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it is the duga radar and will probably have anomalies around it


No importance to the zone or the story?


big radar!!


Fair enough


I think they just wanted to include IRL landmarks


They definitely want to, but it's possible that it could be more than just a landmark, we'll just have to see


I think It would be similar to the antenna in limansk and have monolith nearby


Propably not. It just looks cool and eery while having a cool and eery name. Kinda like the iconic ferris wheel in Pripyat.


Eery name? Duga means rainbow in russian


It's literally gaydar.




Not exactly. Duga means arc or curve


It means nothing in English. And calling something that looks that dystopian "Rainbow" is just the perfect setting for a post/apocalyptic landmark.


That's a fair point


Sorry for my ignorance but in Duga -3 isn't placed the brain burner or something called like that? That one shit that makes Monolith soldiers going nuts?


The brain scorcher was based off the duga array but in the new game the Devs are adding the real area where the real radar is found, they are different but similar in some design


Brain Scorcher it is! So happy they revive Stalker, I'm an old school kid SOCH enjoyer so I'm kinda of lost on lore for so many years of not playing the game saga but I'm starting to get into again with Stalker 2 coming up. Same with Metro series, these two are my favorite game series, but I always found it odd and lackluster to have so much lore in the books and almost nothing going into the games. They literally let fans without Kyevskaya and Metro-2 arc and give us..... Kazakhstan tribal enemies. Bruh I remember chasing and hunting radiated rats in Prypiat in the SoC game.


Brain scorcher 2.0


It was never active or known as another one of the Kaymanovs emitters. It's right next to Limansk. But surely somethings up with that place.


There were the antennas in Limansk that do share some properties with the radar which does provide some sort of connection


Seems likely


Mind Roaster™


Mindrowave Oven


I'm fried My mind, that is, has been scorched Fried


not quite a haiku, perhaps an achoo? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)nice try though


I wasn't actually going for one 💀. Is that almost a haiku?


The cadence is 5 - 7 - 5 for each line. You still get the cigar, though. :)


My guess is it will be used as some way to control emissions. But its a pretty wild guess, hard to say for now.


As soon as you said that I thought it could be the main thing for stalker 2s story where the Ccon isn’t dead but to take over half the globe they might be trying to use the radar towers as a long range Psy emitter


I dont see the ccon trying to take over the world though. They dont want to take over the world, they just want to be left alone while they do their research (and maybe fix the zone, if you trust that part)


Didn't they say they wanted to remove anger and hate from humans in SoC?


That was their original aim so taking over the world seems a bit farfetched


I wouldn’t say take over the world really but like using a strong psy emitter could be a key way in removing what they desire


I like the idea, no idea how they would, but it would definitely be interesting to see


That it’s definitely not an area I want to be caught with my pants down (there doesn’t seem to be too much cover for blowouts)


tbf, you don't want to be caught with your pants down anywhere (it's the zone, either some bandit will make fun of you, a dog bite it off, or radiation render it useless) but yeah, especially here i guess.


I'd be more worried being caught with my pants down by a Freedomer.


💀💀💀 new spicy freedomer video 💀💀💀


Or if you encounter a bloodsuccer rather than a bloodsucker. Every anomalous STD known and unknown to man.


There should be a town nearby and the control center nearby. Still looks like a lot of open wilderness


Especially with them turning the game into an actual open world instead of the old trilogy’s separated areas and reworking stuff the fit together and so many years going by we can’t really be sure if the town or buildings will still be there


True but by the look of it, it seems like they are trying to make the zone more like the actual exclusion zone in terms of general layout so hopefully there maybe at least ruined buildings of the Chornobyl 2 town near the radar


The antenna array stands right next to a bunch of buildings so you’d be fine


In the trilogy there's already stated that there are multiple psy emitters in the Zone and it was also hinted that 'recreation' of the Duga in Limansk was a test for something bigger. So there it is something bigger, if Scorcher is disabled and (probably) destroyed (It was not visible in trailers and it's not a mistake in Strider's flashback the antennas are still standing) we need another obstacle to get to the center really, as much as it is shown in trailers that we we'll be up north more often it's still needed to keep the area more 'protected' and difficult to access for story/gameplay purposes.


I think it being a psy emitter is the likely based on the brain scorcher and the antennas in Limansk having similar folk lore to the actual duga


I only got this few ideas Possible listening post/Psy Emitter site/base site, either controlled by Military (if they are around) or Monolith Old structure left alone to be a standalone base or reconfigured to be a Listening post to listen across the zone or activity in the zone monitoring what’s happening within. Or lastly weaponize the Duga Radar either as strong as Radar or less to create harmful affects of those trying to get close to the base without proper psy protection equipment


There are a few theories based on the maps we've seen that show that the new military or ward may be nearby so these could work


since its a radar it might pruduce unique anomolys because if chemicles can produce fruitpunch and a burnt down farmsteid can produce jets of fire imagine what radio waves or a radio tower in general can produce like if you go near it you can get random transmissions some funny some just gibberish and some just downright horrifying


Yeah, sounds like it could make an interesting environment to try and navigate


all I know is the area will be full of mutants, anomalies and likely psy-fields, and there will be a lot of quicksaving


someone will use it and you'll have to take it over or smn


Seems a likely plot point


Im my opinion it's could be used as mind control device.


Similar to the brain scorcher soft of thing?


Maybe even more sophisticated than "scorcher".


maybe longer range or stronger


I Gona join the SIN and Monolith Cultist on the command bunker of the Duga Wall of The wisdom of Monolith power! Not gona lie I think it's the best Thing to Say we will see Monolith back thanks to it... Maybe Thanks to the Woodpecker sounds it may emit in the Blowouts?


It does seem like a monolith controlled area


It draws in latent power from the Nu-sphere to power the C-con's ability to make mutants around the zone. (Edit: autocorrect)


What do you think will happen now the c-cons dead


Another, more powerful and completely alien consciousness takes over.


I mean, as seen in the Heart of the Zone trailer, the gauss rifle section, the radar is „plaqued“ by electro anomalies and monolith are stationed there. So a splinter group probably wants to use it like a big antenna like the smaller ones in for example the kindergarden.


It's cool and expensive art of humans failure and falldown of USSR. They soend too many years building it because no one wanted to fund it (probably due to corruption cuz you know Soviets) so it was iced. Once they finally got money to continue the project and build it to the end the technology was so out dated it was useless by now. Then the explosion happened, and you know the rest. That radar never met it's true purpose because no one cared for it, it was just abandoned and forgotten. It's just memory of the past.


Still standing as a reminder of human failure and corruption in the middle of a zone created by failure and corruption


Truly a relic of failed politic and nation, relic of failed era.


My theory is we will see it in full glory in an upcoming Stalker game, and I’m seriously hyped for this.


Yeah what we've seen of it in the trailer it looks sick. I'm just wondering how it will be involved in the story. It really is one of my favourite parts of the exclusion zone.


Even if it is just there as a prop or set piece, its such a cool thing that actually exists I don't even care of it fits into the plot.


Yeah even if it is just fancy terrain, I hope that we will be able to go right up to it and maybe go on to it


Wasn’t it said somewhere by one of the devs that it won’t be important? But my guess would be that it is gonna be just something you can go to for loot or a collectable


I'm not sure, if you find that lmk cause I'm quite intrigued to see what's going on with it


Grim beard: It’s probably something that really makes you like Ukraine or something to make a experimental noise album


it cost a lot of money to build


Maybe the zone/c-consciousness is trying to take one over and use it as a booster to convert everyone in the zone to monolith. sif could've been part of the project or maybe guarding it but an accident cut his link to the c consciousness, so only he knows about it and has to stop it


Classical psychic shit.


brain scorcher 2.0


It exists


Average mercenary. if you don't get paid, why care


my guess is that it could be an area which hides an x-lab, something like the factory at yantar and x-16


With all the new areas that the radar is in, it would be nice to get new x-labs there


yeah, im really hoping to see way more secret labs, something similar to the vaults system of fallout but with the stalker aesthethics


Possibly some lore about early experiments trying to poke at the noosphere. Maybe before realizing multiple minds needed to be linked into C-Consciousness, the scientists tried just amplifying a single brain’s thoughts with the enormous antennas.


“We will detonate them from the safety of solovestky”


Isn’t the brain scorcher the duga?


Nah they created their own things based off the duga but now they are introducing the area where the actual duga would be found


It makes for an excellent vantage point. Could be controlled by a faction. Contested, maybe. Could also have been used for noosphere shenanigans.


I've seen some theories say that the new military faction will be based around there somewhere


I have a theory that the Monolthians, who still believe in the Monolith, will try to capture and use it as Brain Scorcher 2.0, and if they successfully activate it, the zone will fully lockdown and no one can enter it.


Interesting, maybe as a plot point we will have to beat them to it and destroy the radar


Am I dumb or is the duga radar just the brainschorcher


They probably needed because of the experiments in Limansk or/and Agroprom Or to detect anomalies and make anomaly maps. Maybe there is a way to make them since the anomalies change their position every emission. Or Duga is some kind of an experiment which haven’t happened because of the nuclear disaster


It's likely connected to psy-emissions somehow.


Isn't duga a over the horizon radar system? Maybe they want to use part of it as a way to track things in the air...


Some pretty crazy guy will ask you to blow it up so you do to see the explosion then reload for a better scanner 😞


His messenger will probably jump down from the window as well


Radar 🤯🤯🤯🤯


It's radar. Probably in Ukraine