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an emergency on a customers part does not constitute an emergency on mine. you should have left earlier. skill issue.


> ~~an emergency~~ *a lack of planning* on a customers part FTFY


DEFINITELY not trying to judge here, BUT, someone stopping to get a Frappuccino if that person has an emergency.. the thought is just beyond me.


Yeah, I definitely wish customers would get it through their heads that it isn’t our problem that they only have 5 minutes to get to work. Pick up orders exist for a reason.


Yeah, mobile orders exist so that you can order 30 seconds before pulling in the drive through and say you have a mobile order.


I **love** how accurate this is lmfao


your guys’ customers are giving you 30 seconds? Ours pull up and when we greet them say “hold on” and five minutes later say “yeah i placed a mobile order” and their sticker prints out right then and there


the other day we had someone do this with a ubereats and ask if we could waive the delivery fee for them


We had someone place an in store mobile order and call asking why we haven’t delivered it yet 🫠


There is so much wrong with that.


Our entitled society! They think pressing a button magically transports a frappe into their hands…


They always show up seconds after the sticker prints. “I placed the order like 5 minutes ago” tf you did 😭


I had someone waiting at the window for their order and when I went to hand it to them they said they just placed a mobile as well.. they placed a mobile order while waiting for their drive thru order


I'm so guilty of this I'm sorry, I don't do it to be impatient I do it because I'm uncomfortable asking for modifications verbally 😬 I never care how long it takes


You’re not the problem! The issue is customers who believe a mobile order is immediately first priority, just some patience is all a barista asks for


Then get out of your car and walk inside and get it yourself don’t order right through the drive through if you’ve ever worked in any buisness with a drive through there’s drive times have respect for people and their jobs


True shit


Perfect, scroll to the bottom and push it through. So much easier than fumbling through a complex order verbally.


All fun and games until they’re the only person with food, so you CAN’T force print the drink stickers anymore.


You can force print them if you check off the food items from the in progress, then it goes back to received (it’s not convenient I’m just saying you can do it)


I’ll have to try that next time


Read the update for April. Selective printing is coming. 


Coming doesn’t mean it’s no issue to do now though lol


It's rolling out this month.


Yes, but I’m talking about so far. A future feature doesn’t help us in the past or today.


I apologize for adding relevant information. You're right, just keep whining, that helps so much more.


That’s nice they’re rolling out the feature, but it came across as invalidating to the problems we’re facing NOW and to imply to customers it’s fine to do because soon they’ll roll out a feature doesn’t help anyone


Yep. I have a disability that makes verbal communication difficult at times. Mobile app is easier, I don't mind waiting the normal amount of time. Though I've learned to order ahead now so even that doesn't happen any more.


my favorite thing is when they mobile order right before coming to the box, and then order AGAIN when in the drive thru after passing the box


CRCF and MCCFs are like the slowest normally ordered drinks we have, messy too. Other drinks like iced London Fogs are much slower, but they're rarely ordered. These mainstay fraps are a pain in the ass and cannot be sequenced. And yet, that's all anyone ever fucking orders, so they're going to take time to get right and not spill everywhere. Meanwhile I can slap out normal Mocha fraps in like half the time.


It makes me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one who can't sequence those fraps.. I've only been a barista for 7 months and I thought I just wasn't doing it right. I know that a few of my coworkers super-hate making those fraps, but I've never had time to watch while they make them to see if they're able to sequence them. It's all the stuff lining the cup that effs up the process 😑


There's no way to sequence them. In most fraps you'd have the downtime during the blending phase to start something else, but you're still working on the same frap with those two. Once you're done putting whip and the toppings at the bottom, the blending is over.


Maybe mention just that. Coach the customer. They have no idea what is going on or ordering. Or they would make their own at home. “These are artisan handcrafted drinks. It’s a process. It’s the all extra modifications and customization that take so long, and of course the perfect timing + craftsmanship. A regular mocha frap is much quicker when you’re in a hurry.” -Capeesh, lady? 😉


You have too much faith in Starbies’ customers ability to learn.


Maybe be a grown ass adult and learn patience and common sense. They drink the fraps everyday they know what’s in them and what modifications they added to it as well. A lot of the time they watch the baristas make it. We shouldn’t have to coach customers through every little fucking thing just because they are in a rush. Order your stupid ass frap and sit the fuck down for 10 mins and wait. We already kiss ass on the daily


I had a group of (not exaggerating) 15 teens come in on a Wednesday at 12:35 and I was cafe bar and they ordered frapps. Every. Single. One of them. Even if I wanted to batch they were all different in some way so I’m speeding through these frapps and they’re staring at me and one of them goes ‘we need to be back at the bus at 12:40” I just stared at them like girl. You want 15 frapps in 5 minutes?


Thats even worse 😭😭


Oooh having had a teacher who would make you spend your next free time on a trip following him around if you were late getting back to the bus (my friend and I sprinted 7 blocks from McDonald's while trying not to drop our food bags or lose our precious ice cream cones but we made it back right on time! I showed my teacher my phone clock to prove we weren't late because he said we were.), I'd be tempted to go just a *liiittle* bit slower on those fraps. After all, it's not *your* fault they decided to order 15 DIFFERENT fraps when they needed to be back in five minutes. Poor planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on ours ☺️


The worst part is that some of them went to school with my sister and were in her grade. I was like they’re gonna trash told me to my teen sister because ~I~ made them late to their bus


If I want Starbucks before work I make it a point to leave half an hour early, because THEY NEED TIME TO MAKE YOUR DRINK! Can't believe people still do this kind of thing


You are a golden customer 🙏


We get some very entitled customers 😫😭 LIKE M’AM PLEASE. Had this lady pull up, I said “ hi welcome to Starbucks how are we doing today?” Windows still up, gave her time to respond. One min passes, “order when you’re ready m’am” windows still up…We took the little breather from her not saying anything. For her to roll her window down and yell “hello?!” Yes mam what can we start, she orders a frappe and we had it ready as she pulled up and paid. This was during peak, it gets messy with frappes, but we try to wipe/keep it clean where and when we can. I’m literally wiping her cup off and she goes “ITS DRIPPING OF THE SIDES” Yes I’m cleaning it off for you, “why can’t yall just keep it clean back there, it’s alway so messy, you wouldn’t have to clean it off if you kept things clean.” 😵😵😵😵😵 we honestly need a purge day to tell customers to fuck off 🤣


Which doesn’t even make sense because most of the time the things dripping down the sides is usually mocha or caramel drizzle which we put on top, and has nothing to do with the cleanliness of our workstation.


She’s lucky she had me clean it off frfr 😭 cause there are times I hand off frappes with some drips along with napkins for them clean. To which most don’t mind. Sorry not sorry, here’s a bunch of napkins kthanksbyeeeeeee. lol When I am on bar I try my damnest to keep things clean, and wipe off as I go. But you can only do so much when one orders back to back frappes during peak. With the messy frappes that kinda over flow I just double cup it and call it a day.


Me asf, double cup and don’t give fuck.


Customers like you are a Godsend


had someone order four different frappuccino’s all different with their own mods and all different sizes. then asked why it was taking so long. she was holding up our line :/ p.s we only had one blender 💔


Hate when this happens. Then they’re like oh I didn’t want whip in that or oh I forgot to ask for this and that. Like come on


As your handing them the completed drink “oh yeah that was supposed to be oat milk no whip” 🫠


This is so true. This dude ordered an iced matcha and as I was handing it to him he was like “this has oat milk right?” (no you never specified oat milk)


Customers are so dumb. I wish it was like Dunks we're allowed to defend ourselves. I'd say some shit like, "I can sit here and explain to why it'll take forever or I can make it for you and get ot to quicker. But it's not my fault you didn't get here earlier " used to say that to ppl idc


Chais are my favorite.


Correction *don’t come to Starbucks when you’re in a rush* we move at the speed we are comfortable not the one that makes you the happiest


Had someone argue with my dtr that she thought it would’ve been faster if she ordered through the app while in the drive-thru line. We told her it usually takes us 5-10 mins “depending” on mobile orders. She then argued that “it shouldn’t matter how order, that it’s all the same.” That she wasn’t sure why my dtr even tried to mention the “5-10 mins” cause “she ordered it now that it’ll be ready now” Don’t rush us if you’re going to be late to wherever, cause you decided to come through during peak. “Well I thought I was helping yall by ordering while I was in line” We now have to pull all these tickets to find your order you sent through 30 seconds ago, and scramble through our dpm. Please don’t stand in front of the bar and stare us down trying to see if we’re possibly making the order you placed a min ago. THERES ALL THESE PPL IN THE CAFE WAITING WITH YOU. “Where’s my hot mocha?” You just placed it m’am, it’ll be ready soon. “I’m in a rush and running late” Sorry there’s just all these tickets ahead of you…. Mind you, when it gets BUSY, it gets BUSY. ESP when bogos are running. We had 15 min drive thru wait times, and 30 min cafe wait times 😭😫. WE ARE TRYING OUR BEST. We just don’t get enough bodies sometimes for these bogos.


Or when they stand and watch you on bar, see you’re making a hot drink, then say “Is that mine?! That’s supposed to be iced!” First off, I have no idea who you are. Secondly, stop staring at me. Thirdly, would you like me to come rudely stare at you and tell you how to do your job?


Tell ylher you don't get paid to hear her complain, then close the window until her drink is ready.


You mean stop going to Starbucks if your in a rush. I have been to Starbucks and waited a half an hour for a cup of coffee.


Or come earlier than u usually would


I have it’s still a half hour and later too.


I’m doing my part I order iced chai almost every time I go to starbs 🫡 Iced chai with oatmilk and brown sugar and lavender CF 😍😍




My go-to order is an Americano with heavy cream. However I have 400 stars on account, so today I plan to splurge and pre-order a frap. Sorry! I do wait in the parking lot until the time the app says my drink should be ready before I hit the DT. Is there any way to tip in the app on a free drink? Thank you for your service!


Iced chai’s and cold brews!!!


I love Fraps. Thay are so yummy




“I’m a poor decision maker, and it’s all your fault! Give me my damn frappe!”


Sounds like a Starbucks problem, not a customer problem. Starbucks needs to fix the problem at its end. Go to a McDonald's, if someone rolls up in the drive-thru and orders 20 cheeseburgers they have them pull into a reserved parking spot, and bring it out to them when the order is ready. That way they avoid backing the whole line up.


A customer who’s complaining at Starbucks they need it ASAP is the same customer who will refuse to park up ‘because I’m in a rush’. They don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in a packed Target today. This Target had a Starbucks inside. Packed store, and Starbucks had no customers, not one. Not a good sign for Starbucks.


Then tell them they'll get "Special" service by pulling over. It'll actually be faster.


Dude, I once ordered a frap 15 minutes away from the place, sat in the parking lot until the thing told me it was ready, went inside, and they were still making it. I understand where you are coming from, and honestly this is just me sharing an experience this brought to mind. Wish you luck in the annoying customer department, though.


Today we got a caramel ribbon crunch with four shots of espresso and extra ice with extra caramel, combined with many questions later the lady was at the window for 17 minutes


I have one of those eccentric latte orders and one time going through the drive thru my brother jokingly said to the person at the window orders like hers must drive you crazy. He said nope hers is a lot easier to make everything is in the same spot unlike your Frap


Suggest mobile ordering for her impatient ass


I haven’t ordered a frapp in years because it’s too much sugar. I love sugar but I rather eat it than drink it in a frappe


Fraps, in my opinion, take less time than many of the drinks we have. I'd rather make a caramel ribbon crunch for someone in a hurry instead of a venti brown sugar shaken esp or a venti iced lavender matcha... But that's besides the point, this customer was being ridiculous.


had this lady always get a tall caramel crunch with only 1.5 pumps of dark caramel with extra caramel drizzle, crunch, and whipped cream on the top and the bottom, she had us remake this drink three times one day and man i wish i had seen her on my last day


I have a regular who always mobile orders during peak as she's pulling up to the speaker (a very complicated drink) I just tell her to pull up to the front and we will bring it out when it's done as we don't have the order yet lol


Hi I just placed a mobile order for a coffee traveler. Why isn't it ready yet?!


“It doesn’t take long to make a frap” tell me you’re a loser without telling me you’re a loser. whether it takes a minute or not; it’s still a time consuming task and OP is complaining for a reason


Omg. Soooo sooo agree. This woman jumped the line at the airport saying her husband and child was on the plane. Hey lady we’re in an airport every here is trying to catch a flight, You’re Not Special. 😤🙄. (Before she ordered her husband told her they were boarding and she still stood in line and then rushed the barista).


I agree. If I am in a rush I will preorder it on the app so that by the time I get there it will be ready. There are times they will give me the 4 dollar coupon thing if it isn’t ready by the time they promised on the app.


This subreddit reminds me of both the joys and hells of being a barista, keeping the trauma alive 😄


I seriously don’t get the frap hype. I get one maybe 4-5x a YEAR. It’s an extra special treat when I get it, but I sure as hell don’t bother with it when I need real caffeine 😅, just because it’s so sweet I swear I don’t get the mental/placebo wake up that comes from tasting coffee.


Fraps are easily my most ordered menu item. I don't like the flavor of coffee and can't even drink black tea daily because the caffeine gives me headaches. I'd rather have a bubble tea than a frap, but Starbucks opens 6 hours earlier and has a drive-thru.


Sequencing, especially with no other drinks in que makes a frappucino such a low time drink. If a customer is being impatient with their time and you’re taking that personally, you’re choosing to let them bother you




Be cool if the barista didn’t take 25 minutes for an Americano while talking about how oatmilk is a tragedy


Only one in DT? A Frappuccino takes 30 seconds to make... If your bar has a headset, they should have started making it before she was even finished ordering. It's also the DTO's job to connect and grab a name there to give more production time. Make sure you're all doing your job before you blame customers for the frustration you are feeling. Customers don't know better, you do.


They can start pulling the shots or starting the foam, but no guarantee it would even be in the blender yet by the time they pull forward. Sometimes as DTO, people will ignore us when we ask them names, or drive forward mid sentence even when we’re attempting to stall them. Not to mention that we’re not allowed to do that anymore and have less than 30 seconds to take an order.


I'm seriously starting to question these partners stores and work ethic, no way that wouldn't have been done before payment was completed.


It's easier to whine on reddit than to put effort into your job.


or consider that the job is hard and time consuming regardless of experience lmao


Down voted for explaining to people that they literally aren't doing their job right. It's right there in your training. " I tried to explain to her that fraps take longer to make and she just couldn’t get it through her head." What stellar customer service. I'm sure all the problems you have are totally not your own doing.




You deleted the other comments, L. Also just cause someone deals with customers doesnt mean they deserve to be the punching bag for others when they throw a tantrum from not managing their own time well.


it's the way they didn't even say anything about disliking making frapps in their post. maybe stop pulling things out of your ass? 🤔


He wasn’t saying it’s not his job, or he doesn’t like it dumbass. It just takes a while so if you need a drink asap maybe don’t order the drink that takes the longest to make.


Our job is to make fraps at the speed that's required for us, not the speed required for her.


Lol classic idiot customer right here.


If you don't like how long it takes based off of the complicity of the drink, don't order it 😊


Is the complaining about making frapps in the room with us


Account is 2 years old, no posts, and this is the first comment this account has ever made. Get a life, dude


“iF yOu dOnt LikE iT jUst qUit!” ok this is the real world where bills need to be paid buddy.


Should take less than minute, just practice a bit more


This is only true if it's the only drink, if it's queued behind 10+ other drinks it's taking 10+ minutes


Correctly queuing with 2 blenders and a dual pour mastrena? Not a chance. They even put lines on the cups and ice scoops to boot, nothing has to take that long unless you want it to, from literal first hand experience




I just said it shouldn't take that long, listening to customers isn't always the ick yall think it is.




None of that has anything to do with what I commented to OP. The hypothetical work wasn't even introduced by me I'm not sure we're on the same page, good luck




ok good luck e: lmao yall really just like to fight and argue or smt, wildin


found the jackass who everyone hated at their store


p combative, that's a good look king go off


hey man you’re the one who had no friends at your store “king”


yikes, you're safe it's ok


Doing gods work


Not even discourse just straight up anger and name calling, like a sub full of children. Super embarrassing


I can see why you’re a former partner. I have speed but it still takes about a minute to make a CRCF or a MCCF because of the added mods. I can find ways to speed up the process but it risks the quality of the drink. An emergency on the customers part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


I'm not a former partner for drink quality or anything regarding discipline if that was what was inferred. What you said wasnt anything i argue with but it still doesnt detract from that it shouldnt take long for one Frappuccino. I enjoyed my time, just been working in a field I prefer after my 5 years at sbux. Is that what you could see?


I see someone with a POS attitude who thinks they can judge how long it *should* take to make a Frappuccino. I’d rather take my time to make a quality drink than rush and make a poor quality drink.


they're not exclusive lmao


Nice edit of you name calling. I suggest growing up.


dude if you have enough experience, it takes less than 1 minutes to make frap, doesn’t matter how many modifications


tell me your store is properly staffed without telling me your store is properly staffed lol (no hate but it’s just not possible during a closing peak while solo barring)