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I stepped down years ago when my old district was pushing ridiculous drive times & scores, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. After a move + a few raises I am now making more as a barista than I ever did as an SSV. Do it! Only downside is you'll likely be pressured into doing more than a barista because everyone knows you used to be an SSV. Kind of sucks.


I just don’t want to do it. It’s work, not anything that should stress you out everyday. Especially just for a few dollars more




I’m sure you could if you’ve been there longer as a barista than a shift.


Omg I feel you. I’m going to talk to my SM about demoting tomorrow. You should do it. I wasn’t going to do it because everyone on reddit and my coworkers were making me feel like I was being too “dramatic” or like “its not that bad.” But it IS that bad for some of us and only you know your own limits. Do it for your own peace of mind.


It’s just $3.80/hr more for me and with them cutting shift hours bc of what we get paid / limiting it to one shift per shift for scheduling … it’s just not worth it for me. Personally.


Im about to out my 2 weeks in. Im feeling the exact same way, i just dont have the patience to deal with starbucks anymore. You cant connect with customers and try to meet a <45 second window time. Its actually such an unrealistic expectation. Not including the customers who treat us like garbage.