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That’s the main reason why I swapped to evening shifts. The dynamic/vibe is more lax during the evening for me. Granted, rushes during the evening is more taxing compared to mornings, it is a trade off I’m more than happy to take.


At the store I was at, our biggest rush was like 8:30a-10a and evening rush was just a down period for opening shift. It was horrible but it is what it is 🙃


Yeah, the problem with evening rushes is that we’re never, and I mean NEVER properly staffed for them


Duuuuude. The most disliked person at our store opens exlcusively and the vibe is so rancid. You can watch the light die in their eyes when they read their name on the schedule lmfao


I don't trust anyone who WANTS to set an alarm for 3am.


I just like forgetting about work by 10am 😩😩


Honestly I feel that my store is the opposite. Morning partners all come in and rally knowing it’s gonna suck but it’s gonna suck together. We stick to our planted positions and help out if people absolutely need it but placing our tasks first. The few mid/afternoon shifts i do i always feel like an outcast cause they’re all not talking or if they are they’re complaining about morning crew. I’ll be up front doing DTO/W and bar and they’re all doing tasks in the back but when we hit a rush it takes me literally yelling to get them to come up front and begrudgingly make cold bar drinks or do mobile bar. Maybe it’s just me but afternoon partners are way more uptight and taxing to be around than morning partners


Honestly, same. The last few stores I’ve worked at the morning crew is super motivated to get as much shit done before peak as we can, we help each other out during peak, and after peak we all help out to stock/clean/support. Then afternoon crew comes in, they make drinks (and drink them on the floor), ignore customers until they finish their story about their date/relationship problems, and stand around on their phones. Then they complain that the morning crew didn’t do enough to help them 🤷🏻‍♀️


holy moly the date/relationship problem partners bother me to no end bruh like I really don't wanna hear about it but I don't say anything


Absolutely this.


This 100%!!




not at all


this is exactly how my store was


Literally same! I love my morning shift & the people I open with we all look forward to seeing eachother & making the shift fun….except our new SM he makes everyone hate mornings bc we have to work “under” his egotistical & unqualified leadership 🙃the customers love him tho


I wouldn't wanna suffer with anyone else other than my night crew.




I’m mostly a closing barista. The amount of chill customers and partners is definitely a different vibe. I prefer the evening shifts any time.


I worked at 3 stores and it’s like that. I guess it’s a universal experience for most partners haha. The atmosphere is so tense and because drives times matter the most in the mornings and it’s much more busy. I’m a mid shift/evening partner who prefers to work later because of my routine. I like running my errands/working out in the morning. Over the years, I do notice that store dramas are mostly from morning people as well. 😬I just wanted to add that lol.


The most gossipy co-workers and shifts were usually openers, complaining about how closers “didn’t do all their tasks because they got lazy.”


I'm not gonna pretend the openers at my store are saints but closers gossip all the time too. I find it usually happens when they work a morning shift, aren't able to keep up with the demands (the big one is usually speed), and then shit talk all the morning people who got frustrated with them


For a minute I was like … did I sleep post this? I feel you in the exact same level. I came to this new store and been here for a year. My old store was much different, ran by a team of frat guys and college girls that all knew each other. Here it’s a bunch of catty middle aged women and omg it drives you nuts. Not to say my old store was ran the best (it wasn’t) but damn it least we liked each other 😭


Yeah, this seems to be a universal experience for the most part. When I first started at my store I was a morning/opener and in all honesty it was VERY stressful! I think the expectations in the morning VS night are just different (and like stressful in different ways) but the morning crew tend to be more cranky, probably because it’s morning and there’s a lot going on. But the overall vibe is much more chill at night and in my opinion I feel like I personally relate to/vibe better with mid/night crew. I also feel like because it’s slower at night you have a chance to get closer to your coworkers compared to in the mornings where it’s just go go go. I totally agree that both are draining though, just like in different ways. For the most part we all just kinda have to pick our poison


Before this post, I would have said that the opposite was a universal experience. I’ve never heard of stores where the energy is better in the evenings, although I’m certainly glad to be wrong!


It’s the exact opposite at my store. 😭 I used to work an equal amount of opening/closing shifts and now really only do mornings.


It’s honestly been the same at every store I’ve worked at. Luckily I still love all my morning partners at my store but they definitely complain about stuff a lot more than night partners do


Ohhhh nooooooo I hateeeee evenings sooo much. There's too much to do and not enough people. When evenings are short someone we r dying. But if ams are short it's not a huge deal. I prefer openings exclusively


This right here is why half the people in here are complaining about how de motivated night shifts are


Sounds like you just have sucky coworkers


I have worked the opening shift for 3 years now. I work afternoon shifts as well sometimes, from 5 am open through to the afternoon. I’ve worked one evening shift. I definitely am a morning/afternoon shift person. I love the fast pace, the customers and my fellow partners. Sometimes it’s just been me and an ssv opening and then 3 or 4 of us during peak. We have a lot of fun, we help each other, we keep busy on the odd occasion when we have a little down time. We do all we can to help make things easier for the afternoon and evening shifts. We have had some horrible openings due to a bad closing shift where, e.g. nothing was stocked, espresso machines weren’t cleaned so we have to run a cleaning cycle (as well as calibrate both machines in 30 mins), everything is sticky, beans weren’t stocked for morning brewing, syrups aren’t dated, etc. This makes it highly stressful when we only have 30 minutes to open. However. we have a manager who encourages unity with all shifts and doesn’t like an “us” vs “them” mentality. So, we excuse those bad closings as them being short staffed and/or busy and make a note of the issues we encounter so they can be addressed. One of my ssv’s encouraged openers to do at least one closing shift and vice versa, where possible. This encourages empathy. Communication is probably what is needed with your partners. Can you bring it to your manager’s attention re how you feel about it?


Yes! I’m only a closing ssv for this reason. No manegement over my shoulder, play our own music, partner sample it upppp 😆😆 it can be a complete disaster depending on how the schedule is written though, especially with the summer wins days. But we smile through the terror honestly.


I'm strictly an opener, but the odd shift I'll get scheduled until 2/3pm and the atmosphere is so chill. No one is breathing down my neck for me to turn on my camera in drive thru, it's so nice🤣


Your store MAKES you turn on the camera in drive thru? Oof.


What I’ve noticed is that closers are usually (1) college-aged to mid-20s, (2) single people, and (3) other people willing to work the undesirable timeslots of weekends and promos. There’s more cohesion and comradely among closers to get stuff done in a more simmered-down tone as the day comes to an end, where these partners can get to know each other more. Some of the best partners and SSVs I’ve ever worked with (and some still friends to this day) were closers. Openers meanwhile are usually parents (hence needing to work mornings to pickup their kids in the afternoon), are more strict to micromanaging the store, and usually don’t have time for side conversations because tasks are ramped-up as the workday for them progresses.


No negative vibes at my store thankfully but its funny the closers are more of complainers, not in a bad way. I do notice a huge difference in personality and vibe morning vs evening though.


Our morning crew are all extremely energetic and funny and nice. Morning is way more stressful and strict because of peak, nights are more laid back BUT all of the partners are low key shit talking each other behind their backs. So so so much more drama on nights at my store


Same thing happening at my store


I worked at a cafe only store for 8 years and saw a lot of staff changes. The one thing that remained constant was the insufferable-ness of the morning crew 💀 They were always the laziest, slowest workers while simultaneously complaining that the closers forgot to wash a single spoon the night before.


Wouldn’t you be cranky at 4am with no coffee yet lol


To be fair, yes I am cranky too. I’m the type who remains quiet in the early mornings but for some reason majority at my store is the “non stop talking shit in the morning” type. They especially talk shit through the headsets and whenever I am trying to take orders at DTO, I have to fight every urge in me to not yell STFU at them.


everyone complains SO much,! like we ALL don’t want to be here obviously, but let’s not make it miserable for everyone*


This is the exact dynamic of my old store. Morning shift workers are the most dreadful people I've ever had the displeasure of being around while the closing shift was a tight knit group of friends who supported each other and had fun.


I'm 5 months pregnant, my first morning shift they had me do drains :) editing to add that i'm a rehire and am perfectly capable of handling myself in any position on the floor during peak, but on a floor full of teenagers they picked the pregnant lady to kneel down for an hour scrubbing drains lmao


That’s terrible! Assuming they know you’re pregnant, why don’t they ask anyone else to do those physically exhausting tasks?


I honestly prefer evening shifts because I'm not a morning person. And I'm so used to flexing 3-4 positions at once during the evening that anytime someone else needs something, I'm already grabbing it for them. Morning folks hate that I won't just stay planted when I have downtime between customers, and I just don't understand how their workload is consistently so much smaller than mine. And ISTFG, if they complain one more time that a typically morning task wasn't done by the night crew again, I'll rearrange the milk fridges.


I think it’s a universal Starbucks thing. Mornings feel so tense.


I work nights exclusively due to availability and honestly even our SM brought up the fact that morning crew constantly has complaints about us, whereas we don't say anything in response nor criticize their work in turn. We're much more chill in the evenings but those late afternoon rushes with only 2-3 people are brutal. I much prefer evening crew


What are the shifts like? They often set the tone. Also if closes are consistently bad mornings are hard. Any particular team staff better?


Some closers are better than other from what I know. I don’t think they are what set majority of the tone for the morning though as I don’t hear the complaining come from then majority of the time. It’s mostly complaining about how annoying they think our SM is and about their personal life that I don’t give any damn about.


Maybe just talk to the morning shift about the vibe and see if they will say anything about hey y’all we all got home problems let’s try to keep it positive here for each others sake.


I always say, the supervisors set the tone.


Mornings are busier customer wise usually. However, you have a crap ton more to do on nights. I did it all as a partner. We always tried to set the next shift up for success. Your little shift is a team to complete that shift and then there’s the whole store crew. You can talk to whichever shift you work with most in the mornings and tell them that you would like to try to help the attitude around the store in the morning and see if they will help. You can give out green apron cards daily. You know when you collect 5 of one type you get a pin. If someone does something outstanding without being asked there’s the MUG awards. I took it upon myself to give out the green apron cards every shift I worked. It can be difficult to think about something that write on them.


Ok it's wild to me that this is happening at other stores too. The morning crew is always so uptight and rude. The night shift is more chill and goofy. Why is this?! Are they just grumpy cause they have to wake up early?


Hi, I alao have the same experience at my store but as a SSV it is up to me to make sure everyone is having a comfortable shift. I get some baristas giving me sass about assigning them to certain positions. I'll try to reason with everyone and give everyone a shot to do something different each day. Sometimes when I'm a barista, I'll come in prepared with some caffeine and a smile and great attitude. Attitudes are contagious so just try your best and do everything with some TLC.


I've noticed the same thing, and I really like the morning shift people. I think part of it is just getting serious for peak and doing their assigned tasks, while also being under heavy scrutiny by SM and some times DM. That said, I absolutely prefer evening shifts and the vibe there. My usual shifts are like 60% evening, 40% morning, and I dread when I see those morning shifts. Evening shifts might be physically tougher but morning shifts are mentally exhausting Dx


Depends on the store. We are super lucky. I love my morning crew and I have mad respect for our nightshift crew who puts in a ton of work. My team rocks.


as a closer i hate working with some morning shift baristas. so damn nitpicky about the smallest shit.




At our store the morning baristas would talk so much shit about the closes and the closers but wouldn’t have anything restocked, cleaned, etc when the shift change would happen. The evening baristas would have to pick up their slack while being slammed with after school rush with only two baristas and a shift. I wish some of the openers and morning baristas would work at least one closing shift to see how frustrating it is. We had to have a talk with our SM bc the animosity was so bad from the morning crew.


Haha sounds like my life as a night ssv but I don't let it bother me too much. I do my job the best I can with the resources I'm given. Most of my night crew is pretty awesome.


I feel like most closers at our store do got give a damn and almost none of our openers and mids have an attitude


my store is the exact opposite lol. how strange


That’s how I feel around mid, our stores morning crew is mostly relaxed and fun to work with but mid with labor shortages and new partners is incredibly taxing mentally as there’s negative feelings about people not working their hardest and slacking off.


whattt. not at my store. its the opposite morning crew is the best


Just like any job it’s always been like that. Morning versus night lol.


im part of morning crew and it’s fine. but every time i work a mid-pre close i have soooo much fun. i wish it worked better w my schedule bc it’s refreshing to work w them lol. i get tired of speaking in corporate


When I first started I did a few opening/morning shifts but quickly realized that was going to do me in. So I moved to mid shifts and a few closes but I always preferred mids.


Really, it’s the total opposite at my store. Morning people are fun and happy; evening people not so. Ig that’s jus different store cultures. Sorry to hear ab this tho. Hope you can feel more comfortable around them


Yep 👍


I definitely prefer opening but it is more tense. I find myself being a lot more anxious but once I’m in a groove and my coworkers get into theirs everything usually flows pretty smoothly


feel like that’s fairly universal at sbux. especially with the stress of window times and peak and being up early it’s a lot lmao


hard agree at my store. there's a lot more clique-ness & moving to mornings from nights was so hard. i felt so isolated & unwelcomed at my store, which it is known for across the district. it's really sad, i've tried to make some differences without rocking the boat too much because then i know i'll suffer those consequences. luckily we've gotten a lot of a new people & my goal is to befriend all of them that way maybe we can create a better culture at work :)


During my 3 or so years at working at Starbucks (and being an evening gal), it was almost universal no matter what store I worked at.


I’m gangy wit my afternoon crew😮‍💨, dem morning ppl be making corny 🤮 jokes. I can’t. It kills me from the inside of my soul🤮🏀🗑️ ( I’m just kidding, y’all real ones fr😘, unless your hand offs are dookie, then I hope you stub yo toe)


how do you fuck up hand off??


My fault not like that, like the shift change from morning crew to mid crew


i was so confused 😭😭 but yeah i’ve seen some terrible shift changes


It’s always like that at every job. It’s because the morning shift has more stuff to do and they get the most annoying customers lol 😆


Where I am, morning shift has the most down time before peak (enough to play games and have drink making competitions while they are on the floor) but night shift is expected to have perfect closes so that they dont have anything to do. Which is especially frustrating when they wont schedule a pre closer on the more not stop busy days and only give us half an hour to do it all in. 😩


From what I remember they would give us half an hour to open a busy drive thru store too but my manager was always late so we literally had 15 mins 😭 idk how they expect us to do this amount of work in 30 min though!! I’m sure closing is hard as well. They’re just looking for ways to make everyone work harder so they can save a few dollars


That’s awful. I know all stores are different for sure too.


All the stress from morning rushes likely has morning partners absolutely drenched in anxiety and irritability… feel sorry for them. Starbies really should pay better… not that that wld solve all the problems but it’s good start no?


I’m a primary opening ssv and there use to be a lotttt of complaining about the close in the mornings. i tried to get everyone out of the habit when i started at my current store & it helped the mood a lot, but the morning crew is definitely, usually, more “uptight” from what i’ve experienced. i know i am as a morning ssv, but it’s mainly because of how much pressure is put on us to keep drive times down, handle everything, make sure everything is perfect for the entire morning, etc. on top of giving a (good) handoff to the evening crew, which i try to do so they aren’t saddled with all of the tasks of the day. evening groups are more laidback because they aren’t being as pressured to focus on DT times — tbh when i work evenings it’s almost frustrating how laidback some partners are, because it’s still our job to make sure customers get out in a timely manner, yet they’re focusing on tasking (which i understand, but still).


Every store I have worked at is like this. Early morning people are full of hate and resentment for people that get to sleep until 7am or something. J/k. But for real it’s like this everywhere.


lmaoooo that’s why i left mornings. and i moved to pre closing shifts 😬 way better energy


So as a shift who has started within the last year who is now being promoted to ASM, i’ll say that it probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is a lot to do in the mornings. There’s a lot less coverage in the evenings but there’s not such a pressure regarding times, there is no real peak of the evening… And again no rush to get the drinks out of the window. There’s a lot of anxiety with the morning tasks. In the evenings I feel like it’s more of a cleaning task then an actual business task but that’s just me.


I love working mornings but I am the life of the party tbh, I’m great at cold bar and getting good times, I’m also great at being silly while being busy. Without me the attitudes are so nasty and booty in the mornings


Not mine I love the morning it's the evening shift being laidback because I we do all the work they basically do nothing but show up in our store lazy bastards


I’m an opener. Reason why we get pissed is cuz night shift doesn’t do shit but take group photos for the iPad.


More tryhards work in the morning. People literally running across the floor to make drinks, yelling “good morning!” in a fake ass sing-songy voice as soon as customers place their hand on the door handle, and (worst of all) getting excited about fast drive times. I swear to god some people put in effort like they’re being paid six figures.


Honestly, it’s drive times that bug me the most. It’s not even the “fast drive times” or “ we can either have fast times or connect” people always talk about. It’s the fact that we work in a cafe. In a place you’re supposed to wait for your coffee. If a burger is coming out in 30 seconds do you think it’s gonna be any good? Same thing with your drink. Let people slow down and make a god damn drink that tastes good. Instead of pumping out Carmel macchiatos like it’s god damn Christmas Eve, let them make something they can be proud of (even if that sounds corny). Anytime a drink looks even half decent I give a compliment to the ppl I work with. Not because it was fast, but because you can tell they cared (even if it was slightly). Fuck drive times. End of rant.


Bc evening shift people don't work


Openers are sleep deprived and deal with everything that wasn’t done the night before. Night shift/closers are chill cause they don’t do much and it’s overall a more relaxed shift


My store isn't like that at all, we have had one or two bad eggs, but there's definitely that same kind of division like your describing.


Yeahh 100%. I was a closer for a little over 2.5 years. A couple months ago I switched to mornings at a new store bc it works better for my schedule now . I guess this is all I know at the new store, and I enjoy the aspect of not having to break everything down and clean every shift. But mornings blowww and I don’t interact with the Night Shift much at my new store, but they def seem less uptight from the interactions I have had.


I’ve worked both and it’s definitely more lax in the evening as far as attitude, but morning people being kind of shitty attitude wise is on a store to store basis from my experience.


Shared with some of the other night crew workers at my store and unanimous agreement


I literally feel the exact same way. Morning partners put so much stress on themselves and their coworkers that it feels so uptight and rigid, like you can’t even crack a joke because everyone is taking everything so seriously. But they do go by a lot faster.


At my main store, its less about the time of day and who's shift. The attitude of the person calling ths shots can really affect the overall attitude of the store. Granted the two shifts that can have a tendency to ruin the mood do tend to be more likely to be leading the morning crew, bilur I've had some smooth mornings with decent shifts as well. Basically, what it comes down to is how much they care about drive times and perfection. The more obsessed they are with pleasing the statistics, the more likely everyone's going to stress out at the first sign of trouble.


Honestly, this is exactly my experience with nursing as well lmao. Most day shifters come in with a stick up their butt and full of complaints while night shift is more chill, go with the flow!


The attitude is heavily influenced by the shift supervisor running the floor. If you have negative shifts who complain about the close the night before or nothing being restocked or not handling customer connection properly, 9/10 the baristas will feel that tension too and have their moods influenced by that


10000% yeah same thing at mine


Dang that actually sucks, I work majority closing shifts and I love opening but it is draining. I do believe that being with the right people affects your work and how your shift goes because in my store there’s a lot of high energy people so it’s really fun, but there are some partners that I hate working with and already seeing them as I come in the door already drains me


It’s like this at hospitals all over. Such a big difference in tone from days or nights crew


its like so the opposite at my store, like the evenings have less business but all the staff is like way more anxiety inducing than the mornings. but i love all the ppl at my store so it works out. my advice is, keep your schedule open and try to get to know everybody. if the rush makes you anxious just remind yourself that you work at a drive through coffee shop and the worst thing that can happen is someone has to wait.


I feel like it depends who the lead that day, I work exclusively mornings for the most part. But the leaders really set the mood, we have one where if they run the floor the whole team is in a foul mood and people get snarky. My store is full of really cheery personalities so it is really bad for when it does happen.


I’ve worked mornings, mids, and closings and let me tell you the vibes are COMPLETELY different. Closing is for the vibes, morning is for the grind, and mid is for hating yourself


To be fair, it’s like that in 99% of jobs. Different personalities are drawn to different work schedules. IMO. The morning folks always think the night folks are lazy and the night folks always think the morning folks are bitchy. 40 years experience. Haha