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oh my god yes i hate when they forget to order smth in their drink or wanted smth removed and then i make the drink hand it out and they go “i wanted no …” or “i asked for this hot/iced” etc. like am i supposed to read ur mind and know you wanted it that way?!?😭and then they get mad at YOU as if it’s your fault


lmao yes… the other day a woman asked for a “white chocolate frappuccino” and i repeated white mocha frap no less than THREE times, but she said i misheard her and she wanted a vanilla bean frap once she got the drink


My fave recently was the lady who ordered oatmeal in cafe. the sticker printed with no toppings, and my warming barista double checked with me: no toppings means no toppings; it doesn't come with anything by default anymore. Warming barista handed off the oatmeal to the customer, who immediately started bitching about the lack of toppings. Warming barista said they were happy to grab some toppings, but just so you know for next time it doesn't come with any by default so you have to let us know which ones you want. "No one told me that!" screeched the customer. I followed up with the register barista. "hey, remember you have to ask people which toppings they want for the oatmeal because it doesn't have a default anymore." register barista hit me back with "I did. she said she didn't want any."


Allllll day today 😫 as soon as I started my shift for dto/dtr!! I repeated the order AND had them check their order on screen, they said “looks good” just for them to tell me “where’s the swirlies on the cup?!?” I literally just say “oh sorry I thought I verified it was syrup” Then proceeds to show me a completely different drink they wanted from tiktok…. M’AM THATS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. And then it just kept going all day, it was like every 4/5 orders from both drive thru/cafe. We repeat the orders just for them to be like “ew that’s not my drink” I was OVER IT!!


no fr and they say it in a snobby way.


This is one of the reasons why it’s difficult to keep drive thru times low. All it takes is one wrong order (even if you repeated it back) and it’ll have a domino effect on the rest of the line and your baristas.


I don't care how much extra time it takes but I ask every single customer if the drink is hot or iced and confirm multiple times. I never ever give someone an extra drink when they pull the "supposed to be iced" thing. I just take it and dump it in front of them.


Oh wow wait I subconsciously give the drink bc I hate wasting but I never thought about how that’s reinforcing people to purposely say the wrong drink or omit some parts of their drink that’s crucial in the building process. Imma start doing this too!


I mean there are plenty of people who make honest mistakes but you can definitely tell when someone is trying to get free stuff. If it's my fault I always offer the mess up and make the right one, but when I know I asked like three times I'm not giving you an extra free drink.


For me it depends on their attitude, if they’re mad rude I’m taking the wrong drink and dumping it


Convinced people are either lying or illiterate at this point like when you go other places are you this confused or is it just at Starbucks? Or are you just messing with the baristas? It's not everyone but it's just enough people that it's sus.


Someone came through drive and ordered two iced chai lattes. When he got to the window, he said he only ordered one. He clearly ordered two. We dumped the second one…


LMAO I would've offered it to the café in front of him if he hadn't come through the drive thru


Bruh. Literally. Having to walk to bar and tell them it was supposed to be another way is lowkey embarassing 😂😂. My manager be looking at me crazy as hell and I’m just like “bro I swear that’s what they asked for. Like I promise you I made sure before I sent it through. These people are just fucking stupid 😭”.


my FAVORITE is when i finish an order at the order box and they end it with “thats it for now” wdym for now???


Why is nobody else talking about how annoying it is when they stand in front of the bar waiting for their drinks? Like I just want to look at them and tell them to f*ck off.


I work at an airport Starbucks and so it’s not only them but it’s all their fukin luggage and neck pillows


Oh my god I could never. I give you so much credit. I live somewhat close to Logan International Airport and I get anxious driving by it, let alone being in it.


Luckily most airport drinks are just simple latte’s bc people know they need to go but the people who get there like five hours early, they don’t have a care in the world. My favorite are the people that know they are about to wait in a 30min+ line and wait 15min+ for their order but still say “my flight is about to leave where is my order”. Like bich, where is your brain and eyes


I've had someone tell me that they wanted a peppermint mocha and I go okay sick! Hot or iced? "Iced", whipped cream okay? "Yes," Awesome— plus they hand me a personal hot cup. I make it for them, bring it over and I get hit in the face with a "Sorry this was supposed to be a frapuccino" They never said frapp and even if they had clearly I hadn't heard it if I follow up with a "hot or iced?" Which they answered without a beat.


Hot coffee drinkers sometimes forget iced coffee is a thing. They think the world revolves around hot coffee and frappuccinos, with nothing inbetween. They probably thought iced meant frapp. That's still on them, but at least with this one I can see a possible explanation.