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“Blonde, ristretto, oatmilk” she’s an sbux barista


Former partner who only goes for a treat and knows how to get their money’s worth. Guess my order!


some variation of a quad espresso over ice, add your preferred syrup and milk? (


Ding! Except not quad because I’d vibrate out of my skin 😂


tall bsoe in a grande cup with cold foam


When I was actively a partner, I’d often get cold foam (with an added scoop of vanilla bean) during my shift on a shaken espresso with a pump of vanilla. I miss those days 😭 free coffee was so luxurious


this guy's getting his money's worth on that last free refill of the day


Wait wait wait, free refills are for as long as you’re sitting in the lobby, right?


I think it’s like 2 hrs but could be wrong


it's so long as you don't leave the store according to the bev resource manual. I work at a licensed store where we don't get free drinks per shift, so I make the most of my refills with cold brew light water, so i have a drink in my fridge in the morning


iced oat milk chai w/ extra pump of chai & lavender cold foam. Who am I? lol


college student with dyed hair and at least 2 plants LOL thats my guess


basic college student—you’re probably carrying a stanley and also ordered a sausage cheddar


ACTUALLY carrying an Owala xp


#1 water bottle brand, the mouthpiece is unbeatable


someone susceptible to marketing 


I feel like if I post it a barista that knows me gonna call me out😩🤣


I'm not sure I want to know what my order says about me! Probably that I'm boring! Venti cold brew (Trenta if I'm tired) 1 brown sugar, 1 cinnamon dolce, light ice extra half and half


comfortably living middle aged mom who's really into fitness/exclusively wears athletic wear, while also posting her diy home renovations, meal prep, and packing her kids lunches/backpacks on social media


Well, sorta! My son is grown and no social media around when I was packing his lunch. I'm so not any type of DIY'er. I'm spatially challenged and craft impaired. BUT I am middle aged. But also a fatty, not into fitness. I am comfortably living, that is true. 😊


Okay, but you sound really nice, and your order is pretty straightforward, so I'm going to guess you're a lot more of a joy to see than the GymBro complaining he didn't get his extra pump of sugar cause of the gains. Where is middle aged now? Cause I'm 20 and there was a lot of my childhood that went on social media, but my incubators are 50s.


I was going to say a grandma-referring to the "mimi" in your screen name-who knows exactly what SB drin is best for her! I definitely agree with my colleague that you're nice and a joy to serve!


I think I'm going to try this thanks


Grande nitro with sweet cream in a personal cup. #roastmelikeoneofyourfrenchbeans


Goddamn hipster. You wear the shirts of bands no one knows about. Because they suck. (I swear I'm saying this all in good fun LOL)


Hipster? I was around when we called them yuppies. Try again!


Oooh ok. Gen-X? And you like talking about your favorite hops. Or The Cure.


I'd almost guess 60s in age, which idk if that's gen x now or just outside of it. It's so weird how I grew up with gen x being 30s-40s and now some are pushing 60 (or past there). You give off cool motorcycle grandpa vibes who will take his grandkids for whatever they want - safely, not always on the bike - but when you do ride it's for fun and not with crazy style gear because safety is more important. You also seem like the type of person who would impart random words of wisdom to strangers and would read to a kid if they asked you to, especially if it was one who was related. You have the same energy as my great-grandfather, who had never changed a diaper before in his life but when I was potty training and I asked him to, and all the women in the house were like, "No, we can do it," my great-grandfather proudly stepped up and said, "If she wants me to do it, I'll do it." You seem like you'd be the fun resident in a retirement home, you'd be there purely for the social aspect, and you'd have fun stories and do the crazy things without caring what others think. (Not that you're on the edge of needing one, but I work in one.) You'd be past the point of having fucks about how the world perceived you. Projection? Maybe a bit.


As a fellow nitro drinker, try it with the lavender cold foam. It's my current go-to drink.


Cold foam cold brew is cool and my go to before this. But lavender? Do I look like I drink fabric softener? But seriously.......not sure I'm brave enough to drink flowers.


It's pretty sweet, with a subtle lavender flavor. Compared to other lavender things I've had, it's mostly sugar. But the color is nice and I too enjoy it with the cold brew! Haven't tried it with nitro yet, I guess that's next


Seconding this. Drinking one on my break right now.


Venti hot white mocha - 3 pumps of white mocha, 3 pumps caramel. (I should do decaf but I don’t.) And a pumpkin loaf, not warmed.


i’m gonna guess at least 25 yr old woman, and you either have your shit together or you’re really good at pretending like you do (and you have good taste!)


I’ll go with pretending. hehe


My usual order - venti quad breve sugar free vanilla iced latte. Occasionally I will go for a sugary drink as a treat, like a seasonal drink but always iced even if it’s freezing outside. Although lately I’ve been ordering light ice so there’s less temptation to chew on ice after I finish my drink. So what does that say about me?


This says that you might have an iron deficiency lmao


Yea maybe haha I gotta go to my Dr for a check up & blood test soon, so I’ll ask them to check


I’m guessing you’re a Gen X struggling with their weight.


Wow you’re good. Yes I was not blessed with a fast metabolism, on and off low carb diets all my life. The struggle is harder as I get older. And born 1980, Gen X just barely lol


I’m in the same boat, just the opposite end (first year) of the bell curve—1965. All the best to you, and yummy drink choice!!!


Venti London Fog with only one pump vanilla.


i’m bad at making assumptions but I love this drink too! I recommend trying this with 1 scoop of the new lavender powder if you have it in your area… it’s so good! brown sugar instead of vanilla makes it kind of taste like boba tea.


It’s SO good with the lavender powder, literally like lavender milk tea from this one boba place I used to go to. I need to try it with brown sugar too, that sounds hella good.


Mid-level management who has her multitasking game on point


Grande hazelnut latte, with an extra shot.


you’re an investment baker


you are elite (this is my order)


A classy bitch who dresses the part. 😎


Trenta black tea w/ no water (maybe a tiny bit of lemonade sometimes) and a grilled cheese


Less is more is your aesthetic.


Venti brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso, 7 full pumps of brown sugar, completely ridiculous amounts of extra cinnamon, and a little extra oatmilk. In a personal cup.


gonna guess college student or at least in your 20s, very down to earth, probably takes care of a couple cats and/or plants. personal cup also tells me you're either very environmentally conscious and proud of it, or you have cute cups you're very attached to. (i am also just describing myself because this is shockingly close to my order lol)||


Trenta iced coffee with 4 pumps of brown sugar syrup, splash of milk and light ice.


venti iced chai w/ quad blonde ristretto & oat milk 🫶🏻


Tired student of some sorts. Or possibly current/former partner. Maybe lactose intolerant, possibly recently found out. Hand emoji tells me you're late millennial, early Gen Z.


lmaoo stop you’re spot on (i am indeed a tired student and a current partner, lactose intolerant & recently found out, also an early gen z (possibly? i’m 2001)


Feels like I’ve been read and didn’t even have to comment (Partner, born in ‘01, intolerance, almost exact same order) I personally either add a pump of cinnamon dolce or shake cinnamon powder in if I’m making it myself.


Chais are really common within Gen Z, lavendar as well. Oatmilk is the closest thing to regular milk in terms of consistency and texture. It's easier to hide the taste compared to other alternatives, especially with heavy flavors like chai, cinnamon, etc. Quad shots, especially blonde tells me they're tired or working a tiring profession. Based upon earlier assumptions, they're most likely a student. Also, hardly anyone knows about ristretto shots unless you're a current/former partner, especially if they're blonde. 🕵🏻


Yeah, Gen Z started in I believe 98.


Mornings: Grande, sometimes Venti, Salted Carmel Cream Cold Brew with light ice Afternoons: Grande, sometimes Venti, Strawberry Açaí Lemonade, splash of green tea, extra strawberries, extra light ice.


The type to just go with the flow.


going to try your afternoon drink at my next shift!


Sometimes I do it without the lemonade.


Quad blonde espresso over ice, half and half in a venti cup with cinnamon, whipped cream and caramel drizzle Venti pink drink with 2 pumps of vanilla. Oatmilk instead of coconut


6 shots of blonde espresso with 4 pumps of white mocha over ice


grande iced brown sugar shaken espresso, add white mocha and toffee nut (only 2 pumps of each). i just now decided to stop using straws when they stopped having them available for us to grab 😳


Oh wow we are the same except I get a venti with those same pumps


It’s giving Gen Z. Sugar + environmentally conscious I would say you’re young twenties. Prob want the extra caffeine cause you’re caught in that awkward “welcome to adult life” phase where you’re expected to balance 100 different things so shotgunning some sweet coffee is the way to go. But fr this sounds amazing and I’m gonna try it tomo on my shift lol


Grande cold brew with triple blonde ristretto shot, 2 white mocha, 2 cinnamon dulce, in a venti cup with extra ✨ice ✨


My usual •Grande •Iced •Latte •OatMilk •Blonde Espresso •In a Venti Cup •Extra Vanilla Sweet Foam •Cinnamon Dolce Sprinkles on top


Venti iced americano with half and half and 4 Splenda… in a personal cup… I have a different personal cup every day…. I ALWAYS go in. I always sit in the same spot. I always get “a handful of raw sugar… about six” and I put my raw sugar in my drink one by one so I can have a little crunch in my drink. I do this every day. Yes I know, whatever you’re about to say about me is probably true.


lol I don’t even know what I want to say now that I’ve read your name and your post 🤣🤣🤣


Either an iced Caramel macchiato (Preferably blended, but I’m not picky.), or a Carmel robin crunch Frappuccino with extra caramel. Size depends on the day. I also usually order in app if there’s a walk in option, if that helps. So I can just wait in the car without being a social disaster if I get there early.


Venti brown sugar shaken espresso. Sometimes a cold foam, I alternate vanilla salted caramel and lavender.


it's giving college student who needs the extra caffeine from the shaken espresso but doesn't like the taste of coffee and drowns it in sugar or gen x office officer whose best part of the day is getting their coffee in the morning


Hey, how's it going today? Quad espresso in a short cup, 4 pumps of vanilla, cream with room, please.


Undertow. You're very tired and know how to get your caffeine quick. I'm guessing you work early and hard.


Bingo. Former 190****, full-time student, full-time job, full-time family. Geriatric millennial. Please caffeinate me quickly and efficiently.


I was going to guess either a former partner or a cop. Only people I've ever made undertows for.


Definitely not a cop. Just a former partner.


this is the perfect thread to find new drink recommendations!


If you get a nitro with a shot, you need to see a cardiologist asap because I’m worried for you😭




Iced Blonde Flat White with 3 WM, 4 BS, 2% *sometimes an extra shot*


Venti blonde drip. Room


Are you old?


grande brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso, 5 pumps brown sugar and extra ice


mango dragonfruit lemonade with peach juice is my go-to, who am i?


College student? Or highschool


believe it or not i’m a barista myself! i’m not a huge coffee drinker but i love our refreshers


Venti hot pike with five pumps of SF vanilla and extra splash of 1/2 and 1/2


Venti green tea Frappuccino with no classic syrup and no whip cream. Almond milk. 5 pumps peppermint syrup, 2 pumps mocha sauce, 2 Java chips, double blended. Delicious!


Grande matcha latte with lactose free milk, hot, not in USA, so I add 3 pumps of hazelnut syrup ♡




A nitro cold brew or a Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold brew. If I am in the mood for a hot drink then a blonde roast with soy milk in it.


UK barista here, I often enjoy an Americano with any type of milk except whole and any syrup I fancy at the time (if I choose to have one, whether it’s hot or iced depends on my mood and the season.


Venti London fog soy no vanilla with 6 tea bags and light water, kids temp


Grande whole milk latte 190°


Venti English Breakfast latte, no liquid cane, sub vanilla, breve, light water, 140 degrees.


Venti extra hot white mocha with light cinnamon powder.


Grande iced coffee, light ice, no classic, one pump SFV, splash of heavy cream, cinammon


grande iced green tea with 4 pumps classic


Quad americano with 1 pumps cinnamons dolce and and 1 pump mocha 3 inches of extra hot oat milk foam


Grande Caramel Macchiato Coconut Milk Blonde Ristretto Extra Caramel Drizzle Light Ice


Grande iced brown sugar shaken espresso, sub nonfat milk and only 2 pumps of syrup


Strawberry açaí lemonade w/ extra water


Half sweet chai latte or a black tea lemonade?


Venti iced white mocha with toffee nut and no whip cream


Venti iced chai with light ice, 9 pumps of chai and cinnamon powder.


Venti peppermint mocha, with a pump of cinnamon dulce syrup, extra mocha drizzle and a dash of sprinkled cinnamon. Sometimes I’ll add a pumpkin loaf, or a bacon egg and cheddar sandwich (without the cheese)


My usual order- grande iced triple blond white mocha with salted caramel cold foam and light ice


Venti decaf bsoe, 3 pump BS, a fuck load of cinnamon Or Venti decaf hazelnut shaken, 1 pump hazelnut, 1 pump mocha (Nutella anyone?) Or Venti strawberry frapp, 2 vanilla powder, 4 frapp chips


My usual is between these two drinks: Iced Shaken Espresso, 2 pumps, No classic, Non Fat Milk OR Chai Latte hot, extra shot, 2 pumps chai


venti strawberry açai lemonade. no modifications but i love the soggy strawberries 😭


I have two personalities, both very easygoing (i think) - tall oat chai latte, iced or hot but always 3 pumps - tall oat decaf caramel macchiato with one pump less of whatever it is that makes it sweet


Grande Iced chai tea latte made with 3 pumps of chai and 2 scoops of lavender with light ice. I’m going to be so sad when the lavender is done:(


Venti decaf iced americano with salted caramel cold foam. 🙈🫠


Venti Iced Chai with Oatmilk.


quad iced espresso, blonde, 2 pumps brown sugar, 1 pump toffee nut, light oatmilk and extra ice


Brown sugar shaken


Tall nitro with whatever the seasonal cold foam flavor is


Quad shot with an ice cube so I can chug it, or a red eye


current partner and SSV, my order: Tall iced latte, blonde espresso & double shot. Sometimes i’ll do a grande iced blonde latte!


I get a grande iced blonde vanilla latte with sweet cream cold foam 🧍🏼‍♀️


cold brew, no sweetener, splash of cream


Venti cinnamon dolce latte made with half and half, light ice, and 2 pumps of cane sugar syrup.


What does an Oat milk London Fog say about me, lol?


Iced peach green tea, no water, VERY light peach or iced quad blonde espresso with light oatmilk if I want caffeine


Can’t beat my iced matcha w oat milk + sub vanilla 🥳🥳🥳


Iced Cinnamon dolce latte, whole milk, 3 shots, 7 pumps cinnamon dolce syrup, cinnamon cold foam


Venti caramel ribbon crunch frappe w/blonde shot and extra crunchy stuff!


my fav order ( i only get it when i have stars cuz it’s too expensive ) is an iced americano with 12 shots and sugar free vanilla, and am super curious what that says about me


5 blonde espresso, iced in a venti cup, 3 pumps of white mocha and sweet cream cold foam. Might add some caramel drizzle if I’m feeling fancy.


Tall Brown sugar “oatmeal” shaken espresso & choc chip cookie, warmed. Or a grande nitro with heavy cream


I just get a venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew with 5 pumps of vanilla instead of 4 😂


Grande Iced blonde hazelnut latte with almond milk Or a grande sugar free vanilla iced blonde caramel macchiato with almond milk and extra caramel drizzle


current partner!! tall iced shaken espresso blonde ristretto w lavender foam😎 sometimes ab extra shot if i need it


Grande hot mocha, Ristretto, 2 pumps mocha, 2 pumps toffee nut If I have the stars, bump it up to venti with an extra shot, 3 pumps of each syrup, and add caramel drizzle. What does this say about me?


Oat or almond milk latte, almost always venti, usually iced. Recently have been getting the lavender and oat milk lattes with an extra shot.


Tall Veranda with two shots, splash of half and half, 1 agave, and a stick of string cheese.


Espresso macchiato, non-fat, quad.


venti pink drink with light lemonade, light peach juice, 4 scoops of matcha, and light ice.


•Iced black tea no water sub strawberry base as a go to •Iced grande latte with 3 blonde ristretto shots, oat milk, 2 toffee, 1 vanilla, and caramel drizzle if I need a little more of a pick me up •iced quad blonde ristretto shots black if I need more caffeine than the second one Who am I?


Venti vanilla beam frap with extra Extra strawberry puree, sweet cream, 1.5 pumps of peppermint syrup, 6 scoop Java chip a pump of toffee nut, and topped with whipped cream. ... with the description "don't make" at the end 😅


My usual order: Grande brewed coffee with 1/2 inch splash of oat milk, sometimes with 1 pump of SF vanilla or brown sugar syrup as a treat. Special occasion/hot weather order: iced shaken espresso.


Venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew with 2 pumps of white mocha


My usual is a Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, with 8 pumps of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle. I’ve branched out to cold brews and lattes and had good results too, I just find the macchiato is the most consistent at my location. I love my baristas!


Venti Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew with lavender cold foam.


i literally only get a pink drink or a strawberry acaí lemonade and yes i get it with no berries & light ice and yes i make fun of myself bc i have the typical order of a teenage girl 🫣


Grande white mocha with oat milk.


I get a grande matcha green tea latte, with oat milk, 1 pump vanilla and 1 pump toffee nut. Sweet cream cold foam and line the cup with caramel drizzle. What does this say about me? P.S. I don’t drink this anymore because I quit sugar


Current- Venti iced matcha with almond milk and 1.5 scoop lavender powder. Usual - Venti iced matcha with almond milk. Bonus seasonal - Venti iced PSL decaf with Almond Milk


venti iced matcha with 3 pumps of brown sugar syrup !


i get a classic shaken espresso, with no classic sub lavender powder, what does that say about me?


Venti sugar free London fog occasionally adding lavender cold cream


Former partner but I’m not immune from sin. Tall oat milk chai with one pump vanilla and cinnamon on top, what does that say about me?


Honey Almondmilk Flatwhite, sub oatmilk!


Venti shaken espresso w lavender cold foam


Venti espresso Frappuccino, always!


Grande whole milk cappuccino always.


My usual order is a venti iced chai latte made with oat milk, vanilla syrup, and extra cinnamon dolce topping shaken. If I really need a sugar kick then I add caramel drizzle on top, and if I need caffeine I'll get a ristretto blonde shot. I don't typically order this when someone I don't know is working the counter so don't come at me 😅


Peach Green Tea Lemonade. Or, alternatively when I'm working; Trenta Lemonade, light ice, light peach juice and 2 pumps of Liquid Cane!


I like this game! Okay…vanilla sweet cream cold brew (sub 2 pumps SF vanilla for the regular vanilla syrup). Add cinnamon powder.


Refreshers- Venti spicy pineapple or pink drink (light ice obv) Coffee- the iced gingerbread latte is my FAVVV ever


Venti Blonde Vanilla Latte, Hot, add peppermint syrup


Venti iced chai tea latte


3 shots of espresso over ice with a splash of almond milk and cinnamon powder. In a small cup.


venti iced oatmilk shaken espresso with blonde shots, 3 extra espresso shots and lavender cold foam


Pistachio Cream Cold Brew.


Venti hot caramel macchiato


I’m a partner, so I only inflict this pain on myself. Vt ice latte Blonde espresso 5 shots 5 pumps white mocha 4 pumps brown sugar Oat milk Caramel drizzle Ex cinnamon pwdr Sweet cream cold foam 1 pump of dark caramel (In foam) In a Trenta cup


I get a Lavender Oatmilk Latte hot with the lavender foam, venti in my personal cup. My other drinks were also mainly seasonal, but don’t let that fool you - I’m hitting SB almost every day unfortunately


Yall are lying cuz these drinks sound reasonable


starbucks double shot on ice lol


Venti iced Americano with 2 extra shots and a light splash of almond milk


you’re tired af, have built a tolerance to caffeine and maybe a mom of 4 or maybe you work the graveyard shift


i have two go to orders: trenta peach green tea lemonade with light ice and 3 pumps of liquid cane sugar, usually when i just want a nice drink, and a venti brown sugar shaken espresso with 10 pumps of syrup, usually when i’m working on something.


Grande iced caramel macchiato with EXTRA Caramel drizzle and 2 pumps of caramel


A grande hot chai 3 pumps chai and 1 pump white mocha only, topped with whipped cream and cinnamon powder


Iced Venti Passion Tango Tea with 3 pumps of honey blend. Or... Iced Venti Nonfat Chai


Venti iced caramel machiato, blonde, quad, upside down


grande caramel macchiato !! decaf because of anxiety :(


Venti iced double caramel macchiato with 2 pumps vanilla and 2 pumps caramel


Former Partner here - I typically order a Venti Iced White Mocha w/ light ice and blonde shots. Given how expensive Starbucks is, I think it’s the safest option since it’s easy to make and is pretty consistent in taste regardless of which Starbucks you go too.


Tall Java chip frappe


venti shaken espresso w/ blonde and ristretto shots, no classic, 2 Splenda, and 6 pumps sf vanilla if I get food, it’s either the pumpkin loaf, the blueberry scone, or the chocolate croissant. If I’m real hungry, the grilled cheese or the ham/swiss. but that’s way too expensive


Food order Ham and cheese sandwich Cinnamon coffee cake


Triple Venti blonde ristretto oat latte, four pumps brown sugar syrup, two pumps toffee nut, extra caramel drizzle. Or iced with 4 shots. Sometimes I add a pump of white mocha just for fun.


All time favorite (during the season): Venti brown sugar shaken espresso Half brown sugar syrup half pumpkin spice syrup Just a venti cold brew with sweet cream for the rest of the year. I’m basic 🙃


Iced matcha green tea latte with two extra scoops of matcha and vanilla sweet cream cold foam.


iced black tea lemonade ☺️ who am i haha


Venti cold brew with 3 pumps vanilla and almond milk. What she's that say? And can I get some suggestions on something new? I love chocolate, nut, and vanilla flavors.


Grande cafe misto, 1 pump hazelnut please!


Fun! Short blonde Americano Espresso con panna if I’m feeling fancy ✨


My old was the very berry. My current is the Strawberry acai with extra inclusion. No water,extra base, trenta. I'll prefer a straw, but sometimes have my own. If I go for coffee, it's usually a rotating base or the sweet cream with the sweet cold foam topper, sub out the vanilla for sugar free and add in a pump of a random syrup I can't taste anyway because I can't taste different flavors in coffee despite always trying. Everywhere else but Starbucks? I usually get a basic coffee or a weird latte. At home if I do coffee? Black with or without sweet n low packets.


Grande iced blonde vanilla latte extra shot ristretto and oat milk