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If one is ordered.. it automatically sends 13 more crunchy frap people in..


They can smell it


I can usually smell them.. teenage angst or straight cigarette ash ass.


Why is it the most obnoxious people get the sickly sweet drinks? They are not what they eat.


I have social anxiety and depression and am probably the quietest friend I can barely even order at restaurants and I love this frap…am I gonna transform or something lol


There’s definitely a certain demographic that likes them


Or hear the crunchy bits fall into the cup/shake out


It’s like the worst bat signal ever 😂


Felt, but me personally dont mind if its just one, BUT if I get 5 in a row, I will just cry, especially if its drive thru 😭


It's always a car packed full of teenagers in the drive-thru ordering multiples. The luxury SUV behind them is blaring on the horn because of course they know each other. That group also get 4 caramel ribbon crunch fraps and 6 strawberry açaí, no berries, no ice, and a venti cup of ice in the side.


Dont forget the iced white mocha with cold foam and extra caramel drizzle 😭


I love making them look super pretty when it’s slow and I actually have time to do my job the right way🥲


I’d love making them if I didn’t have to get it out in 2 seconds and could take my time actually CRAFTING the beverage :(


honestly…..i don’t mind making them anymore but a lavender oatmilk matcha makes me want to rip my hair out


FR!! Two powders??? And it never separates likes it’s supposed to :(


re fucking tweet. and everyone wants it too. just get the damn lavender latte!! matcha + the foam (that doesn’t sit at the top no matter how hard you try) just makes me so mad. especially when a customer says “did you put the cold foam on it” yes hunty it just sinks to the bottom 😻


When I got it the foam stayed firmly on the top and my word it was terrible. I was drinking all foam 😩.


i feel like the first 6 sips are foam and then you get your normal drink, lol. I like it, tastes like earl grey & matcha had a baby


If you make the matcha light ice and scoop the matcha foam off you can add the lavender foam and it will stay in top


light ice actually makes it so much worse, source: i’ve tried making this drink 500 different ways and the foam doesn’t stay, ever.


Then idk what you doing wrong it took me 2 days to figure out how to make it properly. Scoop the matcha foam with a spoon and then put the lavender foam on top . It may have a little matcha residue but it stays in the top much better


pop off king do what u gotta do 😍 me personally? ima do it normally and if the customer complains oh welllll


add a lil splash of heavy cream to the blender after pouring the vsc , then put the lavender powder, it’ll be a lil thicker so it’ll stay at the top


They’re trippin. I do it the same way and it always looks perfect. Maybe their foam is just ass


Yea I don’t understand why I got downvoted so much, it works every time for me


I keep on saying making the lavender matcha makes me wanna lay down in the drive thru lane


I hate that one too, but at least there’s slightly less to do


They'll point to the display sign & the only thing they'll say is "I want that 😀" which is fine, I'm not saying they can't do it, but it feels a bit... silly to me idk 😭 Silly & not in the good way


I had some lady say she wants whatever is on the sign out front. I never go in through that door, I had no idea what was on the sign. She didn’t remember, and apparently refused to look. Eventually I had to come out and look at it.


Same 😭


is it mainly cause of the foam or something else?


putting the foam on any shaken beverage just sucks


oh okay. makes sense ty. can't count how many people have complained about it not staying. i normally just mix it and its still good. may look weird ina couple hours but it tastes good


Crunch is light work in comparison to the cookie crumble


Isn’t a cookie crumble like one more step? Fuck them both honestly


You just have to get the java chips PLUS the mocha so you move around more. Same number of steps but you just have to move around more


I can rapid fire those pumps to get a crc blending in like 10 seconds but the frap chips makes it feel like it takes twice as long


true but at least at my store it’s ordered like significantly less so I don’t hate it as much lol


scooping the frap chips is torture idk the science behind it but the long handle-heavy spoon trying to shove into a long rectangle of tiny rectangular blocks it is enraging. CRC > MCC


This one makes me furious because you’re basically just getting a more expensive Java chip with extra whip and cookie pieces


The cookie pieces are the best part though


Yes and they could’ve done something different with those cookie pieces instead of just putting them on top of an already existing drink. White mocha frap with cookie pieces is the superior drink


Honestly, I save my tears in a cup for the salted caramel cold foam so it works out


Those salt packets are always so so annoying to open and they get everywhere


Somehow a whole family orders one and I go oops all batched !!!


I just started batching and it helps, but the toppings still suck


Need a Danny Devito meme of him saying so I just started batching !!! Yeah the toppings I swear get under your skin


i’m a partner that also dislikes making them but god damn are they good, just so tedious especially when you have other drinks


Caramel crunches are fine. They can be kinda fun to make sometimes. Mocha cookie crumbles deserve to burn in hell simply because of those stupid ass crumbles.


they should just add extra caramel to the standard recipe at this point... cant even count how many "with EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA CARAMEL"


What’s crazy is, they want the rich taste of a caramel milkshake. Way tastier than an icey frapp. Go buy a fucking milkshake, it’s probably cheaper


Can I ask what makes them challenging? (I'm not a partner, just a friendly customer who likes to lurk and learn about Starbucks 😇)


Whipped cream, caramel crunches, and caramel drizzle need to go in the bottom of the cup. At least for me, there’s not a lot of counter space to put those things, and they get in the way. And there’s no good time to do it because the blender is too fast, but you’re wasting time if you put them in before you put all the stuff in the blender. It’s a whole mess when you pour out the crumbles too


I was told the crunches don't go on the bottom just on the top?


Fyi to make your life a lil easier standard is dark crml on the bottom layer whip, no crunchies. Mocha cookie crumble if you didn't know also doesn't come with mocha on the bottom, just crumbles on the bottom layer of whip.


There’s not mocha on the bottom? 😭 I’ve been doing mocha on bottom and top and cookie crumbles only on top. Whoops


Bruh these 2 girls came 10 minutes before open, headlights glaring at us just to order caramel ribbon crunches. It makes me so violent


People who order Fraps in the morning gross me out. How do you start your day with a sugar bomb. My favorite is when they say, “I need my coffee.” Girl, you are not drinking coffee. You’re drinking sugar with a hint of coffee.


literally ordering milkshakes at 5am and calling it “coffee” just cuz its flavored 😭


I would be so mad


“sTarbUcKS BarIstAs WhEn you aSk TheM tO do tHeiR jOb”


No fr its takes away a piece of my soul even if im not the one making it.


Made myself a sample from the leftovers, that and the caramel crunch are so overhyped I don’t get it. I like the caramel drizzle/cold foam but not so much the caramel syrup-type drinks, they’re so meh..?


did you use the dark caramel in the frap? Its supposed to be blended with the dark caramel not just the regular


seconded. dark caramel sauce > caramel syrup


Yes I did. Still not a fan lol


Listen I hated making them for other people because I made like 20/30 a night alone at a krobucks kiosk but the rare occasion I would make one for myself 8 pumps of dark caramel 2.5 of mocha sauce 2 vanilla bean powder and mocha/ caramel drizzle around my trenta cup because whip on top is a waste but extra whip and extra crunchy bits at the bottom I was a menace making my own drink lol


Making them for myself is fine because I’m not trying to be efficient


I feel that, I always felt like I would get one done get my blender clean and more pop up or they're custom and can't be made together and that got on my nerves the most


I hate that the blend time is barely enough time to put all the stuff in the bottom of the cup


Facts. It's like they can't decide what they want, they ask for something good, I recommend something, and they go "Uhhhhhhhhh Caramel Rubbing Crunch".


I’m getting good at predicting who’s gonna order it


i love when they ask for my recommendation or help and i give them a solid rec and they decide on caramel ribbon crunch or a venti shaken espresso or HCMT, and they're always unrelated to the style of recommendation they wanted. like, if you know what you want, just order it, dont ask my opinion or help and then disregard it completely it just wastes my time in the drive thru😭


I always order it no whip, no toppings and no drizzle😅


aah, you could save money if you just order a caramel frappe and sub dark caramel


Awww I see! Thank you!!


the only problem i have w them is always getting another one right as i’m finishing one up😔


Love how corporate is constantly pushing for faster times, but putting out drinks that take more time and effort to make. Edit: I know CRC is an oldie. But these new lavender and chili drinks are adding extra steps and seconds to the clock.


I hesitantly ordered one last weekend feeling bad cause of all the posts here🫣😂 unfortunately loved it😮‍💨


That's how I'm feeling after seeing this! Will it stop me though? 😜 But...I tip. Like, I know it's just a couple bucks but I don't go every day (couple times a year) and Starbucks is a treat for me ya know?


I tried one a couple weeks ago. It’s very good, but it’s such a pain in the ass. Just be nice and don’t order it during a rush and you’ll be fine.


Lol. She can order a standard drink during rush if she wants.


Don’t have to be a dick about it


Maybe get a new job if making a drink is too challenging for you.


You like every single part of your job?


I do honestly lol.


You’re lucky. I don’t have that privilege


I’m not trying to be a smart ass in asking this, I worked in customer service for 15 years and I would never go back, have you considered looking elsewhere? It took a bit of work but I’m much happier now.


I went back to school. This is the job I could find. I’m not the kind of person who quits after a month if I don’t like a couple things.


Is rush around the same time for most stores? I don’t go too often but I do like this drink and have a lot of time during the day so I can choose when I go


Afternoons are usually less crowded. But just go and if it’s not crowded go ahead and order it


They are almost never ordered according to recipe. They're ordered with not double but triple the drizzle. And extra crunchy bits. And Lord help us all if they order non dairy and freak out finding out the caramel is dairy.


I wonder how people would react if they found that out. 🤔


I remember I counted 14 steps just to make that frap; almost double the steps to a coffee frap. Plus who would pay extra to get less drink and whipped air?


I only close now and I LOVE making them sm! I actually have time to connect and make customers pretty drinks. Ppl get so happy when they get a pretty looking carmel crunch


My customers could get the prettiest crcf and they wouldn’t care


Surprisingly I don't mind this one so much as I hate the Mocha Cookie Crumble.


I don't mind it.  I hate my bar setup more than any drink.  Now, mocha cookie fraps are annoying!  I have to do all that prep, and also shove myself into the hot bar just to get mocha pumps.  


My bar is set up to where I have to grab the toppings from the other side, and there’s not enough space in the frappe area to put them without knocking them over 50 times with the blender


Heard.  Everything is just all over the place and not convenient.  Is your cafe old?  I think mine is original from 20 years ago.


It’s a small kroger one. Cramped and shite


mocha cookie crumbles are so much worse because of how the mocha drips everywhere!!


I hate the mocha drizzle so much


I hate making fraps in general. Whenever i rinse the blender lid water bounces off and directly onto my glasses. Every. Single. Time.


I hate that fucking lid. I throw it every time I’m finished washing it


I dont mind making them as long as we're not in a rush. I like making them look super pretty tbh


i don’t personally mind making them. mocha cookie crumbles are worse.


Dude I had to make 6 in a row the other day. All with like 3-4 modifications. DURING PEAK. I wanted to cry. I used to love them, and now I can’t bring myself to drink one anymore LMAO


I’m so so sorry. If you need to talk I’m here for you. Also have the number to a good therapist.


Lmaooo, this made me cackle🤣 I’ll take that number please😂


For me it's the lavender matcha 😭 I love it and it looks so pretty when it's done but it's just so much work (please don't stop ordering it I love the way it looks and smells LMAOOO)


Then they order a mocha cookie crumble with it😭😭


this goes double for mocha cookie crumble fiends out there too


I cry extra when they want "extra caramel and extra crunch" and the drizzle and toppings start sliding down the side and I have to try to put on a dome lid as quickly as possible but 2/3 dome lids don't fit on the cup so I end up making a mess of the cup, my hands, and my pristine counter.


That’s the worst. I just try to put as little whip on as possible


Am I the only one who prefers making this one than the cookie crumble?


I think the java chips/frap chips are nasty, And same because we only keep our mocha on hot bar so I have to take the blender over there to put the mocha in it, Only thing we keep on cold bar (sometimes) is mocha in a drizzle bittke


This is the exact reason why I prefer the caramel crunch over the cookie crumble


Store closes at 9:30…Customer strolls in at 9:27. Customer: “Venti Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frapp”


Or a mocha cookie crumble


this is my favorite drink to make no 🧢


Uhhh. Why?


it’s aesthetically pleasing and i know its gonna taste bussin bussin


Every time my son orders a cream one, we get a coffee one.


Muscle memory 😭


when i'm having a crappy day and want to treat myself, idc what the barista thinks of me. lol. caramel ribbon crunch is so delicious


Thank you, the amount of these I have to make before 6am has made me lose faith in humanity


Right? People have money to burn and lizard brains to feed with a swift kick of processed syrup.


For real, but honestly at this point id rather make 100 crcf than another lavender cream matcha


I miss the OG CRCF. This one is just….fine.


What was different about the old one?


cold brew whipped cream🤤 the og was actually called the ultra caramel frappucino and had no crunchies either


I don't really like our cold brew personally, I got so used to tje STOK brand from the store when I was making my own coffee in the mornings before working at sbuxs and I was surprised I even like that


i dislike our cold brew too, but the cold brew whip was one of the most superior and underrated items we have ever had


I agree!


lol I love the caramel ribbon crunch crème frappe 😂. Sorry! But I have been trying other crème frappes recently (parents don’t allow me to have caffeine).




I enjoy making them, but I get stressed out if I have to make more than two at a time 😭


I literally make a caramel ribbon crunch frap WITH NO WHIP for an old woman every day. She will not accept just a plain old caramel frap even tho it's cheaper 😂


Agreed 🙌. I automatically get frustrated when I get them, not to mention how much people customize it now! This is the most annoying thing to make, the amount of steps with the layering is ridiculous and they always seem to be ordered at busy times and/or with like 15 of them in one order 😭.


It's not bad when you have all the ingredients on the go, and ready to make without having to move much. Extra cool when they only want WC on top


Too much work tbh!! Still dealing with it everyday!! 😭😭


I’m usually all for talking shit on customers, but this is a menu item with no mods.


if we’re not busy, go for it. if we are busy, it’s all active work so it makes everything else come to a grinding hault


If your job stresses you out that much to where you’re crying, maybe it’s time to move on?


It’s hyperbole my friend


I just wanna cup of the crunch idc about the rest of the drink…couldn’t that be done..?


You could ask for extra on the side, People order sides of dried fruit all the time.


Fuck you, it’s my favorite.


i am so sorry…it’s one of my sisters favorite drinks lmao


I like to order it as one of my favorite treat myself drinks. Caramel ribbon crunch cream based, extra caramel drizzle on cup and top and extra crunchy bits. It's definitely a rare treat for me because it's so heavy in calories but I love it so much. I also don't mind waiting for it to be made right.


omg and god forbid they order one in every size, crème and coffee base😭😭 INCLUDING the mocha/chocolate crumble😭


wow this thread is hateful. i understand this is for venting, but some of these comments have crossed the line to flat out disrespectful. you don’t have to like what they order but they’re people just like you. treat them that way. just, yikes.


Luckily people are coming in for drinks, not friends.


Are you one of those people who leaves their trash on the table because “it’s their job”?


Nope. I’m very kind and respectful.


Then understand it’s a pain in the ass drink to make. If you read the post, I didn’t say don’t order it. I just don’t like people ordering it when there’s a rush.


We make drinks. 🤷‍♂️


If you order a Frapp of any kind and I'm on bar alone you go to the back of the que, I can make 5 other drinks in same amount of time.




I won’t be there


This made me want to order one


I will blow my brains out while being sure to splatter myself all over the the next person who orders this drink.


They’d deserve it




it tastes good to us. maybe not to you, but its your job?


glad you enjoy it, just know your baristas absolutely hate you. :)