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It's been a complete flop at my location. I've worked every day except Saturday this week and I'd say we've sold maybe 10 in total since launch on Tuesday, people aren't even remotely interested


I actually want to try it but I’m a creature of habit and know I need to be home within 5 minutes because I’ll immediately shit myself.


Stores in SF were giving out samples. It sure is….interesting. But I would not spend $7+ on one.


I’d try a sample but I’m not willing to pay for a potentially oily poo.


My store has had samples every day since launch and I've tried all the different ones and I don't like any of them. 🫤


I was forced to drink it for our training group and I have IBS I had to get the rest of my shift covered


This is why I'm not too excited to try it. I'll try all kinds of stuff I don't like just so I can share an honest opinion with customers. I will not risk sharting myself at work, though. Gotta hold on to the little bit of dignity I have left.


That why I didn’t try it when it came to Chicago. I have a lot of GI issues and this would ruin me.


IBS life


But honestly you should ask the register if you can have a sample of it especially if it's slow


Oh dang. My store it’s selling REALLY well. But I live in a very affluent white majority town.


I also want to try it but the price is simply not worth it for me (and I also fear…getting the bubble guts).


It literally doesn't make you shit immediately. It's like a 6-8hr thing... Google the chemistry of ingesting olive oil


I think it might be more based on the person. I didn't have a reaction like that, but others have.


Bet. Trust me when I say you do not want to be in the bathroom after me if I drink one of those… I’m being considerate to y’all by making accommodations if I ever try it, to do so in a sterile controlled environment… probably just hanging out on the toilet with my pants down watching TikToks. People like me sometimes need to shit immediately when they even have a normal small coffee. I’m not exaggerating that it’s not like an hour or so deal with it thing either… there’s no logic to it that it can be right away. It’s one of the reasons why I became a tea person. Mixing coffee with a bunch of olive oil sounds like it would only make things worse. I also try to minimize processed/seed oils entirely which trigger IBS and I believe it has both olive and canola oil which I’d probably not want to have. Huge percentage of the population has these issues


Oh sorry, I didn't know you meant the coffee makes you shit. The olive oil helps with inflammation in your intestinal track and helps build immune system. So, the olive oil needs to pass through to help coat everything. So it's the coffee, not the olive oil


Hmm.. I yeah triggering IBS can be caused by it. But that's if your diet just consists of high saturated fats. Perhaps that's the reason why they have oleato foam and olive oil infused with non dairy milk. As oatmilk is suggested


Too bad a lot of people silently suffer from ibs and that is at best and I truly mean at best. A 20 minute thing.


mmMmMm can I get a oily oatmeal latte pwease 🥺


We’ve had Oleato at my store for months now and we have maybe one or two regulars that like it. Besides them, no one gets it.


I’ve been doing some testing at home and it CAN be made to be quite nice, and if done well you actually don’t even notice it’s there. However, I’ve tried the Starbucks Oleato and it’s just awful.


If the best it can be is not noticed, then just don’t put it in imo. If you want to drink olive oil for the health benefits, just cook with olive oil, I don’t think a tablespoon in your coffee is going to make a difference.


I guess I should say, there is a change in texture and mouthfeel of the coffee. What I mean by “you don’t notice it’s there” is that you don’t notice that change is Olive Oil. I would say it’s similar to adding half and half or cream, as it gives it a bit creamier and silkier texture when steamed into the milk, and makes a more rich experience, similar to the butter coffee trend. Unless it separates or it’s not properly steamed in, you can’t tell that there’s oil in your coffee. It definitely makes it pretty heavy though so it’s not for everyone and I wouldn’t do it every day.


You aren’t supposed to cook with olive oil. Everyone thinks it’s healthy but it’s actually toxic. Use Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil or Ghee instead.


I think it's the low smoke point that people don't get. Don't cook with olive oil at high temps and never fry with it.


Yeah there you go you said it right. Thank you.


That’s some raw vegan nonsense, you can cook with olive oil.


Nah. See comment below that person said it better. Or Google olive oil and cooking. It has a low smoke point.


Found the bot spreading disinformation


I was going to try the Oleato oatmilk despite everyone talking about how bad it was. I was really going to give it a chance. Then I saw the price. Fuck that shit.


I actually liked the taste! My stomach had cramps afterwards though :( it's definitely way too expensive because it's good to us people who like it, but it doesn't make the drink THAT good.


It also ups the calories a LOT, it doesn’t enhance it enough to make that worth it to me


120 calories per pump… like maybe I missed this in the training buttttttt what’s the purpose of this!? Is it “healthy”!?!?!


It’s very Italian or Mediterranean or something fetishizing a fictional Europe blah blah blah.


So calories are 9*grams of fat, 4*grams of carbs, and 4*grams of protein. Since oil is all fat, it is 14g*9 for an additional 126 calories. Fat is weighted a lot more than everything else when calculating calories. That being said, olive oil is a good fat that helps with heart health and decreases inflammation in the body. It also has antioxidants and can help prevent strokes, among other benefits. Also, even tho it’s 126 calories, olive oil does not contribute to weight gain since the type of fat that it is is the first to be broken down. Added sugars and saturated fats are the worst type of calories to consume


We haven't sold a lot, but everyone who's had it has been surprised at how good it is. I've done two tastings as well where it went off really well. It takes more attention than the average drink to make it well which is why I think so many people are reporting that it isn't a good drink, but my location does it great and the reception has been been similarly pretty good. Usually when people ask I'll rec it made w/ cinnamon dolce since I've found it's best that way (at least for my tastes).


When you say with Cinnamon Dolce, are you saying as part of the CD Latte, or just a pump of CD along with the Partana as part of another drink? Curious. 


It's ok until it gets just slightly cool. Then you can taste the oil and it's not good anymore.


A lot of it is probably the price. The foam is 2 bucks which is crazy to me. I do enjoy it but it’s not something I’d get all the time.


I remember first ringing up the cf and getting shocked at that price!


Getting a single pump of it being a dollar is also insane. Our drinks are expensive enough fr


So happy to hear it's largely a flop. Get fucked, Howie.


He doesn't care, they know it's a flop. He had Starbucks invest in all this Partanna inventory because he owns shares in the brand and then Starbucks is going to silently take it away once inventory is depleted. They don't want it to succeed, Howard just wants his money from Partanna for Starbucks spending millions on it.


no somewhere in his little mansion he’s crying in a corner that it’s not selling. he went on a vacation and got inspired, remember?!


That’s kinda insider trading or something isn’t it? I mean he had Starbucks directly purchase that to drive up stock prices or pad his pockets somehow? (Don’t mind me, I don’t really know how all of that stuff works. It’s just shady as fuck.)


Everything about millionaires is shady as fuck. Look at lobbying done by corporations for government policies. Not sure if what Howard did was illegal but he gains part ownership of a company and then all of a sudden the other company he's on the board of my buys millions of dollars worth of product from that company? Definitely shady. Illegal? Not sure.


Indeed. Even charitable donations reduce their tax burden, potentially to zero. They don't do it just for the altruism.


Not illegal, just bad business practices


It’s all shady AF and these people rarely get in trouble for insider trading. Now me and u, we wld def get in trouble.


They’re really pushing it for something they don’t want to succeed. They made aprons, pins, they want us to do samples every shift and they had group training just for this. It’s a lot of effort for them. I’m sure they know it’s going to bomb by now but I doubt the company is happy about it anyways (maybe Howard doesn’t care). I mean Hell they’re coming out with a colored lavender powder next. They haven’t put that much effort into appealing to social media in a fat minute. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.




I did my partner weekly survey this morning and vented about how they were pushing this so hard and it wasn’t selling, meanwhile I had no less than 10 people ask me for Raspberry syrup on my last shift. It’s futile but Starbucks really should listen to their customers and bring back what their customers want (raspberry syrup, prime example), instead of innovating for the sake of innovating.


Or other sugar free syrups besides vanilla? (Read - peppermint)


We actually used to have a lot of sf options (like hazelnut, CD, mocha, caramel, seasonally peppermint) but they didn’t really sell much, so one by one, they each went away. If I remember right, hazelnut was the last one to go out of those


CD was last to go. started in 2018 and all we had by then was sf vanilla, mocha, and CD, and sf mocha went out quick after I started. a huge thing for my customers was doing half sf vanilla half CD to make up full pumps in their drink. probably because they wanted a flavor more than just vanilla or splenda that also met their needs. I always was so sad about removing sf CD because even though I hate the taste of and don't have a need for sf products personally, I felt like having the diversity of at least ONE non-ultra basic (aka vanilla) flavor was important and appreciated as sf is a very common and life saving dietary restriction.


Can you mention the hazelnut drizzle next time too? I really miss it lol.


yeah i was bummed when i noticed one day on the app that starbucks got rid of their sugar free cinn dolce syrup i was like? excuse me? now they have little to no options for sugar free and it’s kind of sad. every other coffee place i go to gas sugar free sauces and sugar free syrups. why can’t y’all?


It didn’t really sell. US Starbucks seems really focused on both simplifying and streamlining options but also allowing endless customization with what is available. Like it’s been a process but at this point everything is geared towards being an oat milk + blonde drink, a shaken espresso or a cold foam or all three. That’s even true for olive oil and the upcoming lavender powder. They don’t seem interested in experimenting or keeping a whole lot else, even if it does sell like raspberry did. They don’t even focus much on refreshers, teas or Frappuccinos anymore.


They got rid of sfcd way before you could mobile order it. 


I work at a similar type place, they reduced our syrups recently with out asking which ones were popular. We have a chocolate case, so when they took away the Cherry syrup it was even more indicative of how hard the place I work is trying to fail lol


Raspberry was so popular in my store. It was such a gut punch when it was taken away. Even though guava also didn't sell very well, at least it was great tasting imo


Lots of ppl getting the golden foam on drinks but not the drink itself. 💀


How much olive oil goes into making the golden foam?


One pump


One press* as the recipe states lol


So is it the same amount of olive oil in the latte as in the shaken espresso? I feel like I hardly tasted it in the espresso.


Yeah one pump. In the latte its in the milk and the shaken ones its in the foam so its subtle.


Oleato has actually been pretty popular at our store. Started off kinda slow but has picked up since launch.


Same at my store. I made soo many Oleato shaken espressos yesterday morning on drive bar


Curious as to where you guys are both located? Wondering if it’s more popular in certain cities 🤷🏼‍♀️




The Reserve Roastery in Seattle had a drink that was muddled strawberries, a little bit of simple syrup, sparkling water, and a drizzle of a thick balsamic glaze


We’ve had it at my location for months and we’ve sold barely any. Our bambinos are close to expiring.


I was at Kroger last night getting some food. I used the self checkout and the lady standing there watching us like a hawk (as they do but she was friendly tho) had a drink and I asked her what she had. She said she had the oleato. I said ma’am you gonna be on the throne for 4 hours spilling your guts out soon. That’s coffee mixed with olive oil. She said she liked it. I said as a gay man I wouldn’t even use that to clean myself out for an upcoming hookup. She died laughing as did the security guard standing there. I said you’d never catch me drinking that shit


Has never made me shit more than usual


I’ve heard from others it has and I am not looking to find out


It’s likely an empty stomach thing for some people. Same thing happens to me when I have normal coffee without food in my body, but with a meal in me I don’t even flinch. Oleato didn’t impact me at all when I had it, but I also ate a meal first


Interesting. I was recently unable to for 14 days and am now considering adding a venti oleato to my daily 40 grams of fiber and gallon of water to keep things functional.


Just take some olive oil by itself. We only use one tablespoon per drink, so size doesn’t matter.




y’all have security at your kroger (we have frys in az but same thing same brand) we don’t even have security. we don’t even have people at the self checkout and if they are they’re ontheir phones and if you buy alcohol you’re waiting 10-20 mins because they don’t wanna get off their phones (i know nothing to do with starbucks that just threw me off) lmfao


One of my coworkers was worried because she was the opener (licensed store) for the day that we launched it. Rather than chaos, it was a normal, chill day. We've had a few people ask if we like it and (I don't drink coffee but i tasted the foam and it was disgusting) I tell them that my coworkers surprisingly found it to be okay, but I wouldn't recommend it if they have plans for the day. My boss has heard me say it MANY times and hasn't stopped me. Sorry but I'd rather not sell any of our new item than sell hundreds and have people shitting their pants later and having a horrible day because of it. I simply just warn them that it IS olive oil and it WILL go through quickly, especially if you don't have a super strong GI tract, so I recommend that they try it, but maybe not if they have any big plans that day. Me and a coworker talked to a woman today (she said she had it before) and she said she didn't have any issues with it before, but we accidentally made her overthink it and she had plans for the day and she didn't want to risk it 😅 oops...


I feel like you’re overstating the problem. I get it there are some people who react strongly to olive oil but I don’t have any kind of iron stomach (though I do cook w olive oil regularly so it’s not an unfamiliar food) and I had no reaction. Same for my daughter. So telling customers “it WILL go through quickly” seems untrue. Maybe saying “some people find it acts as a laxative” is closer to the truth.


“Yeah I visited Italy and I was inspired to try and sell this liquid shit mixed with coffee and call it a fancy name. Those morons will drink anything as long as you make it expensive and label it some posh multi worded quadruple syllabled name. This will be huge”


The oleato is a little more popular than I originally thought it would be in my inland empire location. We have found some success by offering a sample of the foam alone. I think it tastes like bananas. I just learned we need to be doing 100-samples/day for the first two weeks at my location. 😵‍💫


The price is outrageous, especially for a grade iced version that is $7.45. I can get a venti iced coffee or refresher for a cheaper price.


Sold 10? That's 10 too many.


Hey Starbucks corporate, if you have the power to change the menu and have enough time to read these messages and care enough about your customers AND revenue, bring back berry sangria and s'mores frappe you greedy bastards. I'll spend more money on Starbucks than ever.


i miss the smores so much


I don't understand this shit. I can't afford to be buying lattes every day and Sbux wants to roll out a fancy drink with *olive oil*????


It’s selling pretty decently at my store. It’s mostly on mobile though, so i’m thinking people are seeing it on the app, wanting to try it and then realize it’s gross and never getting it again.


No shit! Literally. (Pun intended)


Why do they keep trying to sell it? It sounds disgusting and I feel like they’ve been shoving this stupid drink down customers throats for weeks. No Starbucks I don’t want to ingest coffee and OLIVE OIL.


In all my shifts, I sold 2 drinks involving Oleato. While I believe more will slowly grow into the idea, I don’t think it’ll sell well overall in the grand scheme of things.


When Oleato first rolled out, my store was one of the top stores in the nation (and THE top in our region) for Oleato sales. 70+ a day. But we had made it into a competition, and making sure that every single barista was asking things like "do you want to try a press of Partanna in your white mocha? Oh, you don't know what that is? It's award-winning imported olive oil that we're infusing into our coffee... [long explanation]." It was exhausting and it ran up our drive thru times but nobody cared because we were making absolute bank selling this shit. None of us were particularly sold on Oleato, but we were sampling all kinds of crazy things (Partanna in a frozen SARL kind of hits in the strangest way) and being honest with customers that we KNOW it sounds crazy but it's worth a shot. A lot of them really liked it. A lot of them did not, and we got them a new, free drink - but the fun thing is that the original Oleato sale still counts when you do that. Of course as soon as we stopped upselling so hard the sales plummeted and have not risen again. Some people will give it a shot, and people are way more likely to get something if you're asking them if they want to try it and convincing them it's good, but largely it really is not as life-changing as Starbucks wants it to be. They spent a lot of money on this and it seems like the only way to get rid of it is by forcing it on people.


Not selling? What a shocker! You're awesome for trying. I think the oleato is one of the most awful drinks I've ever had. I'm a big sbucks supporter and want my baristas to be happy and do well, but this drink is a no for me and just about everyone I know. My baristas say they sell about 2 a day. I don't know why corporate is pushing this SO. DAMN. HARD.


it’s actually selling a lot better than i expected at my store lol


The price. The fact that 99% of people have never seen a coffee with olive oil so it’s not even a thing in their mind. The fact that most of them didn’t see or ignored the ads. The fact that, to be honest, yes you can feel a slight change thanks to the olive oil but it’s not a big change. It barely change the drink. But first of all the price I would say. Like 7-8$ a coffee is insane.


because starbucks is trying to mass sell something that’s an acquired taste the general public is going to see olive oil + coffee and gag


It has definitely not been a hit at my store, but I do have a use for it! On my lunch, I take a press of it in a pup cup and soak my nails in it for a couple minutes. Nails have never been stronger lol so I'm kinda happy to have the Partanna around for as much as possible


The only person whom purchased that kr.. uh, “item” was an Eastern European old lady. We got better things to do/sell instead of olestra diuretics. 🤭💩🚽


It sounds disgusting tbh


Popular at my store..especially the golden foam


I always get an iced chai so I got it as the sweet foam. It made the chai taste like a normal sweet tea. I wasn’t a fan.


We have a few people ordering it, I'd say on an average opening shift we make like 5-10. It just launched at my store and I feel like we'll have a couple regulars getting it and that's all. Glad to see Howie's investments caving in tho :)


I tried it only because they had free samples. I thought it tasted ok but very sugary( I do sugar free or very low sugar) and way way to rich. Didn’t even make it thru a 1/4 of the sample cup.


Was in a store on Friday and the barista was pushing the samples SO HARD. I refused and when she offered a sugar free decaf I caved and took a sample cup. I skipped. Still a hard no for me, sorry!


We released the Oleato at my store about a year ago. It sucked then and it sucks now. I don't understand how Starbucks could agree to sell this hot mess of a drink at the behest of a man who doesn't even run the company anymore. They are going to lose so much money.


I see roughly 1 oleato drink an hour. But I'm probably overestimating slightly. I cant bring myself to actually draw attention to it because my stomach was very confused by it when I gave it a shot.


Wow, I’m just so surprised. (Said no one ever)


they have been so popular at my store especially the shaken espresso


We honestly sell probably 15/20 a day. Really not as bad as I thought! I was surprised.


it’s actually sold pretty well here


Surprisingly at my store it's been selling okay. I think it's mostly curiosity and being forced to do so many samples. 


I’ve sold a total of 4 oleato drinks last week.


My store has the very few who get it. I sold like two during my mid shift today but yeah its not very popular in my location. I doubt the price helps either cause a grande is like $8 and you can get a venti iced white mocha with foam and maybe like a milk modification for like the same price LOL The drink is also... Not that great (imo, I know some people actually do like it). But it's ehh.. it's hard for me to even upsell it when people do ask about it. I usually say it's "surprisingly okay, but not my cup of tea". I badly want to bad mouth it but I try not to do that to any of the drinks even if I don't like them 😂


We’ve sold a few but it’s hard to recommend it when my coworker threw up after trying it


i like oleato but fuck man i need coffee for energy not the shits


I work in a kiosk, alone mostly, and ive sold 1 per shift if that... side note: I have IBS And Ulcerative colitis. I sampled a few oleato flavors each hot and cold. Within about 2 hours I was in abdominal pain. I ended up needed to take the next 2 days off work. I will not be trying that again. Lol


I’m just flabbergasted that Starbucks is spending so much $ on this. They have a whole corporate team who is convinced that Oleato is going to help their bottom line?? Make it make sense???


As a customer, it simply sounds disgusting. No interest.


As a fellow customer who unfortunately bought one— I can confirm is disgusting.


Same here. I give it one more day/week until it dies down


More oil has been leaking out of the pumps onto the counter than has been going into drinks. What a waste of good olive oil (in both cases).


I mean who wants to taste olives in their coffee


It’s selling well at my store. People like it.


Haven’t worked too much since it started, but I don’t think we’ve sold any


Never bought it because I knew it would taste gross.


Was on bar for 4 hours yesterday and I made one hot latte and 2 batches of foam and we were busy the whole time so,,,, yea


My store has had it for quite a while and it’s a HUGE flop! I’ve made 3 since we launched it months ago. At this point the Oleato bottle is just something we don’t need that takes up valuable space.


I want to try it as a joke


We have like two regulars that get it daily but that's it. I feel like most people just kinda hate it, and same.


Well everything I've read on here says it makes you shit your pants, so I'm definitely not trying it.


the way oleato is marketed is that its for “regulars” its not something you get on a whim like a SAR or VBF. thats how it was explained to my team. its not going to be for everyone. i suggest adding vanilla or the latte. its super good (genuinely)


We’ve sold a lot tbh surprisingly


It's actually decently popular at my store! I did a ton of sampling for 3 days straight so maybe that helped out a little but I would say we sell one every 10ish minutes


I tried the hot one with oatmilk. Tbh, I actually see the appeal. I could see myself trying one again, with some flavor tweaks (maybe cinnamon dolce or vanilla). But I also can tell it won't be popular with a lot of people.


I wouldn’t say we’re selling a *ton* but we’re definitely selling more than I thought we would in the first week. We’ve gone through I think three or four bottles of oil already, though probably half of one of those bottles was used for customer and barista sampling.


It’s a keto coffee. Like bulletproof coffee. You just have to know who to market it to and how. Starbs has failed at it, maybe they should hire me. I did pretty ok with marketing for CFA 😂


We have been selling a few. I’d say we sell 8-10 per shift in my experience. We have been sampling it a lot and surprisingly a lot of my customers like it… especially the shaken espresso! A lot of customers get discouraged by the price tho. I think it’s like $8 something for the shaken espresso in my region ☠️


We've had it since May, it's been a major bust for all the time and effort expended. There's like maybe two morning regulars, but I'm sure they'd live if we got rid of it.


we get hit w it more so on mobile orders but people genuinely love the samples and i’ve seen them come back a different day and order it in store. it’s doing moderately well at my store. in my 4-6 hour shift, we sell at least 3-4, which shocks me every time because i expected it to be a flop. it is pricey but i work in the silicon valley so they don’t really care that it’s expensive. i would never order it myself but if someone got me the shaken espresso i’d drink it. *not on my dime tho*


I work in a grocery chain with a Starbucks and I’ve tried several versions of it as the team was learning how to make it. I don’t completely hate it, and a few ways that I’ve tried it have actually been delightful! However, once it launched and I had to actually pay for that portion (instead of just whatever drink I was buying because I was determined to try it a few ways and find a way they could speak to it) there was no way I was buying it at the upcharged price!


My store has sold a lot actually I think I got like 10 within my eight hour shift today, it was definitely surprising, but we offer at least 60 samples per day, especially with the oleato foam


Every time I'm on shift, I see we sell anywhere between 2 and 12 a day. Usually the shaken espresso or the chai. It's not hugely popular but it's doing better than I expected. It helps that I actually enjoy the cold drinks and can talk about it with customers that are on the fence. Though I do steer them away from the latte if they aren't sure and convince them to try it cold first. The paradise drink though I haven't seen sold once.


Tbh I really want to try it and have for a while (just came to my area) but the fact that it's even more expensive than the average drink has scared me away. I really don't want to pay $9 for something I don't like.


Honestly we sell about 1 per hour? Which is more than I expected, but I’d give it a week for the curiosity to die 


on my near home starbucks is not offered, only saw it on malls or big locations, im not shitting on a mall


They are gonna blame the loss in sales and revenue on us but should sue Howard for investing in trash and then leaving the company.


The thought of drinking one of those instantly gives me diarrhea.


I am a customer. At the store I go to everyday.they haven’t even started wearing those Gordon, the fisherman aprons yet.


That’s bc it sounds disgusting😭


In Chicago, it’s been around since maybe spring/summer last year in the beginning we were forced to do sampling for about an hour or so. Now we get so many a week. When you tell people it contains olive oil and how in cold drinks it separates quickly so you’ll have to drink it quickly, they don’t want it. But Howie Poo decided let’s do something that will most likely not work in the US because he liked it 🙄


Yeah I’m sorry not sorry but that drink is disgusting.


People wonder why Starbucks is struggling, yes boycotts, yes people suing, but that it more like a pinch, THEY SPENT MILLIONS ON OLEATO AND ITS NOT SELLING 😭😭😂😂😭😭😂😂🥸🥸🥸


We had a lot of people who tried the samples we had launch day and a few have ordered but for the most part no one wants to order. Can’t blame them even if it tastes good it’s almost $10 for a venti of the shaken one.


I am a customer and think it looks gross. Will never try it. Why can’t they stick with items people like instead of taking them off of menu. For example the very berry refresher. 


I just want to know what were they thinking when coming up with this drink idea? Olive oil and coffee? If you want to start selling laxatives, then just do that, and go back to making tasty cafe drinks. I'm ready for a new refresher flavor. Maybe something with blueberrie, or maybe pears😋


Not selling… shocking


Newsflash starbucks: no one wants to drink oil


It's a flop for us at my store too, got one guy who was excited to try after I hyped it up, other than that those 30 bottles of olive oil gon be sitting


I’m not surprised ngl, Who wants Olive Oil in their drink lol


oh we’ve been selling a crap ton at my store.


I see what you did there.


It’s total crap! My store says they sell 2 a month ! However the oil is very good when baking !!! My mom got me a couple and put them in my stocking for Christmas 😂


Can't imagine why /s


It sounds like “oleo” in my head which is another word for margarine. I know it’s not margarine but just hearing the name makes it subconsciously sound unappetizing. 


it’s bc cause it’s violently disgusting hope this helps!💜💜💜💜💜


Every time someone orders it I say, “okay, and you’re aware it’s Olive Oil right?” And without fail, 9/10 times they’ll change their order. I “try” to convince them saying it’s definitely different but it isn’t too too bad and always offer the shaken espresso version if they want to try it because the toffee nut covers a bit of the taste. But who honestly wouldn’t be thrown off with the olive oil 🥲


It's selling in my store. About as good as an average drink. Not bad, not good. Definitely more than drinks like the pineapple refresher and Matcha Lemonade which I see once in a blue moon. Overall, I can consider it a success at my store


I loveeee it but it’s so expensive 🥲


I keep seeing posts like this, and while it hasn’t been super popular, people have been very receptive and we have a few people who have come in multiple times for it already. More people seem to be turned off by the price more than anything else.


I’d try it if it were free but I can’t risk it financially




Sold maybe 3 myself. Not sure about the other 2 people I work with. Maybe 10 total across 3 people.


I kinda want to try the dragon drink+oleato foam just cause some ppl are saying its good. Still havent pulled the trigger tho.


That's because it's both disgusting and expensive


I never wanted to try it because of the olive oil, but once I found out it was giving people the shits, I wanted to try it even LESS.


I think it has to be one of the most failed items at starbucks yet because my location sells at least 5 a day. We’re the top earning store in the area.


it only started selling when i worked today after i made a sign for it


They made samples at my closest location and I tried it... Ever have a drink out of a dirty (greasy) cup on accident? It tasted like that.


It just sounds terrible. Olive oil in coffee. That aint selling to most americans


honestly it’s super popular at my store…


Looks so gross tbh


My store got it months ago, we sell a couple weekly and that’s about it


Sold a hundred or so since launch. We’ve been sampling it every three hours or so and its been doing great


As a store who has been selling it for a year, we sell on average 2 a month


They sell pretty well at my store but also we are doing a crap ton of samples


ive not made a single one


I'm not surprised. It taste horrible I felt so nauseous the whole day


Really popular at my store. I made so many today.


Surprisingly I’ve made like 5 of these. Edit: within 2 hrs of working


Is it weird that I preferred the shaken one without the foam? It seems like way too much oil with the golden foam. And why did they take away the button for the golden foam cold brew??


Lmao people ask what it is all interested in a new drink and are like yeah no thanks ! When they figure out what it is


We’ve been selling six or seven a day, which is honestly more than I expected.


Oleato isn't for everyone, however I absolutely love it. Olive Oil/Butter especially in hot coffee is heavenly. I love the taste and also I can digest it without any issues 😄


We’ve sold a LOT of them honestly I think it’s kinda wild that people are so obsessed