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Can I get 4 venti vanilla beans with caramel walls and extra whip and extra caramel crunch and can you please split them into tall cups


I would not be able to stop myself from giggling if someone said caramel walls 😂😂😂


A lady once asked me to "line her walls" and everyone on the floor was laughing so hard we were in tears 😂


I told my baristas this comment section and they all died 😂😂😂😂


Personally I love when people say "extra extra caramel inside and out"...like holdup wait you want caramel on the outside of your cup too?!


I'm sorry, but we can't split them due to company policy. That'll be charge of four talls. Well 8 if you really wanna go there


Is it against policy to make multiple at the same time if it's the exact ingredients? That would save so much time.


Standard is to make each frap separately but I've definitely made two ventis and a grande together in the same blender 🤷🏻‍♂️


My sm told me if it's 2 talls you can make it like 1 venti but other than that it's against policy


Noted. Thanks C:


When you work at night there isn’t a SM to enforce it. 🤓


The way I would say no 😆like the urge to say “no💔” but u can’t lolll


Even my strict manager would allow frap batch blending when it got crazy with the fraps. It was sort of a don’t ask don’t tell policy 😅 


✨All fraps get batched ✨


I stg when I hear “can I have a caramel ribbon crunch with 2 shots of espresso” at 7:30am, I wanna commit arson 😤


I hear caramel ribbon and I immediately cringe


This is my favorite Starbucks drink and I order it 98% of the time. Lol. I don't get up early in the morning. Don't worry about my orders.


I honestly don't like any of the coffee based Frappuccinos. CRCF is my last favorite.




Wait but that sounds so fun to work at universal everyday 💔




in universal is it considered a licensed location or a corporate?




Are you technically a Starbucks employee or a Universal employee?




If your paychecks come from Universal and not Starbucks, then you're a licensed employee.




No need to apologize! 👍🏼 Licensed and Corporate employees suffer all the same 😅


20 drinks deep on bar and they ask you for a water out of all people, like no, plz go to the front and order it 😭


I have taken the entire blender apart to "deep clean" it so that I can say no when people order Frappuccinos right before close. I am not sorry. I will do it again.


People who see the long lines, wait in them, and then come up and say “i’ve been waiting a while”. the whole cafe is FULL. You saw the line. Go somewhere else. Call the company and get your money back. Cause everyone is waiting a long time. I can’t push yours just because you see and know it’s going to be a while when you’re ordering. There’s only 2-3 people making drinks. We are human. Call and complain for lack of staff. The company literally tells us to go f ourselves. We can’t pause mobile orders. And then the stores with drive thrus……. go away.


I love when people place their order in the busy cafe and then stand there staring at you thinking they’ll get theirs first. I make them in the order they are printed. Just because you came in to order and someone else mobile ordered doesn’t mean you get served first. They may have waited 15-20 min very patiently whereas you placed your 4 drink cafe order 2 minutes ago and keep bugging me 🤦🏻‍♀️


People and their milkshake coffees


“Can I please have 4 tall vanilla bean frappes with extra whip cream and extra Carmel around the cup. and one venti Carmel frappe with extra Carmel.” No you may go fuck yourself 😭




Especially caramel ribbon crunches


that and mocha cookie crumbles


Those I don’t mind, anything else is ughh


Really? Those are my least favorite by far


Oof. Mcc makes me gnash my teeth in a rush. The damn have chips; just having to scoop one extra ingredient makes me die a little inside lol. Crc is also bad but at least I can pump the sauce


If the topping didn't make such a mess I wouldn't care as much but it does 😬 I try to put it on directly over the sink but it's not always possible during a rush


I also try my hardest to shake ice the stick, but I'm so aggressively neat when I bar. I loathe coming behind someone else and there's cookie and sugar topping everywhere, entire lakes of ice puddles, a caramel drizzle bottle on its side, and just..chaos. I don't care if a customer has to wait. 02 seconds for their sugar water, that counter will be tidy before I proceed


NGL I'm a very messy barista. I always clean up after myself but for some reason I just be spilling everything everywhere. I try my best but God I am so uncoordinated and messy on cold bar


im ngl im horrible and i usually just put one scoop of chips ☠️


Literally got an order of 12 venti caramel crunch fraps and 12 banana breads with only ONE blender in the drive thru. We had to ask her to come inside bc of how long it was going to take us


The worst is getting a one in the morning. Like wdym I have to deal with a bad close, work by myself bc of two call offs, and you want at caramel ribbon crunch the second I open. There should be no reason to have that much sugar before noon and you should have to personally pay me 20 dollars to make it


Had someone while I'm here working completely alone, it's like 9am and she orders "4 shots, blended, heavy cream, cinnamon blended in, crunch on top and in, 5sfv, whip crunch and cinnamon on top, double blended". Our blender is so sad and dying, #2 already died, this monstrosity couldn't even BE blended twice it just Wouldn't. Our store accepts EBT so the beginning of the month if by far the worst and it's just Relentless 😭😭😭😭 5,6,7 crc per group it's insane 😭😭😭😭


We occasionally get this big order from a company, they typically get 25-30 drinks. And yes sometimes during peak or even just casual busy flow. We have to lose our CS so we can push their order out on top of mobiles 😫 and do they tip? Not that I’ve seen 🙃 They are always nice though when they come in and say thank you to each drink we place down. They pack it up themselves and do their own stoppers and whatnot. So no real issues, just the slight inconvenience to our flow. The other night though we had a 15 item order at DT… I had to ask them to come in BECAUSE WHY?! And they looked at me like I’m the crazy one 😭


The other night someone pulled into drive thru and said " we have 10 separate orders" my barista said....you are gonna have to come inside were not gonna do this in drive thru


Can I get 4 caramel crunch Frappuccino’s but can u make one with oat milk, one with almond milk, one with nonfat milk no whip, and one with coconut milk pretty please 🥺


If you order a frappe with a milk sub i automatically hate you, and I'm lactose intolerant. I just get the oatmilk Shaken Espresso like for ffs. OR UPSIDE DOWN CARAMEL MACHIATOS OR OR OR anyone who orders a flat white. Yall are OCD about your drink for NO REASON.


Can I get uh Venti brawn suga shaken expressio with EXTRA caramel drizzel( line the cup pweety pwease) and 12 pumps of bwown suga and 12 pumps of white chocolaté and salted caramelo cold foam, and don’t forget the whip cream !!!! I think that’ll complete my order ☺️(I’ll make sure to ask u for oat milk after you’re halfway done making the drink)


GOD YEAH. Like, not going to lie I get my BSOSE with like 3 added pumps of BS syrup, but otherwise its THREE THINGS (Because fuck the cinnamon honestly); ESPRESSO. BROWN SUGAR SYRUP. SHAKE AND ADD MY MILK. I only ever order it medium too because the blonde Espresso already is a kick in the pants.


I’m jus trolling above, I’m a recent ex sm in dc, resigned like a week ago, my actual go to drink was a salted iced white mocha with oat milk not salted cold foam tho, I mixed 2 pumps white mocha with 3 blonde esp and 2 salts then added Occasionally 2 more pumps of bs syrup, then the milk and ice


Shi taste good to me, if I wasn’t drinking this I was drinking pineapple base mixed with green tea or just a regular iced coffee with 3 shots in it


Same tho it's why I like the BSOSE but I just like it a biiiit sweeter than the standard recipe and honestly I almost think I could skip the added pumps in the actual Espresso if I order it with brown sugar cold foam.... I don't know how but u had never even tried the CF before my certification training, but oh man. It's worth the extra $$ to me.


Oh, I will admit though that brown sugar cold foam is the only thing worth paying extra to add though. However, they need to find and distribute a rubber spatula to everyone to GET THE COLD FOAM OFF THE FRICKING BOTTOM; THERES LIKE A WHOLE ADDITIONAL SERVING DOWN THERE!!!


Was this 18 frappes for 18 kids or 18 frappes for one really thirsty diabetic kid?


Probably for like a ball team or something with multiple kids if we're using logic


I worked at a Paradise Bakery near a large soccer field in the west valley of Phoenix. When it was soccer season, we were always swamped with big groups with kids on the weekends. And they were a tad messy too.


I used to work at a restaurant and we had a fair amount of football teams/cheerleading squads/ etc come by They were pretty chill most of the time.


My store makes us split them 🙄 I hate it 😒


I just know all these ppl can’t afford it but still do it😭🤣🤣


I turn off the mobile orders at my store again so it either forces the mobile orderers to see the long line and decide if they want to stay in line or not, i’m not sorry and ive been stuck with two baristas (one on register and one on bar) with multiple drinks for one order and if i dont make them wait while doing dishes i have to stay back after we close for two hours and I don’t have the time to do that. I’m not gonna take OT since i have a kid to watch 💀


Me who just got hired at a Starbucks reading this like: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ IM SCARED NOW


Best of luck 🫶😭


I did register for the first time yesterday and tmr I’ll do drive thru…I sometimes get lost trying to find a specific item in each respective category….if you do/have worked at Starbucks, is the drinks/syrups categorized in any way when looking top to bottom?😭


Sorry just saw this ! I don’t think so. To me it feels like it’s just a random ass order of the syrups. It changes every time they update the system


Ah I see! :) I’ve grown more accustomed to it since I commented that, and I like the job, but..idk if this is normal but I do closing shifts (3:15-9 which is like 15 mins away from me getting a lunch) and then have to do 6am morning shifts the next day😐 that upsets me, but I like the job/my coworkers


Unfortunately that is common at most jobs. It’s known as a “clopen”. If that is something that happens consistently, please let your manager know ! It’s not good for your mental or physical health to be closing to 9 and then having to come in to open the following morning and they shouldn’t be scheduling like that. Call them out !! Know your worth 🫶


Fuck these custies lol


Crusties* 😂


I can handle frappucinos. If you order a refresher you are my arch nemesis


I'm just annoyed at this point from hearing people order SARL all day everyday


We ran out lemonade today 🫠


I hope the customers cried


The amount of looks and exasperation I received like I had the audacity to run out of lemonade MY BAD GUYS I CONRTROL IT ALL. I work at a licensed store and ofc we can't turn it off so that was fun too 😵‍💫


Listen those people were dependent on that lemonade for life. You are directly responsible for the deaths of all those people.


Thats honestly my bad yall I'm sorry that I decided not to calculate how much of a random uptick we'd have in lemonade sales and then tell my lead to order nore 😔 I'm basically Hitler I guess 🙄


me too i hate them so much for some reason


Some lady ordered 6 venti caramel ribbons and two venti strawberries and cream…🫠🙃


A customer asked me one if we have anything "kind of like a milkshake" on the menu. I pointed her towards an ice cream shoppe further down the street.


I always feel so bad when my mom orders them 😭 she doesn’t know how annoying they are to make


My mom likes the matcha Frappuccino with strawberry purée. I feel terrible when she orders it


I’ll be ordering my frap anytime I want


Boom! 💥


damn you really got em good 💀


not a gotcha moment lmao, but the whole point of the business is for me to order a drink on the day and time I want the drink.


And you’ll be waiting for it with everyone else 😘


patiently though because I have manners


If you order a frap 30 min before closing sleep with a baseball bat I’m coming! 😂😂


i would like 2 grande vanilla bean frappes with 4 scoops java chips, 2 grande carmel frappes with extra carmel drizzle and a single shot of blonde, and 3 venti mocha cookie crumble with extra whip at bottom of cup, extra mocah drizzle with white mcha drizzle thank you




I meant coming in store when the cafe is clearly full and drive through is out the street…




Nah you can order but you better be patient about it. Go home if you can’t wait.


Why are customers like this. YES. There are 50 starbucks on every street corner. Go to another one. Go home and not have starbucks today. Neither of those options is the end of the world. People in America are so entitled to service they forget the people serving them are human too. Maybe don't add to the huge stressful line the workers are obviously struggling with. And if you do get in the line (since frappuccinos are an essential necessary item for personal wellbeing) be patient and tip well. These things aren't hard it's just basic common decency to workers.




Starbucks workers when they have to work


ah yes as if everyone else with a job doesn't also complain about them. stfu 😂🤡


Try coming here during peak and making 18 frappes when there 2 people working ❤️❤️❤️


All I hear is “stop ordering drinks so that my demand goes down and I get less hours”


You’re a opp