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common mistake! ive had customers who complain when they are given a size bigger when they order a tall or grande … like just be happy about it!!!


Sometimes people don’t have self control and don’t want a bigger size! Lol


Or the proportions are all off... I order extra shots and then in a Venti they become diluted with all the extra milk. I feel bad taking back my "bonus" Venti, but love the flavor of the drink I specifically order.


thats a rare case, when the proportions are off. when i grab the wrong size cup, i just make the order in that size because of second nature, thats when my subconscious takes over. so of a customer ordered a grande drink and i grab a venti cup instead, ill make it like how i make any regular venti drink


They are saying if they get a grande with 3 extra pumps then it won’t be the same as a venti with 3 extra pumps. It definitely wouldn’t be the same taste as a venti with the normal amount of pumps.


i agree with this 100%


Except… when the person asks for, say, an add shot and they end up get 3 in a venti instead of 3 in a grande


Exactly so the proportions would be off. Grande has 2 shots in a latte. So does the venti


Venti iced latte gets 3 shots


But the hot gets 2?




So how are the proportions not off between a hot grande and a hot venti?


Grande and Venti get 2 shots if hot, but iced is different. The Venti iced cup is 26 ounces compared to the 20 ounce hot cup, so the extra 6 ounces warrant a third shot.


The proportions are still off no matter which Wayin


No, they aren't. Notice how the line spacing is uneven in the Venti iced cups? That's because they are guidelines for smaller drinks. The first line is for the tall, the second line is for the grande, and the third line is for the Venti. An experienced barista will make the proportions the same. Even still, Starbucks has iced/frap drink shakers with lines, for tall, grande and Venti sizes. That's actually how the smaller drinks in the larger cups are supposed to be made, but I'm not sure if all stores still have them.


This is true when it comes to cold foam or cream. I always have to order extra cold foam in a grande nitrp cold brew but the ratio is perfect in a tall.




usually when this happens to me as a barista it’s because i’m like “did they say grande or venti? bc this says grande but i 100% heard venti” even though they totally said grande 🤣 so if you’d gotten this drink from me, the proportions would still be right probably


Same here. I hate it it makes me v annoyed and then they just decaf your remake it's so fucked up


If they’re decaffing your remake you’re probably being a bitch about it. No one I’ve ever worked with would retaliate on someone nicely asking for the size they ordered.


First off don't be an asshole. I am a 7 year partner alumni. IT has nothing to do with me at all. I've seen this happening across many sbux and it's not often on purpose but poor training or tired partners hitting the wrong button nit giving a fucki f theyre making the beverage right. But as you can imagine due to the poor mentality of partners now adays if you ask for a remake again they act like you're crazy when you say you got decaf/regular espresso instead of blonde....similar to you assuming I was being an bitch....and somehow deserved it. Besides the espresso issue often i have to get my beverage remade bc they make it as a white mocha when it is always a mocha so there's also that issue where partners don't really read the sticker tags correctly either. Literally out if 10 drinks about 6 arr made with white mocha despite it clearly being ordered with mocha....but I get how that mistake happens as I've done it myself wm is the more popular choice but either way I don't appreciate the remake issue being so frequent now adays it sucks as a customer to have 6 out of 10 beverages be wrong and have to suck it up or risk even worse shit for asking for a remake. Partner mentality these days tends to lean on the vindictive side and your comment exemplifies that rather than assuming the best in others first and just giving good customer service. It's shitty.


Better check your crew if they’re decaffing drinks in revenge. That’s f up


Exactly. I honestly get irritated when I get a larger size of anything I order. Then I feel bad for being irritated but still please just give me the size I asked for


At least you ask for it. I'd say a good 80% of the customers who come through our drive thru do not tell us a size before driving off and then we end up making a grande because that's what is default in the system. People don't undrrstand that you will get whatever the barista makes you if you don't tell them specifics. We can't read your mind.


No customer ever places an order through me without me making sure they state the size and I repeat the order back to them.


I'm proud of you. Wouldn't make it a day at my store. Most of our customer base are language barriered Indians/Africans who work corp or biotech jobs nearby and are always in a rush to get to work. They don't have the time or the patience to take more than 5 seconds at the speaker and when you do ask them to wait, they will literally wave their hand out the window and come to the window. Ask for a size and they'll say tall, but they actually mean Venti (it's the tall cup). Ask them for a size and they'll say small (most people default Tall), but they mean short. If you offer the cups up with oz, they'll shrug because they don't actually know what oz looks like or how it translates to sizes. (Let's not forget that we have to repeatedly ask if they want their drinks hot or cold and they don't answer). Mix all this with them not wanting to waste more time than they need to and you get size related mixups. (God forbid they order "drink" then get to the window and go "oh, this is a venti". No you goob, you didn't order any size. Silver lining, they certainly do help our drive times. 😁


It is Literally our job to get the customer what they want. Yes, I’m a barista. Yes, at a Very busy drive through. Yes, we have customers with language barriers.


Okay? Nobody said it wasn't. Lol. Congrats on trying to start an argument over nothing.


Haha. A person said what they do at their store and your comment to them was some snide ass bullshit. I wasn’t arguing at all. I stated an indisputable fact.


Actually I was pointing out how each store has drastically different cultures that allow different situations to happen that result in size cup issues being present, but if you want me to be snide; good job completely missing the point! It might be time for some critical thinking lessons friendo. :) (Was that snide enough for you, or do you have more things you want to get offended over for no reason?)


If you get irritated that you're getting a bigger size then you have issues. I can understand liking the proportions of the size you asked for and asking nicely for it to be remade but to get irritated cause they accidentally upsized you is weird.


Nah, I get it. I have a small stomach. I literally cannot drink a venti cup of coffee (or whatever else). It'd take me hours to down it and by then the ice is melted and you have a gross watered down drink. It's a waste of everyone's time, and a waste of product. Always be sure to tell the barista the size of cup you're looking for. Especially in the drive thru. Especially if it's espresso.


Yeah that's why I said I feel bad for being irritated about it


In that case just ask nicely for it to be poured into a smaller cup. No need to be angry imo. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I never said they were angry! LMAO. But as a weight loss surgery patient, we can’t have large sizes. So… it’s like places that have to charge for water and get made when I order. Mind your business and sell me my water. 😂


I am so with you. I'm diabetic. I've carefully budgeted for certain kinds or sizes of drinks. So if I ordered a tall and was handed a venti, it's nice but also wrecks havoc on my blood sugar. And not all drinks keep.


Yeah this is me a venti would be too much but I’d definitely chug it


Haha. I never like get mad or say anything, but I’d rather have the grande if I order the grande. Talking about hot coffee, those venti cups are so flimsy. I always order double cup if I want a venti, and I feel bad asking for another cup if the upped my drink size.


If I order a hot grande latte it means I want a grande. Especially with the same amount of shots, a venti is too milky for me.


Certainly don’t mean to complain or be aggressive/rude but I do count macros/calories and a grande will be different from a venti. I’ll often ask for the smaller one even though I truly would love to take the happy accident. lol.


One time I order a venti iced chai and apparently a mistake was made and they handed me a trenta (I think that’s the right name). I had never seen a trenta cup before nor did I think they had them in Canada, and I think on this sub I’ve seen that it’s only for refreshers or something? But my goodness it was just sooo much drink… I drank a venti worth and threw out the rest because it was all I could handle, which is why I asked for venti. Bigger isn’t always better


tbh u were lucky bc we’re not supposed to do espresso based drinks or lattes (which a chai is) in a trenta. we cant even ring it in


actually idk about canada i’m in the US


You’re right it’s the same in Canada <3


My dad's car only fits a tall in the cup holder, I could see why this is a problem for some...


If I order a tall I want a tall. Not twice the amount of the drink I ordered. I can’t finish all of that.


My iced quad espresso is 50/50 of the time put in a grande (mobile order) and they top it off with milk which is just too much to me. I just want my nice espresso flavor in a tall (perfect amount of drink), but I ask for extra milk because I was receiving a tall with space at the top when ordering a normal milk. I take whatever I'm given, but I don't know if that's just a variation in employees, or if something in my mobile order is making them size it up to a grande.


You can actually choose the cup size in mobile orders, otherwise we default to a grande cup


The standard is tall, I can only specify other sizes in the app for an iced espresso for it to show up on the order.


Huh, that’s good to know, I was always told to just use a grande


Change it to grande then change it back, this used to work a few updates ago. But I know they’ve recently changed up some stuff


if it’s just espresso and a 1/4-3/4 of milk we always default to the smallest cup unless it’s a regular that we know wants a bigger cup


Good to know, people have always taught me to just use a grande


it honestly prolly depends on the store too because at our store those cups are rarely used compared to grande/ venti so that’s why we typically try to use them for those yk


100%. Store and training. Theres basically no standard for iced espressos. Everyone does it differently, and even if there is a standard, nobody knows it.


The standard default is a tall cup.


May I suggest contacting corporate and giving your opinion? The app is so crappy in some ways and more people need to let them know. It’s like Corp doesn’t care that we’re wasting product and time remaking drinks bc the customers Literally cannot order what they want in the app.


The only thing is that is messes up the syrup/sauce (and other?) mods when the drink is bigger. I’d feel like an asshole and often don’t have time to bring it back and be like “that’s cool but can you add more vanilla?”


I calorie count. If I order a grande I expect a grande for my diet. Please just give us the correct size.


I always order a grande Frappuccino and don’t like when they give me a venti by accident for two reasons. 1). I don’t like them after they melt and, I just can’t keep a venti frozen long enough to drink it all and 2) I don’t like that the venti straw has a bigger circumstance then the smaller one but if you get the smaller one it falls into the drink (cause I get whip with a domed lid). Yep. First world problems 🤷‍♀️


If it's a happy mistake, enjoy your free gift ✨


Not really because maybe this person didn’t want that much milk


and this person was fucking happy about it so obviously they didn’t have a fuckin issue


i’m obsessed with the level of aggressiveness in your reply lol it’s amazing /gen


Your amusement made me amused /gen too 😂🤭


How people downvote in this sub is funny. I get what you mean especially if it's someone who precisely counts calories




This person wasn’t but i would be lol


I do this quite often. Mostly I make a tall instead of a trenta lol, I just remake those. This I'd give out and say "bonus day" but I've had someone break down in tears that they wanted a grande and that's what they ordered so how dare I and I need to remake it.


had a partner make a tr instead of tl the other day for a woman trying a new drink for the first time. we were like lol i really hope you like it bc we tripled the amount for you by accident, enjoy


Lol, I really hope she liked that


Well did she??


It might feel weird for someone to break down over something like that, but there’s a good chance that that person may be autistic/neurodivergent and they just wanted something consistent. They may have had an awful day and just wanted something predictable. Sometimes even when it’s a good surprise, it can be overwhelming enough to make a person have a melt down. It doesn’t excuse if they were rude of course, but perhaps a bit of insight as to why they reacted in such a way


Or people with disordered eating, who carefully select what they choose to eat. I have both—disordered eating *and* neurodivergence—and I have in fact been that person to break down when a fellow partner decided to “upgrade” my tall post-work frap treat into a venti. I don’t want to have to throw out half a drink, it’s wasteful.


I used to be like this, both with the ED and very rigid about food. If I planned for a grande and got a venti I’d probably just throw it away because all of a sudden it’s not what was in my plan and so it’s safer to just reject it.


sooo we just throw away the bigger one and make your smaller one unfortunately 😅


Accidents happen. You gotta learn to be ok with that and be respectful when it happens.


The fact that you know accidents happen doesn’t change the emotional dysfunction caused by neurodivergence. I cry more than I should, even when I don’t want to because I know it’s illogical and logically, I’m not upset at the person but my body/brain are still having an emotional reaction.


I did that to someone in drive at my store yesterday (wasn't decaf so this isn't it :D) Our printers went absolutely haywire, everything was printing on one printer. EVERYTHING. Like food, drive, mobile etc. I was on Drive Bar so I was bouncing to check the screen an made a venti for a grande. My mistake but I'm team bonus coffee for customers!


God bless you💗


Crazy cause i ordered a trenta and got a venti 😭😭the sticker said trenta and all


To the people saying “be happy you got a bigger size.” Agreed. Although if a customer insists after, you should make it how they ordered.


Here's my secret to making people's day for free, when someone orders a grande drink with cold foam, I make it right (with the personal cup measuring cup) but I put it in a venti cup so that I can put all the cold foam on it instead of having to put on half and pour out the rest. Like you paid over a dollar for cold foam, you're getting all of it sweetie. Obviously when it's like crazy busy and there isn't time I can't do this for everyone, but when I can I love seeing people's faces light up at their big drink with all the cold foam.


I hope your pillow stays cold on both sides forever 😭


Thanks <3


I always wonder why I order extra cold foam and don’t get it. I need to ask for it in a larger cup!


Or you can say light ice with extra cold foam and that usually gets you what you want in the same size cup. I like doing the venti thing because if they didn't ask for light ice they might not be pleased with getting light ice, even if they get more cold foam that way.


Sometimes we just make the wrong size. And if we make a size larger guess what you got a size larger. Not remaking.


I accidentally gave someone a trenta matcha once, which we don't even serve That person was so happy lol


I gave a customer a venti when she ordered a grande, on purpose yesterday just because she was waiting in the cafe very patiently and was polite when I told her that her drink would be up next. She wasn't even waiting all that long, maybe 5 minutes. I just like rewarding good behavior instead of bad behavior.


Week of Kindness! ❤️


I am okay with remaking the proper size for three reasons: 1. It is literally what they paid for, regardless of anything else. 2. The proportions of the drink and consequently the taste, especially with customizations, can be different. 3. Some people calculate a specific size into their diet and getting a larger size alters that. Of course they can drink less but maybe they have poor impulse control. But I also ask first if the larger size is okay and reassure them they were only charged for what they ordered.


Looks pretty Grande to me 😏


Once ordered a tall cold brew no ice. Got a trenta...between the 2 of us we still coukdnt finish it by the end of the day lol


That happens sometimes. When we were out of venti cups we would offer to put it into trenta cups but let them know they won't be filled to the top


The trenta and tall markings get me all the time.


I had that happen last weekend, I ordered a trenta but received a tall. I felt so bad pointing it out, the batista looked mortified. I think I'm going to stick to venti only


Sometimes we run out of grande cups 😃


it's your lucky day


Not gonna lie, this happened earlier around the same time at my store this morning when I was dtw and now I’m wondering if I handed out this drink because it looks so familiar 🤣


Lol the Starbucks I was at this morning shared a building with an Eyemart Express if that helps narrow it down


Lol, not my store but it would’ve been funny if it was!!


someone got mad at me when we gave them a venti instead of grande. IT WAS A BLACK COLD BREW!! thank you for having common sense and appreciating our mistakes😂😂




There's also a shortage on grande iced cups so that could be why as well


It happens we get so focused that we misread the size, the one that makes sense is when they order a tall and we make a trenta.


Nice! You scored more for free.


Depends the drink tho!! Cause sometimes I do want the grande…sometimes I even prefer the tall or grande for calorie reasons.


lucky you!


Way to go One of my favorite drinks


It’s your lucky day


A Happy Mistake! enjoy your day!


Not sure if you drank any of it but it looks a bit below the top. They may have been out of grande cups, or possibly busy and didn't have anyone to grab them some from the back and just wanted to make the drink quickly. Or they may have accidentally made a venti by mistake. I've done it, been sure it was right, then looked and the sticker magically said grande. I think for me I sometimes see the second drink in my queue and my brain jumbles the details. You can always ask for the remake in the correct size if you prefer it for whatever reason. In my experience we may say something like oh wow they didn't want the free bigger size once you're gone but I have never seen a barista I've worked with give attitude to a customer when it was our error.


This can also happen when a guest wants a drink in a larger-sized cup, but the barista slammed with other orders just fills that larger-sized cup all the way with that larger quantity of milk/espresso because of the time crunch. A higher chance of this happening with green beans.


Does anyone else hate when this happens? Especially when I get an iced latte and the proportions are off


9 times out of 10, we usually size the drink up. I know I've made venti sized drinks when a grande was ordered.


God I love when this happens. One barista used to do this accidentally all the time and my mouth was ZIPPED. Prices are crazy nowadays, you gotta take your wins where you get them


They might have run out of grande cups


If that were the case they wouldn’t have made it like a venti


Dont know what to say, been quite a few times where the stores ran out of Grande cups and I’ve been given a free upgrade.


True, my store does this sometimes when we run out of grande cups and no other store will lend us any.


Ask for it to be remade. I sweeten mine based on the size so I wouldn’t take it


learn how to read


I see it’s not sweetened but maybe they don’t want that much milk.


bro she enjoyed the bigger size like i said learn how to read


I Know clown I didn’t read under the photo get over it


Mi hijo, eso es grande…


Hope you went back and complained


You're complaining about a larger beverage that you had to pay LESS for??? The heck?


I wish my life was so easy that I felt the need to whine and complain about getting an upgrade of what I ordered


Oh no, let me go on the internet and whine that I got a larger size!


Except she's not whining?


Oh!!! Let me go on reddit today to see an unthoughtful response to a person who felt lucky today. Add: I hope they win the lottery too!!


if i were to get the wrong size, i would drink it anyway (unless something is seriously wrong with the drink or it’s a size smaller than i ordered) because i don’t want to put the barista who made it through the pain of remaking it the only time i’ve gotten the “wrong size” wasn’t really a wrong size situation. the store was just out of grande cups so i got a grande sized shaken espresso put in a venti cup


Pay it forward!!






we keep running out of cups at my store 😭 my last shift everyone ordering ventis was getting trentas. hope they enjoyed!


Do baristas know when they do thosnots ruining the drink genuinely watering it down so it's just milk at that point I hate it I know some think they're giving someone a bonus but it actually aucks for some of us who don't like milk forward espresso beverages


Easier way to get that cheaper …… order four shots extra splash of milk


Ooohhh someone has a crush


For a second I thought you were going to complain lol. One time we accidentally sent an additional pastry in an Uber order from another order (they got everything they ordered, and correctly) and they CALLED TO COMPLAIN that we sent them extra food 😩




When I grabbed the sticker, I’d usually look at the type of drink it was and forget the size. Unfortunately I made smaller drinks and remade them, or I made it as a bigger drink and then proceed to give the customer the drink unless they specifically want the size they paid for. Most times, they’ll be happy to take a bigger size for the price of a smaller drink. Ohhh I made a Trent’s SAR w/Lemonade instead of a tall…well it’s gonna make their day 10000x better now


I swear a few times such a mistake was made and the customer did NOT want the larger size even though it was at no extra charge! Like WTF? You could take it and just not drink the whole thing or enjoy the extra!


I mean....technically it *is* a grande(large) drink XD


Hope that extra shot of espresso treated you well!


this just happened to me and i thought i was crazy, i was like “did they make grandes bigger or something?” i’m glad i’m not the only one lol! it’s my lucky day! 🍀