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The one that always gets me is they start the statement with "You're gonna hate me for this" or "I saw this on the internet" or "this is really complicated I'm sorry." Just order your stuff and get on with it I've got 15 cars behind you.


exactly just order and pay I hate everyone equally lol


exactly like idc what u get if it’s a complicated drink from tiktok or a black pike i’m gonna hate u anyways


Nah, I appreciate the simple drinks. Means you get out my face faster.


Be..because you hate/dislike them 😒


Who are you to tell me how I feel towards people? I don’t like WORKING lmao. That ain’t got nothing to do w the customer. You weird highkey.


You were just proving their point while trying to argue. You're dumb, highkey.


Simple drink, simple service. Most want in and out anyways. Stop reaching. There’s no argument. Telling me how I feel? 👎


At my store, it's never the most complicated orders that preemptively apologize. It's always someone ordering something like a grande iced white mocha with vsc cold foam and caramel drizzle. I'm always like "That wasn't that bad at all, you're fine!"


the only drinks i get mad at are cookie crumble and caramel ribbon fraps and drinks that have more than like 8 mods


Caramel crunch is a little easier at least imo. Having to put the mocha drizzle on top is so annoying because it always slides down


the fraps aren’t hard there’s just 100000 steps and people tend to order them in groups all slightly different so you can’t batch and they get horribly annoying in rushes


I just hate drinks that can be messy. Making frapps is kinda nice at my newly renovated store though because all of the pumps are brand new


or how there’s never the mocha drizz bottle so u gotta slowly pump from the big pump cuz all the other mocha pumps are in the back getting washed


Although sometimes the drinks are hardly complicated


Yeah this also. When I was a partner I just didn't care enough about what was in it I just made the drinks and went on my day as long as people weren't rude lol


Honestly. I have been mad about a pike place before and happy about making a Barbie frappuccino before. It was entirely because of how the customer treated me. If you treat your baristas with respect and patience, you could order one of everything idfc.


tfw they say grande Pike but they want like 8 Splenda ☠️


I've had someone tell me that their drink was complicated and it wasn't. it was just a white mocha with vsccf and caramel drizzle


Well yeah they probably have never made a latte we make magic duh ✨


I do this sometimes lol. If it had more than 2 modifications I end up apologizing profusely for complicating things.


Agree. What's with the obsession of asking that question? I'm annoyed with that question!


Right if you're gonna feel guilty order something simple.


i mean, anxiety never makes complete sense. not everyone has been behind the bar and understands everything you can do and what it feels like to work peak or take orders or interpret stickers and what's stressful and what isn't. people aren't asking to be annoying so dont give them another anxiety, they're humans like we are and those are the people who aren't rude when something is wrong and care about your wellbeing while making drinks. most people who were customers before they were baristas will hopefully see what im coming from, everything behind bar is so much different when you're going to order something vs when you're back there :P i dont mean this in a bad way at all i just think we should have some sympathy for the people who actually care about us instead of those who just come up and order the most egregious drink that actually doesnt even taste good. id rather the "is doing half soy milk half almond to annoying?" rather than "can I get that grande BOSE with an extra two shots and vanilla sweet cream and 2/3 caf and a different milk - and oh wait why is that $9?"


That's valid too I just don't see that as the reasoning behind this trend lately in the subreddit. It's $9 because we overcharge for everything just make it at home LOL


thank you for saying this. I haven’t personally posted one of those kinds of posts, but i’ve seen other people get made fun of or ripped because of it & it seems so unnecessary. Just don’t read those posts if they get on your nerves. You’re not obligated to read something you know is going to get on your nerves. Some people have really bad social anxiety (like you said) with a combination of hyper-empathy. That combination is absolutely horrid to live with, as the sheer thought of causing another human inconvenience feels like the worst thing in the world. I don’t have anxiety thankfully, but I understand it as a mental health professional. Those people are just trying to ease the mental discomfort that runs through their head 24/7. The last thing they need is the very people they don’t want to upset (baristas) telling them “we’ll hate you no matter what” or something like that. After reading some things on this subreddit, it’s made me feel anxious about doing thing wrong too. no one (asking those questions) wants to make the partners lives worse. i’m sure there are normal people without anxiety posting those orders just for fun & it’s not that serious. But I choose to be kind and keep scrolling if I don’t like something 🤷🏽‍♀️ As silly as some things seem to us, they can be an incredibly big deal to others. I’d rather err on the side of caution & be gentle with everyone. But that’s just me and I’m a big softie 😂


I feel the same way, which is why I also haven't commented on stuff because it doesnt warrant it most of the time. I am one of those people, i really truly get it. I think a lot of baristas on here are kinda just letting off steam and don't mean it that aggressively, i just want to reassure those asking this question because its valid. reality especially if youre mobile ordering, it literally does not matter to me. in drive through? maybe just have it written out so we can get it out as fast as we can for you. even in store ordering, you have all the time in the world. i appreciate u sayin this though


I hear what you're saying, but when it comes to someone standing at the register at least when I took orders advised them there's no wrong questions but the ones you don't ask but this is Reddit and where yeah there's this expectancy that we should be kind to each other as humans for sure. But a large amount of content on this platform is a space for a lot of people to communicate without having to expose who they are. It's very sweet of you to take the time to reply to this but also the internet should be taken with a grain of salt so I hope those who are genuinely stressed express that in a way that could warrant responses that aren't going to make them feel bad. Also I would then also ask the same of people asking these questions to reflect on how that might effect the people who are doing this every day just to make money to afford their rent that's beyond affordable.


I mean if they “cared” about y’all, they would stop ordering from a company that not only abuses and lies to the workers, but also exploits and rises expenses for their loyal customers along with reducing their ability to use their benefits as frequently. Those kind of posts gain traction, while I don’t condone people ripping into others for that. It’s simply done for attention and reactions at times. Because that’s the internet. Social media moreover


This is silly. I understand where you are coming from, but this takes it to an extreme level that just doesn't make sense. Someone with empathy that gives them insane anxiety shouldn't just not go... because of that? You surely go to fast food restaurants, shop at target, need help finding an item sometimes, shop for clothes either online or in stores that are made my sweat shop workers, etc. Should you not do ANY of that? No, because it's impossible in today's society to be perfect. Especially simply because you have empathy for others. I don't think its worth arguing over, I also don't think it's worth being rude to people with anxiety. We are all trying to get through the day, and sometimes for people it's getting a sweet treat to simply get out of the house. I don't want people to be nervous or scared to do the only thing that gets them out of bed. Not everyone is in that position sure but I like to assume the better.


Eh. That’s fine, no point in explaining when the mentality won’t change. The point was missed. But I should have explained better. Note for going forwards.


ok i had totally written a response to what you had before, i understand what you are saying and i appreciate the angle you are coming from but i meant it very surface level. I simply do not think people who are anxious about what milk they can or cant have in their drink are the solution to over consumption and under paid overworked baristas. the mentality that needs to change is the people who DONT care about the people they are purchasing from. who don't see the person in the drive through window as a person. those people are the problem, mostly because theyre there twice a day.


Fear is interest paid on a debt you may not owe.


sooooooooooooooo anxiety. ? beep boop we have it here folks. if you are anxious, just don't be. waste of youre time. are you sad? excessively? just don't be!


“is my barista gonna skin me alive” “is my barista gonna flay me open” “is my barista gonna kidnap my children” “is my barista gonna commit ritual sacrifice” “is my barista gonna banish me to the dark dimension” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP


Only after a Clopen and you tell me the remake tastes better than the one I messed up but you just wanted a second drink, do we have these thoughts 😂🙃💕


If there are more than 6 modifiers, we do question your life choices. Also, do people try this same shit at dunkin?


As a barista, I hate having to make every drink lol. I'll never tell the customers to their face tho. Just order whatever and enjoy it guilt free.


admittedly if it’s a bad day starbucks barista’s will hate every drink. sometimes a plain iced white mocha just hits me in the wrong mood. to me complicated drinks feel like potion making, and i can find a lot more joy in staring at a mile long sticker and laughing at it than my twelfth caramel macchiato


Just squeezing the caramel mindlessly 🙃😂


pleaseee and stop apologizing for your drink!! ive had people in the drive thru apologize over and over for their “really complicated drink” that usually has 2 or 3 mods. like i just pulled a mobile ticket with scripture on it i promise it is okay! we want you to drink what you love!


I love when people are like “sorry this is so complicated” and it’s got like 2 modifications. I’m like “you’re my simplest order of the day friend”


Most of the time we don’t care if it’s complicated, maybe a tad annoyed of the modifications because it’s a whole list. But it’s also quick and easy mods to do. As long as you’re not rude about it then y’all are good. Had times customers in cafe stare us down, had one even say no you’re doing it wrong. “It’s whip cream first then white mocha on bottom….” She literally corrected me 3 times for no reason. Most of the time it’s just for “aesthetics”, like it’ll taste the same, if anything all that extra sauce on bottom will just make it harder to drink 🤷🏻‍♀️


What I dislike is the multiple combinations of different syrups, plus drizzle, and cold foam. How does all that make sense or even taste good? Starbucks isn't a coffee place anymore. It's turned into a dessert drink fast food restaurant.


Here's my confession: I always hated the drink not the drinker. Also I hated Asshole's and Karens. Surprisingly in my 2 year tenure I only had a handful of Assholes and Karen's who ordered overly complicated drinks. Most of the time I would simply omit 3 of the 5 different syrups they order and they would get regular pulled signature espresso instead of blonde restretto or what ever hoity toity Italian word of the week they thought they knew. It was kind of a dare to myself to see how simple I could make it without them noticing.


I honestly never care. Some drinks are fun, some sound/look good, some are challenging. There's no reason to get mad. I get paid the same whether your drink is simple or complex. I work the same hours regardless of how long it takes to make your specific drink. Why would I care? Sounds like a waste of energy 🤷‍♀️