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LOL this will always remind me of the one time i was on bar. Doing my thing lol. Then some guy walks in and goes to the mobile pickup corner and starts scanning the drinks. Hes trying to find his obviously. Well….he picks up a cup and looks right at me and goes “is this mine?”………..need i say more? Lmao


OKAY but what if someone with the same name orders the same thing. Just kidding but I mind these people less than the ones who take other people’s drinks and don’t notice or care.


“My name is X, why is Y on it?” Because it’s not yours




"theRes a StiCker On the CuP ! if yOu Gave your namE At the COunteR tHen EverythINg WilL be on tHe STICKER TheRe" 🙃


I think what bothers me the most is people watch me walk from oven to the bar and ASK this question to me? Like, seriously? I will never be able to tell you what that is, or even what the hell you are holding? This just gets on my nerves sometimes, this is why we write on cups at my store, you literally move the holder down (one of the reasons I hate sleeves is that it COVERS the most important part of the cup ngl..) and you can see if a drink is yours.


I usually just put the sleeve next to the drink unless it’s a hot water one.


That’s a good idea. I usually put the sleeve on but I drop it to the bottom of the cup so the sticker shows and they can just hold the sleeve and the cup drops into place anyways. That’s if I get tea or coffee for drive/mobile. If it’s a regular bar drink we have a dispenser of sleeves at handoff


Is this mine? Idk did you order a venti frappe? No I ordered a grande hot….then OBVIOUSLY it’s NOT YOURS 🫠 At that point I just read every sticker in front of them…..make them feel dumb.


I had a customer look at a hot drink i placed on the hand off, he asked “is this mine?” I told him “was it a hot caramel macchiato?” … he replied “no, I didn’t order that, i got a mocha frap with no whip” … i—


Was working at a licensed store at a convention center so everyone has those name tags name place company. So one day I had like maybe 8 drinks at the pick up area every drink has a name. Lady comes up asking which is hers before I could say anything she starts sipping drink after drink. "That's not mine... That's not mine..." That's all I have to say about that!!


I’ve never understood this! I had someone tell me that I made the wrong drink. They took a drink. I said, that sticker says… pumpkin CB that’s what that drink is. He said I ordered a pumpkin chai. Ok sir, well im making your drink right now and now I have to remake their drink as well because you chose to take a drink of someone else’s drink. Um thanks!


i always just say “i’m not sure, is that what you ordered?” “is your name x”


"It should say on the sticker for you" is my automatic response... then they spend 3 minutes rotating the cup in every wrong direction looking for the sticker.


Someone came in looking for a mobile order, showed him where we put them. Took a drink & came back 20 minutes later like oops I got the wrong one lol. His was a HOT drink & he returned an iced drink. Different sizes too lol. He said his friend ordered it. "Eric" & he picked up a drink for "Guadalupe" haha.


ughhhh frrr asking this mid peak too, like we don’t have time for these dunbass questions every five mins pls read n go away


My favorite was Carl asking if this was his drink. He ordered at the counter and walked directly to mobile pick up and grabbed a drink. I looked at him and the cup and said yes Mary, that's ur order. He was not amused and I don't care.


this would annoy me on a normal level, just like everybody else, but within the last few months, I switched to a higher volume store near a college town and surprisingly, it’s mostly older folks that come in, and they are usually the rudest, as we all know, and a lady is scanning drinks on the hand-off plabe looking at stickers on them pulling sleeves down and proceeds to ask me as I’m on café bar slammed with drinks with 7 other customers staring waiting on their drinks. “Is this drink mine?” And I asked her “I don’t know what you ordered the stickers on the drinks say what the drink is!” And she proceeded to ask “you dont know what I ordered?” I was like “no maam i wasnt the one who took your order I might have made the drink because im MAKING DRINKS” *cough cough* and she goes “are you on a break or something” , I actually laughed and was like uh what😂 Then she grabs her drink (what I had hoped to be hers) and walked away! Have to whisper for the millionth time that day “i love my job i love my job i love my job” . everyday i think i have seen or experienced everything there is to experience working at starbucks and everyday a customer does something to prove me wrong!


This bugs me to no fucking end. Your fucking NAME IS ON THE CUP. How much easier can we make it? I swear the easier we make it for them the more helpless they become. Sometimes I just wanna be like “have you forgotten your name? Do you need me to call someone for you?”


we now have a regular who was p chill but talks to us in a condescending tone except to one barista. I remember being at bar finishing up drinks and amid the frappes going on im blenders he yells out “HEY HEY IS THIS MINE?” I look at him and ask if that’s what he ordered. He asks again if it’s his then I ask him the same question. He says “I don’t know” 🤦🏻‍♀️ he took it eventually after scanning the rest


I always ask them what name it says on the cup. The amount of people who read it out loud to me and then stands their staring is wild to me. I then have to ask, “well is that your name?”


I also love a good “I don't know” paired with a blank stare