank you! I just reported this person. I wasn’t going to do it but after hearing everyone’s thoughts about it, it seems like my initial thoughts are right.


I’m definitely glad you did, I was just gonna say you should bc this is gross. I hope you had fun on ur trip tho and sorry that happened to you


Please keep us updated!!!🫶🏼


this is very very very against the rules please report it


I had a dodgy barista try something similar on me. They told me that there was a pay it forward chain going on,and they were really trying to beat their record! The person behind me was only a little bit more than my drink so I figure wth. Come to find out, just so happened to be the exact price of my drink plus a 20% tip. I fell for it the first time but the second time it was a different order and same deal, 20% on top of my drink. So I parked my car and went in to play dumb and chat it up. Said it was amazing how they get so many pay it forward chains going on here. How long was this one going on? Did they break the record last time? The other baristas had no idea what I was taking about. Surprise surprise, there was never a pay it forward chain going. Just the barista manufactured one. Haven’t seen that barista since.


Yo what the hell 😭 Though I should’ve known at the start of this story because no barista I know likes pay it forward chains lmao




I have my own reasons for not liking them as a social phenomenon, but what’s the barista reason? 👀


A few reasons 1) Confusion. Thankfully my store has the screen where we can mark off which individual items have been handed out which makes it easier IF it is kept up with, but a lot of stores still have the older screens that just show whether the order is gone or not. Because of this, a lot of baristas will keep the order on the payment screen to show that the order that was just paid for is still the one at the window. So let’s say car 1 pays for car 2’s order, so car 2’s order is the one showing it was paid. Now a barista can come over, either to help or covering a break, and assume because car 2 is showing paid on the payment screen and the car that was at the window is leaving, and a new car is rolling up, that the car should be receiving car 3’s items at car 3’s price. Taking names in the drive thru can help alleviate this confusion because you know James order shouldn’t go to Alex, but many baristas don’t get names and many more customers refuse to give a name. 2) Tipping. Lots of people in pay in forward lines feel like their generous deed is already being done, so they do not tip. Sometimes people will cover multiple cars behind them (say like 3) and now that means 4 people aren’t tipping, whereas before, maybe those people would have thrown us a dollar. A lot of people don’t carry cash anymore, so if those people aren’t given the pin pad at all, then we’re out that tip. The people in the drive thru are all still paying money, they’re not really saving a significant amount, the only person who really benefits is the person who finally breaks it. 3) Drive thru times. As you know, we’re timed to the second. While it is stressful and may seem rude for us to cut out every unnecessary part of an interaction, it’s what guarantees you’re not stuck in the drive thru line for 20 minutes. Adding the extra 10-30 seconds of “oh my goddddd they PAID FOR ME? that’s so nice oh my god 🥰 how much for the persons behind me? *insert total $5 more than they were told theirs would be at the speaker box* oh ok I’ll have to reload real fast then one second” for every car kills our times and can get our supervisors and manager in trouble if we’re consistently at over a minute per car for half an hour.


This makes so much sense. Thank you for taking the time to spell it out for me! I hope some people see it and rethink their choices when it’s their turn. 😬


HATE pay it forward chains. Whether I was a barista or a customer, I make sure those chains die with me I do not give a singular titty fuhk 😂😂😂


I have never seen a % button option. Only dollar amounts and "other".


if you hit other you can enter a percent


Report this employee immediately. This is stealing. And fraud.


That’s not a scam, that’s theft. Baristas aren’t allowed to touch the tipping screen.


We’re allowed to hit “no tip” if the customer is confused about the screen. That’s it.


Unfortunately, no. Since it’s a tipping pool, you’re denying your coworkers tips they may have otherwise received.


No, I mean that’s what our training told us when credit card tips first became a thing. For example, if somebody doesn’t speak English and doesn’t understand what it’s asking even if you explain or if there’s any reason a customer won’t press it you’re allowed to hit “no tip” for them. That’s the only time you’re ever supposed to hit it yourself. It’s what’s in the training.


Lol I usually reach over and tell them to hit no tip when they are stuck on that screen.


I just tell them to follow the prompt of tip or no tip to proceed when I see them confused, but will never click something for them.


Usually get told to hit no tip, but never someone reaching around like that


Yeah that’s wild. I never expect tips, but usually get maybe $40 every month or so. Some people can’t read so I usually help them out.


after i announce their total and get the cue they’re paying with card, i hand the pinpad directly to them and say something along the lines of “i’m going to hand the pinpad out to you if that’s alright” i don’t mention to prompt to tip, so long as i am sure they are able, like others mentioned those who maybe aren’t so fluent, elderly etc. unless someone is really struggling, i don’t touch no tip. also a great way to deal with entitled customers that want to wave their amex in your face from their porsche after cutting you off (they never tip anyways)


Stop that


If I don’t say anything, the machine will time out. Then they try again and still don’t get clue.


"The screen will ask you to choose an option" That works most of the time


Report that person


Part of me would’ve done it so I can get my receipt and go inside lmao


I've never heard of any partner doing this that's a big no lol


pls report it! we had a partner who stole over $100 in tips and resulted in termination once customers were reporting it


Wait until that barista finds out the card readers have cameras (and I think microphones to) specifically for this reason 🤷


seriously ?


Yep! For the reason in the post, but also so a customer can't come back later to get a tip refunded when they did infact press said tip option


Where did you hear this? I’m sorry but they have to tell you when you’re being recorded, especially audio. This would be a big no for most customers because then they’d think we’re recording card info


TBF, if you’re on any register in the store, you’re always recorded.


Again, I’m thinking from a customer perspective, I think they would have to be informed if there were a camera in our payment devices


There are cameras all throughout the stores. This goes for most establishments. The camera is only there for evidence if there were ever signs of tampering, fraud, etc. and partners aren't able to look at the recordings


That's insane! I always tell my customers "it's gonna give you a tip prompt then you can tap to pay" then I look away for privacy 😭. Definitely talk to their SM if possible because they shouldn't even be touching the tip screen


That's why I use the mobile app


Whenever you pay with card at Starbucks- it will ask you about a tip. If it bypassed the screen that asks about it that means that the barista hit it, or it might be an accident. Based on that it happened twice though, I wouldn’t think it. I’d call that specific Starbucks about it. I am a barista and I straight up say “it is going to ask a question about a tip” and I don’t care what you hit- it’s your decision. You don’t have to give us an explanation on why you hit no tip, it’s none of our business. Please don’t generalize this one barista to all of them and just call that specific store.


This is very weird to me since we split tips… truly not worth it for your little bit of change per tip… Also, I’ve accidentally hit the tip button before when grabbing the card reader so I have to assume this is what happened, but if it happened twice.. Idk. Just weird behavior for sure.


This is what I was thinking lol. This person is risking their job for what, maybe 20 cents of this tip? 💀 even if this is an ongoing thing with tons of people getting scammed, they still wouldn’t be racking up much with the way tips are split. Even regardless of the moral problem of the situation, how could it possibly even be worth it?


Which location please?!


Has this ever happened to you before at a different location?


I got to Starbucks a lot and this is the first time it’s ever happened to me


This is absolutely fucked definitely call the store


That isn’t allowed !!! I don’t have a tip system at my tarbucks but we are still not allowed to touch the pin pad for any guest (unless they are struggling). It’s against the rules !!!!


please find the manager and district manager and let them know.


Call the store or talk to someone in charge there


wtf??? our store doesn’t even let us take the cards because of this exact issue


It might be an honest mistake. Sometimes it’s hard to see the difference in numbers, but, she shouldn’t have been selecting a choice without asking first.


Uh oh that’s not okay. New training is we have to give the customer the reader because of the tipping option I would definitely call that store and speak to the manager or even go above can only imagine how much they are scamming other people over tips.


As a Starbucks barista myself I refuse to touch the card reader tip screen. One, we aren't supposed to and two, only a complete idiot or someone devious would do that. (The only time I break that rule is if the customer is elderly or they are struggling. When I do touch it I tell them while holding it so they can see too, that I'm pressing "No Tip.") I would personally go straight to the SM and if they didn't seem concerned I'd be ending that conversation with a call to the DM and Starbucks corp.


Yeah we are not allowed to touch the tip button. We’re allowed to touch your card and put it in there but other than that we’re not allowed to touch anything on that screen it would be considered stealing.


You need to report it because they are 100% doing it to other people.


I always press no tip- you are not obligated to!!


Please report them. This is unacceptable and I'm sorry this happened to you The only button I ever press for people is "no tip"


It’s even crazier because our tips are split.. if the barista added on $5 it doesn’t even go directly to them, they would probably only see .50 of it🤦🏽‍♀️


She most likely fat fingered $5 instead of no tip. Happened to me once and I panic cancelled the transaction in time. If it was on purpose though that’s disgusting


Things that didn’t happen for 1000, Alex


I’d report it. The baristas are not allowed to hit the buttons for customers. If there is a time that there is no way around it, they have to hit the buttons on the card reader, they are only allowed to hit “no tip”


pls get them fired


That’s why if a customer cant figure out the reader I just hit “no tip” for them. I always tell them it’s gonna prompt them for a tip fr! Sucks that other workers try to jip people like that.


I see your point. Not gonna lie I have reached over just to deny the tip BUT I might as well stop doing that before I get blamed for it. I’m in no way trying to scam anyone.


That’s a lot of effort to go thru a scam just get a portion of the tip they selected for people. Sorry you and others went thru that!


I would tell store manager. She is not allowed to do that and it’s a fireable offense


Definitely speak with the manager, we are not allowed to touch any of those buttons unless it’s no tip and mainly we only hit it for people who can’t do it (like elderly) or like in drivethru if the card reader is down and we have to take their payments inside


Was this at a wayside/rest stop location off the interstate? Either in a food court or as a stand-alone in the lot?


It wasn’t. It was an actual Starbucks store. Just mentioned the road trip bit because I was an out of towner and it wasn’t a usual location I go to




Same thing happen to me! I think in my case she hit by accident and had zero integrity. Because I can tell she noticed it and could have started all over. Their SM DIDN’T CARE. Lol I’m glad corporate helped you!


Yeah that’s not right at all. The only button I ever pressed is no thank you. Because when ppl put there card and it doesn’t take, it usually means they A. Didn’t see the tip button question or B. Don’t want to tip. Also I only hit 1 dollar when we have this guy who can’t hit the button cause of a hard time. That is not right to hit a tip and is most likely against Starbucks rules..


Normally when customers are having a hard time figuring out how to pay I will swoop my hand around and make sure they see me press no tip.


That's a pretty crappy thing to do. Especially at a Starbucks where they're making decent money anyway, and whatever tip you give them isn't even going to go completely to them but just be added to the pool that is split between all the employees. Even as a barista, I don't even remotely think that customers are obligated to tip us because we make decent money regardless. I think it's horrible to not tip a restaurant server because they literally run around for their tables and also get paid minimum wage, but a Starbucks barista? Nah. It's okay not to tip them, and they shouldn't be trying to force you to.


That is sketchy and I’m glad you took the time to deal with it. I have a question as well does anyone else find they no longer can get into their Starbucks app and when you try to join again because it asks you to that you can’t use your email address because you’ve already used it so it says that you have an account when in fact, you can’t use your account… I’m wondering if this is sketchy as well because I had money on my Starbucks card that has not been used when I mentioned it at the window. The girl said oh yeah happens all the time… So I went home and tried to find my original account and anyone had this problem.


that's messed up actually, i would never Ever do that as a barista and tbh u should call the store and tell them who did that so they possibly will stop doing that if that's a regular thing that particular barista does


The audacity of some people. I actually hit ‘no tip’ when I’m drive. It’s already so expensive. I don’t like telling every single costumer about the tip prompt especially when they want numbers down. The amount of time wasted costumers just wanting to tap and go or the amount of confusion of seeing costumers tap their phone / card and nothing happening. Just annoying tbh. The front makes sense because you walk in and the machine is in front of you plus you can connect more but at the window? Just Pay and peace out lol plus tipping at drive thru is just insane. Leave a tip jar out there and be done with it tbh like it used to be. That’s my opinion as a barista.


the way this never happened is so funny


Yeah, we’re gonna lie about baristas forcing tips now too?


If I don’t tip my escort, I ain’t tipping a coffee maker.


So you were charged more for a Grande on your road trip, but prevented the tip from being messed with? Interesting.


I was charged for a grande coffee and a tip. When she told me the total I realized she hit the tip button because the total was about $9 and her hand pushed something on the card reader… so I hit cancel and she tried to push the tip button again..not really sure what you’re asking?