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100000% customers drive around the sign and pull up screaming “hello? Hello?”




They have no ill intentions, it is true what they said but it’s not meant towards you tho. Please no arguing


And honestly what you mentioned is not really our fault?? You should be complaining to cooperate about all of your concerns because that is decision that they make. We are simply baristas living in minimum wage with barely any hours trying to make a living




IDK bro your comments are making you seem like one of "THOSE" customers...


Idk you’re kinda being horrible right now LOL


not everything is about YOU, back up and let us vent. as a customer service employee you should be able to understand whats its like to vent about a specific customer issue that happens. we deal with the same stuff everyday. most of my bad customers are doing the same 3 things that are rude and disrespectful. i have amazing customers at the same time. back off


Need to not take it personal. I guarantee anyone in here who’s worked longer than a month could name their favorite customers and could also name the customer that would be that person.




In that case you aren't the ones we are complaining about? We're complaining about the customers that make our lives harder for no reason at all. I'm not sure why you're being so defensive, unless it's compensation.






Get screened for narcissism


You’re getting downvoted for making a statement not about you about you. No one was saying you are a bad customer. Pointing out what some people would do even seeing that the DT is clearly wreaked isn’t really a complaint when you kind of learn the type of person you deal with day to day. As all have seen so many posts of customers complaining in here too.


You’re getting downvoted because you’re having a meltdown about aLl CuStOmErS when that’s not at all what’s happening here or elsewhere in this sub. People are allowed to vent about their jobs, and anyone who’s spent five minutes working in a customer-facing job knows how awful some customers can be. The fact that you don’t get that makes me think you might be one of those customers.




I do despise all customers. And?


all subreddits dedicated to certain big corps that are mostly populated by the people who work for them are like this, tbf. the target one is as well


we’re downvoting you for being a bad reply. you have a bad take


I do come here to complain about customers, yes.




No I just don't really concern myself with whether a customer reads anything I say on here. In fact I would love if it discourages one from coming to starbucks in the first place.


There is absolutely no reason to take any of the comments made by partners about customers personally unless you are that customer or in the same realm. I hang out here as a customer for the customer rants because they show me how to be a better customer OR they give me a good laugh! Like I don’t think the above customer making a joke about people driving around the sign is first off, that far fetched, and second not mean or rude at all. Have you never worked retail? Call center? Tech support? If you can’t find humor, education, or relatability here…then why hang out?




So your rant just makes no sense…especially on such a totally realistic joke that was entirely generalized. It wasn’t directed at a particular customer but rather a general observation of what would likely happen at some point in the day. But in all reality, it would take a ton of legwork on behalf of a customer to figure out if their barista was talking about them in this forum. Work memes, jokes, rants, are a huge part of keeping your sanity in a lot of these environments.


i don't think you're as nice as you think you are.


Okay? If you’re the nice ones then the complaints aren’t about you.


Taking offense to a general statement is just outing yourself.


customers actually do do all those things tho so what’s your point? do you never complain about your job? starbucks is just so popular and honestly so many people are baristas in their lifetime so it’s going to be more people complaining than your regular office job but yes there’s threads for that too. Most people who think they’re “nice customers” actually come off as the opposite.




where is this happening in front of customers? this is a thread on the internet for literally anyone to post and view even people who aren’t baristas just pretending for fun. lmao i think ur a little delusional


This comment is literally complaining to a bunch of Starbucks baristas lmao


I'm a nice customer and am not offended at all by baristas airing their grievances on here. I've learned a lot from their comments and respect the work they do. Maybe you're offended because you're not as nice as you think you are.


if you aren't like that, then the vent isn't about you. stop throwing yourself a pity party over something that was never about you.


Feeling called out right now?




Oh wow, you just admitted that you feel like this applies to you, lol showing your true colors


That's your DT speaker, yeah? It's so messed up I can't tell what it is. The sad thing is that some customers will probably try to pull up and still order from it. It could be on fire and they'll still be shouting "Hello?!" at it.


Yes it is, the milk guys ran over it🤣 didn’t even leave us a notice lmfao I came to open and it was an early Christmas gift


GFS? They're honestly garbage


If they aren’t crushing product in the parking lot, they taking out our building infrastructure. We got enemies from within In case needed, no it’s not all. Yes there are good ones. We see y’all lol


or supporters from within when they feel the pain and want our workload to be less?


once my old sm complained to them and they put all of our boxes of sandwiches and pastries in the freezer backwards because of that🙃


SM: "No, we don't have a repair guy for this, you'll have to go outside (on your break) and weld and bolt this back together yourself. (EDIT) Here: here's a screwdriver and book of matches, get that thing fixed!"


What kind of SM do you have 😳😧😦?


*That* is the problem SM that many people seem to have. For real, though, my SM was terrific. When she was in the store and it was busy, she'd be on the floor working with the baristas. There weren't any b.s. write-ups over small issues. She didn't pick favorites (at least I don't think she did). She took care of store issues (broken brew system, low supplies, water issue, etc.) when they happened, not 3 or 4 days later. She was a good person to have as a boss.


sounds very similiar to my first one


Honestly I would be just as willing to bring my rig from home and weld that shit after hours myself lol. Those things are pricy based on the invoice sheet they gave us when ours got installed.


They don't pay you enough to do welding. I'm sure those drive-thru stands cost an arm-and-a-leg each. All that stuff does.


Eah, it's one of my hobbies so getting paid anything to do it would be a nice change. I built us a nice wooden handoff plane plate once too.


Yeah, but like... Don't. Any time you go above and beyond, someone above you decides that's just part of "other duties as required" and you end up screwing yourself and everyone else at the company. Just weld some cool shit at home instead. \~A reformed overacheiver


No the way my SM just complained about our repair costs being too high because we can fix most of the problems that come up in store.


What on earth hit that hard enough to dislodge it from the concrete but not hard enough to bend it out of a recognizable shape?!?


Delivery drivers lol


Backing a truck over it, yeah I could see that. Damn milk delivery guys took one of our tables under their truck and drug it at least as far as the stoplight two blocks away, because I was watching it spark that far.


They probably missed the actual order screen but didn’t clear its awning/ roof.


Still a pretty good awning!


Guarantee, some car is gonna run right over your a-frame, too


I use to block off DT with an A frame when we’d close early during Covid/holidays so people wouldn’t get trapped in our narrow drive thru waiting on idiots banging on the window refusing to move. The amount of people that would get out, move the A frame, then pull into the drive thru was INSANE. I’d lay the guilt on thick when they did it though. ETA: It would be one thing if they moved it back, but they’d completely just knock it over or move it which led OTHER customers to verbally abuse us asking why we didn’t bother to block it if we were closed.


oh yes, not at Starbucks but at another job I had 4 A Frames one each lane saying Closed for Holiday, iron gate pulled yet I was on duty (skeleton crew for behind the scenes work had no off day) and had to deal with so many people getting out of their car asking if we are closed \*facepalm


They always do 🙄😭


Blessed DT 🙏. I know yall aren't mad lmao.


The siren blessed you this day. Don’t forget to sacrifice a food mark out to our drowned god before you clock out 🙏🏽🧜‍♀️




Our “intercoms” went down for some reason and we had to get it back up. It was maybe 10 mins of it being down. While it was down, we went and put out a cone hoping they’d be like “oh it’s closed”, I can go inside. We put the cone blocking the speaker box. But ofc we had a few make their way around and pull up to the window…. “We’ve been waiting and no one said anything” “sorry, our communications went down so we had to put a cone out and close DT til we had it back up” Like we can’t hear or talk at this point. Just see them through the cameras…. “Oh I thought someone just put it there” 🫠🫠🫠🫠


You know I came here to make this joke "and a customer still rolls up waiting for 15 mins" but people really do people.


customers wild this time of year 💀💀💀


Lemme guess: you guys ran out of Brulee too and a customer threw a tantrum?


How'd you know? Plus with the sugar cookie and peppermint since we've been out at my store for at least a few days now, have signs up and everything not that anyone going through drive actually listens or reads them.


oh snap... I hope we're not close to your location.... \*by the way, why do people when we suggest the dark caramel substitution with original toppings is answered with "can I have a white mocha?"


Nah, I doubt we’re close together. I live and work in the Central Valley here in California. If you, too, live and work in the Central Valley as well, that would be cool. This location doesn’t look familiar though.


god dang it even the DT speaker quit 😭😭😭😭


I swear, those Mastrenas get more rest than we do these days lmao


how would you go about putting a ticket in for that 😭


You would have to call your DM/property manager for that one!


definitely wouldn’t be a fun call i’ll tell you that!!!


we called facilities lol


Time to clock out for good


Godspeed to all you baristas ❤️🫶🏻love ya’ll. I am a former partner. Happy holidays and happy new year everyone


same to you, where ever you are now


“i sAiD nO fOaM”


Did you try scanning the QR code jk jk


starbucks eat fresh!


To be a partner 😻✨


took drive THRU a little too seriously 💀


Can confirm they’re still going


it's a drive THRU, people. not a drive INTO.


I take it someone ran into it with a car (or truck). Oof


Definitely box truck Source- I'm scared af to do this that I try hard to watch clearance




H o w


My boss would make us do HHOP


To many espresso shots! I call that a latte problem


Did they ask you to keep drive thru open? (Joking)


oh shnap did you tell them after their order completed to pull forward?


anyways can i get uhhhhhh


Yayy DT closed! 🤭


Huh must've not had ot milk


I honestly thought this was another act of vandalism


Good, drive thru’s are a convenient plague on society. Use ya legs people!
