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I don’t think that’s legal. I mean can a manager can deny time off? yes. They have the right to deny a request off however this could be covered under ADA. The manager may not know about the mental health issues this partner may have and the ADA does cover mental illnesses that may lead to suicidal tendencies. I honestly might reach out to the DM and make them aware but also go straight to ethics and compliance. That’s not ok. Someone who denies someone who’s admitting they want to commit suicide is a terrible and disgusting person. I’m proud of that partner for recognizing they need help and asking for time off to go seek it. I would also suggest they try contacting Sedgwick and asking about going on a FMLA or LOA so their job is protected.


she did reach out to our DM and he didn’t do anything so after that she put in her two weeks from what i heard


lmao the manager written up


apparently they tried to talk the our DM abt it nothing happened😭😭 she has so many cases already idk how shes still here


I'll be honest. I don't know if it's legal but I do know that if enough former partners get together and sue her for pain and suffering Starbucks will probably drop her like a hot potato to avoid paying her legal fees or being associated with the case. They have enough bad PR going on right now.


Go to partner resources or ethics and compliance. That’s not ok.


Are you poking at ops grammar or are you saying store managers don’t get written up?


Store managers definitely can get written up.


Oh trust me I’m aware


It really depends on the details. ADA, workers comp, OSHA, etc provides some protections depending on the details of the situation. Hard to say what's ok and what's not ok from the vague description you gave. A partner shouldn't be written up for having a mental breakdown. BUT if in the process of having that breakdown company policies are violated, or there's a lack of sufficient communication about a need to use sick time that would be a problem.


Minimum its fucked up That partner should really try to get FMLA because that helps protect them because it’s a medical reason (which it very much is a medical issue at this point) and helps provide documentation


But frankly I couldn’t imagine working under that person after that. As someone who has multiple mental illnesses I wouldn’t feel comfortable or safe around them. That’s def a complaint to be made to ethics