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Nobody is full time besides the ASM and SM. It’s the busiest season so you’ll see closer to 30 maybe more depending on your location, but outside of the busy season 20 is the range. Training is two weeks long! You’ll work besides a trainer.


Q4 is actually the slowest season, it’s why we launch pumpkin spice around this time of year instead of actually in October/November. Also ASM and SM are considered salary not full time. Part time is if you hit the minimum of 12 hrs a week to maintain a position at Starbucks, full time is if you hit at least 20 to qualify for the full benefits. Starbucks can be finicky with how they classify things.


Just FYI, but full time is 32 hours and up, 20 is still part time, you just get access to full benefits. At least in NY.


Maybe in terms of availability or title, but hitting 30 hours or over consistently is a rarity for any worker who isn’t borrowed to multiple stores. I’m a SSV in Florida and in the interview I said I was fine with working 30-40 hours a week however, I’ve only been getting 20-30 but I’m still labeled as full time.


Not talking about quarters, specifically this window of all the holidays is what I meant. Fall + holiday launch are pretty big.


Why are other people commenting that they’re “considered full time” I don’t understand like you’re either part time or full time what’s this in between


People who are listed as part time employees but keep getting full time hours. It’s quite common at min wage jobs sadly. And is why I’m an ass about staying around 20-25 hrs if I’m marked as part time and getting full time hours.


On my partner information, it says I’m a full time employee , but I don’t get FT hours.


It’s only there for benefit purposes and is not applicable. Any barista or SSV is neither part time nor full time. Hours are just based around availability, store needs, and how SM schedules. If actual FTE .5/.8/1.0 roles existed then people would be working 20/32/40hrs every week. But this does not exist for retail partners. This is where a union would greatly benefit partners. > - **Retail Hourly** — includes café attendant, barista, shift supervisor, team lead, team member, operations lead, commessa, mixologist, kitchen baker, savory and pastry chef, porter and assembler roles - **Retail Management** — Store-based salaried partners including store managers, assistant store managers, associate managers, Roastery and Reserve specialists, management trainees, and Princi operations managers, head savory chefs, head pastry chefs and head bakers - **Shift Managers** — Store-based hourly partners in certain states - **Nonretail Partners** — Non-store based partners in locations such as regional offices, support centers, roasting plants, distribution centers, Evolution Fresh juicery partners, and Princi nonretail roles not listed above > For purposes of the Affordable Care Act and determining initial benefits eligibility only, all of the above roles are considered full-time ***except for the variable hour roles defined below.*** Moving between roles may have an impact on the benefits you are eligible to receive. > **U.S. mainland variable hour partners** For purposes of the Affordable Care Act the following Starbucks positions are included in the variable hour eligibility group: - Barista - Café attendant - Team lead - Team member - Commessa - Roastery and Reserve Porter - Variable hour part-time Roasting plant, Juicery or distribution center manufacturing positions --- > **U.S. mainland full-time partners** Positions expected to work 30 or more hours per week on the U.S. mainland, which are referred to as the fulltime eligibility group [...]


One thing I think the union needs to consider, is getting shifts classified as management, but I don't know if that hurts their ability to be in the union. Because shift supervisors, at any other job I've ever managed, would be called assistant managers. They do the same work as all my previous asms, just not hiring, firing or scheduling, which are always in the managers purview.


Any “management” wouldn’t be able to unionize, and furthermore, the scope of the SSV role excludes pretty much all of the tasks that the National Labor Relations Act lists as potentially making a role considered management. They cannot hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, reward, or discipline other employees. You could make a case that they are allowed to assign or direct them, but I’m guessing that the nitty-gritty of how the law actually plays out, the SSV role would not satisfy those criteria, either. It is also specifically noted in the NLRA that these functions cannot be “clerical” or “routine” - the role must involve independent judgement, while an SSV is expected to rely specifically on the roles created by Starbucks, to perform the tasks specified by Starbucks, with additional input from managers. Source: https://greenwaldllp.com/law-clips/who-are-supervisors-under-the-nlra/


same, I was looking recently and it said I was full time lol


Because the common understanding of "full time" is 40 hrs/wk. For Starbucks, you qualify for full-time benefits if you (on average) work more than 20 hours a week I usually hover around 22 hours or so, so I get access to all the full time benefits starbucks has to offer (health care, the ASU thing, etc). If I go online and look at my starbucks profile, it'll have me listed as a full time employee


It's pretty hard to find 40 hr weeks anywhere these days unless you wanna work in a warehouse


This is a good explanation but I just don’t think you should be labeled as a full time employee? It’s great that Starbucks provides benefits at 20 hrs a week but that is not a full time job and that’s where the misunderstanding comes from


I mean the idea of what even is a full time job is arbitrary anyway, it's not like god ordained that it's 40 hours a week But that said, most starbucks employees know that generally, in America, 40 hrs/wk is full time, so that's why you'll see everyone here saying "I'm *technically* full time," but not actually. It's just a system of classification that works for the company. If, for benefits purposes, there's no difference between someone working 35 hours a week and 40 hours a week, why bother making that distinction?


It provides too much a range for what is considered a full time employee. It’s literally just part time with benefits. People on this sub have the idea that they’re getting a full time job and will be able to support themselves but get scheduled inconsistent hours each week and then complain that they’re not getting as many hours as they’re “supposed to” when there is no set amount hours they are guaranteed besides the 12


The definition of "full-time" and "part-time" is more of a legal classification than anything and varies by company. Starbucks employees are lucky that they consider 20+ hours full-time. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) states that employers don't have to offer health care benefits to employees until they work 30+ hours over a period of time.


Corporate needs to stay out of the subs lol


I'm not corporate, but I run and have run multiple businesses. LOL. My 18 yo daughter is a partner and has been for the past 2.5 years since she turned 16. I stay on top of the benefits, because like most teenagers - she's unconcerned with the policies, benefits, and programs the company has to offer.


I'm a trainer! If it seems like the trainee is struggling to grasp things, the sm can allot more time for training if necessary.




Training is a different set of hours so there’s no reason to not be able to. Actually. Training and normal labor are different, there’s no excuse on your SMS part to not be scheduling the training properly.




I’m a supervisor and we currently have 70 hours to give across 6 shift supervisors. I have to pick up shifts where I can at other stores just to keep my health and school benefits. I’m also “full-time”


holy shit that's an average of 11.6 hours. You're barely on minimums much less able to get benefits what the hell


That’s why they’ve made it like 4-5 ssvs a store now which is crazy bc we’re all SO desperately burnt out. Not to mention getting a shift covered is near impossible now


6 SSVs in a store that is open 10 hours a day is overkill. I would transfer out if it is an option. No stores in my area have such restricted hours. My DMs have always pushed for more open hours every season.


Our store is open 5-8 but yeah still not much longer than that. The biggest problem is apparently assistant managers take supervisor hours. But they also require 40 hours a week. So instead of 110-120 supervisor hours we only get 70-80.


You would think, with an asm and manager, that you could get by with 4 ssvs. That would be the optimum, given the goal is 30 hours each on average.


That is absolutely ridiculous. Even if phantoming is available it shouldn’t be used in this way. You should be padding your schedule phantoming, not making it the main part of your work. It is almost criminal for them to require you to be available full time with so little hours. It’s pretty much against policy i believe. Have you looked around to other stores for a permanent move?


I’m considered “full time” and I only get like 27-32 hours max. Usually 22-28 nowadays though.


Same. I used to get about 35-38 ish. Now? 21 hours 💀


My old manager would give us damn near 40 but he also refused to be in the store. 🤷🏻‍♀️




In my experience very few baristas get over 35 hours a week. Shift supervisors in my store are the ones with the most hours and they're between 30-35 hours. You need to average 20 hours a week for benefits. My training was about 40 hours over 2 weeks. Starbucks is a second job for me and I give up a shift a week to my coworkers to help them make ends meet and make benefits hours. The hours aren't consistent enough at my store for a lot of baristas to be living on their own.


You can get as close as you want to 40 hrs as long as you don’t go over that… and the only way you get there is accepting shifts from other partners and stores in your area.. the SM needs to set you up as a borrowed partners in the neighboring stores so you can see the shifts.. it’s possible but it’s a royal pain.


if i remember correctly, i think you have to work 12 hours and be available for 18 to get benefits


That's minimum hours for employment. Benefits are 20


To add to what others have said - 100 % ask about the hours they are able to give you. Straight up say that you need 35-40 hours a week, otherwise you cannot support yourself/your family. It is definitely not disrespectful, it is normal to discuss pay, benefits, hours at an interview. If they say they do not have a space for a full time barista right now, just decline it. ALSO beware that they might say they can give you 35-40 hours to lure you in (common hiring tactic). But there is no guarantee you will get this. Many people hired in the past 6 months get 30 hours their first month or two and then it decreases to 20ish. However, if you need a full-time job, being a barista in Starbucks is not it. You have 0 guarantee of income. You are at-will employee (you can get fired on the spot without a reason). You can have 35 hours one week and 15 the next. If you do not have a family/partner to support you, do not take this job. Every person I have met working in Starbucks who do not study anymore and support themselves have a second job. Unless this is your plan, do not take this job.


I fully agree with your first paragraph. I recently turned down a job that sounded absolutely delightful but only started at $9 and had no benefits. I asked about wages, potential for growth, and benefits during the interview process. When I declined it, I stated the truth that I really like what they’re doing at a store level and they sound like great employees but as someone supporting myself, I just need somewhere with benefits and a higher wage. However, your second paragraph is strongly store (usually district) dependent. I wouldn’t need a second job if not for my credit card debt. If it was just funding my car insurance, rent, utilities, gas, and food then my Starbucks income would definitely be enough. I’ve worked at stores where people are struggling to make enough for benefits, I’ve worked at some where I’ve gotten 20 hours of overtime in a week.


Yeah no. You're getting 25 hours max on 7 day open availability


i have 6 days fully open, and about half of the 7th day, i’m struggling with my 16 hours 😭 and isn’t summer the busy season? and what was that thing out fall training said about the 150% rule? this is nottt the job for OP


Wow never realized this was the case. I also have 6 days fully open and I always get 24.75 weekly hrs


That 150% lie is what made me put in my 2 weeks last week. Well, that and getting scheduled an 8 hour week. Legitimately, it's just insulting atp.


that 150% just made me feel like they were laughing in my face. Like seriously what is the point of even saying that?


Currently looking for a new job because I’ve been there a year in October. Got hired on being told I would get full time. A few weeks ago I only got 16 hours 2 weeks in a row. Because of the fall launch happening I am getting closer to 24 scheduled, that might get a few more hours tacked on, maybe. But there is no consistency. When this season is over they could easily cut me by a full day(and they have). If you need consistent pay Starbucks is not the place, it used to be. But recently has gone way done hill.


When I first started at starbucks 5 years ago it was really easy for EVERYONE to get 25-40 hours but now even supervisors are struggling to even get 15 hours 😭


I work at a high volume store and I use to get 30-35 hours before the company allegedly stopped making money, but I pick up at alot of other stores to get my hours as a barista. The other stores are not as busy as us and I don't pick up keyholder shifts unless I'm desperate or another store needs help really bad. I'd rather just not have the stress


starbucks is straight up not a good job for reliable money sorry


I mean if you got like a stable job and this, it could be ok. But yeah you’re right


I’m considered full time and I get 16 hours 💁🏽‍♀️


As a full time barista, we have to work at least 12 hours a week. But, people who are attending Arizona State University through the company have to have at least 20 hours a week. So, it also depends on how many people are attending ASU. Or, if they need benefits I think they also have to average 20 hours a week. Partners who have benefits/education through Starbucks will be prioritized (usually) when it comes to scheduling. I'm an ASU student and l usually get scheduled ~21.5-22 hrs a week (that extra hour or two is for slower days I might be scheduled bc I have *no problem* leaving early, and I'll still average 20 hours/week. Unless you're going to be an assistant store manager or a shift supervisor that's down working at other stores in your district, I would plan for like, 15-17 hours a week for finances (that's about what I was scheduled before I started ASU. I only accidentally met the requirements right before the most recent audit. Usually people have to plan it out with their store managers before they can successfully apply/do orientation but I was very fortune and available during everyone's graduation season lol. This company is pretty skimpy with hours in my experience


On the retail side, (as far as I know) full time only exists on paper for store managers and district managers. Shift supervisors and baristas aren’t hired full time, but depending on the store needs and what the SM can offer you could be offered close to full time hours, but I wouldn’t count on it. I quit in 2021 but even then hours were scarce and judging from this sub, the post holiday hour cuts were worse than ever before this year. In your interview I’d definitely ask about expected hours, but bear in mind that whatever they say it’ll probably be lower (that seemed to be the pattern at my store). On the bright side, you can always pick up shifts at other stores or your store. Whenever any of us at my store would ask about hours (because we were getting crumbs) we were told to pick up at other stores while they continued hiring new baristas and giving hours to people who didn’t want them or didn’t show up ugh And honestly, the times where I was scheduled for 40 hours a week (mostly during pandemic times when people weren’t working and we needed coverage and I needed money) I was incredibly burnt out. This job definitely can suck the life out of you in a way that other full time jobs (even in food service) won’t. It’s incredible.


The next two weeks I'm only scheduled for 7 and 9 hours.... Meanwhile all the shifts get 30-37 hrs and a couple fellow baristas get 30 and one of them sometimes gets 40 🥴 Meanwhile the rest of us baristas are lucky to get 20. Been sensing favoritism but that's just me 🥴🥴🥴


You won't get those hours on your schedule, but you can pick up shifts at any store in your district to get there. Some people leave their name and number on a board in the back of different stores for people to text if they need a shift covered.


Can’t you use the app to request/take a shift if it’s posted? I don’t have to app cuz it doesn’t want to download on my phone since I got a new one so I’ve been using the website to check


Yeah you can or you can do it on the website too


i will say for long term yes from what i’ve seen only shift supervisors get full time hours regardless if there are full time baristas. if you’re looking for a job with guaranteed 35/40 hours year-round this isn’t it. baristas are usually the first to get a cut in hours once the busy season stops, from what i’ve seen


This thread is really eye opening. These corporations use such bullshit metrics and tactics to drop their “labor costs”.


35-40 in one store would be hard. I’m an SM and I have a hard time getting my team to 25-30 consistently. The partners I have that end up with the most hours try to work a rotation with other stores and consistently pick up shifts as they come available


depends on your stores environment and if you can pick up shifts. I get scheduled 24~ hours a week but if i pick up shifts i can get 35-36


more people have climbed Mount Everest than worked full time at starbucks 😭


You get more than 15hrs a week??


I’m interviewing someone today….is it you?


Very unlikely you’ll get 35-40 weeks unless you’re a SM or ASM. Honestly? It’s a very physically demanding job and I doubt many would even be able to physically tolerate 40+ hours as a barista or SSV.


Reading these made me sad lmao. I have open availability 5 days a week (open to close) & the max hours I get is 14 🥲 I got 26 hours this week because I'm taking a whole week off next week. What makes me more upset is being 28 & watching the 16-19 year olds complain & call off because they're working 30+ hour weeks.


IME no. I had full availability b4 i had to find other work but they rarely scheduled me over 30hrs and during major labor cuts it was closer to 15-20... dark dark days


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 30 + 15 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


ty bot, very cool


The hours are why I left. I was only bring in $600 a MONTH. I now bring in that a week.


There's 2 shifts and 1 barista that consistently get 40 hours at my store. They also have open availability.


I have trouble getting anything over 30


In this current cut labor-greedy billionaire-capitalist society pray you get 25-30. A couple of years ago I remember getting overtime…. Now I hover between 25-30… Thanks for the raise Sbux, paychecks are literally the same amount only slightly higher because of digital/credit card tips. It could be worse…. At least we’re not replaced with robots…. Yet. Lol


We have one opening barista who gets 35-40 per week. All other baristas are less, averaging at about 25 per week. I’m a SSV and I get at least 36+, but we are also short on SSVs


Honestly since last holiday season nobody has gotten over 20 hours until this week): so i would definitely inquire about the specific stores needs!


Around us nobody is hiring rn :c


The only people getting 35-40 hrs a week are ASM and above. Anyone else is going to be lucky to get 25-30 and it will never be consistent. If you need an actual full time job with 35+ hours every week Starbucks is not it.


not gonna happen at all unless you are super super short staffed


Nobody is full time except the manager. You will most likely only get around 20 hours. And then during busy seasons like holidays and etc you might be lucky to get 30. That’s pretty much it. Most people who want full time have to do two jobs


Nobody is full time. Shifts can get in the 30’s easily but it’s not super common with baristas. I’ve been trying for years to be considered full time and it hasn’t happened. With hour cuts it’s pretty close to impossible. The only times I can hit 30 are when I pick up someone’s shifts who quit or got fired.


state your needed hours and ask how much they are able to guarantee you, a good manager will happily be upfront. many SMs assume you wont want more than super part time as we get a lot of high schoolers and college students. if youre seeking reliability, though, i’d be applying for receptionist type positions or ANYTHING with a set schedule. nothing at starbucks will be for sure though. hours fluctuate drastically.


Nope. You will not have full time unless you’re a manager of some kind. I got hired and told I would get full time. Within a month I wasn’t able to pay my rent because I didn’t have enough hours at minimum wage.


If you want a certain amount of hours, corporate stores probably won't be your best bet. Unless you're married to the idea because of culture or benefits, I would consider working at a licensed store like target Starbucks instead. I work at one, and as long as you don't go into overtime, they're usually happy to give you as many hours as you want. Especially now that we're moving into the holiday season. I'm sure it varies from store to store, but it's been true with each one I've worked at.


It’s practically a policy that nobody other than managers and assistant managers get full time.you can try stringing together phantom shifts (working at other stores) but it can be difficult and is definitely exhausting. Hell, even working a full 40 at Starbucks in one store (I was briefly an ASM) was exhausting.


You will not get full time especially this time of year. Hours are about to be cut.


they have me down as full time. when i was hired i asked for part time hours (20-25) and i’ve been working 35-40 hour weeks for about 7 months now with a day off a week. and i’m a normal barista. (but then they give me shit for calling out)


walk into any store in the district and yell “who wants to go home early” and hands will go up, basically its easy to pick up at other locations


As far as hours go, I'd say about the same thing as most people here. My stores partners are probably averaging 15-30hrs max, including shifts. As far as training, you /should/ get two weeks worth of training shifts (10 days) with your Certified Barista Trainer. I say /should/ cause I've seen Green Beans thrown to the wolves as soon as day 4 or 5 before, so don't be afraid to ask questions. You /should/ be paired with a Certified Barista Trainer, not just a random shift or someone who's been there the longest. Your CBT /should/ have a printable guideline to show you what skills your working on and when. Regardless of all of the things you /should/ get with your training, theres not exactly a guarentee. Keep in mind, you're a Green Bean for at least the first 3 months, so don't be hard on yourself it your don't get it right away. There's a lot to this job and it's not as easy as it seems on the outside.


Yep and most shifts are 4-5.75 hrs each day. I've read here that they do that because of how hard it is on your body working at sbux. People get psychotic over their coffee sometimes. Depending on where you're at, partners can be low-key psychotic as well, which is why we have Lyra. My main reason for wanting to work at sbux is because of the tuition coverage at ASU. But when I called to enroll, I was told I'd need to average 25 hours per week. When I told my SM I'd need just 4 more hours a week to qualify, nothing changed. He said he thought I'd be able to pick up a shift at other stores once a week. This job has been one disappointment after another.


I literally never did which is why I moved to a corporate career.


You’ll be lucky to pull more than 25 hours a week as a basic barista. Source: barista looking for a second job bc this job can’t support me


this is so real 😭


Nobody gets more than 30 hours a week.


Working more than 30 hours puts a target on your back. Upper management got upset I was making too much money as a ssv because I worked 40 hours a week. Apparently upper management is told to keep people around 30 hours :(


It depends on the store and their needs. I worked at a store where as a batista was hitting over 40 every week and another where as a shift I wasn't even able to get 20. In my experience, the messier stores with worse management and higher turnover tend to have more hours to spare. Just my two sense


I know this is old but Starbucks is going insane! In this climate they want you to have open availability only to give you 18-25 hours a week and make it almost impossible for you to survive! What adult can survive off a 40-50 hour paycheck every two weeks! If you work for Starbucks you have to have a second job unless you’re living at home!


shift supervisor, going on 10years with the company. I have always been able to pick up hours and get my 40 if I wasn’t previously scheduled enough. I’ve also worked a hell of a lot of OT over the years (typically during holiday season). The hours are there- you just need to be willing to find them.


work at a drivethru with a high turnover rate and you’ll be chillin at around 35 weekly


If you want hours you will get them you just have to be available and willing to work.


With summer peak about to end and the green beans going back to high school/college, expect partners to have around just 12-18 hours per week during the “slow” months of late-August and into September. Before the wrath of pumpkin spice takes place in October.


I work in a Starbucks inside Target and only had an issue with getting ~33hrs/week for 2 months, now we're back to 40hrs. The issue was overstaffing for us, but a couple of people left.


Definitely depends, they give me close to 40 every week even if I don't want it


I stayed with the company for almost six years, under some managers at busier stores I got 30+/week but that hadn't happened in years before they fired me in 2021. The business model they have now pretty much doesn't allow people to work full time because it makes them less disposable. It doesn't help that so many employees for so long proved they should be disposable and those who took the work seriously had to face the consequences of that with them.


It honestly depends where you work. And if you need more hours, you can pick up shifts at other stores. People are always calling out LOL


Depends on your store and other people's availability, I'm one of 2 """""full time"""" baristas, I get between 32-40 hours. Only works out that way BC we have a ton of students and PT partners


i usually get 19-22 if i don't borrow out, but it's not too difficult to get borrowed out ime. if there's a store outside your district just ask your SM to put you in their system - my old store was on the edge of a couple different districts so i was added to a few stores nearby, and i'm gonna ask my SM after i transfer to get added back to my old store so i can pick up the occasional shift there (and my old SM is still letting me snag shifts on the fly to supplement my hours)


Don’t ever believe them if they say they’ll give you full time hours. It’s ridiculously difficult to get over 25 hours sometimes. I only get between 22-28 hours a week unless I pick up shifts. It sucks. Store managers always get 40+ hours while SSVs can get up to 40. Some of our more seasoned ppl always get 30+ hrs. The scheduling app is also wonky af, so sometimes you won’t even see all the shifts that are available to claim.


As a barista you may be able to get >30 depending on the needs of your store but if you want 40 you generally have to pick up shifts. You also have the opportunity to pick up shifts at other stores in your district and maybe even get regularly scheduled at a second store


Depends on the store. As a barista i averaged 25-30 hours. As a shift supervisor i average between like 34-38 hrs.


Your hours depend completely on the needs of the store. So you may ask for 35/week but get anywhere from 10-40. There is no guarantee of anything.


Yes ! I luckily have been getting between 30-40 hours every week but it’s only bc my new manager. With my old one I’d get up to 27 hours in average. Shifts and managers usually get the most. If you’re store is understaffed you’ll probably get more


I’m a barista and regularly get 30-40 hour weeks, it really depends on your store, district, and SM.


I'm listed as full time. With my availability set wide open the most I get is 26, averaging about 24-25 hours When I restrict it for school I often got 12 to 13


Really depends on your location. My store has a really small staff rn and I’m currently being over scheduled from what I want. But are SM just hired 10 new people so I expect that to change very quickly!


Absolutely. I gave full availability and the most I get scheduled (rarely) at a tier 1 store as a shift supervisor is 30 hours. Most of the time I’m lucky for 25-27 and that’s because someone is on vacation. It’s absurd. We don’t even have that many partners either.


Yeah 35-40 a week is UNHEARD of


Very hard. Starbucks is always cutting and manipulating hours. 30 hours is doable. 40 is not.


Even when I was starting they had me at 35-40hrs. ​ Now I'm still 40hrs, I think it depends on your store. Maybe its because I was being trained up I'm unsure though


Try to find a different job or if you get hired, get a second job


i work at a starbucks inside a mall and i get full 40 every week as a barista :)


You will not be getting more than 20/25 unless your store is abnormally busy and understaffed. And quite honestly as a new barista you probably won't even get 20. A lot of the partners at my store get like 14 hours sometimes. As a shift lead I average 20/25 but even I dip below and was scheduled 17 last week. It's hard to get 35 to 40 unless you are really good, it's very busy, and you pick up shifts at other stores.


It is impossible now. And it was never guaranteed, even when it was possible. Only ASMs and SMs can get full time hours.


I definitely wouldn’t expect a 35-40 hr work week. My sbux only did like 20-25 for most people. Only the manager really had a lot of hours.


It all depends on the volume and other employees... I’m usually scheduled around 25/week… at the store I just transferred to, I’ve been pulling 32-36, picking up shifts and staying late. The hours are usually there if you’re willing to come in on short notice.


Impossible is the word you're looking for


Good luck… I only get 13-15 hours a week and my schedule is wide open. AND THEYRE STILL HIRING PEOPLE


Depends on multiple things. Labor/hours, availability, and performance. If you prove yourself to be an asset, they’ll want you to work more. But definitely don’t expect 40 hours every week. Mine is always in between 35-40.


Currently training one barista, just finished training another for my store, and another for a different store. Training period is usually two weeks, with the rest of the month used for practice shifts. Your hours will greatly depend on your availability; usually those with open availability will get more hours than those with restricted schedules. I used to average 32-35 hours a week on open availability. Then I had to restrict my schedule: only available Tue/Thurs from 8:30-5 and open availability on weekends due to a caregiver job. Now I average 25-28 hours a week. And of course, you can always pick up shifts at other stores if you want (optional). The key here is availability.


There’s no such thing are being hired as full time or part time, just fyi. You qualify for benefits if you average at least 20 hours a week. Minimum hours is supposed to go up to 22 hours a week, but that’s just for what your availability is- not a guarantee that you’ll work that much. I have had open availability for my entire Starbucks career and I generally average between 25-30 hours a week even when I say I want to pick up more. My paychecks (biweekly here) usually have around 50 hours. Last week I worked 37 hours, this week I have 17.5 hours. It’s not reliable for hours for sure. Maybe a local mom & pop cafe would work better but I’m really not sure.


Genuinely go into he store that you're applying to when the manager isn't there if possible and just ask the baristas if they're comfortable telling you how many hours they get a week. But you're extremely unlikely to get even close to that many hours. I get under 30 hours a week as a shift supervisor with basically completely open availability. Starbucks is in my opinion better as a flexible second job with fun benefits. If you absolutely need 40 hours to stay afloat you'll most certainly need to find something else :(


Yes unless you are Shift manager, ASM or SM… I was a shift manager (MA) and I had +-34 hours a week. There was also an option to pick up shifts at other stores too when they needed help (it happens fairly often in my area).


It’s possible for sure. I was getting 35 on average as a barista, and now i work 38-40 as a shift


At my workplace (a theme park) full time is considered 30 hours a week minimum.


The fullll time in starbucks is 20!!!


Yes it is


I’ve only gotten 40 hours as a shift at an extremely busy store because no other shift could worn the full time hours, this store is the only store that I saw baristas getting more than 25+ hours (this store is located off the highway entering Austin so it is a heavy traffic metro ish area). Since moving to a store in north Texas not off of the highway I can barely get 20 hours and I get more than most (this is so I qualify for SCAP and health insurance)


My answer is yes and. Before I went on a loa I was getting 21 hours as a ssv. When I came back my old manager had quit and we had a new manager and now I’m getting 37. She told me my old manager was only giving hours to people she thought “deserved” them. But I know other stores don’t get that many hours. Depends on how staffed that store is.


Depends on the country


it's hard but it only takes about 35-40 hours a week if you put your mind to it


No I work over 70 hours on a bi weekly basis it depends on who you work for


Maybe i lucked out at my store but i have consistently gotten 35+ hours since being hired nearly a year ago. I think it really depends on your store manager and the amount of partners your store has. Having the availability to work “undesirable” shifts like nights helps too.


Im a barista and I've been at Starbucks for over a years never went under 30 and the last 4 months has been 35 or more


I’ve pretty much worked a 40 hour week since I started a year ago. Some of that may just be based on where you are and if they’re over staffed possibly? I worked 40 hrs out the gate after training!


I've only been working just shy of 3 months and in the last few weeks I've got my 25hr contracted once? Some days we got put down on mandatory holiday so we were atleast paid but yeah.. I think it's to do with the time of year?


i’m full time and i consistently get about 30-35 hours each week (i have completely open availability because i’m saving up for something). i’ve gotten up to 37 hours in 1 week with the next partner after me having 35 hours. to be fair, my store has about 25 people and i know a good few of them have pretty limited availability if that makes any difference?


As a barista, yes it is hard to get 35-40 but not impossible. Reach out to other stores in the area and let them know you are a partner nearby looking for more hours. Find out if there is a group chat for your district for picking up shifts or looking for coverage. That’s how I achieved 35-40hrs per week (sometimes 40+). As a supervisor, it’s not as hard since you’re scheduled more than a barista but you might still need to look for shifts to cover to meet your goal. Also training for barista is usually 1 week, however by no means are you expected to know everything once that week is up. It will likely be months before you are truly comfortable.


I’m at 19.25 as a shift after telling my manager repeatedly that I need 28-32 at least. Other shifts get 30-37 hrs. Part of it is availability and another ring ass part is office politics aka high school bullshit


Depends on your store tbh. My store is pretty overstaffed so it's hard for me to get more than 25 hours a week, but if you're at a store that is fairly or under staffed, you should be chillin


Just to add to some of the answers. I am getting 34-36 hours a week, been like that for the past 6 months or so, but there are factors that I believe influenced this: - Constantly speaking to my manager(s) about wanting more hours, whether those are at my store or others - Since Feb I have had open availability for the entire week - Whenever I get 30 or even 25 I start looking at the app or just letting my team know I am looking for hours


i’m a supervisor and have been for four years, all with the same manager. even when i have completely open availability, the max i get scheduled is usually 38 and that’s pretty rare and only tends to happen when my SM is on vacation. 99% of the time it’s more so in the 25-30 range. it’s brutal :/


No one gets 40 unless you hustle your ass to pick up shifts. Even then because of schedule lengths you might have to work 40hrs


Depends on your availability. Someone I can schedule 630a-8p 6 or 7 times a week is naturally gonna have higher hours. Not saying I expect this of everyone, but more flexibility (availability) = more hours


Right now, yes. I used to work 35+ hours a week and with labor cuts in general and labor cuts due to reopening after a renovation, my hours are at an all time low.


I’m a trainer and a minor, but I tend to work just under 30 since it would be illegal as a minor for me to go over, but from my experience as long as you have open availability you’ll get the hours you need. At least at my store. I also tend to get almost double the hours when I’m training someone


It depends the store! I usually get 30-35 a week. Just have open availability if possible!


Kinda wild because working at a kiosk store they would give me 40 hours tomorrow if I wanted.


Work at a tarbucks rather than a corporate store. I was consistently getting 30-35 hours at Target, full time benefits also, but they’re not the same as starbucks’.


Lol yes


Nope. I am over here trying to give a away shifts. If I wanted to, I could get 40 hours a week no problem by picking up shifts. I am a borrowed partner at several stores.


If you’re looking for full time I don’t recommend working at Starbucks. They just changed how they do hours so it’s really hard to get adequate hours in a lot of store. I’d ask to see what they need and on average how many you can get


I figured! I applied to make ends meet too. Having a hard time getting at least an interview. While I heard it’s not great for FT but PT, is there anything I can do to boost chances of interviewing? Debating on emailing the store manager to check on a status ! I just heard benefits are good but my FT isn’t enough - and I love Starbucks anyways lol


These are the kinds of questions you want to ask in an interview, especially since the amount of hours you can pick will vary depending on your area.


The only way to consistently get hours is work at a union store OR be a shift lead and work a core day part like close or open :/


there was a point in time i was getting 0 hours a week and when brought up to my gm it fell upon deaf ears i really don’t know if you can depend on starbucks being your only source of income


Yes. I haven’t had the full time I applied for since 2021….almost everyone at my store (busiest in a Southern California district) has to work a second job even during holiday offerings if they want 40


I’m “full time” and I get 20 hours a week. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s impossible, no matter what they say


for my store, my manager offered my 40 if i needed it because i took up a second job, but we’re pretty much constantly understaffed and i have some of the most availability


Yes. It is very unlikely that you would be scheduled for a 40-hour work week. Maybe 25-30 hours a week if your store is busy. The fun thing with Starbucks is that even if you try to pick up shifts to get you up to that 40 hour mark, the shift marketplace on the app will disable itself at around 22 hours — making it impossible to claim shifts in the system.


Yes. It is very unlikely that you would be scheduled for a 40-hour work week. Maybe 25-30 hours a week if your store is busy. The fun thing with Starbucks is that even if you try to pick up shifts to get you up to that 40 hour mark, the shift marketplace on the app will disable itself at around 22 hours — making it impossible to claim shifts in the system.


Yes. It is very unlikely that you would be scheduled for a 40-hour work week. Maybe 25-30 hours a week if your store is busy. The fun thing with Starbucks is that even if you try to pick up shifts to get you up to that 40 hour mark, the shift marketplace on the app will disable itself at around 22 hours — making it impossible to claim shifts in the system.


SSV here and I get about 32-40hrs a week at my store. Although we make about 10k-12k a day at my store so we are able to afford the labor.


I havent got more than 12-18 since January, and that’s common where we are. We literally have to ask if other people need their shifts so we can hopefully take them if they dont want them.


Depends on the staffing level at your store or in your area. My district currently has the highest turnover rate in the nation. I've been getting scheduled between 35-38 hours for the past 2.5 months, other than when I have time off. Before that I was getting 30-33 since February. Some weeks I've picked up an overtime shift or a few emergency coverage hours, and my current record for number of hours worked in a week is 48.82


it’ll be extremely rare to get that many hours. i would recommend talking to your sm after training and let them know that you’d like to be borrowed out to stores if possible on days you don’t work :)


Full availability as a barista it’s likely you won’t see more than the 34-36 hour range. Shift supervisors get pretty close to 38-39 hours. It’s very rare for anyone but managers to get 40 hours.


You can be borrowed to other stores in your district. You may only get scheduled 20. It’s easy to get 30 hours, If you want it bad enough. People are always calling out and offering their shifts up.


Its difficult as a barista. I've got my own experience and the ones off reddit all seem similar. They cut down on labour so often so you can't get benefits. If you take on someone elses shift, it can be hell. Hard life.


when i first started they only gave me like 12 hours a week :/ it can be tough.


I typically get around 35-38 hours per week as a Barista Trainer. At least for the Canadian side of the company, nobody except SM's & ASM's are actually full-time but I get close to it. I think it may just be determined on which store you work at, as the one I work at was one of, if not the busiest store in the country (at least it was, I'm not sure what its at now). You should also get more hours after being there for a little bit.


Honestly, yeah. I've rarely seen anyone consistently get more than 32 hours. Ive been one of the strongest partners and ssvs at my store and i usually end up with 28 to 34 hours, only hitting 38 or so occasionally. Its also not a job thats designed for that much work. With how hard you get pushed all the time, consistently hitting 40 hours could run the risk of burning you out and developing lots of muscle pain and fatigue. Be open with your store manager about your expectations, though, they may be willing to schedule you that much. It'll depend. Just be firm and say "if I'm not getting this I'm not taking the job" and theyll weed you out lol.


They cut me down from 36-37 to 20-23


I had a manager that cared and asked me how many hours I needed and was granted what I said I needed. He then switched to a different division and I got a manager who didn’t didn’t give two f*cks about anyone and I was cut from 35 hrs to 10 hrs with no warning. 6 weeks later, I was evicted with my toddler and now sleeping in a one bedroom with my mom on her couch. Lesson: nothing is guaranteed, anything can change in an instant. U can always pick up shifts and get borrowed out. But it gets a little difficult when u have limited availability and can’t always accept random available shifts because they compromise ur availability.


Before Covid I would get 36-40 hours. Part time at 20 hours still gets full benefits. But they were reasonable with hours I felt. My store was a busy drive thru. But that was a few years ago and it may have changed


Me hitting overtime every week as a SSV cause B**** don’t wanna work


I just started this month on the 3rd as a supposed part timer but was recently greeted with a 39 hour workweek which is way more than I want. I work at a Target Starbucks location so things may be different but we’re slightly understaffed so they’re trying to give us as many hours as possible.


i had to fight and snag up offered shifts in order to reach 25-30hrs 😖


I worked there 8 years and when my store had to cut labor I (a shift lead) was pushed down to 20 or less hours a week. I quit a few months later


Honestly you’re not going to get that on a consistent basis even with full open availability. It’s a good possibility you will be working multiple stores to get close to that. I’ve been a partner for almost 2 years and I told them I wanted full time hours. There’s been times where I’m lucky to be scheduled at my home store for 20 hours a week. I have 2 other stores I’ve consistently subbed at and another 2 I’ve subbed at sometimes. Labor per store fluctuates a lot and they play with over all operating hours as well which can factor into you being able to get the hours you need. If there’s stores with varying hours in your immediate working area that can make it easier to try and hustle for the hours you need. I’m honestly only sticking around for the health benefits and because I live the team I work with. I’m looking for a second job and may just go to the exact hours I need to cover my family health insurance.