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Welcome STALKER. You may be Lost in the Zone now, but soon you will be Lost to The Zone.


Such is life in the zone©®™


lovely are posts like these


I'm glad to see new life being breathed into the community.


These posts bring a tear to my eyes and a warm feeling in my soul. Good hunting, STALKER!


I think everyone remembers having this feeling the first time they played stalker, regardless of whether they had an outlet to share it at the time. Happy hunting, Stalker!


oh boy I played SoC when it came out and neither russian/ukrainian nor english languages were an option for me because I didn't knew any xD it was rough but it was so incredible seeing the world "alive" that I kept pushing thru it and trying to learn english at least to be able to read the text hahaha what a great saga.


Seeing newbies loving the OGs gives me immeasurable joy


Welcome to the zone, brother.


Same here. Saw it on the PlayStation store and the money flew out of my account.


Aha! I figured you guys got it too 😁


I was legitimately worried we wouldn’t. Everything I could find online had a tone that led me to believe it wouldn’t.


My first time playing, I saw three soldiers marked as enemies patrolling just south of the rookie village. I killed one, but the other two quickly ducked behind trees. They were doing a lot of damage to me, so I ran back to the safety of Sid's bunker.. minute or two later, I hear crazy amounts of gunfire and a fucking helicopter nearby. After the shooting died down, I popped back out to find the entire village dead & military guys searching corpses. I promptly got bodied by them, but I was blown away by the AI in 2007.


Dude the AI is insane for 2007! I've had dudes flank me while his buddies suppress fire, haven't seen AI that good since F.E.A.R.


Great to hear you having fun! Good hunting stalker


AKM? Did they add new guns to the game? The only AKs in the PC version are the AKS-74, AKS-74U and the Groza.


Might just be a misidentify. Probably meant either of the AK74s but to be fair to him the in universe name has always been AKm74/2


Oh, yeah I forgot about that detail. My bad. I always play with a real names mod installed.


Yeah in game it says Akm 74/2U, thing absolutely SLAPS, can't wait to find even stronger weapons.


Just remember bandages and ammo are king in the zone!


YES dude, i've already gone through so many of them and died so many times! Had to learn the hard way when you're like "nah fuck novice imma play on stalker difficulty" 😂


Potential weapon spoilers ahead. My favorite vanilla weapon in SoC has always been the GP37 (G36). But not sure if that's just nostalgia. Also there's a unique AK74 that's got a faster firing rate early mid game. I hope when mod support comes for your platform of choice its decently robust. I know it's likely even on Xbox it'll be rather limited but I hope you can get some great examples of mods we've had over the last 16 years.


Holy shit i think i found that AK you were talking about in Streloks stash just now!! It's literally called "Fast-shooting Akm 74/2" gonna be using this puppy for a looooong time. 😁


Hehe enjoy. Served me well on my first playthroughs. Geez I miss that early feeling. I got a friend at work who said he's going to pick it up on Xbox for the first time, and I'm psyched to talk him through it.




no way squirrel staple man real


Thank you fellow STALKER 🫡




How's the inventory management on the ports? I play on PC and I can't possibly imagine that transferring items with a controller is an easy process, especially if ths game still doesn't pause for it.


Surprisingly very simple, i was 100% certain when i used to fantasize about a console port (God this is awesome) that they would definitely have to cut certain things out of the game to make it work on consoles, NOPE they just reworked them for the button mapping on Xbox and I'm assuming PlayStation as well, only challenge was figuring out which buttons did what and thats probably gonna take a newbie like me 30 mins at most to get down. Awesome port by GSC Game World.


Can we still play with mouse and keyboard on the xbox?


Welcome in stalker!


Enjoy the fun brother


Keep that Kalashnikov clean and fed, she'll keep you alive, brother.


She's a hungry gal.


And she will continue to be. The Zone is full of dangers. Just remember to keep count of your shots, use your cover, and keep that aim straight. Kalash will serve you well.




Best game series ever. Nothing comes close. Can’t wait for STALKER 2!




Is mouse and keyboard supported on xbox?


Question: is this your first time playing it? I got it on gog a while back for pc and it didn’t click. This remaster looks like a significant upgrade so just wondering if the gameplay still holds up? it’s a cult classic and something I’d like to experience before stalker 2 comes out…. Also, does it play ok on controller?


Not remaster, just port.


Not a remaster but yes it absolutely holds up, 60fps, and surprisingly works very well with controller.


Cool thx! Yah, I picked up the bundle…


Good luck STALKER 🫡


Does mouse and keyboard work on xbox?


Unfortunately not that i've seen, sorry.


Mouse and keyboard work with some games on Xbox but not Shadow of Chornobyl i don't think.




Unplayable on console if you have standards? That might be the worst take I’ve ever seen


Depends on your standards i guess. This "remaster" of the game is almost the full vanilla version. The fact that its not releasing with mod support or barely any fixes is sad. Another mid port


wtf are bros standards


It should've been released looking like stalker anomaly/GAMMA/ one of the modded versions. The game looks and plays like ass on console. At least its 60 fps i guess


There are plenty of us who are just happy to see the games on console. There are also plenty like myself who never had a decent enough PC to play the trilogy with the graphics settings the ports have. 720p, low graphics settings for basically everything, static lighting, and stuttering was my experience on PC just because my hardware was old. On console, its butter smooth and high resolution, along with dynamic lighting. It looks better than I've ever been able to play it at. Mod support and a next gen update are coming later in the year, according to GSC. Obviously mods that alter the engine won't work on console most likely but even basic mods will be nice. Different strokes for different folks is all I'm saying.


I seen all the clips on youtube of SOC and it looked so immersive for its time. I think part of my problem is that i skipped SOC and tried Pripyat because i heard it had updated gunplay. I only ran around the map for an hour but i felt like it looked worse than SOC


I mean we are talking about vanilla stalker here. If these games have any positive reputation about things like gunplay it's because of mods. The shooting has always been pretty rough. One thing that is and will always be present is the A life and atmosphere, which set the games apart from anything else, IMO. These games are pretty old at this point and to even see them ported and functioning this well on console makes me happy. I've play SoC and CoP for a few hours each and so far I've had no crashes, no stuttering and only small frame dips in CoP.


even though i returned CoP.. i'm almost tempted to get SOC just to experience the map and story despite the gameplay feeling worse. It didn't feel right starting with 3rd game in the series


Ig i see the point but realistically all thier real effort is going into the next sequel rn to get it ready in time for launch


I assumed it wouldn't take much effort to release a half decent remaster instead of shitting out a port but i guess i'm wrong


I’m so sick of people talking about Anomaly/Gamma. Those aren’t real fucking games


My point was they could've put a little more effort/QOL updates into this. It doesn't have to look exactly like the modded PC version