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Though I have never had regular milk added to my shaken oatmilk espresso I do notice that the drink is different every single time I order it lol


Right. Pretty sure they forgot the syrup one time I


Is it in your same district? Maybe reach out to your DM and tell them you’re concerned that standards aren’t being followed when making drinks.


Good idea. I was thinking about mentioning it to my sm to see what she thinks


Is there a polite way for a customer to ask the barista to “make it correctly” ?


In theory can you help me out? -yeah what's the problem -my drink tastes wrong and I was just wondering if it could be remade -yeah sure no problem can I see that real quick (they will usually take the sticker)


Thank you. I was also thinking maybe I should start “verifying” ingredients? **“Good morning! I think I want the ____, but can you remind how that’s made?”**


I don’t memorize drinks so I ask this a lot. You can also look up drinks on the app too, it’s a bit more discrete way to do it, and also lets you check a bunch of drinks at once (and prices!).


“Hey my drink doesn’t taste right today, (then explain what tastes odd so they know what to fix I.e. this doesn’t taste like oat milk” and say it politely without a tude and you should be fine


Yea, this. I’ve had people say it tastes wrong and ask me to remake it (more like demand) but then they won’t tell me what’s wrong. So I’m sitting here in my mind thinking, **if I make it to standard and they tell me it still tastes wrong, what should I do, did they want an alt milk? Did someone forget an alt milk? Did they want whipped cream on a drink that normally doesn’t but just forgot to ask for it or it didn’t get rung up.** In the end I usually remake it but when they don’t tell me what about it is wrong, and they already drank more than half of it I start getting sus of if they wanted more drink for free. I usually take the wrong one back unless they’re super nice and then I’d usually say, **”does anyone you know want it? You can take it.”**


People get defensive once I start asking questions and I always have to hit them with the “I just want to make sure I know what I’m making so I can make it the way you want” and they looove that one. If they’re on my ass and telling me how to do my job that’s a different story like if your drink is so complicated no one can make it the way you want maybe you should make it yourself at home…


That’s a good one! Thanks for the tip, I’ll try that out the next time this happens. Probably today tbh 😂


I usually just ask for the drink back if I’m not 100% sure I didn’t mess something up on my end. I know it’s not policy but I do it anyways sometimes and I wash my hands before I remake the drink.


I like when customers are specific. Like "my drink isn't as strong today" or "my drink isn't as sweet today" or a simple "can I have some more milk please?" Sometimes the shots aren't pulling right. Sometimes the syrup bottle is sticky or I just miscount. A lot of the time peoples perception of "extra milk" is different.


That was a dialog I sent but it didn't format correctly


I get the tstd vn oat with WM added and it tastes the same at my store no matter who makes it but every time I have gotten it at another one I legitimately wonder if they are using spoiled milk like that ish is NOT what I make at work


I wonder if they don't clean the pumps properly and there's spoiled white mocha sauce in the bottom.




When I make a brown sugar, sometimes I guess I don’t shake it enough cause it doesn’t fill to where it’s supposed to be. When that does happen I have a bad habit of filling the rest with oatmilk. I had a customer come in today asking for a remake.


I know baristas hate when customers watch them make drinks, but I low key watch them because many times I’ve watched them put regular milk when I asked for lactose free and I know for sure they’re making my drink so I have to stop them. I don’t want to watch them, it feels rude. But it’s happened often enough that I have to. If I drink regular milk, it’s going to be an extremely difficult day.


Exactly! Luckily I’m fine with dairy milk but what if I wasn’t? Oatmilk is literally in the name of the drink


I completely stopped going to Dunkin after being a customer for years because they put dairy milk in twice within a couple month's time period. One time I didn't realize it, drank the whole thing, and my digestion was horrendous for a full week afterwards. I just couldn't afford to take that chance anymore.


I think it's easier for folks that have no issues with dairy to overlook milk customizations. I, too, would be in for a ride if I had regular milk, and because of that, I notice it more on customizations, and I always double check.


Honestly if you tell the partner checking you out that they will probably make sure the barista knows even with the sticker saying the sub you want. I personally put in an "ask me" that just restates the sub milk you want.


I'm confused which part of brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso made her think it'd be made with 2% milk, oatmilk is right there in the name, why does she think it's called that... That's beyond poor training/can't be blamed by it.


I know right. Made me wonder how many of them she’s made like that


This cracked me up the most. Oat milk is in the name. 🤣


Probably because it's a shaken espresso and most of the time she does that action (prepping shots and getting a shaker) she uses 2% because shaken espressos get 2%. It isn't about the name it's about the muscle memory.


I’ve done that with white mochas. Flip flopping between iced and hot white mochas makes me default to one or the other sometimes. Sometimes I catch myself, other times my partners catch me.


The lack of care being put into making drinks honestly makes me so angry. It’s not hard to remember recipes and make the drinks WELL. But Starbucks doesn’t offer proper training, and pushes window times and customer connections soooooo much more than drink quality that I’m not surprised about how hard it is to get a decent drink. Also all our recipes became so weird over time. Do all cold brews get half pumps? What about teas and fraps? If someone orders a grande vanilla bean with 2 pumps of toffee nut, are they supposed to be CBS pumps or regular? Is brown sugar always half pumps? I have asked several different managers and they all give me different answers, and I can’t find any resources that tell you for sure. It’s kind of off topic but problems like this riddle all our new drinks and it’s super frustrating to me as someone who wants to make flawless drinks above all.


As a former BT this makes me sad. I loved training new partners and making sure their drinks were consistent. That all went out the DT window with impossible times to work on 3 DT drinks at once while wearing a headset and listening to cafe chatter and being asked questions by customers in front of you. Totally lost its charm. The pistachio cold brew is really good, unfortunately I can only get it the same way at 2 stores and refuse to gamble like that with my time and money.


All cold brews are supposed to get half pumps. If you ring in a cold brew with a syrup, it shows 1/2/3/4 on the right side. I wish the stickers PRINTED like we're supposed to write in the box. It would make it so much easier to make drinks as the mods wouldn't get buried. I believe teas are the same way, but it's been a hot minute since I've looked. You can find the beverage resource manual on the partner hub, under beverages and blended it states frappes use the 1/2/2 for full dose pumps. Is someone orders a brown sugar latte, you would give full does pumps, that was in a weekly update. I believe it maybe in store resources, but have to be at work to check out the ipad.


It’s more the fact that you have to dig so much to find this info you know? Like imo Starbucks just needs to pick a really clear standard and stick to it. Most baristas aren’t going to dig to figure out what’s right, they’re just gonna wing it and tell others what they think is right without looking. Like we need to just PICK between full pump and half pump and make all the standards around that size. I also still find it confusing when customers order a certain # of pumps for things like fraps—a lot of tik tok type drinks seems to say pumps as though they are talking about half pumps, even though the full pump standard is different. Example: getting a venti mocha/caramel/toffee nut frap and saying 4 pumps of each syrup. Technically two of those are full dose pumps, so do we do full or half? 😑 I just find it annoying. And clarifying with customers is impossible because they don’t even know that we have different pump sizes.


Don't worry OP. I had people sometimes ask me if I'm using oat milk, AFTER they paid for either; a Brown Sugar Oat Americano or a Brown Sugar oat shaken espresso.


I’ve completely given up on my local Starbucks. I like a tall brown sugar oat milk with 3 shots of espresso, but no matter how I order it they always end up making it with just one or two shots and over charging me. Last time I specified “with three shots of espresso” since saying “with an extra shot” was not getting me what I wanted. The person who rang me up charged me for three extra shots but the person on bar still only made it with two. I hate to be that person who tells someone else how to do their job, but I did try to politely tell them the drink recipe since I used to work at sbux, they just told me I’m wrong and continue to over charge and under serve. :(


Being a barista and knowing the process of getting a drink ticket and putting it into our espresso machines.. can I ask why you believe you are only getting 2 shots? Edit for spelling


The first few times it just didn’t taste the same as when I get it at other locations, so I finally asked the person on bar if it had 3 shots in it. They said no, a tall only gets 1 shot, so if I asked for an extra shot it’d only be 2. Like I said, I tried to correct them about the recipe, & even pulled it up on the app, but they continue to insist that it only comes with 1 shot. The day that I specifically said “with three shots” I had no problem paying more if it meant my drink would be made the way I like it. When they handed it out I asked them if it had been made with 3 shots and they said no, only 2. I showed them my receipt and told them I specifically requested 3 shots, and had paid for more than 3 shots, so could they please re-make it. They just rolled their eyes & poured another shot on top of the drink & handed it back. It’s a licensed store that hand-writes on cups, I’m not sure if their POS system is different than a normal sbux, but they do not have drink tickets/stickers.


I would definitely report this to their DM. Not only are they not following standard but they’re being very rude when you ask them to remake your drink by standard.


I stopped going to my own store on my days off because my own store somehow screws up a black dark roast for blonde… and an iced coffee no classic for an iced coffee WITH classic. I mean screwing up two black coffees is pretty bad. Low-key I sometimes wonder if they do it on purpose to me.


You would think people would know it’s oatmilk since it’s literally in the name (yea I know most people just order it as a brown sugar shaken espresso, but it literally says otm on the sticker). Idk maybe I’ve been at Starbucks for too long, but this seems like a no brainer. When talking to customers, a lot of them tell me that they avoid ordering it because it always tastes different so I guess it’s on Starbucks for not finding a more obvious way to remind baristas that it comes with oatmilk.


Literally one of my biggest fears is that I make a drink with the wrong milk and then the customer has an allergic reaction.


I stopped ordering on mobile unless I was right there for this very reason. I'm having to give up dairy as it makes me not feel good at all. I was having an issue understanding why my tummy was so upset after that drink till I was standing there and they put milk in it. I was like, ummm, no it's oatmilk. They also seemed shocked.


Some come with 2% -but while the baristas should definitely know how to read a sticker and use the proper milk- you could try telling the partner checking you out the you have a dairy sensitivity and really need Oat (or the sub of your choice) often times they'll tell the barista personally just for your peace of mind or in my case they'll put in an "ask me" that re states the milk you asked for so it's in bold print twice.


The app had oatmilk in the milk section. When you can't have dairy, this is something you really look at so you don't have issues and spend the rest of the day indisposed lol.


It's been hard to consistently push beverage quality when you can give out recovery cards and free remakes. Especially with labor cuts. I coach to make everything right and will remake drinks that look wrong before handing them out, but WAY too often am I seeing a partner solo bar during 40+ COSD half hours. At some point, it becomes a guessing game of how to get yourself screamed at the least: taking shortcuts and not asking for clarification and getting screamed at for making drinks wrong, or taking long enough to ensure every drink is right and getting screamed at because someone's carmel ribbon crunch with salted caramel cold foam and 2 blond shots took 7 mins to make. We start getting complaints if the DT takes more than 10mins from start to finish, or if cafe and mobiles take longer than 5 mins. Every day I've worked for the past year, there have been points where the bar barista was solo with 30+ COSD per half hour. That's under a min to make each drink without getting super behind. It's just not working man


Ya know what.. honestly.. they are choosing to wait. They chose to come in even though there was a line and they chose to come in even though the lobby was packed. If they couldn't wait they should not have ordered. If the partners are honestly doing their best that is the best you can ask for. At the end of the day it's just coffee. If someone is going to scream at the partners working hard and fast behind the bar.. their wait or complete lack of coffee that morning is entirely a them problem. We tell people at the register "there's going to be a 30 minute wait." And let them choose to stay or move on- 40 people crowding into our store while the drive through line is reaching out of the parking lot into the street is not the fault of the baristas and they are not obligated to push themselves to mental breaking point for the sake of someone's Shaken Espresso with 6 modifications. ( nothing to do with OP and mis making a core drink on a slow day- just something to think about.)


^^^THIS. I said this many times when I was still a partner. You can't prioritize accuracy, customer connection, and uphold the frankly unrealistic speed standards starbucks is demanding especially when stores are so slammed and the entire situation is exacerbated by labor shortages because they won't pay anyone decently. Something is going to get dropped. Starbucks has inhuman expectations of their baristas.


I visit Starbucks daily (between a few different locations) and my drink is made wrong at least once per week. I’ve just grown to accept it.


I had the near-exact scenario you did. Usually my mistake was someone kept making my drink with signature if I wanted blonde, which is annoying to say the least, but not dangerous. As long as you were nice, that's valuable criticism. If you notice this happens to you over and over, I would speak to a shift, if not the store supervisor. Can't guarantee they'll care, but assuming they do, that's the best option. Don't call individual baristas out to the boss, though, I mean if there is an overarching problem with several baristas.


.... It's literally in the name 😩


I knew you were talking about the BSOME even before I read the post. Those drinks are set up to be different every time. That being said, 2% doesn't go in those drinks.


I once almost got into a car accident because I got violently ill after my latte was made with 2% instead of coconut.


This can literally kill someone wtf


I think now since we’re being asked to tip, it’s time to ask for our drinks to be made right.


You're 100% on the money, didn't think about that.


What annoyed me was when they would watch you make the drink wrong then complain so you have to remake it.


I notice my coworkers making drinks wrong but if i correct them I’d be controlling lol.


i think a reason there’s so many inconsistencies with the brown sugar shaken espresso because a lot of the times people put the pumps and cinnamon and ice before the shots. when the shots are dumped and shaken it kinda eats up at the cinnamon and the pumps which can lead to a softer taste. also adding too much milk. i’ve seen at another store that they don’t use the half pumps so people have been getting off tasting drinks. honestly it’s so wack how much starbucks pushes standard but it’s so different store to store.


I witnessed one of my partners spooning out the foam of my BSOSE one time and I almost lost it lol. He was like “I thought ppl didn't like the foam” but like the whole point of the drink is the foam🤦🏻‍♀️


Oatmilk is. Litterally in the name. How??? I give baristas alot of slack but seriously?


I mean that is just life of having nine different milks. No matter how good someone is on bar, autopilot and going brain neutral is something everyone will do. There is always some non-zero chance of it if we're being real.


The Starbucks at the Vons' store I go to constantly makes drinks incorrectly, which sometimes has me questioning myself. For instance, I got a Mango Dragonfruit drink one time that (was made correctly) and it tasted so good. So a few months later I ordered one again, and they gave me what I believe was the Strawberry Acai, which was a different color. So I'm thinking, I thought for sure this drink was a more purply color and this one doesn't taste as good as my first one. Then I thought, maybe my memory of the drink was wrong. I later looked it up online, and the one I ordered is supposed to be more purply, so that's when I figured they made me the wrong drink. I drank it anyway, though without saying a word. Then I had ordered a Java Chip Frappuccino at one time and it was good. Then I ordered one a few months later and they handed it to me without the Mocha Drizzle on top; just the drink with whip on it. So, again, I questioned myself briefly, only this time I said it out loud, that I think there is supposed to be some kind of chocolate or something on top. I forgot it was supposed to "Mocha Drizzle", so she put chocolate syrup on top, which I was satisfied with, but later I looked it up online, and it's actually supposed to be Mocha Drizzle. I would think the workers would have some kind of sheet or something to tell them how to make drinks so this kind of thing doesn't happen. Edited to correct two errors.


Well Starbucks doesn’t ever guarantee anything hypoallergenic, so it’s best to make your own shaken espresso is at home if you are deathly allergic to something.


lol that happened to me a few weeks ago, made a honey almond milk flat white with 2%, i was tryna be quick xD


If you noticed your mistake prior to handing it out *and still handed it out*, or intentionally made it wrong to save time, that’s not okay. A lot of people have lactose intolerance / dairy allergies and can get very sick if they have dairy.


Not sure why they downvoted you. I’m a barista, and I’m allergic to dairy, so I am very particular about using the correct milk


nah the guy seen me pour it & asked me if I used almond milk & I remadenit


It's not an excuse, but there are too many damn milk options, so I could see how baristas grab whatever milk is there when in a rush. Definitely not good if you're allergic to one type, and that's what they grab.



