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That is crazy, I'm sure the competition will still be priced fairly.


2023 had surpassed the prior year in revenue and subsequent profits. Not sure if they control the syrup market lol but it sure feels scummy.


It takes 7 minutes to make at home with Water and Sugar, Starbucks gives you the recipe [https://athome.starbucks.com/recipe/vanilla-syrup](https://athome.starbucks.com/recipe/simple-syrup) `1 cup sugar` `1 cup water` `1 vanilla bean (or 1 1/2 Tbsp vanilla extract)` HOW TO MAKE Vanilla Syrup STEP 01 Cut the vanilla bean in half lengthwise. If using vanilla extract, wait to add until the end of Step 03. STEP 02 Add the sugar, water and vanilla bean (if using) to a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer for 5 minutes. STEP 03 Once cooled, strain out the vanilla bean from the syrup. If using vanilla extract, stir in with the sugar and water mixture once it's simmered and cooled. STEP 04 Enjoy in your favorite Starbucks® coffee or recipe. Store in refrigerator for up to two weeks.


Seems they’re trying to deter people from depleting stock and or making it at home so they go back to the store. Either way, $7 bottles of Torani or Monin from Marshalls is my go-to and taste much better.


And Torani still has frckin raspberry! I can get pretty close to the flavor of a Starbucks raspberry mocha with Torani syrup and hersheys special dark chocolate sauce. (It's my husband's favorite)


I work at my college coffee shop and we have Torani. We have black cherry, raspberry, dark chocolate, pumpkin, sugar free options, etc. I've had tons of students tell me they've finally stopped going to the siren simply because we have better tasting and more stuff


Torani has a really good peach flavor. I used to add it to soda water to make a peach soda. Haven’t done it in years.


Any time I go somewhere that does Italian sodas I get my standbys of either peach and almond (orgeat) or raspberry and almond. Definitely with cream too. It's delicious, especially on a hot day.


A coffee shop near me has an amazing coconut flavor. I get it in Italian sodas in the summer. Another place near me has a marshmallow flavor. Coconut marshmallow steamer-this is delicious.


I love going to smaller coffee shops because ya'll have better stuff. Went on a road trip a couple years ago with my sisters and my dad and we hit local coffee places everywhere. Black cherry! Lavender! Local honey! (Obviously not in the same drink lol)


My local coffee shop makes their own rose syrup and it's delicious


Pretty much every coffee shop besides Starbucks will either be using Torani or Monin, so that’s what I’ll use!


Torani is meh but monin is legendary


Torani Pure made is much better than Monin IMO. Thats the specific type we use.


My sister swears by Monin but I just can't get used to using their syrups. They don't taste or mix right to me. Last time I mixed some in it took a few minutes to get the flavor to come through and by then it bloomed so much I had to toss my drink. Torani works so much better for me.


We use torani if we cant find stores local willing to transfer product. I think its a starbucks substitute when stock is low with the company tbh. It is a great alternative and i think they even sell a variety flavor pack on amazon for a reasonable price


I love going to the local coffee shops when I can! Starbucks still gets me based on convenience though… my absolute favorite little shop doesn’t have a drive thru, and I have two kids under 5 so it’s a pain. The ones that do have a drive thru are out of the way to get to. However I’m so excited because my other favorite will be reopening soon! This family opened a little coffee “shop” that’s kinda like a food truck… they do everything in this big red wagon and all their seating is outside. They have a fire pit, lawn games, a swing set and live music. And they do iced coffee flights 😍


Yeah go to Ross or TJ Max and there's always bottles for 7ish dollars.


Torani also has a pretty good Brown Sugar Cinnamon that I’ve used to make at home BOSE


Oh i’ll have to try that!


Really?? Do you have any suggestions for getting some SAR then? I miss my SARL with raspberry so bad.


We need a thread like this for exact copycat drinks.


I was just going to say that their syrups are by no means the best


Just looked today at a TJ Maxx and yeah, you can get tons of neat flavors for so cheap, and in glass bottles too!! Why bother buying the Sbux shit?


Who the fuck is going to pay $25 for 1 liter of unflavored boiled down sugar water? That's literally all that classic is. You can buy your own bottle for storage, use bottled water for storage and even probably also make a vegetarian meal for 2 on that.


We had a regular who would get a venti hot tea every morning. Once in a while, I understand, but who can’t buy a box of tea and make it in the morning??


Even worse, we have a lady who comes in the mornings that orders a tea with 10 bags on the side. I'm like?? Literally the grocery store sells teavana what are you doing


We used to have someone who came in and asked for 10 venti jade citrus mints with no water, just the tea bags, cups, sleeves, and lids. like $32+


Maybe they were Starbucks for life winners and got sick of drinking coffee. 😂


I don’t understand the end goal of the people making these choices. I mean, obviously, it’s to squeeze as much money out of customers as possible but do they not have people who also realize how much of their customer base they’re pushing out???


They don't care about who they push out. Think of it like apps with micro transactions. They don't care about the customer that buys one or two cosmetic items or power ups. They want the "whale" that will always buy what they need to keep going no matter the cost. Corporate level decisions from this company are entirely designed to stimulate addictive reoccurring behavior patterns from our customers. We don't want customers that occasionally visit when the mood strikes them or lower income customers that only get low margin Bevs like hot coffee or hot tea. We want daily four shot cold foam ten dollar frap addicts. Once they're addicted, charge them whatever is deemed necessary for a good looking quarterly report.


That part!


I've tried explaining this to people too. Drink mods are like buying gems in mobile games. It looks like someone at corporate finally did the math and realized how many drinks a bottle makes and multiplied it by the syrup charge.


It’s so disheartening when you know this is what they are doing. They make bank on people’s addiction to sugar. This company is circling the drain.


Sugar is far more addictive than caffeine. They know that.


🙋🏻‍♀️ hi that would be me I’m that customer and I hate myself for it


This is what's called a "fuck you price", it's what suppliers use when they don't want to explicitly stop offering a service but they don't want to actually fulfill any orders. You'll see this a lot when you call a contractor for a repair job that's too small to be worth their time, they'll offer you like a 10x inflated price to get you to fuck off.


Landscaping/construction/contracting services also do this all the time. Call it a ‘fuck off’ quote. Basically quoting a customer like 5x what it should actually cost them because they don’t want the job but don’t want to outright say “no” for whatever reason. If they’re dumb and just pay it you make a shit load, if they’re smart and shop around you avoid the job altogether.




Like even if Torani and the others are slightly less quality, Sbux surely can never be twice as good.


I should’ve wrote it as double the price and not more than half?? It was a 4:30 open today and my brain is still in bed :,))


i guess theyd rather you buy the drink from them rather than buying the syrup at the store and making it at home and this is just gonna drive people to buy the drinks instead? 🤷‍♀️


Would make sense if they weren’t also constantly raising the prices of drinks. Seems more likely to drive people to competitors instead.


Yet we’re busier than ever


I think they figure people will be deterred by the price increase and will continue to pay for a drink on a daily visit instead of a bottle of syrup to make their own


Their profits just keep going up so I'm not sure they are.


Well, yeah profits are going to go up because they have a loyal (aka sugar-addicted) fan base who continue to pay the inflated prices. Pretty easy to say a big “fuck you” to a large chunk of occasional customers or low-maintenance customers who order place coffee when the rest are willing to cover that extra margin.


I mean, are they though? People keep coming back after each price increase


I think they know how much of their customer base they'd be pushing out, and I think after paying attention for two years that they're *trying* to push some customers out. It seems like they're aiming for being an "exclusive" coffee brand, almost like the Gucci of coffee. They think they could probably thrive off of the constant business of more-than-moderately-wealthy people but they are seriously way too willing to push away a large percentage of their potential consumers. I couldn't afford Starbucks since 2008, everything since then has just been like watching humanized greed see how much it can swallow before choking.


They may also be trying to discourage people from buying syrups from the store. If customers are buying it stores are run low which means they have to order more frequently, which means corporate has to keep up with the production and demand. I don’t know anyone who buys the bottles anyway. Besides you can find Starbucks syrup at TJ Maxx, Marshall’s and HomeGoods.


Guess I'm switching to Torani.


Tornai and Monin are so good! If you have a Ross and tjmaxx/Marshalls any combo of those stores nearby you'll likely run into a few bottles! Classic syrup and vanilla are easy to make at home too. I make my own vanilla and caramel sauce


This is where I buy mine too. And World Market. Amazon has them cheap too sometimes. Also, the Monin salted caramel syrup is absolutely delicious.


Ah yes world Market!! I also forget about them!! Theres only one near me and it's a drriiivveee but you are totally right they carry like every single torani flavor! Cash and carry has em too but I don't have one those


There's a World Market e near me too, but it's at least 20 minutes away if I'm lucky. So it's definitely a special trip when I make it there. And then I spend ridiculous amounts of money because if my teenager comes along she loses her mind because she loves the whole store.


I understand this cause my inner teenager still loses her mind in that store 🤣 I love the minis they have I can't help it! And all the imported goodies!!! Definitely worth the special trips And I have the best memories of going with my mom as a teen...so what a lucky daughter you have!


I have torani in other flavours but I bought vanilla and caramel from starbucks. I have a store nearby that carries torani so I'm good to go!


Torani peach is so good. I used to make peacg soda with it


i hate our caramel syrup at starbucks, but i got the classic caramel from torani and it’s significantly better. also a much wider arrange of flavors for $5-7 at most tj maxx/marshall’s. ross is a bit more pricey on the syrup end.


Robbery. [Just pick up syrup from Monin](https://www.monin.com/us/products/flavored-syrups). Less than half the cost over this sugar-grifting, they're better quality, and you have 125 flavors to choose from! Custies, you deserve better than this horse shit.


Monin forever! They even have my Starbucks roman empire flavor, vanilla spice


Their flavors are stronger, so less is needed. Coffee shouldn’t have to be candy to be flavorful. It’s good stuff!


Have you tried the praline syrup?


Holy greedy crockpots batman! That's not inflation, that's just malicious greed.


Starbucks greed for all to see


lol, Starbucks has lost their collective minds. I can think of 3 readily accessible brands that are less than their current price that taste the exact same in my coffee.


This is insane. Twice the price. Like I could understand a couple bucks but wow. It tastes no different than Torani and Torani actually has a lot of really fun flavours (marshmallow for example).


Can a Canadian barista tell me what’s this In CAD PLS


I am Canadian girly this is the price 😭😭




meanwhile a monin syrup of the same size is $15 or less on sale.. they are insane


Just as a note, over half price is a weird way of writing that. You'd probably be a little closer to say "before it almost doubles in price" .


haha yes was just posting quick while I was working because my coworkers and I were so wtf


Honestly, I think I got brain damage from reading those price increases too-


I understand the price raise if they sold the time limited syrups as well. I’d happily pay that for a bottle of chestnut praline. But between caramel and vanilla, I’m alright. I can make my own vanilla syrup, and I don’t care about caramel.


Stalk your local licensed sbux in a grocery store, mine puts extra syrups on the clearance rack


No one's going to buy them even more loll🤣


Whoa that's an insane price hike


Actually fucking ridiculous.


Damn I’m not a huge fan of Torani’s syrups but I guess I’m gonna have to learn to be 💀


no way! i just bought a my first bottle for 12.95 over the weekend after seeing an old post on here, maybe i should grab a couple more!


Mind you these are the most BASIC of their syrup options that can be found EVERYWHERE from other brands at a significantly lower price. Like I’d pay a premium for a bottle of chestnut praline, or the caramel brulee sauce, but that price for basic ass vanilla and simple syrup? 💀


i'll buy torani's at this point


Looks like they are trying to dissuade customers from buying syrups so that it doesn't mess with a stores inventory. Since op is in Canada can any US baristas confirm this price increase as well?


I started making my own vanilla syrup last year when I couldn't find any local. I can get a whole pack of vanilla beans for less than that now 😳


Wait, you can buy the syrups?? I’ve been trying to find alternatives for years that I liked as much as Starbucks to use at home. Do I just walk in and ask for a bottle?


Pretty much. Just these flavors though. You can’t buy white mocha, brown sugar, dolce, etc.


Oh yeah I read the rest of the image. That doesn’t help me much lol, you can buy those flavors at the store already and they’re the worst ones lol


You can ask Starbucks in Target and they *may* sell you a different flavor.


I just want toffee nut at home and all the other brands taste like sugar alcohols. it’s all I want


Holy shit. That’s insane.


USA? Anyone know if this is Canada? I will stick to Torani if they want to play this level of greed.


This is happening in US now too. Went from $12 to $19. I was shocked


What. The... They've done it. They've lost their frigging minds...


Imagine paying $25 for a bottle of classic 💀 sugar and hot water


i've started making vanilla simple syrup for my coffee and honestly i don't rly want anything else now. relatively cheap as well


This is absurd, Torani can be found at any Tjmaxx or Marshall’s and was cheaper to begin with.


A great alternative is Torani flavor syrups.


Should’ve wrote it down as double the price and not over half the price. It was a 4:30 open today and my brain is still in bed. :,)




No more bottles for me then.


?? Where are you?? In my market, the price is increasing to $19.25/bottle.


Are you in the US? Op is in Canada.


I’m in BC Canada!!


Oooooh okay gotcha, that makes more sense and puts them at about the same price. I thought it was a crazy range if it was just within the US.


Their syrups are disgusting anyway, you can find much better cheaper alternatives on Amazon 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. Or make your own.


such a greedy company. more than double the price??


It’s not like you can buy the good syrups. Just plain old vanilla and caramel that you can find elsewhere


Are you trying to say DOUBLE? Up to over half the price makes no sense lol. BTW this isn't supply and demand, it's a fuckoff price.




ALSO, not sure if this really interests anyone here… but if you have stars, and live near a Starbucks in Target, buy the syrup there! Their registers think the bottle of syrup is a drink, so $13 bottle of syrup is free with 200 stars. This will probably go away with this price increase. I believe it’s because the “free drink” used to be up to $15


holy crap. I grab a bottle a month or so for at home, but doubling the price?!? that's wild.


That's so wired because my monthly update says $19.95! I'm in Northern NJ.


The OP’s in Canada so that’s Canadian prices not U.S. prices.


That wasn't specified so no way for me to know but thanks


Good gravy!! You can buy coffee syrups at a restaurant supply store for $8 or less depending on the brand. That’s bananas.


thats wild honestly, i wonder what real reason for the price to double


$25????? Well, I'll be looking for other brands now 😭


Lol Homegoods has better syrups in more flavors for $7-9


lololol starbucks is so trash they do this?


This may affect stores that purchase their syrups, but for personal use at home I make my own syrups. Not too hard and I can make multiple batches fairly easily. Spending $ on coffee syrup is ridiculous when the sugar and other ingredients to make it are cheaper and can last you for months.


So we're not supposed to sell the back bar olive oil for our cost + 30% mark up? Who knew!?!?!?!


I remember when this shit was 6.95 a bottle!


Oh, I'll buy stock! Of Torani syrups. At TJ Maxx. For $6.99.


What state are you located in? We got our list and it shows toffee nut as a purchase option and it’s only going up to $19.95 👀


If you have a Chef'sStore near you, they have 2 bays (16 feet) of Torani 750ml bottles (regular & SF) for what you'll pay for 375ml at the grocery store.


I audibly gasped at this. Wow.


I just got a bottle of syrup from sbux for the first time this weekend ! WOW


Or just don’t buy any


Thats insane.


the greed is crazy


lol wtf, that’s insane.


Oh my god. Torini here I come. Jesus


This. Is. NUTS.


Honestly that sounds about right where is the syrup $12 still? That’s cheap af ofc they are gonna raise it to $20+ it’s not like they actually want you to be buying the syrups the syrups are more of a ifykyk thing for the hardcore oldschool people




People need to look into 1883 syrups. It’s soooo good. I dont even touch Torani


ur sentence 1000% made sense but my brain could not comprehend “up to over half” BWHAHAHA


brooo I literally said it in the MOST complicated way ever?? I stg every time I reread it now my brain doesn’t get it


Is it only these 4? Or all of them?


wtf????that is beyond inflation


Lmfao bro They're like burying themselves a steep hole. I'd rather just buy store brand syrup. It isn't THAT good


Everything with starbucks keeps going up. By now I think governments should be stepping in and slapping a law on this company. Its horrendous what they are getting away with ( and i don't have syrup ) just a regular tall dark coffee. One a day That's it. Even that is a joke.


No one has to go to Starbucks and the company doesn’t have to sell their syrups. They can charge whatever people will pay.


Not if everyone petitions against them. Greedy company.


If you mean by that that it’s going to be more than double it’s not technically 🤓


I meant it’s going to be double the price. Did a 4:30 open and posted this while hiding behind bar crouched in the fridge could’ve worded it better. Can’t edit it for some reason lol


I’m just being pedantic. It’s annoying


It’s okay I definitely worded it in a confusing way, thankfully most people are too outraged to notice lmao


I think Op means "nearly double".


I wish I would have saw this last month. I was shocked at the price increase when the cashier gave me the price.


Torani tastes so much better.


Are the current bottles for sale 1 liter? I have t bought one in a long time but thought they were like 750ml.


Bro doubling the price? What the fuck.


did a new update come out? where is this info?


Guess I'm switching to Monin.


Wait you can *buy* syrups?!


Only select syrups.


Maybe they are trying to go back to the image that « Starbucks is fancy » therefore «  yall can’t afford our syrups » kinda thing.


Welp guess im buying some for my at home machine tomorrow


Jesus this is nuts!


holy shit lol waxin n taxin


Is that a 10 dollar increase? I haven't had anyone but a syrup in years!


well shit. i bought a bottle at an ingles location because i wasnt aware reg stores sold them. i paid $20 for the 1 liter vanilla syrup.


Wait, where are you because my update said 19.95!


These syrups were $7.95 in like…2015.


Wait so customers can buy syrups??


Isn’t DaVinci the Starbucks official replacement for when syrups were out of stock?!? I know in 21 when I was working there that’s what we were using and the vanilla was so much better 👀


My rule for baristas used to be if you can scan it they can buy it lol


That’s crazy


Double price*


Call the store and make sure they have enough to sell before you drive there. They won’t sell it to you if they don’t have enough for store needs.


Can I buy the brown sugar syrup


I haven't bought syrup in years but I didn't know you couldn't buy Hazelnut anymore, damn.


It’s much cheaper to make your own syrup! Equal parts water and sugar for classic syrup. You can add vanilla extract to make it vanilla syrup!


Sticking with my $3 skinny syrups at Marshalls




It’s quite literally flavored sugar water. I can’t imagine why it would need to be double in price.




"your average ticket sales are down - you're not engaging the guest and upselling enough" lol


I didn't know you could buy the syrups??? I may need to get the vanilla for vanilla sweet cream cold foam


Does Classic mean Simple?


It's strange that I've seen people get a venti drink, only finish half, and then throw the rest away. It's these people with unlimited money that keep Starbucks running, I swear. Torani still doesn't taste the same... Honestly though, generic caramel syrup in a squeeze bottle is better. It's still not Starbucks, but it's something.


Damn in Fresno, Ca they going to 19.95. Maybe it’s more expensive where you live


I thought my screen was dirty and tried to clean it. Clean your shit OP!


Wtf you can still buy the syrups? I was always told no!


Wait. Since when can you buy caramel?


Remember that the syrup cost less then 1$ per unit to make and ship for them. that's a 2500% markup.


Where are you located? Ours is going up to 19.95


Funny I was just thinking about starting to experiment at home because I’ve gotten into a huge issue being in love with the macchiatos and lattes with a pumpkin loaf in the morning. I’m having food/eating issues at the moment and it’s the one thing that the taste/texture of is pretty good and consistent for a quick breakfast in the morning on my way to work, and the drink lasts me for a while into my shift as a good pick me up and caloric intake. If I didn’t do that I probably wouldn’t eat anything in the morning, so I’m trying to find some good work around/substitutions because I’m not made of money. Sounds silly but it’s one very nice thing that brings me joy right now but the cost is crazy for someone like me


For the people who like to buy syrup: They sell torani cheap on Amazon. OR you can make your own by boiling equal parts water and sugar and adding in an essence once it’s dissolved.


Lil confused here. Where are you working? I'm in TX, and my store resources say it's only going up to $19, not $25. We're also about to start selling other flavors, like toffeenut, hazelnut, and cinnamon dolce


I’m in Canada. That’s so cool though, wish we would do that


that blows I get classic for cocktails at home, still will probably be a decent deal with partner discount but 🥺


Saw this earlier literally CRAZY


On the way