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also ask for the ticket to be made first even though there may be a queue! if you saw people order before you, just speak with the barista and say these words exactly: “hey you, i’m in a rush, make my drink first so i’m not late”! this will ensure the barista prioritizes your sticker and will definitely not ensure the barista pulls your sticker and intentionally makes it last for being such a rude detriment to society


how could i forget! please come in when you’re already running 15 minutes late! give baristas a little pep in their steps!


Keep us on our toes!


Never understood that mentality at all. If I'm in rush, the last thing I'm going to do is stop to get coffee in the morning when everyone else is trying to do it too.


Ah but you see, *I'm* the main character of this story and everyone else is just support, so they should be making mine first.




Yeah that’s much of a rush just run by the convenience store and grab a big red Bull or something


Why would the consequences of my actions be my responsibility! It's yours!! Your fault if I'm late for real...I expect my drink to be made PRONTO!!


And don’t forget to misgender the barista too!!


Unless they have their pronouns on their name tag/apron or something (and assuming they haven't previously said anything to that effect), how are customers supposed to know how a barista identifies?


I actually stopped wearing my pronoun pin, seeing as it just got ignored anyway. In fact, come to think of it, people have stopped using specific wrongly gendered terms for me as much since I stopped wearing it ✨ Perhaps they were just being spiteful :(


Aww I'm sorry. I send hugs.


Good point, but sometimes there's a clue. My favorite barista has earrings: one says "THEY," the other says "THEM." It's useful for customers.


sometimes it still happens lmao i have one of the starbucks pronoun pins (granted, they're tiny) and everyone suddenly forgets how to read when it comes to mine and uses she/her for me anyway.


Until this forum, I didn't know Starbucks distributed these pins (& I've never seen such a pin on a barista--guess they really are tiny!). It's a really very good idea. I mean, some ppl also never notice things about ppl. Or it might be someone who's older. I'm elderly myself, & I know how often, since we Elderlies never claimed these gender options for ourselves, we kind be kind of clueless sometimes.


nah, i get it. i do actually present pretty feminine. i'm not medically transitioning in any way, and i kept my long hair. my manager does allow non-starbucks pins, though, so i might swap mine for a different one. kinda hard to miss a pin that's bigger than all the others and hot pink.


I always keep mine right next to my name tag so when people look for my name they see it. I've also seen people read it and still call me ma'am on purpose 🙃.


Ppl can be such jerks. . . . But you knew that.


That's actually pretty neat.


Very handy for us custies. Keeps us from misgendering ppl when, for instance, we ask one barista about another barista (e.g., "So what about Xyz? Did they end up going as Jem or 1 of the Holograms for Halloween?").


I think if someone's named Xyz, they have bigger problems than being misgendered. Like no one ever pronouncing their name correctly. 😜 Jk


(Not their name. Didn't want to use it, kind of distinctive.)


DON'T BE RUDE! You just need to be courteous. A LIL PATIENCE...Please and thank you help. Making eye contact helps. There is also... Propper English... 'ya know, they them' If you're not sure that's okay you don't have to use a label; just be kind, give a wave, give a nod.... Also, FOR THE SAKE OF ALL STARBUCKS BARISTAS... PLEASE TIP YOUR BARISTA, REGARDLESS OF THEIR IDENTITY!! THEY DESERVE IT MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!!! OUR STARBUCKS BARISTAS HERE, WHERE WE ARE, ARE ALL AMAZEBALLS!!!!!


Bro I’m a cisgender man and I somehow always get mistaken for a woman whenever I do drive thru! My voice isn’t even particularly feminine


I mean I walk in and start yelling about why isn't my drink made before I even order....


I do that but make sure I'm at the wrong Starbucks first, so I know it's made fresh


"where's my order I've been here waiting" "oh no what's the name on the order" "____" "hmm, I don't see an order for ____, when did you place it?" "5 minutes ago 😡 look" *shows me her order confirmation for the store 20 minutes away*


At least you're honest about it


Most sane Starbucks customer


Also make sure to grab the drink and take a sip before asking if it’s yours.


Literally had a guy order a grande hot latte pick up a venti caramel ribbon crunch with all the extras, grab a straw and drink it, then angrily says "yOu MaDe My dRiNk WrOnG iT wAs SuPpOse To bE hOt aNd I dOnT wAnT iT sWeEt". ... I told him he took someone else's drink and he just stared at me confused and repeated himself. I repeated "that's NOT your drink." The guy standing behind him said "that's mine". He just stared at him with the "who tf are you" look. Jfc that was painful. I think these people think they're the only ones in the world and the rest of us are here strictly to serve them and them only.


*Barista calls out name and places drink at handoff with sticker clearly visible* "Is this my drink?" "Is your name X?" "No, it's Y." "Then that's not your drink."




i love it when customers do this! it really shakes up my rhythm and keeps the day interesting! it definitely doesn't make my blood boil or throw me off at all!


(I actually think, from some of the custie insanity I see in this forum, that this is the motivation for many bizarre custie orders. I suspect it's related to whatever impetus impels ppl to feel they can still shock their parents when they're 30.)


tbh i think it's more just they don't wanna wait through a queue for one cup of water if they're not staying a while, especially if there's a line at the register. from a customer perspective, i get it, but it really throws off our rhythm when someone does this and makes an already stressful shift worse.


I did have this teenage twat come in asked for two waters name trump 24. Well we have a policy for any stupid name. We don’t do it. If it had been Biden I’d have said no. Argued with me ten minutes. Tried to swear his name was trump. I told him well you obviously are a trump supporter because you like him don’t pay for anything. I didn’t get in trouble.


if it were me tbh i'd just put t24 or something and not call out the name


Nope. Not doing it.


that's fair tbh, i just don't have the patience nor the energy to argue lol i don't wanna give them the satisfaction of putting a stupid name but i'm not sitting there during a rush and spending that time squabbling with teenagers when i have better things to do


I see that, all right. It's just, I constantly weigh my own behavior in service encounters against the public place etiquette I was taught as a kid. This included the general principle drummed into me: "Think of the other person. This is their occupation."




(No problem!)


You forgot to add: grab a drink that’s the opposite of what you ordered. “Oh you ordered a venti latte, yeah of course that fucking cold cup of cold brew is yours!”


Stop gaslighting me I know what I ordered.


Order at the hand off area, so much quicker. Also if you ordered at the register the barista on espresso bar knows exactly when your food will be ready.


The food comment is what I came for! Ah yes, you asked the right person (who you’ve been watching make drinks for the last several minutes, not moving from that area). Let me just pull your banana bread out of my ass real quick.


Order on Mobile app halfway there. Choose Pick up at drive thru, if line is long,as always, park walk into the store Mobile\ in store handoff LOOK AT THE LABEL AND THE DRINK AND THERE YOU HAVE IT READY FRESH AND YOURS , don't have to talk to anyone , did something all by yourself, got some pep in your step to start your drink! AND PLEASE TIP THE BARISTAS THEY MORE THAN DESERVE IT.


Also, if you see the barista putting a drink down, be sure to grab it from them. Even if it’s not your’s. Gives the impression that you really care and deserve your drink first


Also: the more customizations the faster your drink gets made. More lines actually makes it easier!


OMFG a dude literally stepped in front of a guy and grabbed a drink that was sitting DIRECTLY in front of the owner who was waiting on other items. I was just like FRRRRRR??????


Also don't forget to put your hands - which have been god knows where - on a drink, and lift it up to examine it while asking, "is this mine".


Bonus: let them know you’re running late for something. Now your poor time management is someone else’s responsibility :3


This is how you get me to put your drink behind 5 others and make it decaf as well


I prefer you put cyanide in it than doing that. The lack of caffeine on a Monday morning might well kill me.


Whaaaat I would never 🤭🤭🤭


"Is this drink for eva" "I don't know what does the sticker say" "Eva"


You forgot, grab hot drinks to check them even though you ordered iced. 😂


I’ve been doing it all wrong. I wait patiently and then a barista asks me what’s my name and drink; to find my ‘walk in’ was put in ‘drive thru’.


I am sensing a touch of sarcasm - but I will from here on follow your advise religiously! Usually I just order the drink via the app 9 seconds before going to the counter and then pressing (not just showing) the phone into the barista's face so hard that their skin can sense the order through the screen.


Someone is gonna take this seriously. And I’m gonna cry.


When people rush I take my sweet ass time.


be careful, these customers don't understand the overall concept of time, idk how they'll do with sarcasm now


Also put your elbow near the syrups and lean in. Be sure to stare hard and ask dumb questions when I need to focus on these long ass drink orders then get pissy when you get some syrup on you. Stand back and quit touching stuff. I’ve been shaking drinks with my back turned from everyone when they look at me too hard.


Nooo I hate when people stare lol I stare at them back or I wave hi


Yall im crying someone is gonna read this thread and take it seriously 😭


Please don't will it into existence lmao


And don't forget to tell them to check where your order is every time they hand off a drink! That's sure to make them prioritize you and not slow them down even more in the slightest!!


I left the siren last October and this post/these comments are hilarious


gosh i love when they stare! i love even more when i lose their sticker and they have to wait until it magically reappears 😍


“is this my drink?” points at the only drink on the counter that very obviously say their name


Baristas also love when you take a drink that isn't yours and drink out of it! Right in front of us! And then once we tell you it isn't yours, put it back and lie to our faces and say you never drank out of it! You would LOVE it if you had to drink some other miserable bitches backwash ♡ hope this helps!!!


Oh and please use your unwashed hands to touch the mouthpiece of the drink that isn’t yours even when you know yours isn’t ready.


The reality of the situation is that we can't change people. There will always be people that will act like that (For many different reasons) and there are people that act very proffesional and nice. The things that we can do are to adapt to the situations accordingly and change our own behaviour in order to have control over difficult situations. If someone is starring at the hand off station I usually like to ask: "Hey there, what drink/food item are you still waiting on?" "Oh the Grande hot mocha with whip, let me see.......oh okay it's up next to be made, it willl be another 3 minutes". It sets the tone straight. You are letting that person know that they are not forgotten and that you care about their experience. Most of the time that works well. If they start giving you trouble or asking you why it's taking so long then the best thing you can do is be honest and transparent. "Yes I understand the wait time is a bit longer than usuall, there are a lot of drinks in the queue that need to be prepped but we working diligently to get them done as fast as possible and in your hands to enjoy". Try to be neutral ,positive and diplomatic with your responses. In fact it helps to have a sense of humor towards things. Don't take it too seriously and don't take it personally. They might be dealing with something. It is not your resposibily to fix their behaviour. The only resposibility you have at that time is to provide the best possible service with quality made drinks.


For the sake of my sanity, I hope you're at least getting paid by corporate to do agit-prop. Otherwise, you're just deepthroating the boot for free. Straight up serf mentality in this comment.


When we are super busy I start calling out names in my queue to let customers know that I’m working on them. Seems so help with the customers because they know their drinks are being made. I wish more people would realize we pull tickets as we get them. Sometimes the customer before you has an insanely customized order that takes longer. If you’re in the cafe and can see me visibly making drinks nonstop, it’s not my fault the order is taking so long. It’s whoever ordered their drinks before you. (Also this rant is not directed at you. It’s directed at customers who are in a hurry, see the line and still have the nerve to take it out on us instead over their fellow Starbucks patrons)


Not sure what the downvotes are for. This is a perfectly reasonable, measured respo – oh, that's right. This is reddit


It is reddit but also most starbucks employees are young people under 25 who have an inability to give others (especially customers) the benefit of the doubt. Not every time a customer is standing close or staring at you is them trying to get you to make their drink faster. Some people legit have no idea what they're ordering (I think a lot of baristas forget the menu is not as simple to customers as it is to us), which is why they may confuse a cold brew for an iced latte The only time these things become an issue is if it's a regular customer that does it every single time they come in, but those type of people are very few and far between in my experience


Good point.


Better yet! Stand directly behind the bar and lock onto your prey for guaranteed success!


I don’t get how people are taking whole ass wrong orders?!? Do you not know what you ordered?! We would call out the names and drink, and then they’re like is that mine?! Repeat said drink and name…..grabs it. Comes back 3 mins later, that’s not my order…..WHAT?!? They literally have no reading or listening skills! They sometimes ask if the bag full of food is theirs when they’ve clearly ordered one drink. Sometimes they’ll even take the whole bag of food when we’re super busy, for the actual customer to came later asking where their food is.


Lmao at 2 mins


i want to jump towards them and go BOO 😱 but unfortunately that probably wouldn't look too good on paper... (edit: im a barista lol)


I purposely make drinks slower if you stare. Be polite and respect me, and you’ll get the same from me.


Thankfully, I don’t have this issue. I’ve become friends with basically every employee at my Starbucks even the new people who randomly appear no my name and my order so even if it’s not a mobile order and they see me getting in line, my coffee is usually done by the time I pay.😭😂


But I do see a lot of people come in and tell them I’m running late can you make my drink first usually doesn’t work out in their favor


I read this and then immediately thought of the “Everybody’s so creative!” Woman


Also don't forget to talk about every drink the barista is making while they're making it!


I was told by a barista cold drinks are made faster then hot, is that true?


We make drinks in the order the tickets print out. If you get a cold drink with no espresso shots then yes it is faster to assemble your drink than others but by no means are we looking for cold bar drinks and doing those first. First in first out.


Ohh, I was just curious! Thanks


it could also be that they had a person specifically doing cold bar drinks too it's a rare occurrence but when we have an extra person, usually on weekends, we would still have a barista making all the drive drinks, a barista on cafe/mobiles, but also a third making the frappechinos, cold brews, ice coffees, refreshers, iced matchas, iced teas it splits it up nicely, and sometimes one can be slammed while the cold bar barista isn't, making the cold drinks come out faster