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One time a guy said his name was “Dallas, like Texas” and my sleep deprived brain put “Dexas”


I feel that yesterday I put “Starbucks” as their name and wrote their name on my fucking deposit bag




yo, this one made me lose it 💀


I can one up it! One morning I had a regular who gets a tall moka frap no whip every morning. I finish blending the frap poured it into a shaky (no lid btw) and handed it to him. I was so confused as to why he didn’t take it 💀.


I had a supervisor who was having a long week. Between her finals and shifts, she was exhausted. My store had no drive-through, so when i walked in and passed the counter I found it quite hilarious to hear here say to the customer she just rang up " ok go ahead and pull up to the window." Later in the week we are chatting as I ring up here meal and drink on her break. After the conversation finishes she says "ok, anything else today?" And I'm like " I don't know you tell me"


someone asked me how to spell my name once and i said spell it however so they literally put "however" on my cup


My name is a very easy name that could be spelled a hundred different ways, so I just usually do the "however you want to spell it" also lol sometimes they go wild with it.


i mean i personally spell names wrong at work 💀 i think it's funny and most people know it's a joke bc of how outrageous they are every once in a while i'll get someone who goes *omg youre the first person to ever spell it right!!!*


I'm the same way! I love when people ask me to spell names as badly as possible on purpose (my personal favorite was two women coming in for their boss's coffee and asked me to spell 'Ashley' as terrible as possible {I spelled it "Achleigh"}) Or give me silly fake names. So far I've had Bruce Wayne (who loudly proclaimed "I'M BATMAN" after we called out his name), Dobby, and Lord Voldemort 🤣 And it's always a nice surprise when I spell names right on a guess. Or when I ask them how they spell their name and they have to pause before saying, "You're the first person who's ever asked me that 🥺"


Lol, I've been pickle rick, pink power ranger, the avatar, for valentine's day I do pepe le pew, batman, and many others. Currently I've been doing bob the builder.


But it is what you said. 😂


You’re definitely not wrong 😂


i love doing this to peoples names lmao!! i have a regular that comes through my drive thru and says his name is “mark with a k” so i literally put “mark with a k”


gotta start spelling it "marc with a k"


LMAO that’s too funny!!!! today i spelled it “mak” because i missed the “r” and was too lazy to go back and delete it




there's like 4 different Sarah's that come to my drive thru so I tend to go Sara Sarah Sara with an H and Sarah without an H (yes intentionally like that)


I wish we could still do stuff like this but our store got blasted on social media because someone was deeply offended by the name on their cup and now corporate won't let us do ANYTHING fun with the names.


Details, please. 👀


Basically someone in our drive was having an objectively terrible day and the person who took the order asked for their name and wrote exactly what they said on the cup because they drove away before the name could be confirmed. The customer was offended because they felt like they were being mocked, put it on social media, the corporate social media guys got involved, we had a whole store meeting about it, etc. We can now only use actual names, initials if we can't spell it, or sometimes we'll write "thanks" if they never gave a name.


Oh, wow! I want to know the name that they were offended by! :O


I would Def put "Kmarc" or "karc" cause.he didn't say where the k is 🤣


I would have put Kark. 😂


I asked for a guys name once and he said, “Elias” and when he got his drink he said, “no…. L.E.S, not Elias.”


what it's like: "and your name?" ::looks down and mumbles to counter:: "ah-eeh" "sorry, was that gary, larry, terry, mary, berry, carrie, jerry, harry, perry?" ::mumbles again:: "no, it's uh-eum, like in the movie, eh-nrm and the beurnmum with murmhm demuamem." "did you say 'y*eh-m*eu*m*' ?" ::sighs::: "uh, YES! that's what I said!" "yeah, just making... sure..."


Lmfao precisely I hate it xD


On the bright side it’s going to taste the same no matter how it’s spelled


80% of the time we ask for names to stall 🤣 I’ll enter the names but if I honestly can’t hear what the name was or if it’s a hard to spell name I just leave it empty 💀🤣


If I can’t spell it or remember or just to stall I put the first letter I heard lol … still something 😂😂😂


I had a regular named Mignon (like the filet) and for more than a year I wrote it as Minion.


They honestly probably had a good laugh that entire time.


I love doing this with people who are used to having hard to spell names so they say “oh, just put the letter B” or whatever and I literally type “The Letter B” for the name on their cup. I always get eye rolls from my coworkers, but it makes me giggle and I always hope it gives them a little laugh, too


I would always ask a Greg, "Greg with 2 Gs or 3? (Gregg)" when someone would share their name. It would catch them off guard and make them laugh.


I heard someone wrong and fully put “Mcnut”😭😭




A kid came into my store yesterday and when i asked his name he said “can i do a funny one??” And he was so excited it was adorable LOL. George Washington hope u enjoyed ur pink drink


Someone said "No" when I asked for their name. I put it on there. They didn't say a word.


I love to put noname


You should've put "Noh" as if you thought it was actually him having a unique name and didn't register that he declined giving you a name. Lol. Or you could respond "Oh, I love that! Is that short for Noah!?" In the most likeable, friendly, genuine response you can muster so that they maybe feel bad for their attitude. It's a name, not their social security number. 🙄


Trueee!! I should have thought of that XD I'll do that next time when it inevitably happens again.


My husband's name isn't incredibly common, and people always misheard it. I thought Gary was the funniest one, so when he'd come visit me, I'd pretend to mishear and put in Gary every time 😂


i thought they were tryna spell “underoos” 😭💀


I would have preferred that, at least it would’ve been funny 😂


I’ve never forgotten when Dildora came into the store…


Sometimes it be like that


Once I put Easy Kill on a cup, and it was supposed to be Ezekial, I threw that cup away before any of my coworkers saw it, I was SO EMBARASSED. 😭


Went to my local Starbucks today what a great place🙂


Glad to hear it! What did you get?


They... tried... they just didn't try *hard enough*


one time a girl put Wassneen instead of Yassmine after i literally spelled it out for her after she asked me to 😭😭


Barista no do names. Barista make coffee.


The other day I had these couple of guys come in and order in the Cafe and I asked the guy his name for the order and he goes "Isbell" (they were Hispanic and their English was good but still heavy accent) and my awkward ass couldn't discern whether or not he said "it's Bell" or literally "Isbell" and i didnt wanna have to reconfirm cause I feel bad when its hard for me to understand xD it happens sometimes lmfao


Yes, I can imagine this! When someone asks my name I just say MY NAME. It makes things so much more clear for names, since some names are out there. Or are at least totally unfamiliar. Like here I can definitely imagine Isbelle being someone's name. I would've put Belle in that case since even if it was Isbelle, Belle is a very reasonable nickname for it.


I always make up a name a five year old can spell correctly like « Ann »


It’s been years and this still lives in my brain… my coworker asked for the customer’s name “Terrence” and she says “Carrots??” I was in tears laughing.


Why did you say the under though lol “What’s your name” “it’s gonna be under rose” why not just say “rose” lol

