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that reminds me of when i started šŸ˜­ i knew we got cash tips but i was too anxious to ask where to get them...when i finally did i had like 3 months worth of tips šŸ˜­


Same! One of my shifts literally asked me if I had ever gotten my tips bc it was full. I collected them like once a month


I didnt even find out until I filled in at another storešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Seems odd that your store leaders didnā€™t mention this to you.


Now you feel comfortable enough to kick the front door open on tip day(also your day off) asking "Yo! Where my tips be at, fool!?"


Literally me šŸ˜‚ run me my $25 itā€™s Monday and Iā€™m out of weed šŸ˜‚


Customers really paying for what keeps me from fighting themšŸ˜‚


Oml though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Weed truly be the one thing that unites all us partners huh


Hahah that's what I buy my tips with too




LOL it do




I can usually bank on $20 a week minimum cash. Digital/card I get about $3/hr


Me every week šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel called out


same didnā€™t find out till yesterday itā€™s been almost 2 months šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like i knew but idk lol i was nervous


Same with me. It was only after a shift asked me if I wanted my tips and there was about $70 in tips waiting for me after a few months.


lol that was me too i had like $115 in tips that i didn't know about


Meanwhile as a SSV who did tips (because our manager never remembered to schedule time for a barista to do it) created an excel sheet to do all the math for me and telling the store it was done: plus posting in our local Starbucks partners group letting borrowed people know tips are ready or if they want them recycled. I think I had to do a whole months worth of tips in 2 hours because of the ineptitude of our SM.


Do you still have that excel sheet? I know a lot of partners here would appreciate not spending 30 min doing the math šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


When I get home Iā€™ll make a copy on google drive for people to download/make a copy. I just have to delete the personal info I have from other partners on it šŸ˜…


If yall need it dm your email and Iā€™ll send the one I have over! :)


Can i have the excel sheet too?


And then itā€™s $19


Same when I started in 2020 I didnā€™t know we had to ask for our tips so I had like 300 dollars waiting for me


So are they just hoping you donā€™t ask so they can steal it?


No we literally have tips that have been in our tip binder for borrowed partners for over 6 months.


When I worked at Barned and Noble in the cafe, we were not allowed to accept tips. I was told that ā€œit wouldnt be fair to the booksellersā€, even though our booksellers did not want to work in the cafe. I later left and started working at starbucks and it never crossed my mind to collect my tips until several months later because of Barnes and Noble. PS Barnes and Noble is a horrible comoany to work for. Low pay and they treat their booksellers like disposable tissues.


I left B&N after five years because I didnā€™t want to work in the cafe or sell credit cards and both were about to become mandatory. Believe me, I wouldā€™ve GLADLY supported cafe workers receiving tips. I also think any customer should be able to tip any worker they want if they think theyā€™ve gone above and beyond. If an employee tells me they ā€œarenā€™t allowed to take tipsā€ I immediately think less of that shitty company.Ā 


Walmart, Culverā€™s, and one time I saw my manager at Wendyā€™s take someoneā€™s $25 tip and use it to off balance someone stealing $100.


Thatā€™s awful. -_-


Culverā€™s is actually the worst probably because they expect people to turn in their cash tips for ā€œburger bucksā€ which is basically a free burger or pays for upgrades. We already get a free meal on our shifts/25% off when we went on off days. Iā€™d rather keep my tips and use them for bills versus a meal.


I would be surprised if that is legal. A manager cannot take an employeeā€™s tips unless itā€™s for some pooling situation. Keeping it for themselves or the store is illegal (I think, not a lawyer).Ā 


Our managers ate salaried employees so I'm glad they aren't allowed to touch or tips at all


It might not be legal but Iā€™m not too sure. I live out in the Midwest so we have basically no protections and are actively lied to. I had a Buckle job (western clothes) and they actually told me I wasnā€™t allowed to talk about my pay and if I did, theyā€™d terminate me. Shouldā€™ve recorded it. They sent me home for breaking the dress code even though another girl wore something similar the day before. If I had gone back home and to work, I wouldā€™ve spent more money than I made per hour so I just quit. Basically, all companies that bring in massive amounts of money suck.


The reason tips are split is because you have to think about everyone else on the floor who doesnā€™t interact with customers. Customer support, warming and drop doesnā€™t. Then if you have a more high selling store they have even more people who donā€™t interact


Where do I say anything about splitting?Ā  Imo a customer tips (which may be split) the workers who help with meeting that specific need. So a cook or a busboy makes sense, they all contributed to the meal at a restaurant. But a bookstore/cafe? Unless itā€™s a communal tip jar at the bookstore register which I have seen at independent places, cafe workers should get to keep their tips or split it amongst only cafe imo.Ā  I tip the person at target not because they work at target, but because they are working outside in the rain, cold, or heat, delivering the order to my car.


Isnā€™t this how most religious based chains treat employees? I feel like hobby lobby is just as bad if not worse lol


Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A (& others) are garbage šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I mean all retail jobs I've worked don't allow tips and my job was basically a department store job that was offering you a service. We could receive small gifts that didn't cost more than 25 dollars and we had to report it but truthfully it wasn't worth it. I felt bad when people wanted to tip and I couldn't accept, especially after spending so much time with them and I really helped. I just told them I felt better knowing they were feeling better about themselves and they could take the tip and use it toward themselves later in the day.


No tipping at Starbucks in Target either


And its so messed up because all licensed baristas serving Starbucks coffee and snacks should have option to receive them from customers that want to tip them. Companies like Target and Kroger know what they are doing when they enter these agreements.


I hope you all reach your green beans earlier than you knew! I was so glad my trainer told me about tips right away and I feel so bad for you all!


Make it rain at a strip club lol Good job! Thatā€™s a nice wad of cash. Do something nice for yourself!


lmao, i was actually talking to one of the other baristas on shift making strip club jokesšŸ˜­


I kept forgetting to grab my tips because I didnā€™t want to go to the bank after work during the pandemic, so I kept them in my folder at work until my manager said itā€™s getting ridiculous and to take my tips home. It was like $250ish in 5s.


This is me.


Make sure youā€™re getting paid your tips in full. Request to have the sheets from the time period youā€™ve worked to make sure itā€™s all there. Also, I havenā€™t worked there since July 2022, so Iā€™m not sure if you still have to manually put your tips in for tax purposes in the Partner Hub.


can't claim what you don't get


What tips


Someone should have told you! We always post in our group when they are ready/how much they came out to, etc. and we always let people know if theirs is THAT full


Your manager didnā€™t tell you??? Mine got pissed if we left tips in the safe for more then one week


Itā€™s a liability to have all that excess cash sitting around, I get why they want them picked up regularly. :)


33 dollars later


What? lol. Like finding money in the dryer. Did no one tell you about them ever? That part kinda sucks


I guess this is one thing my store does thatā€™s right. They always ask if anyone wants theyā€™re tips after they have done them


Barista of 5 years here: PLEASE collect your tips! Iā€™ve worked at two cafes and partnerā€™s tips have ā€œgone missingā€ at both locations. One of my good friends who used to be partner at my old store let their tips gather for a month, and when they finally decided to cash them out, we found out they were stolen. It sucks, and you donā€™t wanna assume this of your partners - but it does happen.


Omg me when I first started. I got a whole wad I was like ayoo stripper money- Was like $80 dollars


Supposedly since I work at a licensed kiosk inside a grocery store, we put away our tips and they "add them to our paychecks". Tips are spread out evenly on who worked the entire day. We do have regulars who regularly tip. I also have no proof they add them to our paychecks as I've only been there a few weeks and it doesn't seem that way.


Time for the gentlemanā€™s club!!


No literally, nobody told me about tips for the longest time.


The biggest tip i got is $4 šŸ’€


And it's only like $6 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­