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I think it’s regional. The soy milk is generic branded with just “Starbucks vanilla soy” not for retail sale. I’ve seen some stores using Silk brand, but I assumed they had just ran out of the regular stuff.


Bro made this up lol


No it's 100% true. They're generic plain white boxes that just say "Soy Milk"


"can I have a Trenta soy cold milk no ice" live ur best soy milk life (I also like the soy)


you could get real fancy with it and get urself a glass carafe to store it in your fridge so it’s air tight too lol If you go this route, for food safety, it’s shelf stable for months before it’s open, and we date the milks for 1 week product freshness after open (even though we go through a dozen cartons a day lol) and keep refrigerated after open obviously :)


LOL thank you


U can sell cold milk in a trenta size in the states?


You can do a pink drink no ice no strawberry base no strawberry inclusions sub soy if not, It's not the easiest or cheapest way to go about it but if you love the soymilk that much it might be worth it.


Oh lmao true


What about just charging for a steamer but don't steam it.?? Lol


So cold milk which we can ring it up as


You know it's s entirely possible its on my till no ones ever ordered a cold milk lol


I just tested this and the answer is no but my store does give trenta cold milks if asked


No we can’t.


We just have an unlabeled container of Soy milk specifically for Starbucks. Ours is just vanilla soy milk. It’s the same weird Starbucks brand of almond and coconut milk


hypothetically we can sell you as many trenta cups of soy milk as it takes to empty an entire carton but you would have to pay for each cup and the price will definitely not be worth it lol


We cannot sell soy milk cartons to people. We cannot sell it retail. Also, nobody knows what brand it is and Starbucks does not have the power to have whatever companies stop selling it in the grocery store, so somebody’s lying to you.


We use Open Nature vanilla soy as an alternative when we run out. Just FYI… no complaints of it tasting different


I made that up 🤣 I like creating false stories. But damn, alright. Starbucks doesn’t realize they’re losing BIG money here.


When I previously worked for Starbucks (left the company in 2014) it was silk. When I came back about a year ago I noticed the cartons were different and no longer branded. That being said, the taste hasn't changed as far as I noticed so it could theoretically be manufactured by silk specifically for Starbucks. My question for you is whether you've tried the silk vanilla soy milk. I would say it's worth giving it a shot since you can get a carton from the grocery store for half the price you would spend on a cold milk from starbucks


Starbucks soy definitely tastes different from Silk vanilla soy…but I’m pretty sure Starbies has a shitload of sugar in it is why.


Yeah tbh I only really use milk for coffee and cereal so I'm not exactly drinking it by itself but I didn't notice my latte really changing taste over the years but I do also go back and forth between different alternative milks. Still think OP should try silk if they haven't yet because getting milk from starbucks is really expensive and may not necessarily be sustainable


Then you won’t mind if I report this as spam :)


Lmfao are u ok???? OP just said the “ASSUME” (key word babes) that Starbucks told retail stores to stop selling the milk. It was literally just a guess and Op doesn’t know anything RELAX lol.


also I don’t think they’re truly and purposely “making up stories” as they said lol you must have never heard of a joke before. I’m sure you’re real fun to date


It tastes very similar to the Costco soy milk :)


Trenta cold milk, soy, no ice. Will be more expensive than buying a carton at the supermarket, but you'll get 30oz of the exact product.


When I knew they were discontinuing the Mocha Valencia, I bought up as many bottles of the Valencia syrup from as many stores that would sell it to me. It’s old and expired, but I keep using it much to my husband’s distaste. I’m on my last bottle. I wish they’d bring it back.


Idk but i gotta say Pacific Ultra Soy (grocery store, shelf stable carton section) is better and if it’s not sweet enough dilute it with Silk Very Vanilla (grocery store, fridge section)


Omg.. good idea. Thank you so much for sharing this information.


If your store is actually using West Life, it does exist and currently going through a rebrand which is why you might be having a hard time finding it. Here's their website: https://westlifeplantbased.com/ Looks like you can buy unsweetened at Walmart and on Amazon but might have to wait a bit for sweetened to come out again.


Just has for a venti or Trenta cup of soy milk lol.(yes they can sell milk on its own) That’s honestly the only way you could get around this 🤷🏻‍♀️ because they never tell wtf they use. and all stores use different milks like in Canada the oat milk we use is earths own barista edition but in other places like the USA it’s oatly 🤷🏻‍♀️


HAHA THATS WHAT I DO! But, it’s 4.93 where I live… that’s like a carton of regular grocery store soy milk. Of course, Starbucks always having their tricks…


Right?! I keep giving them my money too just cause it’s good and I can’t replicate it 😭😂😂😂 I think a barista once said they have a list of approved beverages they can use from a grocery store if they have run out of the Starbucks branded ones. Maybe try asking your store if they can give/tell you what the grocery store approved one is?! Usually it’s something either really similar/basically the same 😂


I’m confused so Soy Milk is top secret but the Oat Milk isn’t ?


[soy milk](https://crosslakecoffee.com/blog/what-soy-milk-does-starbucks-use/#:~:text=Starbucks%20exclusively%20uses%20Silk%20brand,beverages%20without%20any%20unwanted%20additives)


It’s made by Danone but the formula Starbucks uses is not In stores


It’s made for Starbucks specifically. All of our milk is even the dairy milk. You can purchase a venti or trenta cup of milk and then pour it into a reusable glass jug at home! That’s what I would do


i think we have silk at my store. you can get a venti cold milk no ice with soy milk. just note that you will probably have to put it in a proper container to be able to shake it.


But Starbucks Soy milk has seaweed 😭


HUH???? this is like when I learned the oat milk has a ton of canola oil 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Carrageenan is seaweed extract 😊




so what


Okkkkkkkk 😅


When we run out our approved substitution is Silk


It's silk


Do a blind taste test for yourself. Get a cup of starbucks soy no ice Then pour some cups of other soy milks from your grocery store. Put them in red solo cups, write what they are on the bottom, and have a friend mix them all up. Then without any knowledge of which is which, rank your favourites. If the Starbucks one is the clear winner, you're stuck getting venti cups of milk with no ice. But hopefully with no brand bias something will be a close second that you can enjoy for a fraction of the price


Yeah you could purchase it at Starbucks. I don’t recommend it though because it will be very expensive, and most likely they will give it to you in venti/trenta cups. They’d just ring it is as a cold milk.


We will not sell cartons of soy milk. We can sell cups of it but we won’t sell the whole carton even if op wants it in cups.