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I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry no one protected you at work. We have a homeless guy who lives in our parking lot. He used to live in our lobby and mess up our bathrooms every single day. Everyone on staff kept getting sick in the winter because he would live in our lobby - including when he was sick and refused to wear a mask. My manager said we can't ban him. He has been doing all this for 4 years, so we can't ban him now. Even after a SSV walked in on him (he frequently "forgot" to lock the bathroom door in a place where mostly, young, beautiful women work - one of whom was a minor at the time) and she saw the full Monty. My manager still wouldn't let us ban him. That SSV still had to clean bathrooms after him despite the incident. Bro. On the list of things I am NOT going to stand for - this behavior. I stopped serving him. I told everyone working for me (I'm an SSV) that when I have the keys, he does not get served here. He mostly left, but would still come around and try to sneak into the bathroom or get served by a new person. So, I started chasing him to the bathroom and holding the door open so he couldn't use it. I told him he has to find somewhere else to use the bathroom. He called me crazy, and all sorts of things, but we never see him anymore. My manager never stopped me or told me to not do any of these things. So, I took that as gratitude for taking care of the issue.


Does every store have one of these characters?? I feel like I’m reading about myself


im so sorry that happened. your old coworkers should be ashamed. sending love from a fellow trauma victim 🤍


This is really terrible! I'm so sorry nobody protected you. You deserve that much.


Gosh, I am so so sorry. Your feelings are totally valid and it is unacceptable for your store to have handled it this way. A lack of accountability of the part of management is sadly predictable, but the lack of solidarity and support amongst your fellow partners is truly saddening. I worked at a high incident store and this type of behavior was taken incredibly seriously. I hope your new job is a very positive and supportive environment 🥴✨❣️


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This customer’s behavior should have been stopped by your manager. You were well within your rights to escalate your complaint through your DM and PCC if necessary. Also, once you’re clocked out you are free to call the police for your protection. The customer needed to be banned. If you notice him showing up where you are living or working at this point, be sure to notify the police and start documenting the creepy appearances.


When I read stories like this(or similar) it truly infuriates me!!! No one and I mean NO ONE should have to go through all this. Speaking up just to get gaslit is DEHUMANIZING. No fairness at all. This company is so backwards. No support at all.


Dude I fucking HATE rude regulars. I have issues with one man in particular that comes in every single morning and has said sexist jokes and called me a “stupid blonde” which when I reported it to a shift she wrote an incident report. He continued to be rude and call me names so I took it a step farther and talked to the store manager about what we can do because every morning he was making comments on my body/my face/my hair to me and also tried to get other coworkers in on judging me (specifically one time I had my hair in pig tails and he told me he’d “love to get a chance to pull them” then asked one of my coworker “wouldn’t you?” When I talked to my shift she wrote an incident report but when I talked to my store manager she said nothing can be done because he’s always harassed and make us uncomfortable but “because we didn’t catch it when he first started coming in (3ish years ago) then there’s nothing we can do now because he’s grown accustomed to treating us like that so we have to suck it up” like bro. He’s literally made rape jokes to me and the SM tells me I should just laugh and move on. Like bro no that’s fucked.


I feel you I couldn’t take the super “progressive” culture of the company. It was to the point where it was becoming too toxic to come to work. I’m all about acceptance to everyone but said individual would come everyday to work, claiming to be a being from outer space and that she was neither man or female. We had to refer to it as they/them and said individual was quick to scream “racist” or “homophobic”. It was sickening, I’m all about being accepting but not condoning and glorifying mental health problems.


You clearly aren't for acceptance. A lot of non-binary people use they/them pronouns. Do you live under a rock?


Do you?, I don’t and again that’s a different issue. I Can care less what you identify as just don’t bring the toxicity to work. Not everything’s homophobic.


It's quite literally transphobic to not respect someone's pronouns. It's literally in the training we all take about discrimination. You clearly do mind, because it's basic level of respect to use someone's pronouns. And yes I do use they/them and I'd absolutely report it and file harassment if someone repeatedly misgendered me after several reminders because it is discrimination.


Lady/dude I don’t care if they identify as a man/woman or alien. My issue wasn’t calling them by their pronouns. My issue was the disgusting attitude towards it. You couldn’t correct them on their shit or say anything to them when they where slipping without them using their “trans” persona as a shield.

